Master of Public Health

The MPH course targets medical graduates with an MBBS degree and non-medical graduates having a Bachelors degree in science. The mission of the Faculty of Medicine is to provide quality programmes of professional education to serve the Sri Lankan nation and contribute to its health, well-being, prosperity, and to the development of health care and rehabilitation.This master's degree programme will be a two year programme comprising course work and a research/service component. It will lead to a Master's in Public Health.


The MPH course targets medical graduates with an MBBS degree and non-medical graduates having a Bachelors degree in science. The mission of the Faculty of Medicine is to provide quality programmes of professional education to serve the Sri Lankan nation and contribute to its health, well-being, prosperity, and to the development of health care and rehabilitation.

The objectives of starting this course are:

  • To structure the programme based on well accepted international norms in public health education and practice enunciated by the Council for Education in Public Health in the USA and the WHO.
  • To design the contents to reflect the latest developments in the profession.
  • To integrate the academic and practical skills of the programme with changing practices in the public health, educational and political arenas.
  • To meet student, professional and community needs for quality education of public health practitioners at an international standard.

It is proposed that the curriculum for this course is organized on a modular basis, with a

credit system. This is the commonest curriculum framework adopted by most schools of public health that run multi-professional programmes. It affords flexibility and allows the programme to cater to the individual needs of the participating students.This master's degree programme will be a two year programme comprising course work and a research/service component. It will lead to a Master's in Public Health.

The curriculum modules include theoretical and self directed learning, epidemiology and public health practice experience, and research and skill development in a variety of public health settings especially in the field of epidemiology at institutional and community level.

Name of programme : Master of Public Health (Epidemiology)
Medium of instruction : English
Awarding Body : University of Kelaniya

The overall aim of the programme is to produce a competent specialist in Public Health specialising in Epidemiology to provide holistic and comprehensive services to promote health and to prevent diseases competently using appropriate and affordable resources based on currently available evidence. It also aims to enhance the quality of public health research conducted in the country and to provide essential evidence for targeting interventions.
Learning outcomes

According to the Sri Lankan Credit and Qualifications Framework, a one-year Masters degree with only a taught component should have a minimum of 30 credits at Level P3, while a two-year Masters with both taught and research components, should have a minimum of 60 credits (inclusive of 30 credits at Level P3). Furthermore, the course could be modularised in a manner that leaves provision for award of a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma to students who wish to undertake shorter courses.

The following is proposed:
Certificate course - 30 credits
Diploma - 45 credits
MPH - 60 credits
Initially specialization (major) will be possible only in Epidemiology.

The modular system
The MPH programme is organized as a modular system. All modules are compulsory.
Notation of modules
Composition of the programme

In order to be eligible for entry to the study programme leading to the Master of Public Health (MPH), students must fulfil the following requirements:

    • Have an undergraduate degree in science or medicine that is recognized by the Senate
    • Successful at the interview

Non-medical graduates will be required to successfully complete a non-credit course (MPHC 61000) titled "Biological bases of Health" before the end of the first semester to proceed to the next semester.

Proposed annual intake: minimum 15 students and maximum 25 students.

Selection of courses

The two-year MPH programme will be divided into 4 types of modules:

  1. Core courses (will be denoted by C in the fourth letter of the course number)
  2. Concentration/Track (major) courses (will be denoted by D in the fourth letter of the course number)
  3. Elective courses (will be denoted by E in the fourth letter of the course number)
  4. Dissertation research (will be denoted by D in the fourth letter of the course number)
 Type of course Certificate  Certificate Programme Postgraduate Diploma Programme  MPH Programme 
Core  20  20  20
Major  05  20  20
Elective  05  05  05
Dissertation - - 15
Total 30 45 60
Assessment of programme modules
Submission of assignments
Grading system
Re-sit examinations and progression requirements
Grade Point Average
Academic misconduct
Upon completing the prescribed programme of study and the requirements of the University of Kelaniya, students will be eligible for the relevant award. A student must submit the Certificate of the Certificate course in Epidemiology to be awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology, in addition to satisfying all other requirements stipulated by the University.Likewise, a student must submit the Certificate of the Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology to be awarded the Master of Public Health in Epidemiology, in addition to satisfying all other requirements stipulated by the University. A higher certificate automatically replaces the previous certificate.
Eligibility for the award of 'Certificate in Epidemiology'

To be eligible for the award of the Certificate in Epidemiology, a student must have

  1. Accumulated 30 credits during the course (core 20, major 5 and elective 5).
  2. Obtained a minimum GPA of 2.7
Eligibility for the award of 'Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology'
Eligibility for the award of 'Master of Public Health (Epidemiology)'

The programme is structured to be completed in 4 semesters that will be conducted within 24 months. For each semester, 15 credits are scheduled as given below.

Course code  Course title  Credits
Year 1    
MPHC 61000  Biologic bases of health * - -
MPHC 61013 Social and Behavioral Science core
MPHC 61023 Epidemiology I
MPHC 61033 Biostatistics I
MPHC 61043 Introduction to Public Health Systems 3
MPHC 61053 Fundamentals of Environmental Health Sciences 3
MPHC 62013 Research Methods 1: Data Collection,Management, and Analyses and Survey Methods
MPHC 62022 Health Communication: Theory and Practice
MPHE 62033 Community Practice and Health 3
MPHP 62043 Biostatistics II 3
MPHP 62052 Disease Surveillance 2
MPHE 62062 Health Policy Development
Year 2    
MPHP 71013 Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases 3
MPHP 71023 Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
MPHP 71033 Biostatistics III
MPHP 71043 Public Health Planning and Evaluation 
MPHD 71053 Introduction to dissertation research
MPHP 72013 Public Health Integrative Experience
MPHD 7202z** Dissertation research 12
Total    60 

*Non-credit course for all non-medical graduates.
1. ** z refers to 12 credit units

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Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya,
P.O Box 6,
Thalagolla Road,
Sri Lanka


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  • Last modified on 07 March 2025.