International Collaboration of Professor H. Janaka de Silva
  • National Institute of Health Research, UK
    • Member, Global Health Research Selection Panel, (2017- to date)
  • World Health Organization:
    • Member, SEARO Regional Director’s Technical Advisory Committee (2015- to date)
    • Temporary Advisor and Team Leader, project to Estimate the Global Burden of Snakebite (2007-2008)
    • Facilitator, Bi-Regional Workshop on Production, Control and Regulation of Antivenoms, Jakarta, Indonesia, May, 2008
    • Temporary Adviser, South East Asia Regional Office, on “Hepatitis and the way forward in South East Asia Region”, New Delhi, India, June, 2010
    • Invited Expert, International WHO-ICF Consensus on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Nottwil, Switzerland, June, 2010
    • Temporary Adviser, SEARO, to develop “Guidelines for the management of snakebite in the South East Asia Region”, New Delhi, India, June, 2016
  • Wellcome Trust:
    • Chairman (2009-2014), Independent Scientific Advisory Board, Mahidol–Oxford –Wellcome Trust Tropical Medicine Research Programme, Thailand-Laos. (Member - 2008)
    • Member, Centres for Global Health Research Themed Strategic Awards Committee, London, 2012
    • Invited participant, Wellcome Trust Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences programme on, “Mechanisms to reverse the public health neglect of snakebite victims”, Cambridge, September 2015
  • Member, Council of the Asia Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (1998-2008).
  • Asia Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver:
    • Member, Working Party on Portal Hypertension (2005-2011)
    • Member, Working Party on Acute on Chronic Liver Failure (2008-2013)
  • Asia Pacific Association of Gastroenterology:
    • Member, Working Group on Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2008-)
    • Member, Asia Pacific Working Party on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (2006)
  • Member, Advisory Board, University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan (2015-2018).
  • Kofi Annan Foundation, Geneva
    • Invited Expert, “Snakebites in Africa: Challenges and Solutions”, December 2016
  • Senior Advisor, South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration (2011-2017).
Consultancy provided by Professor Indira Kitulwatte

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  • Last modified on 25 July 2024.