"The Faculty aspires to be an internationally recognised institution of higher education in a culture of excellence and integrity that helps to generate and impart knowledge in the
medical sciences"
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in an environment of high quality education that nurtures a spirit of inquiry, initiative, equality and social responsibility Graduates of the Faculty will have the knowledge, the skills and attitudes to be successful in providing services to the community, country and beyond as individuals and opinion leaders in a globalised health care environment At the Faculty of Medicine, knowledge is advanced by an academic community with a passion for teaching, student training and scientific enquiry. By providing an excellent environment for learning and research, we will encourage scholarship at the highest level.
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya,
P.O Box 6,
Thalagolla Road,
Sri Lanka
dummy +94 11 2961000
dummy+94 11 2958337
dummy info.med@kln.ac.lk
dummy deanmed@kln.ac.lk