News and Events

Batch 35 Urinary System Quiz


An integrated urinary module quiz was held on the 19th December at the pre-clinical auditorium.

The batch was divided into four groups (white, red, blue and green) all of whom were attired in the appropriate team colour. Each student had to answer an allocated question in 30 seconds and if the answer was incorrect, another member of the same team could answer in 15 seconds. If this was also incorrect, a member of a competing team was able to answer within 10 seconds. Professor Deepthi de Silva, Dr. Dilesha Wadasinghe, Dr. Thusitha Wickramasinghe, Dr. Lanka Ranaweera and Dr. Shirom Siriwardene were helping the quiz master Dr Sakda Dharmadasa.

Bonus slides mainly on the theme of water (but also a few general knowledge slides) were available for all four teams on a competitive basis.

Double marks were given for answers from students sitting in the back if they volunteered to answer the second and third attempt questions! Valid challenges to the academic staff answers were also awarded marks.

The winning team were the greens with 132 points with the three other teams closely behind them with 124, 118, and 109 points. Overall, the batch displayed an excellent level of understanding on the anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of the urinary system.

The winners were awarded a delicious blueberry cake curtesy of Dr Dileesha Wadasinghe.

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  • Last modified on 26 March 2025.