
From 2004 the faculty has adopted an organ-system based integrated curriculum. The MBBS course run by the Faculty is of five years duration, each academic year consisting of three 10-week terms. The medium of instruction is English. There are three professional examinations at the end of each Phase. The first two years (Phase I) is devoted to study of normal structure and function of the human body. Clinical training commences with the beginning of Phase II in the third year of study. During their third and fourth years, students are expected to do clinical attachments in the mornings, returning to the Faculty premises for lectures, tutorials and laboratory classes in the afternoons.

The clinical attachments cover a wide variety of specialties which include Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesiology, Forensic Medicine, Rheumatology, Dermatology, Venereology, Neurology, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Radiology, Family Medicine, Community Medicine and Clinical Pathology. They vary in duration from two weeks to two months. During their fourth year, students carry out supervised research projects in Community Medicine and allied subjects.

During the final year (Phase III), learning is almost entirely hospital-based, with students assigned eight-week clerkships in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Psychiatry in the University units of the Colombo North Teaching Hospital. The Final MBBS examination consists of the disciplines of Medicine, Psychiatry, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics.

After passing the Final MBBS examination, students must complete 12 months of internship to obtain full registration to practice medicine in Sri Lanka from the Sri Lanka Medical Council.

The Faculty is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools and the MBBS degree is recognised by the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom.

The faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, aims to produce a medical graduate who has;
knowledge and understanding of health and disease and knowledge of prevention and management of the latter, in the context of the individual as a whole,in his or her place in the family and the community.
The skills to communicate effectively, make informed decisions and develop appropriate professional relationships.
The necessary attitudes which enable him or her to be aware of the responsibilities of a doctor and in particular to have a commitment to high standards of professionalism.
The knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to deliver Primary Health Care.

The undergraduate on completion of his training period should:

  • Have knowledge of the normal structure and function of the human body.
  • Be able to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases common in Sri Lanka.
  • Be able to recognize serious disease in the early stages.
  • Possess knowledge of other diseases which illustrate important principles in medical science or are of major public health importance in a global context.
  • Be competent to deal with medical emergencies with the available resources and be aware of what can be done in ideal circumstances.
  • Be able to carry out basic medico-legal procedures.
  • Have knowledge of the principles of behavioral science as applied to health and the practice of medicine.
  • Have knowledge of the limitations of their professional skills and available facilities and be able to recognize conditions where referral is necessary.
  • Possess knowledge of health statistics and demographic data with emphasis on trends with special reference to Sri Lanka.
  • Have knowledge of the social, economic and cultural factors relevant in the practice of medicine in Sri Lanka.
  • Possess management and communication skills to function effectively in a health team and with other sections of the community and be able to take a leadership role when necessary.
  • Be able to assess evidence both as to its reliability and relevance and to appreciate that conclusions are reached by logical deductions.
  • Be capable of continuing self-education, keeping abreast of advancing knowledge and developing an aptitude for medical research.
  • Be able to respond to patients and their families with empathy and to counsel them when necessary.
  • Have knowledge of the interaction between people and their environment and the responsibility of the medical profession in promoting a healthy environment.
  • Realise the importance of ethical and legal issues and professional rights relating to individual doctor-patient relationships, interactions with other health professionals and with society as a whoole.

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Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya,
P.O Box 6,
Thalagolla Road,
Sri Lanka


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  • Last modified on 26 March 2025.