
A fund was established in 2001 in order to provide financial support for the medical exhibition that was held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty. It was envisaged that the profits from the exhibition would be invested in this fund, so that it could provide seed money for future exhibitions, which were to be held every 5 years. It was also envisaged that in the intervening periods, the interest earned from the invested capital would be used to support activities that would promote the welfare of students (and staff).

An account was opened in the People’s Bank, Ragama Branch, under the name “10th Anniversary Fund, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya”, and is now commonly referred to as the ‘Exhibition Fund’.  Administration of the Fund has been under the oversight of the incumbent Dean and the Exhibition Committee (in exhibition years) or the Exhibition Fund Advisory Board (in intervening years).

This guideline has been prepared on the recommendation of the University Audit Committee, and will be adopted by the Exhibition Committee and the Exhibition Fund Advisory Board with immediate effect.



Income credited to this account includes the following:

  1. All cash receipts generated through fund raising activities for medical exhibition or other event sponsored by the exhibition fund through
    1. Sponsorships
    2. Stalls and banners
    3. Advertisements for souvenirs
    4. Contributions from well wishers
  2. All funds generated through the sale of
    1. Tickets during the exhibition
    2. Souvenirs
    3. Educational material
    4. Any other material developed by the Exhibition committee to symbolize an event or activity (cups, mugs, T-shirts etc)
  3. All funds generated through the sale of excess raw material, equipment, acquired by utilizing the funds of the exhibition account for activities sponsored or as donations for the 
  4. Interest income generated through investing the funds of the exhibition account in term deposits.
  5. Any other funds that need to be channeled through the exhibition fund on recommendation and approval from the incumbent Dean/Exhibition Fund Advisory Board.




Funds in this account may be utilized under the categories of expenditure specified below, subjected to approval by the Exhibition Committee or the Exhibition Fund  Advisory Board or on the recommendation of the Chairmen / Exhibition Committee or the incumbent Dean, Faculty of Medicine, as stipulated in each case.


In exhibition years, the Exhibition Fund will be utilized primarily for expenditure categories 1, 2 and 3 in the table below. In non-exhibition years, expenditure for categories 4 – 9 will be limited to not more than 30% of the invested capital.



   Expenditure Category






 As seed money for future exhibitions including the following activities

 a.       Exhibit development

 b.      Publicity and propaganda

 c.       Student welfare activities during exhibition

 d.      Expenditure of different exhibition committees

 e.       Purchase of permanent fixtures and fittings for exhibitions

 Note 1


 Note 2


 Payment for  services/facilities extended during exhibition for a     stipulated period (e.g.: water, electricity, overtime payments etc)

 Note 2


 Payment for post-exhibition rehabilitation works (painting, repairs etc)

 Note 2





 Installing/purchase of new machinery, equipment, books, sportswear,  or any other specific consumables required for departments, hostels or professorial wards in the teaching hospital (NCTH).

 Annex 2


 Note 3


 As seed money for other student activities such as Faculty Day, Health Camp, Concerts etc.

 Annex 1

 Note 3


 Rehabilitation and maintenance work/new constructions of the faculty buildings and hostels etc

 Annex 3

 Note 3


 Student welfare (common amenities for students, funding for individual undergraduates for overseas travel to represent university/country in sports/aesthetic activities, and support in medical emergencies )

 Annex 1


 Note 3


 Staff welfare (support academic and non academic staff in medical emergencies)

 Annex 1

 Note 3


 Contingencies (miscellaneous unforeseen expenses)


Note 1.  Approval for activities in the exhibition years

Any activity, event or processes directly associated with the exhibition, which requires funds from the exhibition account, during or prior to the exhibition, has to be approved by the exhibition committee at any given monthly or weekly meetings, or by the Chairman of the Exhibition Committee with covering approval from the Committee. This includes all expenses of the exhibition committee and its sub committees.


Note 2. Other financial guidelines for exhibition related activities

  1. Any receipts arising from fund raising activities, sale of tickets or souvenirs during exhibition have to be deposited directly in the bank without retaining them to cover expenses. Any expenditure connected with the exhibition has to be met by periodic cash withdrawals.
  2. Payments for electricity, water, overtime payments for services extended for activities connected with the exhibition or post rehabilitation work have to be based on recommendations by the Bursar’s office/Registrar’s office.
  3. Post-exhibition rehabilitation works (painting, repairs etc) should be completed within 3 months of the exhibition.


Note 3. Approval for non-exhibition related activities

Any activity carried out in non-exhibition years, requiring funds from the Exhibition Fund account has to be approved by the Exhibition Fund Advisory Board appointed by the Faculty Board. This Advisory Board will consist of five (5) academic staff members including the incumbent Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and two (2) Professors and two (2) Senior Lecturers. Records will be maintained by the Secretary to the Advisory Board, who shall be one of the members.



Annex 1

Procedure for requesting funds for student or staff welfare and other faculty activities (Faculty Day, “Kala Ulela”, Health Camp etc)

  1. Any undergraduate student or academic/non academic staff member of the permanent cadre may submit a request for support, using the format shown below.
  2. The applications received will be reviewed and approved by the Exhibition Fund Advisory Board.
  3. A ceiling of Rs. 300,000.00 should apply for a single request.
  4. The student or the staff member has to submit a report on the said activity including the financial records.



Format for the submission of requests





  1. Name
  2. Student registration No (if student)
  3. Department and designation (if staff)
  4. Brief description of activity/event
  5. Amount requested
  6. Academic record (including attendance)and any other relevant information
  7. Recommendation by the Head of department/academic staff member in charge.


A detailed statement of expenditure and original receipts for payment must be submitted.



Annex 2

Procedure for requesting funds for installation/purchase of machinery, equipment, books, sportswear etc

  1. Any undergraduate student or academic staff member of the permanent cadre, or registered staff or student body, may submit a request for support, using the format shown below.
  2. The applications received will be reviewed and approved by the Exhibition Fund Advisory Board.
  3. A ceiling of Rs. 300,000.00 should apply for a single request. However, for machinery and equipment, requests can be made exceeding this amount with strong justification.
  4. The student or the staff member has to submit all the financial records pertaining to the transaction with original receipts.


Format for the submission of requests





  1. Name (students council/batch/group or Dept of study)
  2. Student registration No (if student)
  3. Department and designation (if staff)
  4. Name of equipment/items to be purchased
  5. Estimated cost
  6. Purpose (nature of the intended use)
  7. Intended beneficiaries
  8. Any other relevant information
  9. Recommendation by the Head of department/academic staff member in charge.


A detailed statement of expenditure and original receipts for payment must be submitted.



Annex 3

Procedure for requesting funds for rehabilitation and maintenance work/new constructions of the faculty buildings and hostels etc

  1. The request for support should be submitted to the Dean, for consideration by the Exhibition Committee or Exhibition Fund Advisory Board as the case may be.
  2. A ceiling of Rs. 2,000,000.00 should apply for a single request. However, requests can be made exceeding this amount with strong justification.
  3. Responsible staff members for a particular activity have to submit all the financial records and original receipts pertaining to the work carried out.

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University of Kelaniya,
P.O Box 6,
Thalagolla Road,
Sri Lanka


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  • Last modified on 06 March 2025.