Publications in peer reviewed journals (2024)

  1. Adhikaram, W.K.D.S.Y.; De Silva, M.D.K. Perception of speech therapists and parents on use of telepractice for paediatric speech therapy in Sri Lanka. Journal of Multidisciplinary and Translational Research. 2024; 9(1): 26-39.
  2. Afolabi, B.O.; Riwaz, A; Weerasena, J; Williams, S; Denipitiya, T; Somawardana, B; Faizan, M; Galhena, B.P. Mutational analysis of driver and non-driver mutations of Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms;diagnosis and recent advances in treatment. World Journal of Cancer and Oncology Research. 2024; 3(1): 13.
  3. Alwis, I.; Baminiwatta, A.; Chandradasa, M. Prevalence and associated factors of depression in Sri Lanka: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2024; 59(2): 353-373.[Epub 2023 May 31]
  4. Arafat, S.M.Y.; Baminiwatta, A.; Menon, V.; Sharma, P.; Htay, M.N.N.; Akter, H.; Marthoenis, M.; Dorji, C. Prevalence of suicidal behavior among students in south-east asia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Suicide Research. 2024; 28(1): 50-70.[Epub 2023 Feb 16]
  5. Arumugam, J.; De Silva, S.T. Recurrent Focal Myositis of the Thigh in a Patient with End-Stage Kidney Disease: An Unusual Association. Canadian Journal of Medicine. 2024; 6(1): 24- 28.
  6. Baminiwatta, A.; Fernando, R.; Solangaarachchi, I.; Abayabandara-Herath, T.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.; Hapangama, AImproving psychological well-being among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic with an online mindfulness intervention: A randomised waitlist-controlled trial. International Journal of Psychology. 2024; 59(3); 410-418.
  7. Belsti, Y.; Moran, L.J.; Goldstein, R.; Mousa, A.; Cooray, S.D.; Baker, S.; Gupta, Y.; Patel, A.; Tandon, N.; Ajanthan, S.; John, R.; Naheed, A.; Chakma, N.; Lakshmi, J.K.; Zoungas, S.; Billot, L.; Desai, A.; Bhatla, N.; Prabhakaran, D.; Gupta, I.; De Silva, H.A.; Kapoor, D.; Praveen, D.; Farzana, N.; Enticott, J.; Teede, H. Development of a risk prediction model for postpartum onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus, following gestational diabetes; the lifestyle InterVention in gestational diabetes (LIVING) study. Clinical Nutrition. 2024; 43(8): 1728-1735.
  8. Bittner, V.A.; Schwartz, G.G.; Bhatt, D.L.; Chua, T.; De Silva, H.A.; Diaz, R.; Goodman, S.G.; Harrington, R.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Mcginniss, J.; Pordy, R.; Garon, G.; Scemama, M.; White, H.D.; Steg, G.; Szarek, M. Alirocumab and cardiovascular outcomes according to sex and lipoprotein(a) after aute coronary syndrome: Odyssey outcomes. Journal of Clinical 2024; S1933-2874(24)00169-7. [Online ahead of print]
  9. Burgod, C.; Mazlan, M.; Pant, S.; Krishnan, V.; Garegrat, R.; Montaldo, P.; Muraleedharan, P.; Bandiya, P.; Kamalaratnam, C.N.; Chandramohan, R.; Manerkar, S.; Jahan, I.; Moni, S.C.; Shahidullah, M.; Rodrigo, R.; Sumanasena, S.;Sujatha, R.; Sathyanathan, B.P.; Joshi, A.R.; Pressler, R.R.; Bassett, P.; Shankaran, S.; Thayyil, S. Duration of birth depression and neurodevelopmental outcomes after whole-body hypothermia for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh - an exploratory analysis of the HELIX trial. The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia. 2024; 20: 100284. [Epub 2023 Oct 4]
  10. Chandradasa, M.; Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A. Brain drain among Sri Lankan psychiatrists. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2023; 14(2): 1-3.
  11. Chandrasinghe, P.C. Impactful research over impact factor. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2024; 42(1): 1-2.
  12. Chern, B.; Pinto, D.; Lum, J.H.; Parameswaran, R. Nearly half of patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer may be amenable to immunotherapy. Biomedicines. 2024; 12(6): 1304.
  13. Costin, M.R.; Taut, D.; Baban, A.; Ionescu, T.; Murray, A.; Lindsay, C.; Secara, E.; Abbasi, F.; Acheampong, I.S.; Katus, L.; Thanh, Y.L.; Hernandez, S.C.L.S.; Randeny, S.; Toit, S.D.; Valdebenito, S.; Eisner, M.PThe role of maternal depression symptoms and maternal attachment in predicting exclusive breastfeeding: A multisite prospective studyJournal of Women's Health. 2024; 33(2): 187-197. [Epub 2023 Nov 23]
  14. Dalpadado, R.; Amarasinghe, D.; Gunathilaka, N.; Wijayanayake, A.N. Forecasting dengue incidence based on entomological indices, population density, and meteorological and environmental variables in the Gampaha District of Sri Lanka. Heliyon. 2024; 10(11): e32326.
  15. Dassanayake, T.L.; Ariyasinghe, D.I.; Baminiwatta, A.; Hewawasam, C.  Age-stratified norms for Raven's standard progressive matrices for Sri Lankan adults. Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2024; 1-15. [Online ahead of print]
  16. Dayasiri, K.; Suraweera, N.; Joyce, J.; Uhlig, U. Presentation of posterior tongue-tie in a young infant mimicking oral candidiasis: A diagnostic challenge. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2024; 53(1): 77-78.
  17. Devagiri, B.; Ariyasena, A.D.K.; Siriwardhana, D.D.; Sumanasena, S. Telehealth services for children with neuro-developmental disabilities in the Asia-Pacific region: A systematic review. Child Care Health and Development. 2024; 50(1): e13192. [Epub 2023 Dec 4]
  18. Dewasurendra; Samaranayake N.; Silva H.; Manamperi, N.; Senerath U.; Senanayake S.; De Silva N.; Karunanayake P.; Zhou G.; Karunaweera N. Risk Factor Analysis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka through a Nationwide Survey. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2024; 110(6): 1110-1116.
  19. Ekanayaka, E.M.M.; Gunasekara, K.; Fernando, R.; Chandrasinghe, P.C.; Kumarage, S. Fish bone migration through a sigmoid colon diverticulum causing an anterior abdominal wall abscess. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2024; 42(1): 52-54.
  20. Fejzo, M.; Rocha, N.; Cimino, I.; Lockhart, S.M.; Petry, C.J.; Kay, R.G.; Burling, K.; Barker, P.; George, A.L.; Yasara, N.; Premawardhena, A.; Gong, S.; Cook, E.; Rimmington, D.; Rainbow, K.; Withers, D.J.; Cortessis, V.; Mullin, P.M.; MacGibbon, K.W.; Jin, E.; Kam, A.; Campbell, A.; Polasek, O.; Tzoneva, G.; Gribble, F.M.; Yeo, G.S.H.; Lam, B.Y.H.; Saudek, V.; Hughes, I.A.; Ong, K.K.; Perry, J.R.B.; Sutton, C.A.; Baumgarten, M.; Welsh, P.; Sattar, N.; Smith, G.C.S.; Charnock- Jones, D.S.; Coll, A.P.; Meek, C.L.; Mettananda, S.;Hayward, C.; Mancuso, N.; O'Rahilly, S. GDF15 linked to maternal risk of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Nature.2024; 625(7996): 760-767. [Epub 2023 Dec 13]
  21. Fernando, M.; Siriwardana, R. Paediatric liver transplantation in Sri Lanka; From an impossible dream to a lifesaving reality. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2024; 53(2): 95-98.
  22. Fernando, M.; Tillakaratne, S.; Gunetilleke, B.; Liyanage, C.; Appuhamy, C.; Weerasuriya, A.; Uragoda, B.; Welikala, N.; Ranaweera, L.; Ganewatte, E.; Dissanayake, J.; Mudalige, A.; Siriwardana, R. Challenges faced in establishing a pediatric liver transplant program in a lower‐middle‐income country with free healthcare service. Pediatric Transplantation. 2024; 28(1): e14681.
  23. GBD 2021 Fertility and Forecasting Collaborators including Mettananda K.C.D. & Mettananda S. Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. 2024: 403(10440): 2100-2132. [Epub 2024 Apr 3]
  24. GBD 2021 Fertility and Forecasting Collaborators including Mettananda K.C.D. & Mettananda S. Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. 2024; 403(10440): 2133-2161. [Epub 2024 Apr 17]
  25. GBD 2021 Fertility and Forecasting Collaborators including Mettananda K.C.D.Mettananda S. Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet. 2024; 403(10440): 2162-2203.
  26. GBD 2021 Fertility and Forecasting Collaborators including Mettananda K.C.D.Mettananda S. Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022-2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet. 2024; 403(10440): 2204-2256.
  27. GBD 2021 Fertility and Forecasting Collaborators including Mettananda,C.D. & Mettananda, S. Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2021. Lancet. 2024; 403(10440): 2057-2099. [Epub 2024 March 20]
  28. Gupta Y.; Kapoor D.; Lakshmi J.K.; Praveen D.; Santos J.A.; Billot L.; Naheed A.; De Silva H.A.; Gupta I.;  Farzana N.; John R.; Ajanthan S.; Bhatla N.; Desai A.; Pathmeswaran A.; Prabhakaran D.; Teede H.; Zoungas S.; Patel A.; Tandon N.   Antenatal oral glucose tolerance test abnormalities in the prediction of future risk of postpartum diabetes in women with gestational diabetes: Results from the LIVING study. Journal of Diabetes. 2024; 16(5): e13559.
  29. Herath, D.; Kasturiratne, A. Psychometric properties of the Sinhala version of the Bandura’s exercise selfefficacy scale in women. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2024; 30(1): 59-68.
  30. Herath, T.; Perera,; Kasturiratne, A.  Under-utilisation of noncommunicable disease screening and healthy lifestyle promotion centres: A cross-sectional study from Sri Lanka. PLoS One. 2024; 19(4): e0301510.
  31. Jayarajah, U.; Sathasivam, K.; Kumarage, S.; Wijeratne, T. Attempted one anastomosis gastric bypass converted to a sleeve gastrectomy in an adult patient with asymptomatic intestinal malrotation: A case report. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports. 2024; 12: 2050313X241263445.
  32. Jayasinghe, V.; Ferdinando, R.; Abeysena, C. Healthy lifestyle profile scale for elderly: A novel tool to assess healthy lifestyle among young elderly live in South Asian settings. Medicover Journal of Medicine. 2024; 1(1): 30-36.
  33. Jude, J.; Gunathilaka, N.; Wijerathna, T.; Fernando, D.; Wickremasinghe, R.; Abeyewickreme, W. Distribution and seasonal variation of malaria vectors in the Mannar and Jaffna Districts; an entomological investigation during the phase of prevention of re-establishment of malaria in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. 2024; 44: 139–152. [Epub 2023 Dec 13]
  34. Karunaratne, D.; Chandratilake, M.; Marambe, K. Learning clinical reasoning skills during the transition from a medical graduate to a junior doctor. The Asia Pacific Scholar. 2024; 9(2): 5-17.
  35. Karunathilake, C.; Alles, N.; Dewasurendra, R.; Weerasinghe, I.; Chandrasiri, N.; Piyasiri, S.B.; Samaranayake, N.; Silva, H.; Manamperi, N.;Karunaweera, N. The use of recombinant K39, KMP11, and crude antigen-based indirect ELISA as a serological diagnostic tool and a measure of exposure for cutaneous leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka. Parasitology Research. 2024; 123(1): 7.
  36. Kumarage, S.K.Lakshani, D.H.J.P.U.Pinto, M.D.P.; Chandrasinghe, P.C. Intraoperative visualization of biliary anatomy using Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence in a Sri Lankan patient cohort. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2024; 42(1): 3-9.
  37. Lakshan, M.T.D.; Chandratilake, M.; Drahaman, A.M.P.; Perera, M.B. Exploring the pros and cons of integrating artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in medical education: A comprehensive analysis. Ceylon Journal of Otolaryngology. 2024; 13(1): 39-45.
  38. Lokuhewage, C.; Dayasiri, K. Acute pericarditis in a child during the recovery period of multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2024; 53(2): 178-180.
  39. Madawala, P.; Lokuhewage, C.; Bandara, S.; Randeny, S.; Mettananda, S. Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia in a 2-year-old Sri Lankan girl. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2024; 53(2): 181-183.
  40. Maiwall,; Singh, S.P.; Angeli, P.;Moreau, R.; Krag, A.; Singh, V.; Singal, A.K.; Tan, S.S.; Puri, P.; Mahtab, M.; Lau, G.; Ning, Q.; Sharma, M.K.;  Rao, P.N.; Kapoor, D.; Gupta, S.; Duseja, A.; Wadhawan, M.; Jothimani, D.; Saigal, S.; Taneja, S.; Shukla, A.; Puri, P.; Govil, D.; Pandey, G.; Madan, K.; Eapen, C.E.; Benjamin, J.; Chowdhury, A.; Singh, S.; Salao, V.; Yang, J.M.; Hamid, S.; Shalimar; Jasuja, S.; Kulkarni, A.V.; Niriella, M.A.; Tevethia, H.V.; Arora, V.; Mathur, R.P.; Roy, A.; Jindal, A.; Saraf, N.; Verma, N.; Arka, D.; Choudhary, N.S.; Mehtani, R.; Chand, P.; Rudra, O.; Sarin, S.K.  APASL clinical practice guidelines on the management of acute kidney injury in acute-on-chronic liver failure. Hepatology International. 2024; 18(3): 833-869. [Epub 2024 Apr 5]
  41. Mathangasinghe, Y.; Wijayawardhana, S.; Perera, U.; Punchihewa, R.; Pradeep, S. Pathological characteristics of lung tumors in Sri Lanka 2017-2021. Thoracic Cancer. 2024; 15(4): 347-349. [Epub 2024 Jan 7]
  42. Menon, V.; Kar, S.K.; Gupta, S.; Baminiwatta, A.;Mustafa, A.B.; Sharma, P.; Abhijita, B.; Arafat, S.M.Y.  Electroconvulsive therapy in South Asia: Past, present, and future. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024; 92: 103875. [Epub 2023 Dec 17]
  43. Mettananda, S. GDF15 molecule is responsible for low body mass index in children with thalassaemia. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2024; 53(1): 88.
  44. Montaldo, P.; Burgod, C.; Herberg, J.A.; Kaforou, M.; Cunnington, A.J.; Mejias, A.; Cirillo, G.; Giudice, E.M.D.; Capristo, C.; Bandiya, P.; Kamalaratnam, C.N.; Chandramohan, R.; Manerkar, S.; Rodrigo, R.; Sumanasena, S.; Krishnan, V.; Pant, S.; Shankaran, S.; Thayyil, S. Whole-Blood gene expression profile after hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. JAMA Network Open. 2024; 7(2): e2354433.
  45. Niriella M.A.; Kanagarajah D.; Hewavisenthi J.D.S.; De Silva  H.J. Mistakes in utilising histopathology for the management of liver disease. Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2024; 18(4-5): 147-153.
  46. Padeniya P.; Premawardhena A. Obesity, liver steatosis and metabolic syndrome: The hidden enemies in transfusion-dependent thalassaemia. British Journal of Haematology. 2024; 205(1): 28-29. [Epub 2024 May 14]
  47. Pineda, E.; Atanasova, P.; Wellappuli, N.T.; Kusuma, D.; Herath, H.; Segal, A.B.; Vandevijvere, S.; Anjana, R.M.; Shamim, A.A.; Afzal, S.; Akter, F.; Aziz, F.; Gupta, A.; Hanif, A.A.; Hasan, M.; Jayatissa, R.; Jha, S.; Jha, V.; Katulanda, P.; Khawaja, K.I.; Kumarendran, B.; Loomba, M.; Mahmood, S.; Mridha, M.K.; Pradeepa, R.; Aarthi, G.R.; Tyagi, A.; Kasturiratne, A.; Sassi, F.; Miraldo, M. Policy implementation and recommended actions to create healthy food environments using the healthy food environment policy index (Food-EPI): a comparative analysis in South Asia. The Lancet Reg Health Southeast Asia. 2024; 26: 100428.
  48. Premawardhena, A.; Perera, C.; Wijethilaka, M.N.; Wanasinghe, S.K.; Rajakaruna, R.H.M.G.; Samarasinghe, R.A.N.K.K.; Williams, S.;Mettananda, SEfficacy and safety of deferoxamine, deferasirox and deferiprone triple iron chelator combination therapy for transfusion-dependent β-thalassaemia with very high iron overload: a protocol for randomised controlled clinical trial. BMJ Open. 2024; 14(2): e077342.
  49. Punchihewa, D.S.G.; Fonseka, J.R.; Jayarathne, R.N.; Dayasiri, K.; Sumanasekera, K.H.T.I.; Dayarathna, R.M.A.N.; Nawarathne, M.V.D. Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome: A rare disorder in a neonate. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2024; 53(1): 67-69.
  50. Rajindrajith, S.; Hathagoda, W.; Devanarayana, N.M.Functional diarrhea in children. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2024; 91: 584-589. [Epub 2023 July 29]
  51. Ranasinghe C.; Kariyawasam  K.; Liyanage J.; Walpita Y.; Rajasinghe U.; Abayadeera A.; Chandrasinghe P.; Gunasekara M.; Kumarage  S.; De Silva  M.; Ranathunga K.; Deen K.; Ismail H. Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of the Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) to Sinhala language. Perioperative medicine. 2024; 13(1): 38.
  52. Ranawaka, R.; Dayasiri, K.; Sandamali, E.; Gamage, M. Management strategies for common viral infections in pediatric renal transplant recipients. World Journal of Transplantation. 2024; 14(1): 89978.
  53. Ranaweera, D.M.; de Silva, D.C.; Samarasinghe, D.; Perera, S.; Kugalingam, N.; Samarasinghe, S.R.; Madushani, W.Y.; Jayaweera, H.H.E.; Gunewardene, S.; Muneeswaran, K.; Gnanam, V.S.; Chandrasekharan, N.V. Development of a low cost semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction assay for molecular diagnosis of williams syndrome. Clinical Laboratory. 2024; 70(3).
  54. Reyal, H.P.; Perera, M.N.; Guruge, G.N.D.   Effectiveness of a community-based participatory health promotion intervention to address knowledge, attitudes and practices related to intimate partner violence: a quasi-experimental study. BMC Public Health. 2024; 24(1): 1417.
  55. Rodgers, A.; Salam, A.; Cushman, W.; de Silva, A.; Tanna, G.L.D.; Gnanenthiran, S.R.; Grobbee, D.; Narkiewicz, K.; Ojji, D.; Oparil, S.; Poulter, N.; Schlaich, M.P.; Schutte, A.E.; Spiering, W.; Williams, B.; Wright, J.T.Jr.; Whelton, P. Rationale for a new low-dose triple single pill combination. Global Heart. 2024; 19(1): 18.
  56. Saleem, S.; Miles, A.; Allen, J. Investigating Parkinson's disease with dual high resolution pharyngeal manometry with impedance and videofluoroscopy. Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2024; 36(4): e14737. [Epub 2024 Jan 15]
  57. Saliu, T.P.; Seneviratne, N.N.; Faizan, M.; Rajagopalan, U.; Perera, D.C.; Adhikari, A.;Senathilake, K.S.; Galhena, P.B; Tennekoon, K.H.; Samarakoon, S.R. In silico identification and in vitro validation of alpha-hederin as a potent inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in breast cancer stem cells. In Silico Pharmacology. 2024; 12(1): 31
  58. Samaraweera, B.P.; Pillay, M.; Muttiah, N.; Moodley, L. Exploring clinical reasoning in child language assessment through decoloniality. International Journal of Speech-language Pathology. 2024: 1-16. [Online ahead of print]
  59. Sanchayan, S.; Olupeliyawa, A.; Chandratilake, M. Feedback practices in undergraduate clinical teaching in Sri Lanka - a qualitative study. BMC Medical Education. 2024; 24(1): 559.
  60. Senadheera, V.V.; Ediriweera, D.S.; Rupasinghe, T.P. Instructional design models for digital learning in higher education - a scoping review. Journal of Learning for Development. 2024; 11(1): 15-26.
  61. Senadheera, V.V.; Rupasinghe, T.P.; Ediriweera, D.S. ‘Connective alignment’ as the educational approach for higher education in the digital age. Journal of Learning for Development. 2024; 11(1): 172-180.
  62. Sethi, A.; Chandratilake, M. Editorial: Reviews in healthcare professions education. Frontiers in Medicine. 2024; 11: 1362030.
  63. Shoib, S.; Armiya’u, A.Y.; Swed, S.; Naskar, C.; Chandradasa, M.;Tsagkaris, C.; Zaidi, I.; Saeed, F. The importance of addressing intergenerational trauma in refugees. Nature Mental Health. 2024; 2: 12–14.
  64. Shoib, S.; Chandradasa, M.; Lengvenyte, A.; Armiya'u, A.Y.; Saleem, T.; Ahmed, S.; Noor, I.M.; Nazari, S.K.; de Berardis, D.; Park, C.; Gürcan, A.; Saeed, F. Early career psychiatrists' perspectives on managing stigma and discrimination related to suicide. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024; 93: 103914. [Epub 2024 Jan 9]
  65. Shoib, S.; Chandradasa, M.;Saleem, S.K.; Das, S.; Naqvi, S.A .A.; Kar, S.K. Prescribing yoga for mental wellness: Need for a nuanced approach.  Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2024; 46(2): 171-174. [Epub 2023 April 3]
  66. Shoib, S.; Das, S.; Gupta, A.K.; Ullah, I.; Javed, S.; Nocera, A.; Kar, S.K.; Chandradasa, M.; de Filippis, R. Religion, spirituality, and coping among the psychiatric population: a narrative review. Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences. 2024.
  67. Shoib, S.; Das, S.; Zaidi, I.; Chandradasa, M. Climate change and Indigenous mental health in Australia: In the aftermath of the defeat of the Voice referendum. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2024: 70(3): 615-618. [Epub 2024 Jan 22]
  68. Shoib, S.; Saeed, F.; Ahmed, S.; Park, C.; Roza, T.H.; Nazari, S.K.; Armiya'u, A.Y.; Berardis, D.; Mahesar, R.A.; Chandradasa, M. Suicide among psychiatrists: From healers to seekers of mental health care. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024; 95: 104004. [Epub 2024 Mar 12]
  69. Shoib, S.; Saeed, F.; Philip, S.; Chandradasa, M.;Das, S.; de Filippis, R.; Yousaf, Z.; Ojeahere, M.; Gad, H.K.; Yadivel, R.; Legris, Z.; Jatchavala, C.; Paul, R.; Gupta, A.K.; Handuleh, J.I.M.; Gürcan, A.; Costa, M.P.D.; Dannatt, L.; Ahmad, A.R.; Jaguga, F.; Saleem, S.M.; Sawitri, B.; Ari, N.; Islam, M.S.; Haque, M.A.; Őri, D.; Chumakov, E.; Swed, S.; Roza, T.H.; Islam, S.M.S. Parity of esteem: A global COVID‑19 vaccination approach for people with mental illnesses, based on facts from 34 countries; recommendations and solutions. Industrial Psychiatry Journal. 2024; 33(1): 30-40. [Epub 2023 Dec 14]
  70. Shoib, S.; Shaheen, N.; Anwar, A.; Saad, A.M.; Akr, L.M.; Saud, A.I.; Kundu, M.; Nahidi, M.; Chandradasa, M.; Swed, S.; Saeed, F. The effectiveness of telehealth interventions in suicide prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2024; 70(3): 415-423. [Epub 2023 Nov 23]
  71. Shoib, S.; Tayyeb, M.; Armiya’u, A.Y.; Raaj, S.; Elmahi, O.K.O.; Swed, S.; Saeed, F.; Nahidi, M.; Bashir, A.; Chandradasa, M. Factors behind suicides in Muslim countries: a global ecological study. Social Work in Mental Health. 2024;22(4): 507-526. [Epub 2024 March 26]
  72. Suzuki, K.; Hatzikotoulas, K.; Southam, L.; Taylor, H.J.; Yin, X.; Lorenz, K.M.; Mandla, R.; Huerta-Chagoya, A.; Melloni, G.E.M.; Kanoni, S.; Rayner, N.W.; Bocher, O.; Arruda, A.L.; Sonehara, K.; Namba, S.; Namba, S.S.K.; Preuss, M.H.; Petty, L.E.; Schroeder, P.; Vanderwerff, B.; Kals, M.;  F.; Lin, K.; Guo, X.; Zhang, W.; Yao, J.; Kim, Y.J.; Graff, M.; Takeuchi, F.; Nano, J.; Lamri, A.; Nakatochi, M.; Moon, S.; Scott, R.A.; Cook, J.P.; Lee, J.J.; Pan, I.; Taliun, D.; Parra, E.J.; Chai. J.F.; Bielak, L.F.; Tabara, Y.; Hai, Y.; Thorleifsson, G.; Grarup, N.; Sofer, T.; Wuttke, M.; Sarnowski, C.; Gieger, C.; Nousome, D.; Trompet, S.; Kwak, S.H.; Long, J.; Sun, M.; Tong, L.; Chen, W.M.; Nongmaithem, S.S.; Noordam, R.; Lim, V.J.Y.; Tam, C.H.T.; Joo, Y.Y.; Chen, C.H.; Raffield, L.M.; Prins, B.P.; Nicolas, A.; Yanek, L.R.; Chen, G.; Brody, J.A.; Kabagambe, E.; An, P.; Xiang, A.H.; Choi, H.S.; Cade, B.E.; Tan, J.; Broadaway, K.A.; Williamson, A.; Kamali, Z.; Cui, J.; Thangam, M.; Adair, L.S.; Adeyemo, A.; Aguilar-Salinas, C.A.; Ahluwalia, T.S.; Anand, S.S.; Bertoni, A.; Bork-Jensen, J.; Brandslund, I.; Buchanan, T.A.; Burant, C.F.; Butterworth, A.S.; Canouil, M.; Chan, J.C.N.; Chang, L.C.; Chee, M.L.; Chen, J.; Chen, S.H.; Chen, Y.T.; Chen, Z.; Chuang, L.M.; Cushman, M.; Danesh, J.; Das, S.K.; de Silva, H.J.; Dedoussis, G.; Dimitrov, L.; Doumatey, A.P.; Du, S.; Duan, Q.; Eckardt, K.U.; Emery, L.S.; Evans, D.S.; Evans, M.K.; Fischer, K.; Floyd, J.S.; Ford, I.; Franco, O.H.; Frayling, T.M.; Freedman, B.I.; Genter, P.; Gerstein, H.C.; Giedraitis, V.; González-Villalpando, C.; González-Villalpando, M.E.; Gordon-Larsen, P.; Gross, M.; Guare, L.A.; Hackinger, S.; Hakaste, L.; Han, S.; Hattersley, A.T.; Herder, C.; Horikoshi, M.; Howard, A.; Hsueh, W.; Huang, M.; Huang, W.; Hung, Y.; Hwang, M.Y.; Hwu, C.; Ichihara, S.; Ikram, M.A.; Ingelsson, M.; Islam, M.T.; Isono, M.; Jang, H.; Jasmine, F.; Jiang, G.; Jonas, J.B.; Jørgensen, T.; Kamanu, F.K.; Kandeel, F.R.; Kasturiratne, A.; Katsuya, T.; Kaur, V.; Kawaguchi,T.; Keaton, J.M.; Kho, A.N.; Khor, C.; Kibriya, M.G.; Kim, D.; Kronenberg, F.; Kuusisto , J.; Läll, K.; Lange, L.A.; Lee, K.M.; Lee, M.; Lee, N.R.; Leong, A.; Li, L.; Li, Y.; Li-Gao, R.; Ligthart, S.; Lindgren, C.M.; Linneberg, A.; Liu, C.; Liu, J.; Locke, A.E.; Louie, T.; Luan, J.; Luk, A.O.; Luo, X.; Lv, J.; Lynch, J.A.; Lyssenko, V.; Maeda, S.; Mamakou, V.; Mansuri, S.R.; Matsuda, K.; Meitinger, T.; Melander, O.; Metspalu, A.; Mo, H.; Morris, A.D.; Moura, F.A.; Nadler, J.L.; Nalls, M.A.; Nayak, U.; Ntalla, I.; Okada, Y.; Orozco, L.; Patel, S.R.; Patil, S.; Pei, P.; Pereira, M.A.; Peters, A.; Pirie, F.J.; Polikowsky, H.G.; Porneala, B.; Prasad, G.; Rasmussen-Torvik, L.J.; Reiner, A.P.; Roden, M.; Rohde, R.; Roll, K.; Sabanayagam, C.; Sandow, K.; Sankareswaran , A.; Sattar,N.; Schönherr, S.; Shahriar, M.; Shen , B.; Shi, J.; Shin, D.M.; Shojima, N.; Smith, J.A.; So, W.Y.; Stančáková, A.; Steinthorsdottir, V.; Stilp, A.M.; Strauch, K.; Taylor, K.D.; Thorand, B.; Thorsteinsdottir, U.; Tomlinson, B.; Tran, T.C.; Tsai, F.; Tuomilehto, J.; Tusie-Luna, T.; Udler , M.S.; Valladares-Salgado, A.; Dam, R.M.V.; Klinken, J.B.V.; Varma, R.; Wacher-Rodarte, N.; Wheeler,E.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.; Dijk, K.W.V.; Witte, D.R.; Yajnik, C.S.; Yamamoto, K.; Yamamoto, K.; Yoon, K.; Yu, C.; Yuan, J.; Yusuf, S.; Zawistowski, M.; Zhang, L.; Zheng, W.; Raffel, L.J.; Igase, M.; Ipp, E.; Redline, S.; Cho, Y.S.; Lind, L.; Province, M.A.; Fornage, .M.; Hanis, C.L.; Ingelsson, E.; Zonderman, A.B.; Psaty, B.M.; Wang, Y.; Rotimi, C.N.; Becker,D.M.; Matsuda,F.; Liu, Y.; Yokota,M.; Kardia, S.L.R.; Peyser, P.A.; Pankow, J.S.; Engert, J.C.; Bonnefond, A.; Froguel, P.; Wilson, J.G.; Sheu, W.H.H.; Wu, J.; Hayes, M.G.; Ma, R.C.W.; Wong, T.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Tuomi, T.; Chandak, G.R.; Collins, F.S.; Bharadwaj, D.; Paré, G.; Sale, M.M.; Ahsan, H.; Motala, A.A.; Shu , X.; Park, K.; Jukema, J.W.; Cruz, M.; Chen, Y.I.; Rich, S.S.; McKean-Cowdin, R.; Grallert, H.; Cheng, C.; Ghanbari,M.; Tai , E. Dupuis, J.; Kato, N.; Laakso, M.; Köttgen, A.; Koh, W.; Bowden, D.W.; Palmer, C.N.A.; Kooner, J.S.; Kooperberg, C.; Liu, S.; North, K.E.; Saleheen, D.; Hansen, T.; Pedersen, O.; Wareham, N.J.; Lee, J.; Kim, B.; Millwood , I.Y.; Walters, R.G.; Stefansson, K.; Ahlqvist, E.; Goodarzi, M.O.; Mohlke, K.L.; Langenberg, C.; Haiman, C.A.; Loos, R.J.F.; Florez, J.C.; Rader, D.J.; Ritchie, M.D.; Zöllner, S.; Mägi, R.; Marston, N.A.; Ruff, C.T.; Heel , D.A.V.; Finer, S.; Denny, J.C.; Yamauchi, T.; Kadowaki, T.; Chambers, J.C.; Ng, M.C.Y.; Sim, X.; Below, J.E.; Tsao, P.S.; Chang, K.; McCarthy, M.I.; Meigs, J.B.; Mahajan, A.; Spracklen, C.N.; Mercader, J.M.; Boehnke, M.; Rotter, J.I.; Vujkovic, M.; Voight, B.F.; Morris, A.P.; Zeggini, E. Genetic drivers of heterogeneity in type 2 diabetes pathophysiology. Nature. 2024; 627: 347-357. [Epub 2024 Feb 19]
  73. Talagala, I.; Abeysena, C.Wickremasinghe, R. Content analysis of policy documents related to non-communicable diseases prevention and control in Sri Lanka: a developing country in the South-East Asia. Public Health and Environmental Health. 2024; 13: 171.
  74. Thilakarathne, S.; Jayaweera, U.P.; Premawardhena, AUnresolved laboratory issues of the heterozygous state of β-thalassemia: a literature review. 2024; 109(1): 23-32.
  75. Tricou, V.; Yu, D.; Reynales, H.; Biswal, S.; Saez-Llorens, X.; Sirivichayakul, C.; Lopez, P.; Borja-Tabora, C.; Bravo, L.; Kosalaraksa, P.; Vargas, L.M.; Alera, M.T.; Rivera, L.; Watanaveeradej, V.; Dietze, R.; Fernando, L.; Wickramasinghe, V.P.; Moreira, E.D.; Fernando, A.D.; Gunasekera, D.; Luz, K.; Oliveira, A.L.; Tuboi, S.; Escudero, I.; Hutagalung, Y.; Lloyd, E.; Rauscher, M.; Zent, O.; Folschweiller, N.; LeFevre, I.; Espinoza, F.; Wallace, D. Long-term efficacy and safety of a tetravalent dengue vaccine (TAK-003): 4·5-year results from a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialThe Lancet Regional Health. 2024; 12(2): e257-e270.
  76. Uduwawala, H.; Manamperi, A.; Gunaratna, G.P.S.; Karunanayake, L.; Ceruti, A.; Wahed, A.A.E.; Fernando, L.; Premaratna, R.Hapugoda, M. Detection of pathogenic Leptospira with rapid extraction followed by recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay-A comprehensive study from Sri Lanka. Public Library of Science One. 2024; 19(3): e0295287.
  77. Wanniachchi, P.M.; Sumanasena, S.P. A short report on a preliminary interventional study to evaluate play-mediated interaction skills in caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder from Sri Lanka2024; 28(1): 155-161. [Epub 2023 Nov 9]
  78. Wanninayake, L.;Rajapaksha, D.; Nair, N.; Gunarathne, K.;  Ranawaka, U.  Guillain-Barre syndrome of acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) type associated with herpes zoster: a case report. BMC Neurology. 2024; 24(1): 109.
  79. Wickramasinghe, N.; Thuraisingham; Jayalath A.; Wickramasinghe D.; Samarasekera D.N.; Yazaki E.; Devanarayana N.M. Gastroesophageal reflux disease in Sri Lanka: An island-wide epidemiological survey assessing the prevalence and associated factors. PLOS Global Public Health. 2024; 4(5): e0003162.
  80. Wijegunawardana, N.D.A.D.; Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S.; Abeyewickreme, W.; Chandrasena, T.G.A.N.; Thayanukul, P.; Kittayapong, P.   Diversity of Wolbachia infections in Sri Lankan mosquitoes with a new record of Wolbachia Supergroup B infecting Aedes aegypti vector populations. Scientific Reports. 2024; 14(1): 11966.
  81. Zhang, H.; Targher, G.; Byrne, C.D.; Kim, S.U.; Wong, V.W.; Valenti, L.; Glickman, M.; Ponce, J.; Mantzoros, C.S.; Crespo, J.; Gronbaek, H.; Yang, W.; Eslam, M.; Wong, R.J.; Machado, M.V.; Yu, M.; Ghanem, O.M.; Okanoue, T.; Liu, J.; Lee, Y.; Xu, X.; Pan, Q.; Sui, M.; Lonardo, A.; Yilmaz, Y.; Zhu, L.; Moreno, C.; Miele, L.; Lupsor-Platon, M.; Zhao, L.; LaMasters, T.L.; Gish, R.G.; Zhang, H.; Nedelcu, M.; Chan, W.K.; Xia, M.; Bril, F.; Shi, J.; Datz, C.;Romeo, S.; Sun, J.; Liu, D.; Sookoian,S.; Mao,Y.; Méndez-Sánchez, N.; Wang, X.; Pyrsopoulos, N.T.; Fan, J.; Fouad, Y.; Sun, D.; Giannini, C.; Chai, J.; Xia, Z.; Jun, D.W.; Li, G.; Treeprasertsuk, S.; Li, Y.; Cheung, T.T.; Zhang, F.; Goh, G.B.; Furuhashi, M.; Seto, W.; Huang, H.; Sessa, A.D.; Li, Q.; Cholongitas, E.; Zhang, L.; Silveira, T.R.; Sebastiani, G.; Adams, L.A.; Chen, W.; Qi, X.; Rankovic, I.; Ledinghen, V.D.; Lv, W.; Hamaguchi, M.; Kassir, R.; Müller-Wieland, D.; Romero-Gomez, M.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Y.; Chen, S.; Kermansaravi, M.; Kuchay, M.S.; Lefere, S.; Parmar, C.; Lip, G.Y.H.; Liu, C.; Åberg, F.; Lau, G.; George, J.; Sarin, S.K.; Zhou, J.; Zheng, M.; Niriella, M.A. (MAFLD ICD-11 coding collaborators). A global survey on the use of the international classification of diseases codes for metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease. Hepatology Intenational. 2024; 18(4): 1178-1201. [Epub 2024 Jun 15]
  82. Zhu, A.; Ostbye, T.; Naheed, A.; de Silva, H.A.; Jehan, I.; Gandhi, M.; Chakma, N.; Kasturiratne, A.; Samad, Z.; Jafar, T.H. Ambulatory blood pressure levels in individuals with uncontrolled clinic hypertension across Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Journal of Clinical Hypertension(Greenwich). 2024; 26(4): 391-404. [Epub 2024 Mar 7]
Publications in peer reviewed journals (2023)

  1. Abeysuriya, V.;Anjula, S.A.P.D. Anatomical relations of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid dissection. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery.2023;41(3):28-31.
  2. Abeysuriya, V.; Dodampahala, H.S.; Chandrasena, L. Acute appendicitis in pregnancy. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2023;45(2):89-93.
  3. Abeysuriya, V.; Dodampahala, S.H.; Chandrasena, L. Outcomes of breast abscesses during lactation: a retrospective study. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2023;45(3):125–129.
  4. Abeysuriya, V.; Dodampahala, S.H.; Chandrasena, L. The usefulness of flexible sigmoidoscopy in bleeding per rectum during pregnancy: an observational study. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2023;45(1):11-15.
  5. Abeysuriya, V.; Dodampahala, H.S.; Chandrasena, L. Upper gastro intestinal endoscopy in pregnancy: A single centre experience. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2023;45(1):16-20.
  6. Abeysuriya, V.; Gunathilaka, C. Surgically important neurovascular structures related to the submandibular gland. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery.2023;41(3):15-18.
  7. Abeysuriya, V.; Modaragama, H. Usefulness of simultaneous use of anatomical landmarks in identification of facial nerve in parotid gland dissection. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery.2023;41(3):24-27
  8. Abhayaratna, H.C.; Ariyasinghe, D.I.; Ginige, P.; Chandradasa, M.; Hansika, K.S.; Fernando, A.; Wijetunge, S.; Dassanayake, T.L. Psychometric properties of the Sinhala version of the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham rating scale (SNAP-IV) parent form in healthy children and children with ADHD.Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023; 83: 103542. [Epub 2023 March 14]
  9. Alwis, D.N.; Govinnage, D.P.S.; Kulathunga, D.L.; Perera, W.N.S.; Paranitharan, P. A retrospective descriptive study on deaths due to firearm injuries in Western Province, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law.2023;14(2):10-17.
  10. Ansy, A.; Angunawala, A.; Anushika, E.; Ariyasena, S.; Aryachandra, S.; Fernando, K.; Mettananda, C. Knowledge and adherence to National Institute of Clinical Excellence 2020, dyslipidaemia management guidelines and its associations among medical officers in Gampaha district, Sri Lanka: a descriptive study. Asian Journal of Internal Medicine.2023;2(2):20-26.
  11. Arafat, S.M.Y.; Baminiwatta, A.; Menon, V.; Singh, R.; Varadharajan, N.; Guhathakurta, S.; Mahesar, R.A.; Rezaeian, M. Prevalence of suicidal behaviour among students living in Muslim-majority countries: systematic review and meta-analysis.BJPsych Open. 2023; 9(3): e67.
  12. Arumugam, J.; de Silva, S. Disseminated tuberculosis presenting as meningitis and spondylodiscitis in an immunocompetent adult. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine.2023;16(6):284-286.
  13. Athapathu, A.S.; Wijayawardhana, S.M.; Meegoda, J.; Gunaratne, S.A.; Somathilaka, M.; Chang, K.T.E.; Wickramasinghe, P. Case report of an infant with congenital mesoblastic nephroma leading to pulmonary metastasis. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports.2023;11:2050313X231220826 (e collection 2023)
  14. Badat, M.; Ejaz, A.; Hua, P.; Rice, S.; Zhang, W.; Hentges, L.D.; Fisher, C.A.; Denny, N.; Schwessinger, R.; Yasara, N.; Roy, N.B.A.; Issa, F.; Roy, A.; Telfer, P.; Hughes, J.; Mettananda, S.; Higgs, D.R.; Davies, J.O.J. Direct correction of haemoglobin E β-thalassaemia using base editors.  Nature Communications.2023;14(1):2238
  15. Baminiwatta,; Alahakoon, H.; Herath, N.C.; Kodithuwakku, K.M.; Nanayakkara, T. Trait mindfulness, compassion, and stigma towards patients with mental Illness: A study among nurses in Sri Lanka. Mindfulness. 2023; 14(4):979-991.
  16. Baminiwatta, A.; Correll, C.U. Historical developments, hotspots, and trends in tardive dyskinesia research: a scientometric analysis of 54 years of publications.Frontiers in Psychiatry.2023;14:1194222.
  17. Baminiwatta, A.; Fernando, R.; Gadambanathan, T.; Jiyatha, F.; Sasala, R.; Kuruppuarachchi, L.Wickremasinghe, R.Hapangama, AMeasuring resilience among Sri Lankan healthcare workers: validation of the brief resilience scale in Sinhalese and Tamil languages. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2023; 45(5): 542-543.
  18. Baminiwatta, A.;Fernando, R.; Williams, S. Improving medical students' understanding of dementia using a movie (The Father). Education for Primary Care. 2023;34(2):109. [Epub 2023 Feb 17] 
  19. Baminiwatta, A.; Kulathunge, M.; Abeysinghe, C.U.; Alahakoon, H.; Kodithuwakku, K.M.; Nanayakkara, T.; Ranasinghe, R.; Sampath, W.E. Access to inpatient psychiatric care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Observations from Sri Lanka and implications for future crises. Asian Journal of Psychiatry.2023; 89: 103765 [Epub 2023 Sep 14.]
  20. Baminiwatta, A.; Nanayakkara, T.D.; Fernando, A.; Wijethunga, S. Screen addiction among children and adolescents and the self-efficacy of mothers in screen use management during the COVID-19 lockdown in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry.2023;14(1):36-43.
  21. Bandara, P.K.B.U.C.; Dayasiri, K. Hypoglycaemic seizure in a child following ingestion of Coccinia grandis. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.2023;10(2):E217 1-3
  22. Bandara, P.K.B.U.C.; Dayasiri, K. Monkey tapeworm (Bertiella studeri) infection in a toddler. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health.2023:52(4):494-495
  23. Beeching, N.; Dassanayake, ATropical liver disease.2023;51(50):362-366.
  24. Caldera, A.; Wickremasinghe, R.; Newby, G.; Perera, R.; Mendis, K.; Fernando, D. Initial response to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) outbreak in Sri Lanka; views of public health specialists through an International Health Regulations lens. PLoS One.2023;18(11): e0293521.
  25. Caldera, A.V.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.;Muttiah, N.; Godamunne, P.K.S.; Jayasena, B.N.; Chathurika, L.K.E.; Perera, K.M.N.; Mendis, M.; Tilakarathne, D.; Peiris, M.K.R.R.; Wijesinghe, T.; Senarathna, N.E.; Saubhagya, W.D.L.; Chandraratne, M.; Sumanasena, S.P. REACh for the preschoolers; a developmental assessment tool for 2-5 year old children in Sri Lanka. BMC Pediatrics.2023;23(1):80.
  26. Caldera, A.V.; Wickremasinghe, R.;Munasinghe, T.U.; Perera, K.M.N.; Muttiah, N.; Tilakarathne, D.; Peiris, M.K.R.R.; Thamilchelvan, E.; Sooriyaarachchi, C.; Nasma, M.N.; Manamperige, R.M.; Ariyasena, A.D.K.; Sumanasena, S.PAvailability of rehabilitation services for communication disorders in Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional survey.  BMJ Open.2023;13(4): e071620.
  27. Chandradasa, M.;Williams, S.; Sumanasiri, S.; Selliah, S.; Gunarathne, P.; Paric, A.; Ravindran, N.; Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A.; Ravindran, A. Acceptability of a web-based character strengths module for early adolescent school children. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.2023;10(1):E 204 1-7. 
  28. Chandrasena, T.G.A.N.; Gunaratna, I.E.; Ediriweera, Silva, N.R.Lymphatic filariases and soil-transmitted helminthiases in Sri Lanka: the challenge of eliminating residual pockets of transmission. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 2023; 378(1887): 20220280. [Epub 2023 Aug 21]
  29. Chandrasinghe, C. Quality improvement in colorectal cancer care; marching towards homegrown data. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery.2023;41(3):7-14.
  30. Chandrasinghe, P.Ediriweera, E.P.D.S.; Niriella, M.; Ranwaka, C.; Fernando, A.; Gunawardena, H.; Kumarage, S.North Colombo diverticular disease snap shot audit (VISTA study): a collaborative research initiative.  The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2023; 41(1): 21-25.
  31. Chang, T.; Wijeyekoon, R.; Keshavaraj, A.; Ranawaka, U.;Senanayake, S.; Ratnayake, P.; Senanayake, B.; Caldera, M.C.; Pathirana, G.; Sirisena, D.; Wanigasinghe, J.; Gunatilake, S.; ASN COVID-19 Study Group. Neurological disorders associated with COVID-19 in Sri Lanka. BMC Neurology.2023;23(1):3510
  32. Dabare, P.; Wickramasinghe, P.; Waidyatilaka, I.; Devi, S.; Kurpad, A.V.; Samaranayake, D.; de Lanerolle-Dias, M.;Wickremasinghe, R.; Hills, A.P.; Lanerolle, P. Prediction equation for physical activity energy expenditure in 11-13-year-old Sri Lankan children. 2023;15(4):906.
  33. Dayasiri, Abrew, G.; Samaraweera, S.; Thadchanamoorthy, V. A rare case of abrupt onset vascular lump in the newborn; neonatal kaposiform haemangioendothelioma. Batticaloa Medical Journal.2023;17(1):40-43.
  34. Dayasiri, Abrew, G.; Thadchanamoorthy, V. Button battery ingestion in a child: is it always necessary to perform urgent endoscopy. Batticaloa Medical Journal.2023;17(1):28-30.
  35. Dayasiri, K.; Rao, S. Fifteen-minute consultation: Evaluation of Paediatric Torticollis. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Education and Practice Edition. 2023; 108 (1):17-21. [Epub 2021 Nov 19].
  36. Dayasiri, K.; Rao, S. Fifteen-minute update: International normalised ratio as the treatment end point in children with acute paracetamol poisoning. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Education and Practice Edition. 2023;108(3):181-183. [Epub 2021 8]
  37. Dayasiri, K.Thadchanamoorthy, V. Metatropic dysplasia; A case report. Batticaloa Medical Journal.2023;17(1):37-39.
  38. Dayasiri, K.; Thadchanamoorthy, V.; Jansz, M.; Dassanayake, S.; Anand, G. Epidemiology of acute poisoning among children in urban Sri Lanka: the experience of two tertiary care hospitals in Colombo district. Jaffna Medical Journal. 2023; 35(1): 7-9.
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  41. Muthukuda, D.T.; Wijenayake, U.N.; Afsana, F.; Kottahachchi, D.; Punchihewa, P.G.; Premadasa, B.A.M.; Ali, S.S.; Moazzam, A.; Shaikh, S.S.; Shreshtha, D.; Karuppiah, D.; Bajaj, S. Future of endocrinology – The role of the female physician. Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism.2023;14(2):3-5
  42. Nandasena, S.; Gamage, A.U.; Periyasamy, N.; Rismy, M.; Balachandran, K.; Kasturiratne, A. The impact of COVID-19 on health care accessibility and financial risk protection in Sri Lanka. The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2023; 68(S1):27-33.
  43. Ngwe, T.M.M.; Raini, S.K.; Fernando, L.; Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S.; Inoue, S.; Takamatsu, Y.; Urano, T.; Muthugala, R.; Hapugoda, M.; Morita, K. Epidemiological evidence of acute transmission of zika virus infection in dengue suspected patients in Sri-Lanka. Journal of Infection and Public Health. 2023; 16(9): 1435-1442.
  44. Nimana, K.V.H.; Senevirathne, A.M.D.S.R.U.; Pirannavan, R.; Fernando, M.P.S.; Liyanage, U.A.; Salvin, K.A.; Malalasekera, A.P.; Mathangasinghe, Y.; Anthony, D.J.  Anatomical landmarks for ankle block. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2023; 18(1): 665.
  45. Niriella, M.A.; Dassanayake, U.; de Silva, H.J. 'Mistakes in managing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and how to avoid them'. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2023; 58(3) :223-226. [Epub 2022 Sep 16]
  46. Niriella, M.A.;Dassanayake, U.; de Silva, H.JMistakes in managing hepatocellular carcinoma and how to avoid them: a narrative review.  Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2023;17(9):913-919. [Epub 2023 Sep 7.]
  47. Niriella, M.A.; Ediriweera, D.S.; Withanage, M.Y.; Darshika, S.; de Silva, Silva, H.J. Prevalence and associated factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among adults in the South Asian Region: a meta-analysis. The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia. 2023; 100220.
  48. Nishad, A.A.N.; Pathman, M.; Uwyse, S.A.; Mendis, A.; Abeysundara, P.K.; de Silva, A.P. Pseudoainhum associated with lepromatous leprosy: A very rare association in modern world. International Journal of Dermatology and Venereology.2023;6(2):110-111.
  49. Nonis, D.; Unicomb, R.; Hewat, S. Stuttering management practices in Sri Lanka: A mixed method study. Journal of Fluency Disorders.2023;76:105973. [ Epub 2023 March 31]
  50. Padeniya, P.; Ediriweera, D.; de Silva, A.P.; Niriella, M.; Premawardhena, A. The association between steatosis and liver damage in transfusion-dependent beta thalassaemia patients. British Journal of Haematology.2023; 200(4):517-523. [Epub 2022 Oct 4].
  51. Pandian, J.D.; Srivastava, M.V.P.; Aaron, S.; Ranawaka, U.K.; Venketasubramanian, N.; Sebastian, I.A.; Injety, R.J.; Gandhi, D.B.C.; Chawla, N.S.; Vijayanand, P.J.; Rangamani, S.; Kalkonde, Y.V. The burden, risk factors and unique etiologies of stroke in South-East Asia Region (SEAR). The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia.2023;17:100290.
  52. Parameswaran, R.; de Jong, M.C.; Kit, J.L.W.; Sek, K.; Nam, T.Q.; Thang, T.V.; Khue, N.T.; Aye, T.T.; Tun, P.M.; Cole, T.; Miller, J.A.; Villa, M.; Khiewvan, B.; Sirinvaravong, S.; Sin, Y.L.; Muhammad, R.; Jap, T.S.; Agrawal, A.; Rajput, R.; Fernando, R.; Sumanatilleke, M.; Suastika, K.; Shong, Y.K.; Lang, B.; Bartalena, L.; Yang, S.P.; Asian Graves Consortium Study. 2021 Asia-Pacific Graves' Disease consortium survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of graves' disease 2023;79(1):135-142. [Epub 2022 Sep 21]
  53. Patabendige, M.; Kodithuwakku, S.U.; Perera, M.N.I.; Dias, T. Fetal echocardiographic assessment: impact of gestational age and maternal obesity. Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2023;15(4):377-381.
  54. Pathiraja, H.; Dayasiri, K. Primary mediastinal diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma presenting with pyrexia of unknown origin in a 13-year-old boy – A case report. Batticaloa Medical Journal.2023;17(1):44-46.
  55. Pathiraja, H.; de Livera, R.; Wickramaratne, S.; Perera, S.; Mugunthan, M.S.; Mettananda, SHemitruncus arteriosus: A rare congenital cardiac anomaly diagnosed and treated during the neonatal period. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health.2023;52(2):239-241.
  56. Pathirana, T.; Wang, Y.; Martiny, F.; Copp, T.; Kumar, R.; Mendis, K.; Tang, J. Perspectives from China, India and Sri Lanka on the drivers and potential solutions to overuse and overdiagnosis. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine.2023;28(2):85-88. [Epub 2022 Aug 12]
  57. Perera, S.; Abeysena, C. Development and assessment of psychometric properties of model medication adherence (MMA) questionnaire to measure adherence to oral medication among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka.2023;29(1):6-18
  58. Perera, M. N. Empowering women via public health. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka.2023;29(1):3-5.
  59. Pilapitiya, S.; Jayasinghe, S.; Silva, A.; Wickremasinghe, R.; Paranagama, P.; de Silva, J.;Lekamwasam, S.; Kularatne, S.A.M.; Wanigasuriya, K.; Kaluthota, S.; Sumathipala, S.; Rathnnasooriya, C.; Siribaddana, S. Approach to study the efficacy and safety of new complementary and alternative medicine formulations: Lesson during COVID-19 from Sri Lanka. WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health.2023;12(1):57-62.
  60. Prasanna, S.A.S.; Abeysena, H.T.C.S.; Alagiyawanna, M.A.A.P. Development and validation of the interpersonal communication assessment tool for assessing the interpersonal communication skills of public health midwives. BMC Health Services Research. 2023;23(1):539. 
  61. Premathilaka, R.; Darshana, T.; Ekanayake, C.; Chathurangani, K.C.; Mendis, I.; Perinparajah, S.; Shashiprabha, M.; Nishshanka, S.; Tilakaratna, Y.;Premawardhena, A. Pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) and the cost of care in a tertiary care institute in Sri Lanka. BMC Health Services Research.2023;23(1):177.
  62. Premawardhena, A.;de Silva, S.; Rajapaksha, M.; Ratnamalala, V.; Nallarajah, J.; Galappatthy, G. Myocardial infarction in patients with severe beta thalassaemia: A case series. International Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2023;16(1):16.
  63. Quah, P.L.; Loo, B.K.G.; Mettananda, S.; Dassanayake, S.; Chia, M.Y.H.; Chua, T.B.K.; Tan, T.S.Z.; Chan, P.C.; But, B.W.; Fu, A.C.; Wong, S.M.; Nagano, N.; Morioka, I.; Kumar, S.; Nair, M.K.C.; Tan, K.H. 24 h activity guidelines in children and adolescents: A prevalence survey in Asia-Pacific cities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(14):6403.
  64. Rajapaksha, N.U.; Abeysena, C.; Balasuriya, A.; Wijesinghe, M.S.D.; Manilgama, S.; Alemu, Y.A. Incidence management system of the healthcare institutions for disaster management in Sri Lanka. BMC Emergency Medicine.2023;23(1):6.
  65. Rajapaksha, R.M.N.U.;Abeysena, C.; Balasuriya, A. Health seeking behaviours, dengue prevention behaviours and community capacity for sustainable dengue prevention in a highly dengue endemic area, Sri Lanka. BMC Public Health.2023;23(1):507.
  66. Rajapaksha, S.; Kitulwatte, I.; Senarathne, U.; Edirisinghe, A.; Perera, P. The establishment of a population-specific reference value for the ruler drop test for the clinical assessment of reaction time. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine.2023;96:102525. [Epub 2023 Apr. 21] 
  67. Rajeeth, G.; Tilakaratne, S.; Siriwardana, R.C. The hidden threat of uncontrollable bleeding from the gallbladder bed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports.2023;112:108957
  68. Rajindrajith, S.; Devanarayana, N.M.; Thapar, N.; Benninga, M.A. Myths and misconceptions about childhood constipation. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2023; 182(4):1447-1458. [Epub 2023 Jan 23]
  69. Rajindrajith, S.; Hathagoda, W.; Ganewatte, E.; Devanarayana, N.M.; Thapar, N.; Benninga, M. Imaging in pediatric disorders of the gut-brain interactions: current best practice and future directions. (Taylor and Francis Group, 2023)
  70. Ralalage, B.M.S.K.P.; Kaluarachchi, N.; Randunu, M.; Jainulabdeen, M.; Nanthakumar, R.; Viswakula, S.; Galhena, B.P. Validation of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay using an analyte-specific reagent in detecting aneuploidies of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y in prenatal diagnosis. OBM Genetics.2023;7(12023)
  71. Rathnasiri, A.; Mettananda, SScreen time of Sri Lankan pre-schoolers. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health; 2023:52(2):256.
  72. Reyal, H.P.; Perera, M.N.; Guruge, D. Community perceptions on intimate partner violence: A qualitative study from Sri Lanka. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2023; 35(2-3):121-128 [Epub 2023 Jan 31]
  73. Rodrigo, A.; Abayabandara, H.T. Validation of the Sinhala version of Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. Journal of Audiology and Otology. 2023; 27(3): 128-132. [Epub 2023 Jun 22].
  74. Rohanachandra, Y.M.; Chandradasa, M.; Dahanayake, D.M.A. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in a lower-middle income country: A survey from Sri Lanka. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2023; 69(2): 514-515 [Epub 2022 Jul 1].
  75. Rohanachandra, Y.M.; Dahanayake, D.M.A.; Chandradasa, M. What is stopping Early Career Psychiatrists (ECPs) from doing research in Sri Lanka? Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;82: 103466. [Epub 2023 Jan 16]
  76. Saeed, F.; Chandradasa, M.; Tajik Esmaeeli, S.; Shoib, S The alarming development of online gambling in Iranian women during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Gambling Studies.2023. [Epub 2023 Jan 24]
  77. Sandakelum, U.; Samararathna, R.; Kumarasiri, I.; Balasubramaniam, R.; Mettananda, S. Cross-fused right-to-left renal ectopia presenting as hypertension in a threeyear-old. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2023; 52(2):245-248.
  78. Sanseevan, H.; Manivannan, S.; Thagshanaa, C.; Gayathri, S.; Dayasiri, M. B. K. C.; Srisaravanapavathan, N.; Nawarathne, M. V. D. Right adrenal hematoma causing partial small bowel obstruction in a term neonate. Jaffna Medical Journal. 2023; 35(1): 41-43.
  79. Samarasinghe, S.M.; Hewage, A.S.; Siriwardana, R.; Tennekoon, K.H.; Niriella, M.A.; de Silva, S. Genetic and metabolic aspects of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) pathogenicity. Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics.2023;24:53.
  80. Senanayake, H.P.; de Silva, S.T. Simultaneous presentation of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and tuberculous spondylitis: a case report. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians.2023;54(2):122–126.
  81. Senarathne, S.; Rajapakse, S.; de Silva, H.J.; Seneviratne, S.; Chulasiri, P.; Fernando, D. The first reported case of co-infection of imported hepatitis E and Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases.2023;13(2):E47 1-5.
  82. Senevirathne, S.A.M.D.R.U.; Nimana, H.K.V.; Pirannavan, R.; Fernando, P.; Salvin, K.A.; Liyanage, U.A.; Malalasekera, A.P.; Mathangasinghe, Y.; Anthony, D.J. Anatomic description of the distal great saphenous vein to facilitate peripheral venous access during resuscitation: a cadaveric study. Patient Safety in Surgery.2023;17(1):2.
  83. Seneviratne, S.; Fernando, D.; Chulasiri, P.; Gunasekera, K.; Thenuwara, N.; Aluthweera, C.; Wijesundara, A.; Fernandopulle, R.; Mendis, K.; Wickremasinghe, R.A malaria death due to an imported Plasmodium falciparum infection in Sri Lanka during the prevention of re-establishment phase of malaria. Malaria Journal. 2023; 22(1): 243.
  84. Sharma, H.; Dar, T.A.; Wijayasinghe, Y.S.; Sahoo, D.; Poddar, N.K. Nano-osmolyte conjugation: Tailoring the osmolyte-protein interactions at the nanoscale. American Chemical Society Omega.2023;8(50):47367-47379.
  85. Shoib, S.; Amanda, T.W.; Saeed, F.; Ransing, R.; Bhandari, S.S.; Armiya'u, A.Y.; Gürcan, A.; Chandradasa, M. Association between loneliness and suicidal behaviour: A scoping review.Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi -Turkish Journal of Psychiatry. 2023; 34(2): 125-132.
  86. Shoib, S.; Hussaini, S.S.; Armiya'u, A.Y.; Saeed, F.; Őri, D.; Roza, T.H.; Gürcan, A.; Agrawal, A.; Solerdelcoll, M.; Lucero-Prisno Iii, D.E.; Nahidi, M.; Swed, S.; Ahmed, S.; Chandradasa, M. Prevention of suicides associated with global warming: perspectives from early career psychiatrists. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2023;14: 1251630
  87. Shoib, S.; Khan, M.A.; Javed, S.; Das, S.; Chandradasa, M.; Soron, T.R.; Saeed, F. A possible link between air pollution and suicide? L'Encéphale.2023; 49(1): 94-95.[Epub 2021 Dec 14].
  88. Shoib, S.; Zaidi, I.; Saeed, F.; Banerjee, D.; Swed, S.; Chandradasa, MMental health insurance reform in India. Lancet Psychiatry. 2023; 10(9): 660-662. [Epub 2023 Jul 17].
  89. Singh, V.; De, A.; Mehtani, R.; Angeli, P.; Maiwall, R.; Satapathy, S.; Singal, A.K.; Saraya, A.; Sharma, B.C.; Eapen, C.E.; Rao, P.N.; Shukla, A.; Shalimar; Choudhary, N.S.; Alcantara-Payawal, D.; Arora, V.; Aithal, G.; Kulkarni, A.; Roy, A.; Shrestha, A.; Mamun, A.M.; Niriella, M.A.; Siam, T.S.; Zhang, C.Q.; Huei, L.G.; Yu, M.L.; Roberts, S.K.; Peng, C.Y.; Chen, T.; George, J.; Wong, V.; Yilmaz, Y.; Treeprasertsuk, S.; Kurniawan, J.; Kim, S.U.; Younossi, Z.M.; Sarin, S.K. Asia-Pacific association for study of liver guidelines on management of ascites in liver disease. Hepatology International. 2023;17(4):792-826. [Epub 2023 May 26] 
  90. Singh, S.P.; Duseja, A.; Mahtab, M.A.; Anirvan, P.; Acharya, S.K.; Akbar, S.M.F.; Butt, A.S.; Dassanayake, A.; De, A.; Dhakal, G.P.; Hamid, S.; Madan, K.; Panigrahi, M.K.; Rao, P.N.; Saigal, S.; Satapathy, S.K.; Shalimar; Shrestha, A.; Shukla, A.; Sudhamshu, K.C.; Wijewantha, H. INASL-SAASL consensus statements on NAFLD name change to MAFLD. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology.2023;13(3):518-522.
  91. Siriwardana, R.C. We report you decide. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery.2023;41(3):39-40.
  92. Siriwardana, S.; Abeysuriya, V. Radiological investigations in nephrolithiasis and: a narrative review. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery.2023;41(3):51-57.
  93. Somasundaram, D.; Jayasuriya, R.; Perera, R.; Thamotharampillai, U.; Wickremasinghe, R.; Tay, A.K. Effect of daily stressors and collective efficacy on post-traumatic stress symptoms among internally displaced persons in post-war northern Sri Lanka. British Journal of Psychiatry Open.2023;9(6):e18
  94. Sooreakumar, A.; Dissanayake, D.M.D.T.; Wijenayake, W.; Bandara, P.K.B.U.C.; Dayasiri, K.; Mettananda, S. Hypopharyngeal foreign body impaction presenting late as acute onset torticollis due to retropharyngeal abscess formation in a child. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health.2023:52(4):496-498
  95. Thadchanamoorthy, V; Dayasiri, K.; Ragunathan, I.R. Atypical Kawasaki disease presenting with macroscopic hematuria in an infant: a case report.Journal of Medical Case Reports.2023;17(1):10.
  96. Thayyil, S.; Montaldo, P.; Krishnan, V.; Ivain, P.; Pant, S.; Lally, P.J.; Bandiya, P.; Benkappa, N.; Kamalaratnam, C.N.; Chandramohan, R.; Manerkar, S.; Mondkar, J.; Jahan, I.; Moni, S.C.; Shahidullah, M.; Rodrigo, R.; Sumanasena, S.; Sujatha, R.; Burgod, C.; Garegrat, R.; Mazlan, M.; Chettri, I.; Babu, S.P.; Joshi, A.R.; Swamy, R.; Chong, K.; Pressler, R.R.; Bassett, P.; Shankaran, S. Whole-body hypothermia, cerebral magnetic resonance biomarkers, and outcomes in neonates with moderate or severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy born at tertiary care centers vs other facilities: A nested study within a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open. 2023 ;6(5): e2312152.
  97. Tissera, H.; Dheerasinghe, D.S.A.F.; Malavige, N.; de Silva, H.A.; Morrison, A.C.; Scott, T.W.; Reiner, R.C. Jr.; Grieco, J.P.; Achee, N.L. A cluster-randomized, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a spatial repellent (Mosquito Shield™) against Aedes-borne virus infection among children ≥ 4-16 years of age in the Gampaha District, Sri Lanka: study protocol (the AEGIS program).2023;24(1):9.
  98. Vijayakumar, V.; Dayasiri, K.; Thadchanamoorthy, V.; Gunathilake, M.D.A.S. Two cases of “Rusty pipe syndrome”; a potential barrier for establishment of breastfeeding. Batticaloa Medical Journal.2023;17(1):47-49.
  99. Wang, N.; Rueter, P.; Atkins, E.; Webster, R.; Huffman, M.; de Silva, A.; Chow, C.; Patel, A.; Rodgers, A. Efficacy and safety of low-dose triple and quadruple combination pills vs monotherapy, usual care, or placebo for the initial management of hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis.JAMA Cardiology. 2023; e230720. [Epub 2023 Apr. 26].
  100. Weerasekera, C.J.; Menike, C.W.; Anpahalan, J.P.; Senevirathne, S.A.A.; Perera, N.; de Silva, N.R.; Wickremasinghe, D.R. Incidental diagnosis of strongyloidiasis in a patient with hepatic metastasis. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases.2023;13(2):E46 1
  101. Weerasinghe, M.; Jobe, L.; Konradsen, F.; Eddleston, M.; Pearson, M.; Jayamanne, S.; Hawton, K.; Gunnell, D.; Agampodi, S. Differences in the characteristics of people who purchase pesticides from shops for self-harm versus those who use pesticides available in the domestic environment in Sri Lanka. Tropical Medicine & International Health.2023;28(12):901-911 [Epub 2023 Oct 23]
  102. Welage, N.;Bissett, M.; Coxon, K.; Fong, K.N.K.; Liu, K.P.Y. Development and feasibility of first- and third-person motor imagery for people with stroke living in the community. Pilot and Feasibility Studies.2023;9(1):33.
  103. Welhenge, C.; Ranasinghe, R.; Rajapakse, S.; Premawardhena, A. Extensive systemic thrombo-embolism including intra-cardiac thrombosis mimicking an atrial myxoma in a patient with beta thalassaemia major - a case report. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders.2023;23(1):532.
  104. Wickramasinghe, N.; Thuraisingham, A.; Jayalath, A.; Wickramasinghe, D.; Samarasekara, N.; Yazaki, E.; Devanarayana, N.M. The association between symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease and perceived stress: A countrywide study of Sri Lanka. PLoS One.2023;18(11):e0294135.
  105. Wickremasinghe, A.R. Elimination of malaria from Sri Lanka and beyond; lessons for other countries in elimination phase. The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2023; 68(S1):39-45.
  106. Wijerathna, T.; Gunathilaka, N. Time series analysis of leishmaniasis incidence in Sri Lanka: evidence for humidity-associated fluctuations. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2023; 67(2):275-284. [Epub 2022 Nov 15]
  107. Wijerathna, T.; Wickramasinghe, K.; Gunathilaka, N.; Perera, A.; Bandara, The epidemiological trend of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Kegalle district, Sri Lanka: A newly established disease focus and assessment of bioclimatic suitability for disease establishment using ecological niche modelling.Acta Tropica.2023;237:106719. [Epub 2022 Oct 23].
  108. Wijesinghe, C.; Chandradasa, M.; Ranwella, P.; Samaranayake, A.; Wickrama, P.; Gamage, N.; Siriwardane, G.; Goonathilake, N.; Perera, S.; Dahanayake, D.; Mendis, J.; Kapila, R. Survey on the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 on the Sri Lankan mental healthcare system and the needs of frontline healthcare workers in the post-covid era. The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2023; 68(S1): 21-26.
  109. Wijesinghe, K.; Lunuwila, S.; Gamage, H.; Gooneratne, T.; Munasinghe, B.N.L.;Harikrishanth, S.; Nandasena, M.; Perera, N.; Jayarajah, U. Medical students' perception and attitudes on operating theatre learning experience in Sri Lanka. Surgery Open Science.2023;15:12-18.
  110. Wijesinghe, T.; Gunathilaka, N.; Mendis, S.; Udayanga, L. Assessment of knowledge and attitude towards the palliative care among nurses in Sri Lanka: A hospital- based study. Journal of Palliative Care.2023; 38(3):345-354.[Epub 2023 Feb 5].
  111. Williams, S.S.Medagedara, A.U.;de Silva, H.A. Pharmacoeconomics amidst a financial crisis. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry.2023;14(1):9-11
  112. Wong, Z.Y.; Daher, A.M.; Pathirage, K.; Lim, K.G. Positivity towards virtual learning is associated with higher self-rated clinical competency. Medical Teacher. 2023;45(7):789. [Epub 2023 Jan 27]
  113. Wong, B.H.; Cross, S.; Zavaleta-Ramírez, P.; Bauda, I.; Hoffman, P.; Ibeziako, P.; Nussbaum, L.; Berger, G.E.; Hassanian-Moghaddam, H.; Kapornai, K.; Mehdi, T.; Tolmac, J.; Barrett, E.; Romaniuk, L.; Davico, C.; Moghraby, O.S.; Ostrauskaite, G.; Chakrabarti, S.; Carucci, S.; Sofi, G.; Hussain, H.; Lloyd, A.S.K.; McNicholas, F.; Meadowcroft, B.; Rao, M.; Csábi, G.; Gatica-Bahamonde, G.; Öğütlü, H.; Skouta, E.; Elvins, R.; Boege, I.; Dahanayake, D.M.A.; Anderluh, M.; Chandradasa, M.; Girela-Serrano, B.M.; Uccella, S.; Stevanovic, D.; Lamberti, M.; Piercey, A.; Nagy, P.; Mehta, V.S.; Rohanachandra, Y.; Li, J.; Tufan, A.E.; Mirza, H.; Rozali, F.; Baig, B.J.; Noor, I.M.; Fujita, S.; Gholami, N.; Hangül, Z.; Vasileva, A.; Salucci, K.; Bilaç, Ö.; Yektaş, Ç.; Cansız, M.A.; Aksu, G.G.; Babatunde, S.; Youssef, F.; Al-Huseini, S.; Kılıçaslan, F.; Kutuk, M.O.; Pilecka, I.; Bakolis, I.; Ougrin, D. Self-harm in children and adolescents who presented at emergency units during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international retrospective cohort study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2023;62(9):998-1009. [Epub 2023 Feb 16].
  114. Xie, W.; Mridha, M.K.; Gupta, A.; Kusuma, D.; Butt, A.M.; Hasan, M.; Brage, S.; Loh, M.; Khawaja, K.I.; Pradeepa, R.; Jha, V.; Kasturiratne, A.; Katulanda, P.; Anjana, R.M.; Chambers, J.C. Smokeless and combustible tobacco use among 148,944 South Asian adults: a cross-sectional study of South Asia Biobank. BMC Public Health.2023;23(1):2465






Publications in peer reviewed journals (2022)

  1. Abayabandara-Hearth, T.; Premaratne, I.; Ediriweera, D.; Chandrathilake, M.; Hapangama, APsychological impact of COVID-19 among a cohort of Sri Lankan medical students: Preliminary results. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry.2022; 13(1):48–50.
  2. Abeysuriya, V.;Dodampahala, S.H. Gallstone-related complications and evidence base treatments. A scoop review. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2022;44(3):159–163.
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C.; Pitsillides, A.; Hottenga, J.J.; Wood, A.R.; Ji, Y.; Gao, Z.; Haworth, S.; Yousri, N.A.; Mitchell, R.E.; Chai, J.F.; Aadahl, M.; Bjerregaard, A.A.; Yao, J.; Manichaikul, A.; Hwu, C.M.; Hung, Y.J.; Warren, H.R.; Ramirez, J.; Bork-Jensen, J.; Kårhus, L.L.; Goel, A.; Sabater-Lleal, M.; Noordam, R.; Mauro, P.; Matteo, F.; McDaid, A.F.; Marques-Vidal, P.; Wielscher, M.; Trompet, S.; Sattar, N.; Møllehave, L.T.; Munz, M.; Zeng, L.; Huang, J.; Yang, B.; Poveda, A.; Kurbasic, A.; Lamina, C.; Forer, L.; Scholz, M.; Galesloot, T.E.; Bradfield, J.P.; Ruotsalainen, S.E.; Daw, E.; Zmuda, J.M.; Mitchell, J.S.; Fuchsberger, C.; Christensen, H.; Brody, J.A.; Vazquez-Moreno, M.; Feitosa, M.F.; Wojczynski, M.K.; Wang, Z.; Preuss, M.H.; Mangino, M.; Christofidou, P.; Verweij, N.; Benjamins, J.W.; Engmann, J.; Tsao, N.L.; Verma, A.; Slieker, R.C.; Lo, K.S.; Zilhao, N.R.; Le, P.; Kleber, M.E.; Delgado, G.E.; Huo, S.; Ikeda, D.D.; Iha, H.; Yang, J.; Liu, J.; Demirkan, A.; Leonard, H.L.; Marten, J.; Frank, M.; Schmidt, B.; Smyth, L.J.; Cañadas-Garre, M.; Wang, C.; Nakatochi, M.; Wong, A.; Hutri-Kähönen, N.; Lyssenko, V.; Fernandez-Lopez, J.C.; Huerta-Chagoya, A.; Xia, R.; Sim, X.; Nongmaithem, S.S.; Bayyana, S.; Stringham, H.M.; Irvin, M.R.; Oldmeadow, C.; Kim, H.N.; Ryu, S.; Timmers, P,R,H,J,; Arbeeva, L.; Dorajoo, R.; Lange, L.A.; Prasad, G.; Lorés-Motta, L.; Pauper, M.; Long, J.; Li, X.; Theusch, E.; Takeuchi, F.; Spracklen, C.N.; Loukola, A.; Bollepalli, S.; Warner, S.C.; Wang, Y.X.; Wei, W.B.; Nutile, T.; Ruggiero, D.; Sung, Y.J.; Chen, S.; Liu, F.; Yang, J.; Kentistou, K.A.; Banas, B.; Nardone, G.G.; Meidtner, K.; Bielak, L.F.; Smith, J.A.; Hebbar, P.; Farmaki, A.E.; Hofer, E.; Lin, M.; Concas, M.P.; Vaccargiu, S.; van der Most, P.J.; Pitkänen, N.; Cade, B.E.; van der Laan, S.W.; Chitrala, K.N.; Weiss, S.; Bentley, A.R.; Doumatey, A.P.; Adeyemo, A.A.; Lee, J.Y.; Petersen, E.R.B.; Nielsen, A.A.; Choi, H.S.; Nethander, M.; Freitag-Wolf, S.; Southam, L.; Rayner, N.W.; Wang, C.A.; Lin, S.Y.; Wang, J.S.; Couture, C.; Lyytikäinen, L.P.; Nikus, K.; Cuellar-Partida, G.; Vestergaard, H.; Hidalgo, B.; Giannakopoulou, O.; Cai, Q.; Obura, M.O.; van Setten, J.; Li, X.; Liang, J.; Tang, H.; Terzikhan, N.; Shin, J.H.; Jackson, R.D.; Reiner, A.P.; Martin, L.W.; Chen, Z.; Li, L.; Kawaguchi, T.; Thiery, J.; Bis, J.C.; Launer, L.J.; Li, H.; Nalls, M.A.; Raitakari, O.T.; Ichihara, S.; Wild, S.H.; Nelson, C.P.; Campbell, H.; Jäger, S.; Nabika, T.; Al-Mulla, F.; Niinikoski, H.; Braund, P.S.; Kolcic, I.; Kovacs, P.; Giardoglou, T.; Katsuya, T.; de Kleijn, D.; de Borst, G.J.; Kim, E.K.; Adams, H.H.H.; Ikram, M.A.; Zhu, X.; Asselbergs, F.W.; Kraaijeveld, A.O.; Beulens, J.W.J.; Shu, X.O.; Rallidis, L.S.; Pedersen, O.; Hansen, T.; Mitchell, P.; Hewitt, A.W.; Kähönen, M.; Pérusse, L.; Bouchard, C.; Tönjes, A.; Chen, Y.I.; Pennell, C.E.; Mori, T.A.; Lieb, W.; Franke, A.; Ohlsson, C.; Mellström, D.; Cho, Y.S.; Lee, H.; Yuan, J.M.; Koh, W.P.; Rhee, S.Y.; Woo, J.T.; Heid, I.M.; Stark, K.J.; Zimmermann, M.E.; Völzke, H.; Homuth, G.; Evans, M.K.; Zonderman, A.B.; Polasek, O.; Pasterkamp, G.; Hoefer, I.E.; Redline, S.; Pahkala, K.; Oldehinkel, A.J.; Snieder, H.; Biino, G.; Schmidt, R.; Schmidt, H.; Bandinelli, S.; Dedoussis, G.; Thanaraj, T.A.; Kardia, S.L.R.; Peyser, P.A.; Kato, N.; Schulze, M.B.; Girotto, G.; Böger, C.A.; Jung, B.; Joshi, P.K.; Bennett, D.A.; de Jager, P.L.; Lu, X.; Mamakou, V.; Brown, M.; Caulfield, M.J.; Munroe, P.B.; Guo, X.; Ciullo, M.; Jonas, J.B.; Samani, N.J.; Kaprio, J.; Pajukanta, P.; Tusié-Luna, T.; Aguilar-Salinas, C.A.; Adair, L.S.; Bechayda, S.A.; de Silva, H.J.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.; Krauss, R.M.; Wu, J.Y.; Zheng, W.; Hollander, A.I.; Bharadwaj, D.; Correa, A.; Wilson, J.G.; Lind, L.; Heng, C.K.; Nelson, A.E.; Golightly, Y.M.; Wilson, J.F.; Penninx, B.; Kim, H.L.; Attia, J.; Scott, R.J.; Rao, D.C.; Arnett, D.K.; Hunt, S.C.; Walker, M.; Koistinen, H.A.; Chandak, G.R.; Mercader, J.M.; Costanzo, M.C.; Jang, D.; Burtt, N.P.; Villalpando, C.G.; Orozco, L.; Fornage, M.; Tai, E.; van Dam, R.M.; Lehtimäki, T.; Chaturvedi, N.; Yokota, M.; Liu, J.; Reilly, D.F.; McKnight, A.J.; Kee, F.; Jöckel, K.H.; McCarthy, M.I.; Palmer, C.N.A.; Vitart, V.; Hayward, C.; Simonsick, E.; van Duijn, C.M.; Jin, Z.B.; Qu, J.; Hishigaki, H.; Lin, X.; März, W.; Gudnason, V.; Tardif, J.C.; Lettre, G.; Hart, L.M.; Elders, P.J.M.; Damrauer, S.M.; Kumari, M.; Kivimaki, M.; van der Harst, P.; Spector, T.D.; Loos, R.J.F.; Province, M.A.; Parra, E.J.; Cruz, M.; Psaty, B.M.; Brandslund, I.; Pramstaller, P.P.; Rotimi, C.N.; Christensen, K.; Ripatti, S.; Widén, E.; Hakonarson, H.; Grant, S.F.A.; Kiemeney, L.A.L.M.; de Graaf, J.; Loeffler, M.; Kronenberg, F.; Gu, D.; Erdmann, J.; Schunkert, H.; Franks, P.W.; Linneberg, A.; Jukema, J.W.; Khera, A.V.; Männikkö, M.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Kutalik, Z.; Francesco, C.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; van Dijk, K.W.; Watkins, H.; Strachan, D.P.; Grarup, N.; Sever, P.; Poulter, N.; Chuang, L.M.; Rotter, 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  191. Silva, R.; Amarasinghe, D.; Perera, S.; Premawardhena, A.A Systematic review on diagnostic methods of red cell membrane disorders in Asia.  International Journal of Laboratory Hematology.2022; 44(2):248-262. [Epub 2022 Jan 23].
  192. Singh, S.P.; Anirvan, P.; Butt, A.S.; Shrestha, A.; Dassanayake, A.S.; Shaikh, B.A.; Mahtab, M.A. NAFLD vs MAFLD: South Asian NAFLD patients don't favor name change.  Euroasian Journal of Hepato-Gastroenterology.2022;12(Suppl 1): S1-S4.
  193. Siriwardana, R.C; Gunetilleke, B.; Jayatunge, S.; Weerasooriya, A.; Niriella, M.A.; Dassanayake, A.S.; Ranaweera, S.P.; Tillakaratne, S.B. The long-term quality of life following liver transplantation in a developing country with a free health care system. Ceylon Medical Journal.2022;67(3):89–93.
  194. Sunil-Chandra, N.P.S.; Fahlman, A.; Waidyarathna, S.; Näslund, J.; Jayasundara, M.V.M.L.; Wesula, L.O.; Bucht, G. Evidence of orthohantavirus and leptospira infections in small mammals in an endemic area of Gampaha district in Sri Lanka.  One Health Outlook.2022;4(1):17.
  195. Suriapperuma, T.; Randeny, S.; Mettananda, S. Kagami-Ogata syndrome: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports.2022;16(1):284.
  196. Tandon, N.; Gupta, Y.; Kapoor, D.; Lakshmi, J.K.; Praveen, D.; Bhattacharya, A.; Billot, L.; Naheed, A.; de Silva, A.; Gupta, I.; Farzana, N.; John, R.; Ajanthan, S.; Divakar, H.; Bhatla, N.; Desai, A.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Prabhakaran, D.; Joshi, R.; Jan, S.; Teede, H.; Zoungas, S.; Patel, A.; LIVING Collaborative Group. Effects of a lifestyle intervention to prevent deterioration in glycemic status among South Asian women with recent gestational diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open. 2022; 5(3): e220773.
  197. Thadchanamoorthy, V.; Dayasiri, K.Unexplained Tachypneoa and severe metabolic acidosis in a three-month-old child: A rare presentation of Beta-Ketothiolose Deficiency. Curē2022;14(2): e21934. [eCollection 2022 Feb].
  198. Thadchanamoorthy, V.; Dayasiri, K. Expanded dengue syndrome presenting with acute liver failure, acute kidney injury, pancreatic involvement, coagulopathy, and multiple intracranial hemorrhages in a young child: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2022;16(1): 123.
  199. Thadchanamoorthy, V.; Ganeshrajah, A.; Dayasiri, K.; Jayasekara, N.P. Acute appendicitis during the recovery phase of dengue hemorrhagic fever: two case reports. Journal of Medical Case Reports.2022;16(1):219.
  200. Thivaharan, Y.; Dias, V.; Edirisinghe, A.; Kitulwatte, I.D.G. Death of a child following a superstitious ritual of exorcism. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2022; 92: 102449. [Epub 2022 Nov 6.]
  201. Yengo L, Vedantam, S.; Marouli, E.; Sidorenko, J.; Bartell, E.; Sakaue, S.; Graff, M.; Eliasen, A.U.; Jiang, Y.; Raghavan, S.; Miao, J.; Arias, J.D.; Graham, S.E.; Mukamel, R.E.; Spracklen, C.N.; Yin, X.; Chen, S.H.; Ferreira, T.; Highland, H.H.; Ji, Y.; Karaderi. T,; Lin, K.; Lüll, K.; Malden, D.E.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Machado, M.; Moore, A.; Rüeger, S.; Sim. X,; Vrieze, S.; Ahluwalia, T.S.; Akiyama, M.; Allison, M.A.; Alvarez, M.; Andersen, M.K.; Ani, A.; Appadurai, V.; Arbeeva, L.; Bhaskar, S.; Bielak, L.F.; Bollepalli, S.; Bonnycastle, L.L.; Bork-Jensen, J.; Bradfield, J.P.; Bradford, Y.; Braund, P.S.; Brody, J.A.; Burgdorf, K.S.; Cade, B.E.; Cai, H.; Cai, Q.; Campbell, A.; Cañadas-Garre, M.; Catamo, E.; Chai, J.F.; Chai, X.; Chang, L.C.; Chen, C.H.; Chesi, A.; Choi, S.H.; Chung, R.H.; Cocca, M.; Concas, M.P.; Couture, C.; Cuellar-Partida, G.; Danning, R.; Daw, E.W.; Degenhard, F.; Delgado, G.E.; Delitala, A.; Demirkan, A.; Deng, X.; Devineni, P.; Dietl, A.; Dimitriou, M.; Dimitrov, L.; Dorajoo, R.; Ekici, A.B.; Engmann, J.E.; Fairhurst-Hunter, Z.; Farmaki, A.E.; Faul, J.D.; Fernandez-Lopez, J.C.; Forer, L.; Francescatto, M.; Freitag-Wolf, S.; Fuchsberger, C.; Galesloot, T.E.; Gao, Y.; Gao, Z.; Geller, F.; Giannakopoulou, O.; Giulianini,F.; Gjesing, A.P.; Goel, A.; Gordon, S.D.; Gorski, M.; Grove, J.; Guo, X.; Gustafsson, S.; Haessler, J.; Hansen, T.F.; Havulinna, A.S.; Haworth, S.J.; He, J.; Heard-Costa, N.; Hebbar, P.; Hindy, G.; Ho, Y.A.; Hofer, E.; Holliday, E.; Horn, K.; Hornsby, W.E.; Hottenga, J.J.; Huang, H.; Huang, J.; Huerta-Chagoya, A.; Huffman, J.E.; Hung, Y.J.; Huo, S.; Hwang, M.Y.; Ha, H.; Ikeda, D.D.; Isono, M.; Jackson, A.U.; Jäger, S.; Jansen, I.E.; Johansson, I.; Jonas, J.B.; Jonsson, A.; Jørgensen, T.; Kalafati, I.P.; Kanai, M.; Kanoni, S.; Kårhus, L.L.; Kasturiratne, A.; Katsuya, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kember, R.L.; Kentistou, K.A.; Kim, H.N.; Kim, Y.J.; Kleber, M.E.; Knol, M.J.; Kurbasic, A.; Lauzon, M.; Le, P.; Lea, R.; Lee, J.Y.; Leonard, H.L.; Li, S.A.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Liang, J.; Lin, H.; Lin, S.Y.; Liu, J.; Liu, X.; Lo, K.S.; Long, J.; Lores-Motta, L.; Luan, J.; Lyssenko, V.; Lyytikäinen, L.P.; Mahajan, A.; Mamakou, V.; Mangino, M.; Manichaikul, A.; Marten, J.,; Mattheisen, M.; Mavarani, L.; McDaid, A.F.; Meidtner, K.; Melendez, T.L.; Mercader, J.M.; Milaneschi, Y.; Miller, J.E.; Millwood, I.Y.; Mishra, P.P.; Mitchell, R.E.; Møllehave, L.T.; Morgan, A.; Mucha, S.; Munz, M.; Nakatochi, M.; Nelson, C.P.; Nethander, M.; Nho, C.W.; Nielsen, A.A.; Nolte, I.M.; Nongmaithem, S.S.; Noordam, R.; Ntalla, I.; Nutile, T.; Pandit, A.; Christofidou, P.; Pärna, K.; Pauper, M.; Petersen, E.R.B.; Petersen, L.V.; Pitkänen, N.; Polašek, O.; Poveda, A.; Preuss, M.H.; Pyarajan, S.; Raffield, L.M.; Rakugi, H.; Ramirez, J.; Rasheed, A.; Raven, D.; Rayner, N.W.; Riveros, C.; Rohde, R.; Ruggiero, D.; Ruotsalainen, S.E.; Ryan, K.A.; Sabater-Lleal, M.; Saxena, R.; Scholz, M.; Sendamarai, A.; Shen, B.; Shi, J.; Shin, J.H.; Sidore, C.; Sitlani, C.M.; Slieker, R.C.; Smit, R.A.J.; Smith, A.V.; Smith, J.A.; Smyth, L.J.; Southam, L.; Steinthorsdottir, V.; Sun, L.; Takeuchi, F.; Tallapragada, D.S.P.; Taylor, K.D.; Tayo, B.O.; Tcheandjieu, C.; Terzikhan, N.; Tesolin, P.; Teumer, A.; Theusch, E.; Thompson, D.J.; Thorleifsson, G.; Timmers, P.R.H.J.; Trompet, S.; Turman, C.; Vaccargiu, S.; van der Laan, S.W.; van der Most, P.J.; van Klinken, J.B.; van Setten, J.; Verma, S.S.; Verweij, N.; Veturi, Y.; Wang, C.A.; Wang, C.; Wang, L.; Wang, Z.; Warren, H.R.; Bin Wei, W.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.; Wielscher, M.; Wiggins, K.L.; Winsvold, B.S.; Wong, A.; Wu, Y.; Wuttke, M.; Xia, R.; Xie, T.; Yamamoto, K.; Yang, J.; Yao, J.; Young, H.; Yousri, N.A.; Yu, L.; Zeng, L.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, X.; Zhao, J.H.; Zhao. W.; Zhou, W.; Zimmermann, M.E.; Zoledziewska, M.; Adair, L.S.; Adams, H.H.H.; Aguilar-Salinas, C.A.; Al-Mulla, F.; Arnett, D.K.; Arnett, D.K.; Asselbergs, F.W.; Åsvold, B.O.; Attia, J.; Banas, B.; Bandinelli, S.; Bennett D.A.; Bergler, T.; Bharadwaj, D.; Biino, G.; Bisgaard, H.; Boerwinkle, E.; Böger, C.A.; Bønnelykke, K.; Boomsma, D.I.; Børglum, A.D.; Borja, J.B.; Bouchard, C.; Bowden, D.W.; Brandslund, I.; Brumpton, B.; Buring, J.E.; Caulfield, M.J.; Chambers, J.C.; Chandak, G.R.; Chanock, S.J.; Chaturvedi, N.; Chen, Y.I.; Chen, Z.; Cheng, C.Y.; Christophersen, I.E.; Ciullo, M.; Cole, J.W.; Collins, F.S.; Cooper, R.S.; Cruz, M.; Cucca, F.; Cupples, L.A.; Cutler, M.J.; Damrauer, S.M.; Dantoft, T.M.; de Borst, G.J.; de Groot, L.C.P.G.M.; de Jager, P.L.; de Kleijn, D.P.V.; de Silva, H.J.; Dedoussis, G.V.; den Hollander, A.I.; Du, S.; Easton, D.F.; Elders, P.J.M.; Eliassen, A.H.; Ellinor, P.T.; Elmståhl, S.; Erdmann, J.; Evans, M.K.; Fatkin, D.; Feenstra, B.; Feitosa, M.F.; Ferrucci, L.; Ford, I.; Fornage, M.; Franke, A.; Franks, P.W.; Freedman, B.I.; Gasparini, P.; Gieger, C.; Girotto, G.; Goddard, M.E.; Golightly, Y.M.; Gonzalez-Villalpando. C.; Gordon-Larsen, P.; Grallert, H.; Grant, S.F.A.; Grarup, N.; Griffiths, L.; Gudnason, V.; Haiman, C.; Hakonarson, H.; Hansen, T.; Hartman, C.A.; Hattersley, A.T.; Hayward, C.; Heckbert, S.R.; Heng, C.K.; Hengstenberg, C.; Hewitt, A.W.; Hishigaki, H.; Hoyng, C.B.; Huang, P.L.; Huang, W.; Hunt, S.C.; Hveem, K.; Hyppönen, E.; Iacono, W.G.; Ichihara, S.; Ikram, M.A.; Isasi, C.R.; Jackson, R.D.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Jin, Z.B.; Jöckel, K.H.; Joshi, P.K.; Jousilahti, P.; Jukema, J.W.; Kähönen, M.; Kamatani, Y.; Kang, K.D.; Kaprio, J.; Kardia, S.L.R.; Karpe, F.; Kato, N.; Kee, F.; Kessler, T.; Khera, A.V.; Khor, C.C.; Kiemeney, L.A.L.M.; Kim, B.J.; Kim, E.K.; Kim, H.L.; Kirchhof, P.; Kivimaki, M.; Koh, W.P.; Koistinen, H.A.; Kolovou, G.D.; Kooner, J.S.; Kooperberg, C.; Köttgen, A.; Kovacs, P.; Kraaijeveld, A.; Kraft, P.; Krauss, R.M.; Kumari, M.; Kutalik, Z.; Laakso, M.; Lange, L.A.; Langenberg, C.; Launer, L.J.; Le Marchand, L.; Lee, H.; Lee, N.R.; Lehtimäki, T.; Li, H.; Li, L.; Lieb, W.; Lin, X.; Lind, L.; Linneberg, A.; Liu, C.T.; Liu, J.; Loeffler, M.; London, B.; Lubitz, S.A.; Lye, S.J.; Mackey, D.A.; Mägi, R.; Magnusson, P.K.E.; Marcus, G.M.; Vidal, P.M.; Martin, N.G.; Martin, N.G.; Lieb, W.; Lin, X.; Lind, L.; Linneberg, A.; Liu, C.T.; Liu, J.; Loeffler, M.; London, B.; Lubitz, S.A.; Lye, S.J.; Mackey, D.A.; Mägi, R.; Mägi, R.; Magnusson, P.K.E.; Marcus, G.M.; Vidal, P.M.; Martin, N.G.; März, W.; Matsuda, F.; McGarrah, R.W.; McGue, M.; McKnight, A.J.; Medland, S.E.; Mellström, D.; Metspalu, A.; Mitchell, B.D.; Mitchell, P.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Morris, A.D.; Mucci, L.A.; Munroe, P.B.; Nalls, M.A.; Nazarian, S.; Nelson, A.E.; Neville, M.J.; Newton-Cheh, C.; Nielsen, C.S.; Nöthen, M.M.; Ohlsson, C.; Oldehinkel, A.J.; Oldehinkel, A.J.; Orozco, L.; Pahkala, K.; Pajukanta, P.; Palmer, C.N.A.; Parra, E.J.; Pattaro, C.; Pedersen, O.; Pennell, C.E.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Perusse, L.; Peters, A.; Peyser, P.A.; Porteous, D.J.; Posthuma, D.; Power, C.; Pramstaller, P.P.; Province, M.A.; Qi, Q.; Qu, J.; Rader, D.J.; Raitakari, O.T.; Ralhan, S.; Rallidis, L.S.; Rao, D.C.; Redline, S.; Reilly, D.F.; Reiner, A.P.; Rhee, S.Y.; Ridker, P.M.; Rienstra, M.; Ripatti, S.; Ritchie, M.D.; Roden, D.M.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Rotter, J.I.; Rudan, I.; Rutters, F.; Sabanayagam, C.; Saleheen, D.; Salomaa, V.; Samani, N.J.; Sanghera, D.K.; Sattar, N.; Schmidt, B.; Schmidt, H.; Schmidt, R.; Schulze, M.B.; Schunkert, H.; Scott, L.J.; Scott, R.J.; Sever, P.; Shiroma, E.J.; Shoemaker, M.B.; Shu, X.O.; Simonsick, E.M.; Sims, M.; Singh, J.R.; Singleton, A.B.; Sinner, M.F.; Smith, J.G.; Snieder, H.; Spector, T.D.; Stampfer, M.J.; Stark, K.J.; Strachan, D.P.; 't Hart, L.M.; Tabara, Y.; Tang, H.; Tardif, J.C.; Thanaraj, T.A.; Timpson, N.J.; Tönjes, A.; Tremblay, A.; Tuomi, T.; Tuomilehto, J.; Tusié-Luna, M.T.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; van Dam, R.M.; van der Harst, P.; Van der Velde, N.; van Duijn, C.M.; van Schoor, N.M.; Vitart, V.; Völker, U.; Vollenweider, P.; Völzke, H.; Wacher-Rodarte, N.H.; Walker, M.; Wang, Y.X.; Wareham, N.J.; Watanabe, R.M.; Watkins, H.; Weir, D.R.; Werge, T.M.; Widen, E.; Wilkens, L.R.; Willemsen, G.; Willett, W.C.; Wilson, J.F.; Wong, T.Y.; Woo, J.T.; Wright, A.F.; Wu, J.Y.; Xu, H.; Yajnik, C.S.; Yokota, M.; Yuan, J.M.; Zeggini, E.; Zemel, B.S.; Zheng, W.; Zhu, X.; Zmuda, J.M.; Zonderman, A.B.; Zwart, J.A.; 23andMe Research Team; VA Million Veteran Program.; DiscovEHR (DiscovEHR and MyCode Community Health Initiative).; eMERGE (Electronic Medical Records and Genomics Network).; Lifelines Cohort Study.; PRACTICAL Consortium.; Understanding Society Scientific Group.; Chasman, D.I.; Cho, Y.S.; Heid, I.M.; McCarthy, M.I.; Ng, M.C.Y.; O'Donnell, C.J.; Rivadeneira, F.; Thorsteinsdottir, U.; Sun, Y.V.; Tai, E.S.; Boehnke, M.; Deloukas, P.; Justice, A.E.; Lindgren, C.M.; Loos, R.J.F.; Mohlke, K.L.; North, K.E.; Stefansson, K.; Walters R.G.v.; Winkler, T.W.; Young, K.L.; Loh, P.R.; Yang, J.; Esko, T.; Assimes, T.L.; Auton, A.; Abecasis, G.R.; Willer, C.J.; Locke, A.E.; Berndt, S.I.; Lettre, G.; Frayling, T.M.; Frayling, T.M.; Okada, Y.; Wood, A.R.; Visscher, P.M.; Hirschhorn, J.N. A saturated map of common genetic variants associated with human height. 2022; 610(7933):704-712. [Epub 2022 Oct 12].
  202. Vipulaguna, D.; Jahan, I.; Girish, M.; Chinnappa, G.D.; Gopalaswamy, S.; Shahidullah, M.; Sumanasena, S.PEarly interventions for infants at risk for developmental impairment: The South Asian perspective. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.2022;89(3):254-261. [Epub 2021 Jul 21].
  203. Wanninayake, L.; de Abrew, G.; Logeshwaran, D.; Weerasinghe, C.; Gowinna, P.; Mettananda, S.; Premaratna, R. Tender cervical lymphadenitis as a herald of multi-system inflammatory syndrome in COVID-19 infection of children and adolescents: a report of two cases. BMC Infectious Diseases.2022;22(1):946.
  204. Weerasinghe, M.; Pearson, M.; Turner, N.; Metcalfe, C.; Gunnell, D.J.; Agampodi, S.; Hawton, K.; Agampodi, T.; Miller, M.; Jayamanne, S.;Parker, S.; Sumith, J.A.; Karunarathne, A.; Dissanayaka, K.; Rajapaksha, S.; Rodrigo, D.; Abeysinghe, D.; Piyasena, C.; Kanapathy, R.; Thedchanamoorthy, S.; Madsen, L.B.; Konradsen, F.; Eddleston, M. Gatekeeper training for vendors to reduce pesticide self-poisoning in rural South Asia: a study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open.2022;12(4): e054061.
  205. Wickramatunga, P.G.T.S.; Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S.;Chandrasekharan, N.V.; Dassanayake, R.S. Genome organization, in-silico structure, and cellular localization of putative lipid transporter, ARV1 from parasitic nematode Setaria digitata. Gene Reports.2022;28:101643.
  206. Wijayasinghe, Y.S.;Bhansali, M.P.; Borkar, M.R.; Chaturbhuj, G.U.; Muntean, B.S.; Viola, R.E.; Bhansali, P.R. A Comprehensive biological and synthetic perspective on 2-Deoxy-d-Glucose (2-DG), A sweet molecule with therapeutic and diagnostic potentials. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2022;65(5):3706-3728. [Epub 2022 Feb 22].
  207. Wijerathna, T.; Gunathilaka, N.;Gunawardena, K.; Rodrigo, W. Population dynamics of phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in cutaneous leishmaniasis endemic areas of Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka. Acta Tropica.2022:230: 106406. [Epub 2022 Mar 13].
  208. Wijerathna, T.; Gunathilaka, N;Rodrigo, W. Genetic variation of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Gampaha and Kurunegala districts of Sri Lanka: Complementing the morphological identification. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2022; 15(7): 322-331.
  209. Wijerathna, T.; Gunathilaka, N.; Semege, S.; Pathirana, N.; Rodrigo, W.; Fernando, D. Genetic diversity of Leishmania donovani isolates from cutaneous lesions of military personnel in the Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts of the Northern Province, Sri Lanka. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine.2022; 15(9): 418-424.
  210. Wijesinghe, S.; de Silva, D.; Samarasinghe, D.; Irugalbandara, S. Arterial tortuosity syndrome: A rare inherited form of connective tissue disorder with SLR2A10 gene mutation.Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health.2022; 51(1):142–145.
  211. Wijesooriya, L. I.; Waidyathilake, D. Antimicrobial properties of nonantibiotic agents for effective treatment of localized wound infections: A mini review.  The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds. 2022; 21(3):207-218. [Epub 2020 Aug 3].
  212. Yasara, N.; Wickramarathne, N.; Mettananda, C.; Silva, I.; Hameed, N.; Attanayaka, K.; Rodrigo, R.; Wickramasinghe, N.; Perera, L.; Manamperi, A.; Premawardhena, A.; Mettananda, SA randomised double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of oral hydroxyurea for transfusion-dependent β-thalassaemia. Scientific Reports. 2022: 12(1): 2752.
Publications in peer reviewed journals (2021)

  1. Abeykoon, I.; Fernando, L.; Fernando, A.; Weerasooriya, T.; Chandratilake, M. Pre-defined competency level based instructional design model for learning Anatomy in an undergraduate medical curriculum. South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education. 2021;15(1): 61–64.
  2. Allen, A.; Perera, S.; Mettananda, S.; Rodrigo, R.; Perera, L.; Darshana, T.; Moggach, F.; Crawford, A.J.; Heirene, L.; Fisher, C.; Olivieri, N.; Rees, D.; Premawardhena, A.; Allen, S. Oxidative status in the β-thalassemia syndromes in Sri Lanka; a cross-sectional survey. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 2021; 166: 337-347. [Epub 2020 March 4]
  3. Arafat, S.; Kar, S.; Sharma, P.; Marahatta, K.;Baminiwatta, A. A Comparative analysis of psychiatry curriculum at undergraduate level of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021; 63:184-8.
  4. Arafat, S.M.Y.; Ali, S.A.; Menon, V.; Hussain, F.; Ansari, D.S.; Baminiwatta, A.; Saleem, T.; Singh, R.; Varadharajan, N.; Biyyala, D.; Kar, S.K.; Khan, M.M. Suicide methods in South Asia over two decades (2001-2020). The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2021; 67(7):920-934. [Epub 2021 May 24]
  5. Arunath, V.; Hoole, T. J.; Rathnasri, A.; Muthukumarana, O.; Kumarasiri, I.M.; Liyanage, N.D.; Costa, Y.; Mettananda, S. A Child with Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome concealed by co-existing α-thalassaemia presenting with subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord: a case report. BMC Pediatrics. 2021.21(1):41.
  6. Athapathu, A.S.; Aruppala, A.A.H.S.; Hoole, T.J.; Arunath, V.; Rathnasiri, G.B.A.M.; Mettananda, S. A Sri Lankan boy with Thurston syndrome (type V oro-facio-digital syndrome). Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2020; 50(2):356–358.
  7. Atukorala, I.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Batuwita, N.; Rajapaksha, N.; Ratnasiri, V.; Wijayaratne, L.; de Silva, M.; Chang, T.; Zhang, Y.; Hunter, D.J. Is being barefoot, wearing shoes and physical activity associated with knee osteoarthritis pain flares? Data from a usually barefoot Sri Lankan cohort. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases.2021; 24(1): 96-105. [Epub 2020 Nov 16].
  8. Atukorala, I.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Makovey, J.; Metcalf, B.; Bennell, K.L.; March, L.; Chang, T.; Zhang, Y.; Hunter, D.J. Can pain flares in knee osteoarthritis be predicted? Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 2021;50(3):198-205. [Epub 2021 Jan 20.]
  9. Baminiwatta, A.; Chandradasa, M.; Dias, S.; Ediriweera, D. Revisiting the ATP 30: The factor structure of a scale measuring medical students' attitudes towards psychiatry. Academic Psychiatry. 2021; 45(6):716-724. [Epub 2021 Apr 9].
  10. Baminiwatta, A.; Alahakoon, H.; Kasturi Mudali, A. Gender parity among psychiatrists: The trends and current status in Sri Lanka. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021; 63: 102771.
  11. Baminiwatta, A.; Gunathilake, R.; Arambepola, S.; Arambepola, M. Non-adherence to chelation therapy and associated psychosocial factors among transfusion-dependent thalassaemia patients in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2021; 50(1): 116–123.
  12. Baminiwatta, A.; Herath, N.C.; Chandradasa, M. Cross-sectional study on the association between social media use and body image dissatisfaction among adolescents. Indian. Journal of Pediatrics.2021; 88(5):499-500. [Epub 2020 Jan 14].
  13. Baminiwatta, A.K.A.B.; Gunesekara, T.; Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A.; Hapangama, A.; Harshini, M.L.; Bandara, T.R.; Perera, K.M.N. Validity and clinical utility of a Sinhalese version of the abnormal involuntary movement scale (AIMS). Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2021;12(1): 25–30.
  14. Baminiwatta, A.K.A.B.; Peris, M.U.P.K. Alcohol dependence in the time of COVID-19: A possible silver lining. [Letter to the Editor]. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2021; 37: 119-20.
  15. Baminiwatta, A.; De Silva, S.; Hapangama, A.; Basnayake, K.; Abayaweera, C.; Kulasinghe, D.; Kaushalya, D.; Williams, S. Impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of frontline and non-frontline healthcare workers in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2021; 66(1):16–31.
  16. Baminiwatta, A.; Solangaarachchi, Trends and developments in mindfulness research over 55 Years: A bibliometric analysis of publications indexed in Web of Science. Mindfulness.2021; 12(9): 2099-2116.
  17. Bohren, M.A.; Lorencatto, F.; Coomarasamy, A.; Althabe, F.; Devall, A.J.; Evans, C.; Oladapo, O.T.; Lissauer, D.; Akter, S.; Forbes, G.; Thomas, E.; Galadanci, H.; Qureshi, Z.; Fawcus, S.; Hofmeyr, G.J.; Al-Beity, F.A.; Kasturiratne, A.; Kumarendran, B.; Mammoliti, K.M.; Vogel, J.P.; Gallos, I.; Miller, S. Formative research to design an implementation strategy for a postpartum hemorrhage initial response treatment bundle (E-MOTIVE): study protocol. Reproductive Health.2021;18(1):149.
  18. Brown, R. H.; Eisner, M.; Valdebenito, S.; Walker, S.; Tomlinson, M.; Hughes, C.; Ward, C. L.; Osafo, J.; Sikander, S.; Fearon, P.; Dunne, M. P.; Madrid, B.; Baban, A.; Van Thang, V.; Fernando, A. D.; Murray, A. L. What research questions should the next generation of birth cohort studies address? An International Delphi Study of experts. Academic Pediatrics. 2021;21(1): 43-52.
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  89. Mahagamage, B.A.; Rathnayake, L.C.; Chandradasa, M. Parental perspectives on the lived experience of having a child with autism spectrum disorder in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2021; 50(1): 110–115.
  90. Mallawarachchi, C.H.; Chandrasena, N.; Wijerathna, T.; Dalpadado, R.; Mallawarachchi, M.S.M.N.S.; Gunarathna, D.G.A.M.; Gunathilaka, N. An investigation of a new cutaneous leishmaniasis endemic area in Western Sri Lanka. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2021; 115(11):1288-1297
  91. Mallawarachchi, C.H.; Chandrasena, T.G.A.N.; Withanage, G.P.; Premarathna, R.; Mallawarachchi, S.M.N.S.M.; Gunawardene, N.Y.I.S.; Dasanayake, R.S.; Gunarathna, D.; De Silva, N.R. Molecular characterization of a reemergent Brugia malayi parasite in Sri Lanka, Suggestive of a novel strain. BioMed Research International.2021;2021:9926101.
  92. Mendis, KWhat is evidence-based medicine? Ceylon Medical Journal.2021;66(3):154–156.
  93. Mettananda, K.C.D. Antiplatelet therapy for transient ischaemic attacks and acute minor strokes: current best practice and future. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 2021; 52(1):26–29.
  94. Mettananda, K.C.D.; Eshani, M.D.P.; Wettasinghe, L.M.; Somaratne, S.; Nanayakkkara, Y.P.; Sathkorala, W.; Upasena, A.; Sirigampola, C.; Tilakaratna, P.M.Y.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Ranawaka, U.K. Prevalence and correlates of carotid artery stenosis in a cohort of Sri Lankan ischaemic stroke patients. BMC Neurology.2021;21(1):385.
  95. Mettananda, K.C.D.; Gunasekara, N.; Thampoe, R.; Madurangi, S.; Pathmeswaran, A. Place of cardiovascular risk prediction models in South Asians; agreement between Framingham risk score and WHO/ISH risk charts. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2021; e14190.
  96. Mettananda, S. Genetic and epigenetic therapies for β-Thalassaemia by altering the expression of α-Globin Gene. Frontiers in Genome Editing. 2021; 3: 752278.
  97. Mettananda, S. Screening of children with anaemia for iron deficiency and thalassaemia trait provides an opportunity for thalassaemia prevention in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2021; 50(2): 369.
  98. Mohd Saleem, S.; Shoib, S.; Dazhamyar, A.R.; Chandradasa, M. Afghanistan: Decades of collective trauma, ongoing humanitarian crises, Taliban rulers, and mental health of the displaced population. Asian Journal of Psychiatry.2021;65:102854.
  99. Muilwijk, M.; Loh, M.; Siddiqui, S.; Mahmood, S.; Palaniswamy, S.; Shahzad, K.; Athauda, L.K.; Jayawardena, R.; Batool, T.; Burney, S.; Glover, M.; Bamunuarachchi, V.; Panda, M.; Madawanarachchi, M.; Rai, B.; Sattar, I.; Silva, W.; Waghdhare, S.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Rannan-Eliya, R.P.; Wijemunige, N.; Gage, H.M.; Valabhji, J.; Frost, G.S.; Wickremasinghe, R.; Kasturiratne, A.; Khawaja, K.I.; Ahmad, S.; Valkengoed, I.G.V.; Katulanda, P.; Jha, S.; Kooner, J.S.; Chambers, J.C. Effects of a lifestyle intervention programme after 1 year of follow-up among South Asians at high risk of type 2 diabetes: a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Global Health. 2021; 6(11):12.
  100. Munasinghe, M.A.D.N.; Fernandopulle, S.M.; Hewavisenthi, S.The histopathology of endometrial biopsies performed for abnormal uterine bleeding: an audit in a tertiary care centre in Sri Lanka. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology.2021;16(2):18–24.
  101. Muthugala, R.; Dheerasekara, K.; Harischandra, N.; Wickramasinghe, D.; Abeykoon, M.; Dasanayake, D.; Manamperi, A.; Gunasena, S.; Galagoda, G. Hantavirus infection with pulmonary symptoms in north central part of Sri Lanka. Journal of Clinical Virology Plus. 2021;1(4) :100052.
  102. Muttiah, N. Ground realities of autism spectrum disorders in Sri Lanka. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development. 2021; 32(1):150–159.
  103. Niloofa, R.; Karunanayake, L.; de Silva, H.J.; Premawansa, S.; Rajapakse, S.; Handunnetti, S. Development of an in-house ELISA as an alternative method for the serodiagnosis of leptospirosis. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2021; 105: 135-40.
  104. Niriella, M. A.; de Silva, A. P.; de Silva, H. J.; Jayasinghe, S. Is there racism in academic medical publishing? BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. 2021; 26(6): e3. [Epub 2020 Jul 28.]
  105. Niriella, M.A.; Ediriweera, D.S.; de Silva, A.P.; Premarathna, B.H.R.; Jayasinghe, S.; de Silva, H.J. Dengue and leptospirosis infection during the coronavirus 2019 outbreak in Sri Lanka. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.2021; 115(9): 944-946.
  106. Niriella, M.A.; Ediriweera, D.S.; Kasturiratne, A.; de Silva, S.T.; Dassanayaka, A.S.; de Silva, A.P.; Kato, N.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Wickramasinghe, A.R.; de Silva, H.J. Outcomes of NAFLD and MAFLD: results from a community-based, prospective cohort study. PLoS One.2021; 16(2): e0245762.
  107. Niriella, M.A.; Ediriweera, D.S.; Kasturiratne, A.; Gunasekara, D.; de Silva, S.T.; Dassanayake, A.S.; de Silva, A.P.; Kato, N.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.; de Silva, H.J. The Clinical utility of accurate NAFLD ultrasound grading: results from a community-based, prospective cohort study. European Journal of Radiology. 2021; 136:109516. [Epub 2021 Jan 2]
  108. Niriella, M.A.; Liyanage, I.K.; Kodisinghe, S.K.; de Silva, A.P.; Jayatissa, A.V.G.A.M.; Navarathne, N.M.M.; Peiris, R.K.; Kalubovila, U.P.; Kumarasena, S.R.; Jayasekara, R.W.; de Silva, H.J. Changing phenotype, early clinical course and clinical predictors of inflammatory bowel disease in Sri Lanka: a retrospective, tertiary care-based, multi-centre study. BMC Gastroenterology.2021; 21(1): 71.
  109. Padumadasa, S.; Siriwardana, R.C. Acute pancreatitis in pregnancy–Nip in the bud (Case Reports). Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2021; 43(1): 67–69.
  110. Padumadasa, S.; Wijesinghe, P.S. Shoulder dystocia. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2021;43(4):359–369.
  111. Pant, S.; Elias, M.A.; Woolfall, K.; Morales, M.M.; Lincy, B.; Jahan, I.; Sumanasena, P.; Ramji, S.; Shankaran, S.; Thayyil, S.; HELIX Trial Consortium Investigators. Parental and professional perceptions of informed consent and participation in a time-critical neonatal trial: a mixed-methods study in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. BMJ Global Health. 2021; 6(5): e005757.
  112. Perera, D.P.Mohanna, K.General practice is "different": a qualitative study of adaptation experiences of East Staffordshire general practice speciality traineesEducation for Primary Care. 2021; 32(1): 34-42.
  113. Perera, K.C.M.; Mapitigama, N.; Abeysena, H.T.C.S. The Feasibility of new HPV/DNA test as a primary cervical cancer screening method among 35- years- old ever-married women in Kalutara district; a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2021; 21(1):131.
  114. Perera, P.J.; Kasturiratne, A.; Sakalasuriya, S. Prevalence of hearing impairment among school children in the Gampaha District of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2021; 50(4): 617-621.
  115. Perera, S.; Allen, A.; Rees, D.C.; Premawardhena, A. Pitfalls in the diagnosis of β-Thalassemia Intermedia. Hemoglobin.2021; 45(4):265-268. [Epub 2021 Oct 6.]
  116. Perera, W. N. S.; Perera, B. P. P.; Paranitharan, P. Patient’s knowledge, attitudes and practices on informed consent in a clinical setting; A study done at Colombo North Teaching Hospital in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2021; 12(2): 11–18.
  117. Peries, W.A.N.N.; Indrarathne, B.; Jayamanne, B.D.W.; Wickramasekara, T.D.; Alwis, K.A.C.; Jayatilleke, A.U. Primary school teachers' readiness in identifying children with dyslexia: A national survey in Sri Lanka. Dyslexia. 2021; 27(4): 486-509. [Epub 2021 Sep 6]
  118. Pinidiyapathirage, J.; Kasturiratne,; Bennie, J.A.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Biddle, S.J.H.; de Silva, H.J.; Chackrewarthy, S.; Dassanayake, A.S.; Ranawaka, U.; Kato, N.; Wickremasinghe, A.R. Physical activity tracking among Sri Lankan adults: findings from a 7-year follow-up of the Ragama Health Study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2021; 33(2-3):205-212. [Epub 2021 Feb 12]
  119. Pinto, D.; Fernando, R.Autonomously functioning thyroid nodule: a patient-based review.  Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2021;39(3):49–54.
  120. Pintor, A.F.V.; Ray, N.; Longbottom, J.; Bravo-Vega, C.A.; Yousefi, M.; Murray, K.A.; Ediriweera, D.S.; Diggle, P.J. Addressingthe global snakebite crisis with geo-spatial analyses - Recent advances and future  Toxicon: X. 2021; 11:100076.   [eCollection 2021 Sep].
  121. Priyangika, D.K.D.; Premawansa, G.; Adikari, M.; Thillainathan, S.; Premawansa, S.; Jayamanne, B.D.W.; Premaratna, R. Predictive value of hepatic transaminases during febrile phase as a predictor of a severe form of Dengue: analysis of adult Dengue patients from a tertiary care setting of Sri Lanka. BMC Research Notes. 2021;14(1):251.
  122. Ramyasoma, H.P.B.K.D.; Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S.; Hapugoda, M.; Dassanayake, R.S. Assessment of developmental and reproductive fitness of dengue-resistant transgenic Aedes aegypti and improvement of fitness using antibiotics. BioMed Research International. 2021; 2021: 6649038.
  123. Rajindrajith, S.; Devanarayana, N.M.; Thapar, N.; Benninga, M.A. Functional fecal incontinence in children: epidemiology, pathophysiology, evaluation, and management. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2021;72(6): 794-801.
  124. Ranasinghe, K.; Gunathilaka, N.; Amarasinghe, D.; Rodrigo, W.; Udayanga, L. Diversity of midgut bacteria in larvae and females of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus from Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. Parasites & Vectors. 2021; 14(1):433.
  125. Ranathunga, N.; Perera, P.; Nandasena, S.; Sathiakumar, N.; Kasturiratne, A.; Wickremasinghe, A.R. Effects of indoor air pollution due to solid fuel combustion on physical growth of children under 5 in Sri Lanka: A descriptive cross sectional study. PLoS One.2021;16(5): e0252230.
  126. Ranathunge, T.; Kusumawathie, P.H.D.; Abeyewickreme, W.; Udayanga, L.; Fernando, T.; Hapugoda, M. Biocontrol potential of six locally available fish species as predators of Aedes aegypti in Sri Lanka. Biological Control. 2021; 160: 104638.
  127. Ranathunge, T.; Udayanga, L.; Sarasija, S.; Karunathilaka, S.; Nawarathne, S.; Rathnarajah, H.; Dulficar, F.F.; Shafi, F.N.; Dassanayake, R.S.; Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S. Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel (VGSC) mutation-based pyrethroid resistance in Aedes aegypti populations of three endemic dengue risk areas of Sri Lanka. BioMed Research International. 2021; 2021: 8874092.
  128. Ranawaka, U.KCerebral microbleeds and stroke: more questions than answers. Sri Lanka Journal of Neurology.2021;8(1):10–14.
  129. Ranawaka, U.K. Clinical trial registration–the global landscape. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 2021; 52(1):8–12
  130. Ranawaka, U.K. Current management of transient ischaemic attacks. Galle Medical Journal.2021; 26(1): 1–4.
  131. Ranawaka, U.K. What is death, in the 21st century? Ceylon Medical Journal. 2021;66(1): 1-4.
  132. Ranawaka, U.K.; Venketasubramanian, N. Stroke in Sri Lanka: How can we minimise the burden? Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra. 2021;11(1): 46-48.
  133. Ranwala, L.; Wedisinghe, Y.; Perera, S.; Jayamanne, DReal-time laboratory surveillance of Dengue antigen (NS1) - Best proposed early warning and response system for Dengue in Sri Lanka? - Results from a pilot study. Ceylon Medical Journal.2021;66(3):121–128.
  134. Rathnasiri, A.; Senarathne, U.; Arunath, V.; Hoole, T.; Kumarasiri, I.; Muthukumarana, O.; Jasinge, E.; Mettananda, S. A Rare co-occurrence of duchenne muscular dystrophy, congenital adrenal hypoplasia and glycerol kinase deficiency due to Xp21 contiguous gene deletion syndrome: case report. BMC Endocrine Disorders. 2021; 21(1): 214.
  135. Rathnayaka, S.; Gunathilaka, N.; Udayanga, L. Human health importance zoonotic gastrointestinal helminths and ectoparasites among stray dogs in Galle District, Sri Lanka. Applied-Bio-systems Technology.2021;1(1): 18-32.
  136. Reyal, H.P.; Perera, M.N.; Guruge, D. Prevalence of intimate partner violence across urban, rural and estate sectors: A preliminary study. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka.2021; 27(2):389–398.
  137. Rodrigo, R.; Badanasinghe, N.; Abayabandara-Herath, T.; Forster, D.A.; Amir, L.H. Bacterial growth in expressed mother's milk stored and transported under different simulated conditions in a tropical country. Breastfeeding Medicine. 2021;16(4):300-308. [Epub 2021 Jan 6]
  138. Ruwanpura, L.; Wickramasinghe, J.B.; Marasinghe, P.; Ratnayake, G.M.; Dias, T.D.; Silva, D. Evaluation of cervical length by transabdominal and transvaginal scans during early pregnancy. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2021; 43(2):77–83.
  139. Samaranayake, D.; Lanerolle, P.; Waidyatilaka, I.; de Lanerolle-Dias, M.; Hills, A. P.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.; Wickramasinghe, V. P. Association between early weight gain and later adiposity in Sri Lankan adolescents. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 2021; 12(2):250-259. [Epub 2020 Apr 30.].
  140. Sandakelum, U.; Samararathna, R.; Pathiraja, H.; de Silva, L.; Balasubramaniam, R.; de Abrew, G.; Adihetty, D.; Fernando, M.; Randeny, S.; Mettananda, S. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: A Sri Lankan case series. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2021; 50(3):510–513.
  141. Sathanantham, S.; Dayasiri, K.; Thadchanamoorthy, V. Approach to the adolescent with substance use in the acute setting. 2021;13(7): e16309.
  142. Senarathne, U.D.; Rodrigo, R.; Dayanath, B.K.T.P. Milky pleural effusion in a neonate and approach to investigating chylothorax. BMJ Case Reports.2021; 4(9): e245576.
  143. Senevirathne, S.; Luke, D.; Perera, H.M.M. An uncommon case of septic arthritis of the sacroiliac joint due to Streptococcus pyogenes. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.2021; 8(2): E146 1–5.
  144. Senavirathna, C.S.; Mallawaarachchi, A.P.; Karunanayake, A.L.; Gunawardena, S. The effect of 6-week core stability training on core endurance and physical performance in professional rugby players: A randomized controlled pilot study. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences.2021;12(11):60-65.
  145. Shinsugi, C.; Gunasekara, D.; Takimoto, H. Associations of Emotional Behavior with nutritional status and lifestyle habits among school children aged 5-10 years in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(19):10332.
  146. Shoib, S.; Gupta, A.K.; Kar, S.K.; Chandradasa, M.; Menon, V.; Ullah, I.; Thuzar, M.; Arafat, S.M.Y. Asian journal of psychiatry and psychiatry in Asia: Time to reconsider human resources to represent cultural diversity in Asia. Asian Journal of Psychiatry.2021; 63: 102765.
  147. Shoib, S.; Chandradasa, M.; Saleem, S.M.; Ullah, I.; Saeed, F. Psychiatry in Kashmir: a call for action. Lancet Psychiatry.2021; 8(12):1031-1032.
  148. Silva, D.; Randombage, P.; Gankanda, W.; Abeysekara, N.; Edirisinghe, V.; Chandratilake, M. Evaluation of web-based distance education of medicine for undergraduates in Sri Lanka (Brief Report). Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2021; 43(1):46–54.
  149. Siriwardana, R.; Thilakarathne, S.; Fernando, M.; Gunetilleke, M.B.; Weerasooriya, A.; Appuhamy, CFirst paediatric live donor liver transplant in Sri Lanka with 1 year outcome : challenges for the future. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2021;39(3):33–35.
  150. Song, L.; Hu, X.; Ma, L.; Chen, X.; Ouyang, M.; Billot, L.; Li, Q.; Muñoz-Venturelli, P.; Abanto, C.; Pontes-Neto, O.M.; Antonio, A.; Wasay, M.;  de Silva, A.; Thang, N.H.; Pandian, J.D.; Wahab, K.W.; You, C.; Anderson, C.S. INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial (INTERACT3): study protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial. Trials.2021;22(1):943.
  151. Song, P.; Gupta, A.; Goon, I.Y.; Hasan, M.; Mahmood, S.; Pradeepa, R.; Siddiqui, S.; Frost, G.S.; Kusuma, D.; Miraldo, M.; Sassi, F.; Wareham, N.J.; Ahmed, S.; Anjana, R.M.; Brage, S.; Forouhi, N.G.; Jha, S.; Kasturiratne, A.; Katulanda, P.; Khawaja, K.I.; Loh, M.; Mridha, M.K.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.; Kooner, J.S.; Chambers, J.C. Data resource profile: understanding the patterns and determinants of health in South Asians-the South Asia Biobank. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2021; 50(3):717-718e.
  152. Sumanasena, S.P.; Wanigasinghe, J.; Arambepola, C.; Sri Ranganathan, S.; Muhandiram, E. Effect of intramuscular ACTH versus oral prednisolone on the developmental trajectories of children with West syndrome over 24 months: A randomised control study. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology. 2021; 32:98-105.
  153. Thayyil, S.; Pant, S.; Montaldo, P.; Shukla, D.; Oliveira, V.; Ivain, P.; Bassett, P.; Swamy, R.; Mendoza, J.; Moreno-Morales, M.; Lally, P.J.; Benakappa, N.; Bandiya, P.; Shivarudhrappa, I.; Somanna, J.; Kantharajanna, U.B.; Rajvanshi, A.; Krishnappa, S.; Joby, P.K.; Jayaraman, K.; Chandramohan, R.; Kamalarathnam, C.N.; Sebastian, M.; Tamilselvam, I.A.; Rajendran, U.D.; Soundrarajan, R.; Kumar, V.; Sudarsanan, H.; Vadakepat, P.; Gopalan, K.; Sundaram, M.; Seeralar, A.; Vinayagam, P.; Sajjid, M.; Baburaj, M.; Murugan, K.D.; Sathyanathan, B.P.; Kumaran, E.S.; Mondkar, J.; Manerkar, S.; Joshi, A.R.; Dewang, K.; Bhisikar, S.M.; Kalamdani, P.; Bichkar, V.; Patra, S.; Jiwnani, K.; Shahidullah, M.; Moni, S.C.; Jahan, I.; Mannan, M.A.; Dey, S.K.; Nahar, M.N.; Islam, M.N.; Shabuj, K.H.; Rodrigo, R.; Sumanasena, S.; Abayabandara-Herath, T.; Chathurangika, G.K.; Wanigasinghe, J.; Sujatha, R.; Saraswathy, S.; Rahul, A.; Radha, S.J.; Sarojam, M.K.; Krishnan, V.; Nair, M.K.; Devadas, S.; Chandriah, S.; Venkateswaran, H.; Burgod, C.; Chandrasekaran, M.; Atreja, G.; Muraleedharan, P.; Herberg, J.A.; Chong, W.K.K.; Sebire, N.J.; Pressler, R.; Ramji, S.; Shankaran, S.; HELIX consortium. Hypothermia for moderate or severe neonatal encephalopathy in low-income and middle-income countries (HELIX): a randomised controlled trial in India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. Lancet Global Health. 2021; 9(9): e1273-e1285. [Epub 2021 Aug 3]
  154. Thivaharan, Y.; Kitulwatte, I.D.GRhabdomyolysis associated acute kidney injury following a physical violence. Clinical Medical Reviews and Case Reports.2021;8(10):367
  155. Thivaharan, Y.; Kitulwatte, I.D.G.; Muthulingam, T. Study on evaluation of knowledge, attitude, and practice of Sri Lankan traffic police officers related to examination of drunk drivers, in two most populated districts of Sri Lanka. Academic Forensic Pathology.2021;11(3):126-140
  156. Thivaharan, Y.; Perera, W.N.S.; Muthulingam, T. Strengthening the “Multidisciplinary Child Protection Committees” in the community. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law.2021;12(2):31–35.
  157. Thulani, U.B.; Mettananda, K.C.D.; Warnakulasuriya, D.T.D.; Peiris, T.S.G.; Kasturiratne, K.T.A.A.; Ranawaka, U.K.; Chakrewarthy, S.; Dassanayake, A.S.; Kurukulasooriya, S.A.F.; Niriella, M.A.; de Silva, S.T.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Kato, N.; de Silva, H.J.; Wickremasinghe, A.R. Validation of the World Health Organization/ International Society of Hypertension (WHO/ISH) cardiovascular risk predictions in Sri Lankans based on findings from a prospective cohort study. PLoS One. 2021;16(6): e0252267.
  158. Ubeyratne, K.; Srikitjakarn, L.; Pfeiffer, D.; Kong, F.; Sunil-Chandra, N.; Chaisowwong, W.; Hemwan, P. A Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey on canine rabies prevention and control in four rural areas of Sri Lanka. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 2021; 68(6):3366-3380[ Epub 2021 Jan 7].
  159. Walpita Gamage, C.K.; de Zoysa, P.; Balasuriya, A.; Fernando, N.; Jayamanne, B.D.W. Cross-cultural adaptation of the type D personality scale for use with patients diagnosed with Ischemic heart disease in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2021; 66(1): 8–15.
  160. Wanigasuriya, K.; Dassanayake, S.; de Silva, S.;Jayasinghe, S. Physicians’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A view from Sri Lanka. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians,2021;52(2):69–70.
  161. Wanninayake, L.; Somarathne, A.; Nair, N.; Ranawaka, U.K. Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia – case report and brief literature review. (Case Reports). Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 2021; 52(1): 45–48.
  162. Wariyapperuma, W.A.N.M.; Kannangara, S.; Wijayasinghe, Y.S.; Subramanium, S.; Jayawardena, B. Fungal pretreatment to enhance the yield of phytochemicals and evaluation of α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition using Cinnamomum zeylanicum (L.) quills pressurized water extracts. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2021;72(2):196-205.   [Epub 2020 Nov 10]
  163. Wijayasinghe, Y.S.; Bhansali, P.; Viola, R.E.; Kamal, M.A.; Poddar, N.K. Natural Products: A Rich source of antiviral drug lead candidates for the management of COVID-19. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2021;27(33): 3526-3550.
  164. Wijerathna, T.; Gunathilaka, N.; Gunawardena, K.; Fujii, Y.; Gunasekara, D. Detection of Leishmania donovani DNA within field-caught Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in three cutaneous leishmaniasis endemic foci of Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka. Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2021; 2021:6650388.
  165. Withanage, G.P.; Gunawardana, M.; Viswakula, S.D.; Samaraweera, K.; Gunawardena, N.S.; Hapugoda, M.D. Multivariate spatio-temporal approach to identify vulnerable localities in dengue risk areas using Geographic Information System (GIS). Scientific Reports.2021;11(1):4080.
  166. Yasara, N.; Premawardhena, A.; Mettananda, S. A Comprehensive review of hydroxyurea for β-haemoglobinopathies: the role revisited during COVID-19 pandemic. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2021;16(1):114.
Publications in peer reviewed journals (2020)

  1. Abeysena, C.; Perera, N. Quality of care in the management of asthmatic children with regard to compliance with the guidelines in in-ward setting in a district of Sri Lanka: a descriptive study. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2020; 26(4): 207–215.
  2. Abeysundara, P.K.; Nishad, N.; de Silva, S.T.; Dassanayake, R.T.; Galabada, D.P.; Jayawardane, U.G.W.; Premawardana, N.P.; Kumara, G.M.S.S.; Dilani, P.M.; Herath, H.M.T.D.; Wijesinghe, P.S. Zinc supplementation in chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology in Sri Lanka: a pilot study. (ZisCKDu-P). Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians.2020; 51(2): 82–90.
  3. Abeysundara, P.K.; Nishad, A.A.N.; Perera, W.N.M.; de Silva, H.; Piyarathne, R.; Rathnayaka, R.M.P.M.; Arulmoly, K.; Umakanth, M.; Premaratna, R.; Tilakaratne, Y. Neurological melioidosis complicated by cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 2020;51(2):132–135.
  4. Alles, M.; Wariyapola, D.; Salvin, K.; Jayatilleke, K. Endophthalmitis caused by Kocuria kristinae: A Case Report (Case Reports). Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2020; 10(2):146–149.
  5. Ambegoda, M.; Paranamanna, R.; Kumara, S.; Balagobi, B.; Sosai, C.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Abeygunasekera, A Clinicopathological characteristics and oncological outcomes of patients with renal cell carcinoma. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2020; 65(3): 62–66.
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  19. Chandrasena, T.G.N.A.; Premaratna, R.;Mallawarachchi, C.H.; Gunaratna, D.G.A.M.; de Silva, N.R. Lymphatic filariasis in the Southeast Asian region; status and control options. CAB Reviews.2020; 15(59): 1-15.
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  22. Chandrasinghe, P.C.; Siriwardana, R.C.; Kumarage, S.K.; Munasinghe, B.N.L.;Weerasuriya, A.; Tillakaratne, S.; Pinto, D.; Gunathilake, B.; Fernando, F.R. A Novel structure for online surgical undergraduate teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Medical Education. 2020; 20(1):324.
  23. Chandrasinghe, P.C.; Siriwardana, R.C.; Kumarage, S.K.; Gunathilake, B.; Weerasuriya, A.; Munasinghe, N.M.; Thilakarathne, S.T.; Pinto, D.; Fernando, R.F. Adapting surgical services at a tertiary care unit amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: a Sri Lankan perspective. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2020; 38(1): 42–45.
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  73. Kumudunie, W.G.M.; Wijesooriya, L.I.; Namalie, K.D.; Sunil-Chandra, N.P.; Wijayasinghe, Y.S. Epidemiology of multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Sri Lanka: First evidence of bla KPC harboring Klebsiella pneumoniae. Journal of Infection and Public Health. 2020; 13 (9):1330-1335.
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  90. Niriella, M. A.; de Silva, A. P.; Liyanage, K. I.; Sarin, S. K.; de Silva, H. J. COVID-19 and gastroenterology: clinical insights and recommendations for gastroenterology care providers. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2020; 55(8):1005-1011.
  91. Niriella, M.A.; Ediriweera, D. S.; de Silva, A. P.; Premaratna, R.; Balasooriya, P.; Duminda, K.D.; Malavige, N.G.; Wanigasuriya, K.; Lekamwasam, S.; Kularathne, S.A.; Siribaddana, S.; de Silva, H.J.; Jayasinghe, S. Hydroxychloroquine for post-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 among naval personnel in Sri Lanka: study protocol for a randomized, controlled trial. 2020; 21(1):748.
  92. Niriella, M. A.; Kasturiratne, A.; Beddage, T. U.; Withanage, S. A.; Goonatilleke, D. C.; Abeysinghe, C. P.; de Mel, R. T.; Balapitiya, T. L.; de Silva, S. T.; Dassanayake, A. S.; de Silva, A. P.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Wickramasinghe, A. R.; Kato, N.; de Silva, H. J., Metabolic syndrome, but not non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, increases 10-year mortality: A prospective, community-cohort study. Liver International 2020; 40(1):101-106. [Epub 2019 Sep 25.]
  93. Niriella, M. A.; Liyanage, I. K.; Udeshika, A.; Liyanapathirana, K. V.; de Silva, A. P.; de Silva, H J. Identification of dengue patients with high risk of severe disease, using early clinical and laboratory features, in a resource-limited setting.Archives of Virology 2020.165(9):2029-2035.
  94. Niriella, M. A.; Siriwardana, R. C.; Perera, M. T. P. R.; Narasimhan, G.; Chan, S. C.; Dassanayake, A. S. Challenges for liver transplantation during recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights and recommendations.Transplantation Proceedings. 2020; 52(9):2601-2606.
  95. Niroshani, W.A.; Wariyapperuma, M.; Kannangara, S.; Wijayasinghe, S.; Subramanium, S.; Jayawardena, B. In vitro anti-diabetic effects and phytochemical profiling of novel varieties of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (L.) extracts. PeerJ. 2020; 8: e10070.
  96. Nishshanka, B.; Shepherd, C.; Paranitharan, P. Forensic based empirical study on ricochet behaviour of Kalashnikov bullets (7.62mm×39mm) on 1mm sheet metal Forensic Science International..2020; 312: 110313.
  97. Nishshanka, M.B.; Paranitharan, P.Shepherd, C. A Forensic-based study on low angled AK rifle bullet entry wounds using a porcine model. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2020; 74:102025.
  98. Olupeliyawa, A. M.; Venkateswaran, S.; Wai, N.; Mendis, K.; Flynn, E.; Hu, W., Transferability of faculty development resources. The Clinical Teacher 2020; 17(1):86-91. [Epub 2019 May 16]
  99. Padeniya, P.; Siriwardana, S.; Ediriweera, D.; Samarasinghe, N.; Silva, S.; Silva, I.; Ahamed, N.; Niriella, M.A.; Premawardhena, A. Comparison of Liver MRI R2(FerriScan®) VS Liver MRI T2* as a measure of body iron load in a cohort of Beta Thalassaemia Major patients.Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.2020; 15(1): 26.
  100. Padumadasa, S. Internal iliac artery ligation – time to revive a dying art. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2020; 42(2): 42–52. [Prof D. E. Gunatilleke Oration -2019, Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists]
  101. Paranagama, M. P.; Piyarathne, N. S.; Nandasena, T. L.; Jayatilake, S.; Navaratne, A.; Galhena, B. P.; Williams, S.; Rajapakse, J.; Kita, K. The Porphyromonas gingivalis inhibitory effects, antioxidant effects and the safety of a Sri Lankan traditional betel quid - an in vitro study. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. 2020; 20(1):259.
  102. Paranitharan, P.; Perera, W. N. S. Revising curricular on medical ethics: a way forward. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2020; 11(1): 20–26.
  103. Paranitharan, P.; Perera, W.N.; Lakmal, S.; Priyanath, D.C.; Senanayake, T.A.A.W.; Kumari, M.K.J.K. Deaths following drowning in Sri Lanka - a retrospective study. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law.2020;11(2);1–8.
  104. Patabendige, M.; Herath, R.P.; Athulathmudali, S.R.; Wijesooriya, W.R.P.L.I. Use of antimicrobials in obstetric practice - A Narrative review. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases.2020; 10(1): 9–20.
  105. Patabendige, M.;Palihawadana, T.S.; Herath, R.P.; Wijesinghe, P.S. Childbirth Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) in the Sri Lankan setting: translation, cultural adaptation and validation into the Sinhala language. BMC Research Notes. 2020; 13(1):534.
  106. Patabendige, M.; Sanjeewa, J. M. P.; Amarasekara, A. M. A. K. G.; Herath, R. P. Conservative management of Placenta Percreta: Three cases and a review of the literature regarding conservative management of Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) Disorders. Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020; 2020:9065342. [eCollection 2020].
  107. Pelzom, T.; Tillakaratne, M.S.B.; Jaleel, M.S.A.; Pathirana, A.; Siriwardana, R.C., An Audit on completeness of reporting Whipple's specimens. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2020; 38(1): 18–21.
  108. Perera, B.P.R.; Jayasuriya, R.; Caldera, A.; Wickremasinghe, A.R. Assessing mental well-being in a Sinhala speaking Sri Lankan population: validation of the WHO-5 well-being index. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes.2020; 18(1):305.
  109. Perera, I.; Rajapakse, S.; de Silva, S.T. Severe hyponatremia-induced stress cardiomyopathy: A case report and review of literature. Case Reports in Cardiology. 2020; 2020: 2961856.
  110. Perera, N.; Abeysena, C., Effectiveness of providing health education to caregivers of hospitalized children with asthma for the prevention of recurrent attacks: a quasi-randomized trial. The Journal of Asthma 2020; 57(11):1244-1252. [Epub 2019 July 26].
  111. Perera, R.; Caldera, A.; Wickremasinghe, A.R. Reactive Case Detection (RACD) and foci investigation strategies in malaria control and elimination: a review Malaria Journal. 2020; 19(1): 401.
  112. Perera, S.; Bonsall, D.; Niriella, M. A.; Allen, A.; Peries, A.C.; Nelumdeniya, U.B.; Dissanayake, R.; Silva, I.; de Cesare, M.; Klenerman, P.; Weatherall, D.J.; Roberts, D. J.; Premawardhena, A. P. Transfusion-transmitted hepatitis C: A Cluster of cases in transfusion-dependent thalassaemia patients in Sri Lanka. Transfusion Medicine. 2020; 30(5):377-383. [Epub 2020 Jan 8.]
  113. Perera, S.N.S.; Abeysena, C. Association of physical activity and consumption of snacks on weight retention at six months after childbirth. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka.2020; 26(2):104–111.
  114. Perera, S.R.; Gambheera, H.; Williams, S. Telepsychiatry' in the time of COVID-19: Overcoming the challenges. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020; 62(9): S391-S394.
  115. Perera, U.A.P.; Abeysena, C. Knowledge and attitudes on sexually transmitted infections and HIV among undergraduates in the state universities.  International Journal of Public Health Science. 2020; 9(3):155-161.
  116. Pinto, D.; Kumarage, S.; Mahendra, G. Ectopic pancreatic rest in the stomach. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2020;38(3):58–9. 
  117. Premawardhena, A.P.; de Silva, S.T.; Goonatilleke, M.D.D.C.; Ediriweera, D.S.; Mettananda, S.; Rodrigo, B.K.R.P.; Allen, A.; Weatherall, D.J. Marriage patterns in Sri Lanka and the prevalence of parental consanguinity in patients with β-thalassaemia: a cross-sectional descriptive analysis. Journal of Biosocial Science 2020; 52(4):573-584. [Epub 2019 Oct 25.]
  118. Priyantha, A.; Tillakaratne, S.; Gamage, P.K.W.; Nagalingam, S.; Dombagahapathirage, E.P. Burden of functional gastrointestinal disorders in a surgical clinic in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery.2020; 38(2): 19–24
  119. Priyanath, D. C.; Dharmadasa, L. S.; de Silva, R. L. S. K.; Gunathilaka, M. M. A. C. C.; Nanayakkara, E. H. H. G.; Shakoor, M. S.; Samarawickrama, S.; Kitulwatte, I. G. D.; Edirisinghe, P. A. S. Adequacy and relevance of medical records of patients admitted following medico-Legally significant trauma. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2020; 8(1):1–7.
  120. Rajindrajith, S.; Devanarayana, N.M. Constipation in children: the bird’s eye view. Galle Medical Journal. 2020; 25(3): 69–73.
  121. Rajindrajith, S.; Ranathunga, N.; Jayawickrama, N.; van Dijk, M.; Benninga, M.A.; Devanarayana, N.M. Behavioral and emotional problems in adolescents with constipation and their association with quality of life. PLoS One.2020; 15(10): e0239092.
  122. Ramyasoma, H.P.B.K.D.; Dassanayake, R.S.; Hapugoda, M.; Capurro, M.L.; Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S. Multiple dengue virus serotypes resistant transgenic Aedes aegypti fitness evaluated under laboratory conditions. RNA Biology.2020; 17(7):918-929.
  123. Ranathunge, R.M.T.B.; Kannangara, D.N.; Gunatilaka, P.A.D.H.N.; Abeyewickreme, W.; Hapugoda, M.D. Occurrence of major and potential malaria vector immature stages in different breeding habitats and associated biotic and abiotic characters in the district of Trincomalee Sri Lanka. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases.2020; 57(1):85-95.
  124. Ranaweera, L.; Kumari, M.I.; Samaraweerachchi, U.I. Injuries at the National Sport Festival Taekwondo Championship in Sri Lanka [Lesioni al National Sport Festival Taekwondo Championship in Sri Lanka]. Medicina dello Sport. 2020; 73(1): 96-106.
  125. Ranaweera, L.; Perera, P.I.; Pathiraja, P.P.M.C.K.; Sulani, W.N.; Wijesooriya, W.A.P.S. A Study of morphological and morphometric variations in Sri Lankan femoral diaphysial nutrient foramina [Estudio de las variaciones morfológicas y morfométricas de los forámenes nutricios diafisarios de fémur en Sri Lanka] International Journal of Morphology.2020; 38 (5): 1311-1316.
  126. Ranaweera, P.; Wickremasinghe, R.;Mendis, K. Preventing the re-establishment of malaria in Sri Lanka amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Malaria Journal. 2020; 19(1):386.
  127. Ranawaka, U. K. Going viral: a COVID-19 story. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 2020; 51(1): 4–7.
  128. Ranawaka, U.; Mettananda, C.;Thilakarathna, C.; Peiris, A.; Kasturiratna, A.; Tilakaratna, YStroke awareness in patients with incident stroke compared to patients without stroke or Ischemic Heart Disease  Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2020; 29(6):104790.
  129. Rathnayake, L.C.; Chandradasa, M. Emotional and behavioural dysregulation in children of health care workers in the frontline of COVID-19 response in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry.2020; 11(1): 58–60.
  130. Reed-Embleton, H.; Arambepola, S.; Dixon, S.; Maldonado, B. N.; Premawardhena, A.; Arambepola, M.; Khan, J. A. M.; Allen, S. A cost-of-illness analysis of β-Thalassaemia major in children in Sri Lanka - experience from a tertiary level teaching hospital. BMC Pediatrics. 2020; 20(1):257.
  131. Reyal, H.P.; Perera, K.M.N.; Guruge, G.N.D. Knowledge and attitude towards intimate partner violence among ever-married women: A Cross-sectional study from Sri Lanka. Advanced Journal of Social Science. 2020; 7(1):1-13.
  132. Rottoli, M.; Tanzanu, M.; Di Candido, F.; Colombo, F.; Frontali, A.; Chandrasinghe, P.C.; Pellino, G.; Frasson, M.; Warusavitarne, J.; Panis, Y.; Sampietro, G.M.; Spinelli, A.; Poggioli, G. Risk factors for locally advanced cancer associated with ulcerative colitis: Results of a retrospective multicentric study in the era of biologics. Digestive and Liver Disease.2020; 52(1):33-37. [Epub 2019 Sep 30]
  133. Rose-Clarke, K.; Gurung, D.; Brooke-Sumner, C.; Burgess, R.; Burns, J.; Kakuma, R.; Kusi-Mensah, K.; Ladrido-Ignacio, L.; Maulik, P. K.; Roberts, T.; Walker, I. F.; Williams, S.; Yaro, P.; Thornicroft, G.; Lund, C. Rethinking research on the social determinants of global mental health. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020; 7(8):659-662.
  134. Salvin,K.A.Preoperative532 double frequency YAG anterior capsulotomy in hypermature cataracts. Journal of the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka.2020;26(1):26–28.
  135. Salvin,K.A.Visualoutcomes inthe management of dropped nucleus without using the  Journal of the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka. 2020;26(2):56–59.
  136. Senanayake, A.P.; Indrakantha, D.; Sumathipala, S.; Wanigasuriya, K.; Kularathne, S.; Lekamwasam, S.; Jayasinghe, S.; de Silva, H.J.; Siribaddana, S. Features of Covid-19 patients detected during community screening: A Study from a rural hospital in Sri Lanka.Ceylon Medical Journal.2020; 65(3): 67–69.
  137. Senevirathna, U.; Udayanga, L.; Ganehiarachchi, G.A.S.M.; Hapugoda, M.; Ranathunge, T.; Gunawardene, N.S. Development of an alternative low-cost larval diet for mass rearing of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. BioMed Research International. 2020; 2020: 1053818.
  138. Shaw, M.K.; Chandratilake, M.; Ho, M.J.; Rees, C.E.; Monrouxe, L.V. Female victims and female perpetrators: medical students' narratives of gender dynamics and professionalism dilemmas. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2020; 25(2):299-319. [Epub 2019 Sep 20.]
  139. Silva, K.G.H.; Mahendra, B.A.G.G.; Hewavisenthi, SChondroblastoma with atypical   Journal of Diagnostic Pathology. 2020; 15(2): 5–8.
  140. Singh, S.P.; Anirvan, P.; Reddy, K.R.; Conjeevaram, H.S.; Marchesini, G.; Rinella, M.E.; Madan, K.; Petroni, M.L.; Al-Mahtab, M.; Caldwell, S.H.; Aithal, G.P.; Hamid, S.S.; Farrell, G.C.; Satapathy, S.K.; Duseja, A.; Acharya, S.K.; Dassanayake, A.S.; Goh, K.L. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Not time for an obituary just yet!Journal of Hepatology. 2020; S0168-8278(20)33729-6.
  141. Siriwardhana, D.D.; Weerasinghe, M.C.; Rait, G.; Scholes, S.; Walters, K.R. Association between frailty and disability among rural community-dwelling older adults in Sri Lanka: A Cross-Sectional Study. BMJ Open. 2020; 10 (3): e034189.
  142. Siriwardana, R.C.;Jayatunge, D.S.P.; Ekanayake, C.S.; Tilakaratne, S.; Niriella, A.; Gunathilake, B.; Dassanayake, A.S. Internal biliary diversion to avoid liver transplantation in an adult with intractable pruritus due to idiopathic intrahepatic cholestasis. Egyptian Liver Journal. 2020; 10(1): 46.
  143. Siriwardana, R.C.; Shanthanayagam, N.; Gunetilleke, B. M.; Weerasuriya, A. P.; Niriella, M. A.; Dassanayake, A. S.; Dissanayake, R. A Case of persistent portal hypertension following ligation of a large porto - systemic shunt during cadaveric donor liver transplantation. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2020; 65(1&2):32-33.
  144. Siriwardana, R.C.; Sivasundaram, T.; Paranaheva, L.; Ediriweera, D. S. Computed Tomography-based evaluation of segmental variation of liver density and its iImplications. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2020; 39(1):60-65.
  145. Tennakoon, V.; John, R.P.; Wickremasinghe, R.;Kool, B.; Ameratunga, S. Road injuries among older people in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka – a comparative analysis. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2020; 26(3): 154–162.
  146. Tennakoon, V.; Wiles, J.; Peiris-John, R.; Wickremasinghe, R.; Kool, B.; Ameratunga, S. Transport equity in Sri Lanka: Experiences linked to disability and older age. Journal of Transport and Health. 2020; 18: 100913.
  147. Tewari, A.; Praveen, D.; Madhira, P.; Josyula, L.K.; Joshi, R.; Kokku, S.B.; Garg, V.; Rawal, I.; Chopra, K.; Chakma, N.; Ahmed, S.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Godamunne, P.; Lata, A.S.; Sahay, R.; Patel, T.; Gupta, Y.; Tandon, N.; Naheed, A.; Patel, A.; Kapoor, D.
    Feasibilityof a lifestyle intervention program for prevention of diabetes among women with prior gestational Diabetes Mellitus (LIVING Study)in South Asia: A formative research study. 
    Frontiers in Global Women's Health. 2020;1: 587607.
  148. Thivaharan,Y.;Kitulwatte,I.D.G.Medicolegalopinion based on autopsy findings of a victim ofan explosion involving mass fatality. Academic Forensic Pathology. 2020; 10(3-4): 158-165.
  149. Thistlethwaite, J.; Locke, R.; Buckley, S.; Chandratilake, M.;Jensen, G.; Schalkwyk, S.; Weller-Newton,, Global perspectives on Covid-19 from the editorial board. The Clinical Teacher. 2020; 17(3):234-237.
  150. Udayanga, L.; Aryaprema, S.; Gunathilaka, N.; Iqbal, M. C. M.; Fernando, T.; Abeyewickreme, W. Larval Indices of vector mosquitoes as predictors of dengue epidemics: An approach to manage dengue outbreaks based on entomological parameters in the districts of Colombo and Kandy, Sri Lanka. BioMed Research International. 2020; 2020:6386952.
  151. Udayanga, L.; Gunathilaka, N.; Iqbal, M. C. M.; Abeyewickreme, W. Climate change induced vulnerability and adaption for dengue incidence in Colombo and Kandy districts: the detailed investigation in Sri Lanka. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 2020; 9(1):102.
  152. Valdebenito, S.; Murray, A.; Hughes, C.; Băban, A.; Fernando, A.D.; Madrid, B.J.; Ward, C.; Osafo, J.; Dunne, M.; Sikander, S.; Walker, S.P.; Thang, V.V.; Tomlinson, M.; Fearon, P.; Shenderovich, Y.; Marlow, M.; Chathurika, D.; Taut, D.; Eisner, M. Evidence for Better Lives Study: a comparative birth-cohort study on child exposure to violence and other adversities in eight low- and middle-income countries - foundational research (study protocol). BMJ Open.2020; 10 (10): e034986.
  153. Warnakulasuriya, T.; Williams, S.;Weerakkody, T.; Dabarera, M.; Rodrigo, K.; Waduge, V.A.; Ediriweera, D.; Siriwardena, N.; Wickremasinghe, R. Background radiation levels near a mineral sand mining factory in Sri Lanka: Correlation of radiation measurements with micronuclei frequency.  Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2020; 189(1):114-126
  154. Wang, N.; Salam, A.; Webster, R.; de Silva, A.; Guggilla, R.; Stepien, S.; Mysore, J.; Billot, L.; Jan, S.; Maulik, P. K.; Naik, N.; Selak, V.; Thom, S.; Prabhakaran, D.; Patel, A.; Rodgers, A.; TRIUMPH Study Group. Association of low-dose triple combination therapy with therapeutic inertia and prescribing patterns in patients with hypertension: A Secondary analysis of the TRIUMPH Trial. JAMA Cardiology. 2020: 5(11):1219-1226.
  155. Weerasinghe, M.; Konradsen, F.; Eddleston, M.; Pearson, M.; Jayamanne, S.;Knipe, D.; Hawton, K.; Gunnell, D.; Agampodi, S. Factors associated with purchasing pesticide from shops for intentional self-poisoning in Sri Lanka. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2020; 25(10): 1198-1204.
  156. Weerasinghe, M.; Pearson, M.; Konradsen, F.; Agampodi, S.; Sumith, J. A.; Jayamanne, S.; Senanayake, S. M. H. M. K.; Rajapaksha, S.; Eddleston, M. Emerging pesticides responsible for suicide in rural Sri Lanka following the 2008-2014 pesticide bans.BMC Public Health. 2020; 20(1):780.
  157. Wickramatunga, P. G. T. S.; Gunawardene, Y. I. N. S.; Wijesinghe, K. J.; Ellepola, A. N. B.; Dassanayake, R. S. RNAi-mediated silencing of ARV1 in Setaria digitata impairs in-vitro microfilariae release, embryogenesis and adult parasite viability. Veterinary Parasitology. 2020; 284:109189 [Epub 2020 July 31]
  158. Wijegunawardana, N.D.A.D.;Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S.; Abeyewickreme, W.; Chandrasena, T.G.A.N.; Dassanayake, R.S.; Manamperi, A.  Optimization of Aedes albopictus rearing procedures for combined sterile insect techniques (SIT) and Wolbachia-based laboratory studies in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. 2020; 40 (4): 801-807.
  159. Wijerathna, T; Gunathilaka, N.; Gunawardena, K.; Rodrigo, W. Socioeconomic, demographic and landscape factors associated with cutaneous leishmaniasis in Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka. Parasites & Vectors. 2020; 13(1):244.
  160. Wijerathna, T.; Gunathunga, S.; Gunathilaka, N. Recent developments and future directions in the paratransgenesis based control of Leishmania transmission. Biological Control. 2020; 145: 104260
  161. Wijerathna, T.; Gunathilaka, N. Morphological identification keys for adults of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Sri Lanka. Parasites & Vectors. 2020; 13(1):450.
  162. Wijerathne, B.T.B.; Meier, R.J.; Salgado, S.S.; Agampodi, S.B. Qualitative and quantitative dermatoglyphics of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Origin (CKDu) in Sri Lanka Journal of Physiological Anthropology.2020;39(1):1.
  163. Wijesinghe, H.; Gunathilaka, N.; Semege, S.; Pathirana, N.; Manamperi, N.; de Silva, C.; Fernando, D. Histopathology of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani in Sri Lanka. BioMed Research International. 2020; 2020:4926819.
  164. Withanage, G. P.; Hapuarachchi, H. C.; Viswakula, S. D.; Gunawardena, Y. I. N. S.; Hapugoda, M. Entomological surveillance with viral tracking demonstrates a migrated viral strain caused dengue epidemic in July, 2017 in Sri Lanka. PLoS One. 2020; 15(5): e0231408.
  165. Withanage, G.P.; Viswakula, S.D.; Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S.; Hapugoda, M. D. Use of novaluron-based autocidal gravid ovitraps to control Aedes dengue vector mosquitoes in the district of Gampaha, Sri Lanka. BioMed Research International. 2020; 2020:9567019.
  166. Yapabandara, A. M. G. M.; de Fatima Mota, M.D.R.; Sarmento, R.; Bosco, J.D.; Wickremasinghe, R. From malaria control to elimination within a decade: lessons learned from Timor Leste, a newly independent country. Malaria Journal. 2020; 19 (1):104.
  167. Yasara, N.; Wickramarathne, N.; Mettananda, C.; Manamperi, A.; Premawardhena, ; Mettananda, S. Efficacy and safety of oral hydroxyurea in transfusion-dependent β-thalassaemia: a protocol for randomised double-blind controlled clinical trial. BMJ Open. 2020; 10(10): e041958.
  168. Zeevenhooven, J.; Rexwinkel, R.; Van Berge Henegouwen, V. W. A.; Krishnan, U.; Vandenplas, Y.; Strisciuglio, C.; Staiano, A.; Devanarayana, N. M.; Rajindrajith, S.; Benninga, M. A.; Tabbers, M. M. A Core outcome set for clinical trials in pediatric functional abdominal pain disorders.The Journal of Pediatrics. 2020; 221:115-122.e5
  169. Zeevenhooven, J.; van der Heijden, S.; Devanarayana, N.M.; Rajindrajith, S.; Benninga, M.A. Epidemiology of Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders and Functional Defecation Disorders in Adolescents in Curacao. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2020; 70(4): e71-e76.
  170. Zeevenhooven, J.; van der Heijden, S.; Devanarayana, N.M.; Rajindrajith, S.; Benninga, M.A. Epidemiology of Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders and Functional Defecation Disorders in Adolescents in Curacao. [Letter to editor] Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2020; 71(3): e103-e104.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2019)

  1. Abeysena, C.Peiris, S.; Welgama, I.; Gunasekara, U.; Wickramage, K. Symptoms of dengue at the acute and post-infection stage in the Western Province, Sri Lanka: A cross-sectional study. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2019; 12(6):258.
  2. Abeysundara, P.K.; Nishad, N.; Balendran, K.; Pabasara, M.; Bandara, P.K.; Perera, N.M.; de Silva, H.; de Silva, S.; Umakanth, M.; Wijesinghe, PShould male doctors in Sri Lanka wear a necktie to be recognized and respected?  Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. 2019; 13(5): 445-448.
  3. Ahrensberg, H.; Madsen, L.B.; Pearson, M.; Weerasinghe, M.; Eddleston, M.; Jayamanne, S.; Hansen, K.S.; Ariyarathna, V.; Rajapaksha, S.; Konradsen, F. Estimating the government health-care costs of treating pesticide poisoned and pesticide self-poisoned patients in Sri Lanka.Global Health Action. 2019; 12(1): 1692616.
  4. Allen, A.; Premawardhena, A.; Allen, S.; Rodrigo, R.; Manamperi, A.; Perera, L.; Wray, K.; Armitage, A.; Fisher, C.; Drakesmith, A.; Robson, K.; Weatherall, D., The p.H63D allele of the HFE gene protects against low iron stores in Sri Lanka. Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases 2019; 76: 72-77.
  5. Allen, A.; Perera, S.; Perera, L.; Rodrigo, R.; Mettananda, S.; Matope, A.; Silva, I.; Hameed, N.; Fisher, C. A.; Olivieri, N.; Weatherall, D. J.; Allen, S.; Premawardhena, A., A "One-Stop" screening protocol for haemoglobinopathy traits and iron deficiency in Sri Lanka. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2019; 6: 66.
  6. Amarasinghe, W.D.N.L.; Jayasekara, R.; Jayamanne, B.D.W.; Nalaka, T.D.K.; Amarasiri, W.A.D.L.; Punchihewa, R.; Fernando, A. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis associated with Red-Vented Bulbul: a new encounter of bird related hypersensitivity pneumonitis.Case Reports in Pulmonology. 2019:9572790.
  7. Amarasena, H. L. P. ; Silva, F. H. D. S. ; Tilakaratna, P. M. Y. I. ; Jayamanne, S. F.; Ranawaka, U. K., Melioidosis with a subdural collection-a case report. BMC Infectious Diseases 2019; 19(1): 143.
  8. Amaraweera, C.; Niriella, M. A.; Dassanayaka, A.; Ranaweera, N. C.; Siriwardana, R. C., Systematic approach for benign liver lesions in non - cirrhotic livers. Ceylon Medical Journal 2019; 64(2): 66-69.
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  11. Athauda, L. K.; Pathiraja, C. K.; Pathirana, A. C.; Pathiraja, S. K.; Nonis, W. M.; Nimrod, D., Adherence to tobacco control policy implementation: a cross sectional study in a selected area in Ragama town, Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2019; 64(1): 34-35.
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  13. Bentley, A. R.; Sung, Y. J.; Brown, M. R.; Winkler, T. W.; Kraja, A. T. ; Ntalla, I.; Schwander, K.; Chasman, D. I.; Lim, E.; Deng, X.; Guo, X.; Liu, J.; Lu, Y.; Cheng, C. Y.; Sim, X.; Vojinovic, D.; Huffman, J. E.; Musani, S. K.; Li, C.; Feitosa, M. F. ; Richard, M. A. ; Noordam, R.; Baker, J.; Chen, G.; Aschard, H.; Bartz, T. M. ; Ding, J.; Dorajoo, R.; Manning, A. K. ; Rankinen, T.; Smith, A. V.; Tajuddin, S. M. ; Zhao, W.; Graff, M.; Alver, M.; Boissel, M.; Chai, J. F.; Chen, X.; Divers, J.; Evangelou, E.; Gao, C.; Goel, A.; Hagemeijer, Y.; Harris, S. E. ; Hartwig, F. P.; He, M.; Horimoto, A. R. V. R. ; Hsu, F. C.; Hung, Y. J. ; Jackson, A. U.; Kasturiratne, A.; Komulainen, P.; Kühnel, B.; Leander, K.; Lin, K. H.; Luan, J.; Lyytikäinen, L. P. ; Matoba, N.; Nolte, I. M.; Pietzner, M.; Prins, B.; Riaz, M.; Robino, A.; Said, M. A. ; Schupf, N.; Scott, R. A.; Sofer, T.; Stancáková, A.; Takeuchi, F.; Tayo, B. O.; van der Most, P. J. ; Varga, T. V.; Wang, T. D. ; Wang, Y.; Ware, E. B.; Wen, W.; Xiang, Y. B.;  Yanek, L. R. ;  Zhang, W.;  Zhao, J. H. ;  Adeyemo, A.;  Afaq, S.;  Amin, N.;  Amini, M.;  Arking, D. E. ;  Arzumanyan, Z.;  Aung, T.;  Ballantyne, C.;  Barr, R. G. ;  Bielak, L. F.;  Boerwinkle, E.;  Bottinger, E. P.;  Broeckel, U.;  Brown, M.;  Cade, B. E. ; Campbell, A.; Canouil, M.; Charumathi, S.; Chen, Y. I.; Christensen K; COGENT-Kidney Consortium; Concas, M. P.; Connell, J. M.; de Las Fuentes, L.; de Silva, H. J.; de Vries, P. S.; Doumatey, A.; Duan, Q.; Eaton, C. B.; Eppinga, R. N.; Faul, J. D. ; Floyd, J. S.; Forouhi, N. G.; Forrester, T.; Friedlander, Y.; Gandin, I.; Gao, H.; Ghanbari, M.; Gharib, S. A. ; Gigante, B.; Giulianini, F.; Grabe, H. J. ; Gu, C. C.; Harris, T. B.; Heikkinen, S.; Heng, C. K.; Hirata, M.; Hixson, J. E. ; Ikram MA; EPIC-InterAct Consortium; Jia, Y.; Joehanes, R.; Johnson, C.; Jonas, J. B.; Justice, A. E.; Katsuya, T.; Khor, C. C.; Kilpeläinen, T. O.; Koh, W. P. ; Kolcic, I.; Kooperberg, C.; Krieger, J. E.; Kritchevsky, S. B.; Kubo, M.; Kuusisto, J.; Lakka, T. A. ; Langefeld, C. D. ; Langenberg, C. ; Launer, L. J.; Lehne, B.; Lewis, C. E. ; Li, Y.; Liang, J.; Lin, S.; Liu, C. T. ; Liu, J.; Liu, K.; Loh, M.; Lohman, K. K. ; Louie, T.; Luzzi, A.; Mägi, R.; Mahajan, A.; Manichaikul, A. W.; McKenzie, C. A. ; Meitinger, T.; Metspalu, A.; Milaneschi, Y.; Milani, L.; Mohlke, K. L.; Momozawa, Y.; Morris, A. P.; Murray, A. D. ; Nalls, M. A. ; Nauck, M.; Nelson, C. P.; North, K. E. ; O'Connell, J. R. ; Palmer, N. D. ; Papanicolau, G. J. ; Pedersen, N. L. ; Peters,  ; Peyser, P. A.; Polasek, O.; Poulter, N.; Raitakari, O. T.; Reiner, A. P. ; Renström, F.; Rice, T. K.; Rich, S. S.; Robinson, J. G.; Rose, L. M.; Rosendaal, F. R.; Rudan, I.; Schmidt, C. O.; Schreiner, P. J.; Scott, W. R. ; Sever, P.; Shi, Y.; Sidney, S.; Sims, M.; Smith, J. A.; Snieder, H.; Starr, J. M.; Strauch, K.; Stringham, H. M.; Tan, N. Y. Q.; Tang, H.; Taylor, K. D. ; Teo, Y. Y.; Tham, Y. C. ; Tiemeier, H.; Turner, S. T.; Uitterlinden AG; Understanding Society Scientific Group; van Heemst, D.; Waldenberger, M.; Wang, H.; Wang, L.; Wang, L.; Wei, W. B. ; Williams, C. A. ; Wilson, G. Sr.; Wojczynski, M. K.; Yao, J.; Young, K.; Yu, C.; Yuan, J. M. ; Zhou, J.; Zonderman, A. B.; Becker, D. M. ; Boehnke, M.; Bowden, D. W.; Chambers, J. C.; Cooper, R. S.; de Faire, U.; Deary, I. J.; Elliott, P.; Esko, T.; Farrall, M.; Franks, P. W.; Freedman, B. I.; Froguel, P.; Gasparini, P.; Gieger, C.; Horta, B. L.; Juang, J. J.; Kamatani, Y.; Kammerer, C. M. ; Kato, N.; Kooner, J. S. ; Laakso, M.; Laurie, C. C. ; Lee, I. T.; Lehtimäki T; Lifelines Cohort; Magnusson, P. K. E.; Oldehinkel, A. J.; Penninx, B. W. J. H.; Pereira, A. C. ; Rauramaa, R.; Redline, S.; Samani, N. J. ; Scott, J.; Shu, X. O. ; van der Harst, P.; Wagenknecht, L. E.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, Y. X.; Wareham, N. J. ; Watkins, H.; Weir, D. R.; Wickremasinghe, A. R.; Wu, T.; Zeggini, E.; Zheng, W.; Bouchard, C.; Evans, M. K.; Gudnason, V.; Kardia, S. L. R.; Liu, Y.; Psaty, B. M.; Ridker, P. M.; van Dam, R. M. ; Mook-Kanamori, D. O.; Fornage, M.; Province, M. A. ; Kelly, T. N. ; Fox, E. R.; Hayward, C.; van Duijn, C. M.; Tai, E. S.; Wong, T. Y. ; Loos, R. J. F.; Franceschini, N.; Rotter, J. I.; Zhu, X.; Bierut, L. J.; Gauderman, W. J.; Rice, K.; Munroe, P. B.; Morrison, A. C.; Rao, D. C.; Rotimi, C. N.; Cupples, L. A., Multi-ancestry genome-wide gene-smoking interaction study of 387,272 individuals identifies new loci associated with serum lipids. Nature Genetics 2019; 51(4): 636-648.
  14. Chandradasa, M.;Basu, S. Collaborative networking between regional child mental health, paediatric and educational services in Gippsland, Australia: An online survey. The Australian Journal of Rural Health. 2019;27 (6):571-573.[Erratum in : Aust. J Rural Health. 2019; 27(6) : 571-573]
  15. Chandradasa, M.; Champika, L., Subspecialisation in postgraduate psychiatry and implications for a resource-limited specialised child and adolescent mental health service. Academic Psychiatry 2019; 43(1):135-139. [Epub 2018 Apr 18]
  16. Chandradasa, M.; Fernando, W.K.T.R.; Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A. Masked presentations of dissociative disorder among Sri Lankan adolescents. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2019; 10(1):25-27.
  17. Chandradasa, M.; Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. L. A., Confluence of western psychotherapy and religious teachings in mental healthcare of an Asian buddhist community: Sri Lanka. Journal of Religion and Health 2019; 58(5):1471-1476. [Epub 2018 July 27]
  18. Chandradasa, M., Suicidal ideation in gay adolescents in the context of cultural stigma and criminalized homosexuality in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2019; 65(1): 83-84. [Epub 2018 Nov.]
  19. Chandradasa, M.; Rathnayake, L.C. Aspects of moral character, civic purpose and social identity in relevance to the psychological well-being of adolescents in Sri Lanka. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine. 2019; 6(1): E 89:1-13.
  20. Chandradasa, M.; Rathnayake, L.C. Gender disparity as a threat to the mental well-being of young Sri Lankan women. British Journal of Psychiatry International. 2019; 16(4):90-92.
  21. Chandradasa, M.; Rathnayake, L.C., Immediate-Release Methylphenidate-Associated Recurrent Nasal bleeding in Siblings. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2019; 39(3): 284-285.
  22. Chandrasena, T. G. A. N.; Premaratna, R.; Mallawaarachchi, C. H.; Gunawardena, N.K.; Gunathilaka, P. A. D. H. N.; Abeyewickrama, W. Y.; de Silva, N. R., The Diversity of human Dirofilariasis in Western Sri Lanka . Biomed Research International 2019; 2019: 9209240.
  23. Datta, R.; Mendis, K.; Wikramasinghe, R.; Premaratne, R.; Fernando, D.; Parry, J.; Rolfe, B., Role of a dedicated support group in retaining malaria-free status of Sri Lanka. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 2019; 56(1): 66-69.
  24. de Silva, A. H. W.;Samarawickrema, N.; Kasturiratne, A.; Skinner, S. R.; Wickremasinghe, A.; Garland, S. M. Awareness of human papillomavirus, cervical cancer and its prevention among primigravid antenatal clinic attendees in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional study. Sexual Health. 2019; 16(3): 212-217.
  25. de Silva,; de Silva, H. Regulation of the medical profession in Sri Lanka: reform is urgently needed. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2019; 64(3):79-81.
  26. de Silva, S.T.; Niriella, M.A.; Ediriweera, D.S.; Kottahachchi, D.; Kasturiratne, A.; de Silva, A.P.; Dassanayaka, A.S.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Wickramasinghe, R.; Kato, N.; de Silva, H.J., Incidence and risk factors for metabolic syndrome among urban, adult Sri Lankans: a prospective, 7-year community cohort, follow-up study. Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2019;11:66
  27. de Vries, P. S.; Brown, M. R.; Bentley, A. R. ; Sung, Y. J. ; Winkler, T. W.; Ntalla, I.; Schwander, K.; Kraja, A. T.; Guo, X.; Franceschini, N.; Cheng, C. Y.; Sim, X.; Vojinovic, D.; Huffman, J. E. ; Musani, S. K. ; Li, C.; Feitosa, M. F. ; Richard, M. A. ; Noordam, R.; Aschard, H.; Bartz, T. M. ; Bielak, L. F. ; Deng, X.; Dorajoo, R.; Lohman, K. K. ; Manning, A. K. ; Rankinen, T.; Smith, A. V.; Tajuddin, S. M. ; Evangelou, E.; Graff, M.; Alver, M.; Boissel, M.; Chai, J. F.; Chen, X.; Divers, J.; Gandin, I.; Gao, C.; Goel, A.; Hagemeijer, Y.; Harris, S. E. ; Hartwig, F. P. ; He, M.; Horimoto, A. R. V. R. ; Hsu, F. C. ; Jackson, A. U.; Kasturiratne, A.; Komulainen, P.; Kühnel, B.; Laguzzi, F.; Lee, J. H. ; Luan, J.; Lyytikäinen, L. P. ; Matoba, N.; Nolte, I. M. ; Pietzner, M.; Riaz, M.; Said, M. A. ; Scott, R. A. ; Sofer, T.; Stancáková, A.; Takeuchi, F.; Tayo, B. O. ; van der Most, P. J. ; Varga, T. V.; Wang, Y.; Ware, E. B. ; Wen, W.; Yanek, L. R. ; Zhang, W.; Zhao, J. H. ; Afaq, S.; Amin, N.; Amini, M.; Arking, D. E. ; Aung, T.; Ballantyne, C.; Boerwinkle, E.; Broeckel, U.; Campbell, A.; Canouil, M.; Charumathi, S.; Chen, Y. I.; Connell, J. M. ; de Faire, U.; de Las Fuentes, L.; de Mutsert, R.; de Silva, H. J.; Ding, J.; Dominiczak, A. F. ; Duan, Q.; Eaton, C. B. ; Eppinga, R. N. ; Faul, J. D.; Fisher, V.; Forrester, T.; Franco, O. H. ; Friedlander, Y.; Ghanbari, M.; Giulianini, F.; Grabe, H. J. ; Grove, M. L. ; Gu, C. C. ; Harris, T. B. ; Heikkinen, S.; Heng, C. K. ; Hirata, M.; Hixson, J. E. ; Howard, B. V. ; Ikram, M. A. ; InterAct Consortium; Jr Jacobs, D. R.; Johnson, C.; Jonas, J. B. ; Kammerer, C. M. ; Katsuya, T.; Khor, C. C. ; Kilpeläinen, T. O. ; Koh, W. P. ; Koistinen, H. A. ; Kolcic, I.; Kooperberg, C.; Krieger, J. E. ; Kritchevsky, S. B. ; Kubo, M.; Kuusisto, J.; Lakka, T. A. ; Langefeld, C. D. ; Langenberg, C.; Launer, L. J. ; Lehne, B.; Lemaitre, R. N. ; Li, Y.; Liang, J. ; Liu, J. ; Liu, K. ; Loh, M.; Louie, T.; Mägi, R.; Manichaikul, A. W. ; McKenzie, C. A. ; Meitinger, T.; Metspalu, A.; Milaneschi, Y.; Milani, L.; Mohlke, K. L.; Mosley, T. H. Jr; Mukamal, K. J.; Nalls, M. A. ; Nauck, M.; Nelson, C. P.; Sotoodehnia, N.; O'Connell, J. R.; Palmer, N. D.; Pazoki, R.; Pedersen, N. L. ; Peters, A.; Peyser, P. A. ; Polasek, O.; Poulter, N.; Raffel, L. J.; Raitakari, O. T. ; Reiner, A. P. ; Rice, T. K. ; Rich, S. S. ; Robino, ; Robinson,  J. G. ; Rose, L. M. ; Rudan, I.; Schmidt, C. O. ; Schreiner, P. J. ; Scott, W. R. ; Sever, P.; Shi, Y.; Sidney, S.; Sims, M.; Smith, B. H. ; Smith, J. A. ; Snieder, H.; Starr, J. M. ; Strauch, K.; Tan, N.; Taylor, K. D.; Teo, Y. Y. ; Tham, Y. C. ; Uitterlinden, A. G.; van Heemst, D.; Vuckovic, D.; Waldenberger, M.; Wang, L.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Wei, W. B. ; Williams, C.; Wilson, G. Sr; Wojczynski, M. K. ; Yao, J.; Yu, B.; Yu, C.; Yuan, J. M. ; Zhao, W.; Zonderman, A. B. ; Becker, D. M. ; Boehnke, M.; Bowden, D. W. ; Chambers, J. C. ; Deary,  I. J. ; Esko, T.; Farrall, M.; Franks, P. W.; Freedman, B. I. ; Froguel,  P. ; Gasparini, P.; Gieger, C.; Horta, B. L. ; Kamatani, Y.; Kato, N.; Kooner, J. S. ; Laakso, M.; Leander, K.; Lehtimäki, T.; Lifelines Cohort, Groningen, The Netherlands (Lifelines Cohort Study); Magnusson, P. K. E. ; Penninx, B.; Pereira, A. C. ; Rauramaa, R.; Samani, N. J.; Scott, J.; Shu, X. O.; van der Harst, P.; Wagenknecht, L. E.; Wang, Y. X.; Wareham,  N. J.; Watkins, H.; Weir, D. R.; Wickremasinghe, A. R.; Zheng, W.; Elliott, P.; North, K. E.; Bouchard, C.; Evans, M. K.; Gudnason, V.; Liu, C. T.; Liu, Y.; Psaty, B. M.; Ridker, P. M.; van Dam, R. M.; Kardia, S. L. R.; Zhu, X.; Rotimi, C. N.; Mook-Kanamori, D. O.; Fornage, M.; Kelly, T. N.; Fox, E. R.; Hayward, C.; van Duijn, C. M.; Tai, E. S.; Wong, T. Y.; Liu, J.; Rotter, J. I.; Gauderman, W. J.; Province, M. A.; Munroe, P. B.; Rice, K.; Chasman, D. I.; Cupples, L. A.; Rao, D. C.; Morrison, A. C., Multi-Ancestry Genome-Wide Association Study of lipid levels incorporating gene-alcohol interactions. American Journal of Epidemiology 2019; 188(6): 1033-1054.
  28. Dharmawardena, P.; Premaratna, R.; Mendis, K.; Wickemasinghe, A. R.; Rodrigo, C.; Harintheran, A.; Fernando, D., Effectiveness of passive case detection for imported malaria in a hospital setting in Sri Lanka during the prevention of re-introduction phase of malaria. International Health 2019; 11(1): 64-70. [Epub 2018 Aug]
  29. Dias, T.; Abeykoon, S.; Mendis, P.; Gunawardena, C.; Pragasan, G.; Padeniya, T.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Kumarasiri, S., Fetal doppler reference values in women with a normal body mass index. Ceylon Medical Journal 2019;64(2):59-65
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  32. Edirisinghe, P. A. S.; Senarathne, U. D.;  Mendis, H. K. N. L. P.; Wijesinghe, P. R.; Fernando, A.; Kitulwatte, I. G. D. Profile of suicidal hanging presented to a tertiary care hospital: a descriptive study. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2019; 10(2):14–24.
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  34. Ediriweera, D.S.; Kasthuriratne, A.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Gunawardene, N.K.; Jayamanne, S.F.; Murray, K.; Iwamura, T.; Lalloo, D.G.; de Silva, H.J.; Diggle, P.J. Adjusting for spatial variation when assessing individual-level risk: A case-study in the epidemiology of snake-bite in Sri Lanka. PLoS One. 2019;14(10): e0223021
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  114. Ranathunga, N.; Perera, P.; Nandasena, S.; Sathiakumar, N.; Kasturiratne, A.; Wickremasinghe, REffect of household air pollution due to solid fuel combustion on childhood respiratory diseases in a semi urban population in Sri Lanka. BMC Pediatrics. 2019; 19(1):306.
  115. Ranathunge, T.; Abeyewickreme, W.; Iqbal, M. C. M.; Hapugoda, MUse of cyclopoid copepods for control of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquito larvae to prevent re-emergence of malaria in Sri Lanka. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases. 2019; 56(3):200-206.
  116. Ratnayake, R.M.U.S.; Epitakaduwa, C.; Jayatunge, D.N.U.; Ediriweera, D.; Hewavisenthi, S.J.D.S. Comparison of Mucin Patterns in Colonic Pathologies by Histochemistry. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology.2019;14(2):13–19.
  117. Ratnayake, I.; Mohamed, F.; Buckley, N.A.; Gawarammana, I.B.; Dissanayake, D.M.; Chathuranga, U.; Munasinghe, M.; Maduwage, K.; Jayamanne, S.; Endre, Z.H.; Isbister, G.K. Early identification of acute kidney injury in Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) envenoming using renal biomarkers. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2019; 13(7):e0007486.
  118. Ray, K.K.; Colhoun, H.M.; Szarek, M.; Baccara-Dinet, M.; Bhatt, D.L.; Bittner, V.A.; Budaj, A.J.; Diaz, R.; Goodman, S.G.; Hanotin, C.; Harrington, R.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Loizeau, V.; Lopes, R.D.; Moryusef, A.; Murin, J.; Pordy, R.; Ristic, A.D.; Roe, M.T.; Tuñón, J.; White, H.D.; Zeiher, A.M.; Schwartz, G.G.; Steg, P.G.; de Silva, A., ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Committees and Investigators. Effects of alirocumab on cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes after acute coronary syndrome in patients with or without diabetes: a prespecified analysis of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 2019; 7(8):618-628.
  119. Rodrigo, R.; Rodrigo, A.; Liyanage, N.; Hatahagoda, W.; Hewavitharana, U., Maternal perception of adequacy of mother's milk among mothers giving birth at a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka. Journal of Human Lactation. 2019; 35(1):171-180.
  120. Rovin, B. H.; Solomons, N.; Pendergraft, W. F.; Dooley, M. A. ; Tumlin, J.; Romero-Diaz, J.; Lysenko, L.; Navarra, S. V. ; Huizinga, R. B. ; de Silva, S.T. AURA-LV Study Group., A Randomized, controlled double-blind study comparing the efficacy and safety of dose-ranging voclosporin with placebo in achieving remission in patients with active lupus nephritis. Kidney international. 2019; 95(1): 219-231.
  121. Samarakoon, Y.M.; Gunawardena, N.S.; Pathirana, A.; Perera, M.N.;Hewage, S.A. Prediction of colorectal cancer risk among adults in a lower middle-income country. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. 2019; 10 (3): 445-452.
  122. Samarasekara, G.S.; Mettananda, S.; Punchihewa, P. Analysis of nutritional status and factors associated with undernutrition in children aged 6-59 months in a rural area of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2019; 49(2): 105-110.
  123. Sarin, S.K.; Choudhury, A.; Sharma, M.K.; Maiwall, R.; Al Mahtab, M.; Rahman, S.; Saigal, S.; Saraf, N.; Soin, A.S.; Devarbhavi, H.; Kim, D.J.; Dhiman, R.K.; Duseja, A.; Taneja, S.; Eapen, C.E.; Goel, A.; Ning, Q.; Chen, T.; Ma, K.; Duan, Z.; Yu, C.; Treeprasertsuk, S.; Hamid, S.S.; Butt, A.S.; Hamid, S.S.; Butt, A.S.; Jafri, W.; Shukla, A.; Saraswat, V.; Tan, S.S.; Sood, A.; Midha, V.; Goyal, O.; Ghazinyan, H.; Arora, A.; Hu, J.; Sahu, M.; Rao, P.N.; Lee, G.H.; Lim, S.G.; Lesmana, L.A.; Lesmana, C.R.; Shah, S.; Prasad, V.G.M.; Payawal, D.A.; Abbas, Z.; Dokmeci, A.K.; Sollano, J.D.; Carpio, G.; Shresta, A.; Lau, G.K.; Fazal Karim, M.; Shiha, G.; Gani, R.; Kalista, K.F.; Yuen, M.F.; Alam, S.; Khanna, R.; Sood, V.; Lal, B.B.; Pamecha, V.; Jindal, A.; Rajan, V.; Arora, V.; Yokosuka, O.; Niriella, M.A.; Li, H.; Qi, X.; Tanaka, A.; Mochida, S.; Chaudhuri, D.R.; Gane, E.; Win, K.M.; Chen, W.T.; Rela, M.; Kapoor, D.; Rastogi, A.; Kale, P.; Rastogi, A.; Sharma, C.B.; Bajpai, M.; Singh, V.; Premkumar, M.; Maharashi, S.; Olithselvan, A.; Philips, C.A.; Srivastava, A.; Yachha, S.K.; Wani, Z.A.; Thapa, B.R.; Saraya, A.; Shalimar; Kumar, A.; Wadhawan, M.; Gupta, S.; Madan, K.; Sakhuja, P.; Vij, V.; Sharma, B.C.; Garg, H.; Garg, V.; Kalal, C.; Anand, L.; Vyas, T.; Mathur, R.P.; Kumar, G.; Jain, P.; Pasupuleti, S.S.R.; Chawla, Y.K.; Chowdhury, A.; Alam, S.; Song, D.S.; Yang, J.M.; Yoon, E.L.; APASL ACLF Research Consortium (AARC) for APASL ACLF working Party Acute-on-chronic liver failure: consensus recommendations of the Asian Pacific association for the study of the liver (APASL):an update.Hepatology International. 2019; 13(4):353-390 [Erratum in Hepatol Int. 2019;13(6):826-828].
  124. Sathiakumar, N.; Tipre, M.; Wickremasinghe, R.; Bhat, V.; Kadir, M. M. ; Coggon, D.; Pathemeswaran, A.; Kamath, R.; Arunkumar, G.; Fatmi, Z.; Smith, T. L.; Pattanshetty, S. M.; Delzell, E., Building global partnerships through shared curricula for an MPH programme in India and Sri Lanka. Global Public Health. 2019; 14(9):1360-1371.
  125. Scheepers, P.T.J.; de Werdt, L.; van Dael, M.; Anzion, R.; Vanoirbeek, J.; Duca, R.C.; Creta, M.; Godderis, L.; Warnakulasuriya, D.T.D.; Devanarayana, N.M. Assessment of exposure of gas station attendants in Sri Lanka to benzene, toluene and xylenes. Environmental Research. 2019; 178: 108670.
  126. Senanayake, B.; Jitprapaikulsan, J.; Aravinthan, M.; Wijesekera, J. C.; Ranawaka, U. K.; Riffsy, M. T.; Paramanathan, T.; Sagen, J.; Fryer, J. P.; Schmeling, J.; Majed, M.; Flanagan, E. P.; Pittock, S. J., Seroprevalence and clinical phenotype of MOG-IgG-associated disorders in Sri Lanka. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2019; 90(12):1381-1383. [Epub 2019 Aug 6.]
  127. Shilpage, S.; Fernando, R.; Munasinghe, N.;Gunathilaka, B. Use of laryngeal mask airway in total thyroidectomy in a patient with ocular myasthenia and graves’ disease. World Journal of Endocrine Surgery. 2019; 11(1): 26-27.
  128. Shinsugi, C.; Gunasekara, D.; Gunawardena, N. K.; Subasinghe, W.; Miyoshi, M.; Kaneko, S.; Takimoto, H., Double burden of maternal and child malnutrition and socioeconomic status in urban Sri Lanka. PLoS One. 2019; 14(10): e0224222.[Erratum in PLoS One;2020: 15(3):e0230785]
  129. Siriwardhana, D. D.; Weerasinghe, M. C. ; Rait, G.; Falcaro, M.; Scholes, S.; Walters, K. R., Prevalence of frailty in rural community-dwelling older adults in Kegalle district of Sri Lanka: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2019; 9(1): e026314.
  130. Siriwardhana, D. D. ; Weerasinghe, M. C. ; Rait, G.; Scholes, S.; Walters, K. R., The Association between frailty and quality of life among rural community-dwelling older adults in Kegalle district of Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional study. Quality of Life Research. 2019; 28(8): 2057-2068.
  131. Siriwardhana, D. D.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Wickremasinghe, A. R., The Socioeconomic inequality and determinants of postnatal home visits made by public health midwives: An analysis of the Sri Lanka Demographic and Health Survey. PLoS One. 2019; 14(4): e0215816.
  132. Siriwardana, R. C.; Kumarage, S. K.; Gunathilake, M. B.; Thilakarathne, S. B.; Wijesinghe, J. S., Local infiltration versus laparoscopic-guided transverse abdominis plane block in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: double-blinded randomized control trial. Surgical Endoscopy. 2019; 33(1):179-183.
  133. Somasundaram, N.P.; Ranathunga, I.; Gunawardana, K.; Ediriweera, D.S. High prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Sri Lankan urban population - Data from Colombo urban study. Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2019; 9(2):8-15.
  134. Somasundaram, N.; Ranathunga, I.; Gunawardana, K.; Ahamed, M.; Ediriweera, D.S.; Antonypillai, C.N.; Kalupahana, N. High prevalence of overweight/obesity in urban Sri Lanka: Findings from the Colombo urban study. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2019; 2019:2046428.
  135. Subasinghe, C. J.; Gunawardane, K.; Ediriweera, D.S.; Somasundaram, N. P. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency/Insufficiency and its metabolic associations in an urban setting in Sri Lanka: Data from Colombo urban study.Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2019; 09(2):16-24.
  136. Sumanasena, S. P.; Wanigasinghe, J.; Arambepola, C.; Sri Ranganathan, S.; Muhandiram, E., Developmental profile at initial presentation in children with infantile spasms. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2019; 61(11):1295-1301. [Epub 2019 March]
  137. Sung, Y.J.; de Las Fuentes, L.; Winkler, T.W.; Chasman, D.I.; Bentley, A.R.; Kraja, A.T.; Ntalla, I.; Warren, H.R.; Guo, X.; Schwander, K.; Manning, A.K.; Brown, M.R.; Aschard, H.; Feitosa, M.F.; Franceschini, N.; Lu, Y.; Cheng, C.Y.; Sim, X.; Vojinovic, D.; Marten, J.; Musani, S.K.; Kilpeläinen, T.O.; Richard, M.A.; Aslibekyan, S.; Bartz, T.M.; Dorajoo, R.; Li, C.; Liu, Y.; Rankinen, T.; Smith, A.V.; Tajuddin, S.M.; Tayo, B.O.; Zhao, W.; Zhou, Y.; Matoba, N.; Sofer, T.; Alver, M.; Amini, M.; Boissel, M.; Chai, J.F.; Chen, X.; Divers, J.; Gandin, I.; Gao, C.; Giulianini, F.; Goel, A.; Harris, S.E.; Hartwig, F.P.; He, M.; Horimoto, A.R.V.R.; Hsu, F.C.; Jackson, A.U.; Kammerer, C.M.; Kasturiratne, A.; Komulainen, P.; Kühnel, B.; Leander, K.; Lee, W.J.; Lin, K.H.; Luan, J.; Lyytikäinen, L.P.; McKenzie, C.A.; Nelson, C.P.; Noordam, R.; Scott, R.A.; Sheu, W.H.H.; Stančáková, A.; Takeuchi, F.; van der Most, P.J.; Varga, T.V.; Waken, R.J.; Wang, H.; Wang, Y.; Ware, E.B.; Weiss, S.; Wen, W.; Yanek, L.R.; Zhang, W.; Zhao, J.H.; Afaq, S.; Alfred, T.; Amin, N.; Arking, D.E.; Aung, T.; Barr, R.G.; Bielak, L.F.; Boerwinkle, E.; Bottinger, E.P.; Braund, P.S.; Brody, J.A.; Broeckel, U.; Cade, B.; Campbell, A.; Canouil, M.; Chakravarti, A.; Cocca, M.; Collins, F.S.; Connell, J.M.; de Mutsert, R.; de Silva, H.J.; Dörr, M.; Duan, Q.; Eaton, C.B.; Ehret, G.; Evangelou, E.; Faul, J.D.; Forouhi, N.G.; Franco, O.H.; Friedlander, Y.; Gao, H.; Gigante, B.; Gu, C.C.; Gupta, P.; Hagenaars, S.P.; Harris, T.B.; He, J.; Heikkinen, S.; Heng, C.K.; Hofman, A.; Howard, B.V.; Hunt, S.C.; Irvin, M.R.; Jia, Y.; Katsuya, T.; Kaufman, J.; Kerrison, N.D.; Khor, C.C.; Koh, W.P.; Koistinen, H.A.; Kooperberg, C.B.; Krieger, J.E.; Kubo, M.; Kutalik, Z.; Kuusisto, J.; Lakka, T.A.; Langefeld, C.D.; Langenberg, C.; Launer, L.J.; Lee, J.H.; Lehne, B.; Levy, D.; Lewis, C.E.; Li, Y.; Lifelines Cohort Study; Lim, S.H.; Liu, C.T.; Liu, J.; Liu, J.; Liu, Y.; Loh, M.; Lohman, K.K.; Louie, T.; Mägi, R.; Matsuda, K.; Meitinger, T.; Metspalu, A.; Milani, L.; Momozawa, Y.; Mosley, T.H. Jr; Nalls, M.A.; Nasri, U.; O'Connell, J.R.; Ogunniyi, A.; Palmas, W.R.; Palmer, N.D.; Pankow, J.S.; Pedersen, N.L.; Peters, A.; Peyser, P.A.; Polasek, O.; Porteous, D.; Raitakari, O.T.; Renström, F.; Rice, T.K.; Ridker, P.M.; Robino, A.; Robinson, J.G.; Rose, L.M.; Rudan, I.; Sabanayagam, C.; Salako, B.L.; Sandow, K.; Schmidt, C.O.; Schreiner, P.J.; Scott, W.R.; Sever, P.; Sims, M.; Sitlani, C.M.; Smith, B.H.; Smith, J.A.; Snieder, H.; Starr, J.M.; Strauch, K.; Tang, H.; Taylor, K.D.; Teo, Y.Y.; Tham, Y.C.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Waldenberger, M.; Wang, L.; Wang, Y.X.; Wei, W.B.; Wilson, G.; Wojczynski, M.K.; Xiang, Y.B.; Yao, J.; Yuan, J.M.; Zonderman, A.B.; Becker, D.M.; Boehnke, M.; Bowden, D.W.; Chambers, J.C.; Chen, Y.I.; Weir, D.R.; de Faire, U.; Deary, I.J.; Esko, T.; Farrall, M.; Forrester, T.; Freedman, B.I.; Froguel, P.; Gasparini, P.; Gieger, C.; Horta, B.L.; Hung, Y.J.; Jonas, J.B.; Kato, N.; Kooner, J.S.; Laakso, M.; Lehtimäki, T.; Liang, K.W.; Magnusson, P.K.E.; VOldehinkel, A.J.; Pereira, A.C.; Perls, T.; Rauramaa, R.; Redline, S.; Rettig, R.; Samani, N.J.; Scott, J.; Shu, X.O.; van der Harst, P.; Wagenknecht, L.E.; Wareham, N.J.; Watkins, H.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.; Wu, T.; Kamatani, Y.; Laurie, C.C.; Bouchard, C.; Cooper, R.S.; Evans, M.K.; Gudnason, V.; Hixson, J.; Kardia, S.L.R.; Kritchevsky, S.B.; Psaty, B.M.; van Dam, R.M.; Arnett, D.K.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Fornage, M.; Fox, E.R.; Hayward, C.; van Duijn, C.M.; Tai, E.S.; Wong, T.Y.; Loos, R.J.F.; Reiner, A.P.; Rotimi, C.N.; Bierut, L.J.; Zhu, X.; Cupples, L.A.; Province, M.A.; Rotter, J.I.; Franks, P.W.; Rice, K.; Elliott, P.; Caulfield, M.J.; Gauderman, W.J.; Munroe, P.B.; Rao, D.C.; Morrison, A.C. A multi-ancestry genome-wide study incorporating gene-smoking interactions identifies multiple new loci for pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure. Human Molecular Genetics. 2019; 28(15):2615-2633.
  138. Talagala, I. A.; Samarakoon, Y.; Senanayake, S.; Abeysena, C., Sri Lankan clinical practice guidelines: A methodological quality assessment utilizing the AGREE II instrument. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2019; 25(4): 630-636. [Epub 2018 Oct 15]
  139. Tarnauskait, Z.; Bicknell, L. S.; Marsh, J. A.; Murray, J. E.; Parry, D. A.; Logan, C. V.; Bober, M. B.; de Silva, D. C.; Duker, A. L.; Sillence, D.; Wise, C.; Jackson, A. P.; Murina, O.; Reijns, M. A. M., Biallelic variants in DNA2 cause microcephalic primordial dwarfism. Human Mutation. 2019; 40(8): 1063-1070.
  140. Tegner, C.; Sunil-Chandra, N. P.; Wijesooriya, W. R. P. L. I.; Perera, B. V.; Hansson, I.; Fahlman, A. Detection, identification, and antimicrobial susceptibility of Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. from free-ranging nonhuman primates in Sri Lanka. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 2019; 55(4):879-884.
  141. Udayanga, L.; Ranathunge, T.; Iqbal, M. C. M.; Abeyewickreme, W.; Hapugoda, M., Predatory efficacy of five locally available copepods on Aedes larvae under laboratory settings: An approach towards bio-control of dengue in Sri Lanka. PLoS One. 2019; 14(5): e0216140.
  142. Uyangoda, K.; Kamalanathan, P.; Mettananda, S.Familial glucocorticoid deficiency presenting with hyperpigmentation, gigantism, and motor development delay: a case report.  Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019; 13(1):280.
  143. Vij, M.; Valamparampil, J.; Shanmugum, N.; Reddy, S.M.; Rajindrajith, S.;Rela, M. Paucity of interlobular bile ducts in Multidrug-Resistant P-Glycoprotein 3 (MDR3) deficiency. International Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2019; 27(3):343-347.
  144. Vriesman, M. H.; Rajindrajith, S.; Koppen, I. J. N.; van Etten-Jamaludin, F. S.; van Dijk, M.; Devanarayana, N. M.; Tabbers, M. M.; Benninga, M. A., Quality of Life in children with functional constipation: A systematic review and meta-Analysis. Journal of Pediatrics. 2019; 214:141-150.
  145. Walter, A. W.; Hovenkamp, A.; Devanarayana, N. M.; Solanga, R.; Rajindrajith, S.; Benninga, M. A., Functional constipation in infancy and early childhood: epidemiology, risk factors, and healthcare consultation. BMC Pediatrics. 2019; 19(1): 285.
  146. Wijegunawardana, N. D. A. D.; Gunawardene, Y. I. N. S. ; Chandrasena, T. G. A. N.; Dassanayake, R. S.; Udayanga, N. W. B. A. L. ; Abeyewickreme, W., Evaluation of the effects of Aedes vector indices and climatic factors on dengue Incidence in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. BioMed Research International. 2019; 2019: 2950216.
  147. Wijerathna, T.;Gunathilaka, N. Phlebotomine sand flies (Psychodidae: Diptera) of Sri Lanka: a review on diversity, biology and bionomics  Journal of Insect Biodiversity. 2019; 11(2): 041-058.
  148. Wijesinghe, C.A.; Liyanage, U.L.N.S.; Kapugama, K.G.C.L.; Warsapperuma, W.A.N.P.; Williams, S.S.; Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A.; Rodrigo, A“Muddling by googling” – Cyberchondria among outpatient attendees of two hospitals in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2019; 10(1): 11-15.
  149. Wijesinghe, P. S.; Jayaratne, K.; Peiris, D., National maternal death surveillance and response: Sri Lankan scenario. Ceylon Medical Journal 2019; 64(1): 1-3.
  150. Wijesuriya, H.; Perera, M. N.; de Silva, G.; Vithanage, P. R.; Dineshkumar, P.; Lakmal, S.; Fernando, I. B.; Rajasuriya, M.; Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC) Sri Lanka, Two-a-pack cigarette packet in Sri Lanka: an affordability experiment by the tobacco industry?. Tobacco Control. 2019; 28(e2):e160-e161.
  151. Williams, S. Ethics in Haematology (Editorial). Sri Lanka Journal of Haematology. 2019; 11(1):1-2



Publications in peer reviewed journals (2018)

  1. Alifrangis, C.; Carter, P.; Cereser, B.; Chandrasinghe, P.; Del Bel Belluz, L.; Lim, E.; Moderau, N.; Poyia, F.; Tabassum, N.; Zhang, H.; Krell, J. ; Stebbing, J., Investigating the benefits of molecular profiling of advanced non-small cell lung cancer tumors to guide treatments. Oncotarget 2018; 9(16): 12805-12811.
  2. Arulanandem, K.; Jayawickramaraja, P. T. ; Hettige, S.; Ramanayake, R. P. J. C.; Kisokanth, G. , Health care needs and services available for elders in the Batticalao district. Sri Lankan Family Physician 2018; 34(1): 3-10.
  3. Beyens, A.; Albuisson, J.; Boel, A.; Al-Essa, M.; Al-Manea, W.; Bonnet, D.; Bostan, O.; Boute, O.; Busa, T.; Chanham, ,N.; Cil, E.; Couke, P.J.; Cousin, M.A.; Dasouki, M.; Da Backer, J.; De Paepe, A.; de Schepper, S.; de Silva, D.; Devriendt, K.; De Wandele, I.; Deyle, D.R.; Dietz, H.; Dupuis-Giroid, S.; Fontenot, E.; Fischer-Zirnsak, B.; Gezdirici, A.; Ghoumid, J.; Giuliano, F.; Diez, N.B.; Haider, M.Z.; Hardin, J.S.; Jeunemaitre, X.; Klee, E.W.; Kornak, U.; Landecho, M.F.; Legrand, A.; Loeys, B.; Lyonnet, S.; Michael, H.; Moceri, P.; Mohammed, S.; Muino-Mosquera, L.; Nampoothiri, S.; Picher, K.; Prescott, K.; Rajeb, A.; Ramos-Arroyo, M.; Rossi, M.; Salih, M.; Seidahmed, M.Z.; Schaefer, E.; Steichen-Gersdorf, E.; Temel, S.; Uysal, F.; Vanhomwegen, M.; Van Laer, L.; Van Maldergem, L.; Warner, D.; Willaert, A.; Collins, T.R.; Taylor, A.; Davis, E.C.; Zarate, Y.; Callewaert, B., Arterial tortuosity syndrome: 40 new families and literature review. Genetics in Medicine 2018; 20(10): 1236-1245.[Correction in Genet Med. 2019; 21(8):1894-1895].
  4. Bulathsinhala, B. K. S.; Tillekaratne, M. S. B.; Gunathilake, M. B.; Niriella, M. A.; Wijegunawardena, D. G. A.; Siriwardana, R. C., Outcome of hepatic resection: first five-year experience in elderly and younger patients. Ceylon Medical Journal 2018; 63(1]: 43-45.
  5. Bulathsinhala, B. K. S.; Siriwardana, R. C.; Gunathilake, M. B.; Niriella, M. A.; Dassanayake, A., Clinical characteristics and outcomes of hepatocellular carcinoma: results from prospective study, from a tertiary referral center in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2018; 63(3): 133-138.
  6. Bundy, D. A. P.; de Silva, N. R.; Horton, S.; Patton, G. C.; Schultz, L.; Jamison, D. T.; Disease Control Priorities-3 Child and Adolescent Health and Development Authors Group, Investment in child and adolescent health and development: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition. Lancet 2018; 391(10121): 687-699.
  7. Bundy, D. A. P.; Appleby, L. J; Bradley, M.; Croke, K; Hollingsworth, T. D.; Pullan,  ; Turner, H.C.; de Silva, N. R., 100 years of mass deworming programmes: A policy perspective from the World Bank's disease control priorities analyses. Advances in Parasitology 2018; 100: 127-154.
  8. Carter, P.; Alifrangis, C.; Cereser, B.; Chandrasinghe, P.; Del Bel Belluz, L.; Herzog, T.; Levitan, J.; Moderau, N.; Schwartzberg, L.; Tabassum, N.; Wen, J.; Krell, J.; Stebbing, J., Does molecular profiling of tumors using the Caris molecular intelligence platform improve outcomes for cancer patients? Oncotarget 2018; 9(10): 9456-9467.[Correction in Oncotarget. 2018;9(19):15166]
  9. Carter, P.; Alifrangis, C.; Chandrasinghe, P.; Cereser, B.; Del Bel Belluz, L.; Leo, C. A.; Moderau, N.; Tabassum, N.; Warusavitarne, J.; Krell, J. ; Stebbing, J., The benefit of tumor molecular profiling on predicting treatments for colorectal adenocarcinomas. Oncotarget 2018; 9(13): 11371-11376.[Correction in Oncotarget. 2018; 9(19):15165]
  10. Carter, P.; Alifrangis, C.; Cereser, B.; Chandrasinghe, P.; Del Bel Belluz, L.; Moderau, N.; Poyia, F.; Schwartzberg, L. S.; Tabassum, N.; Wen, J.; Krell, J. ; Stebbing, J., Molecular profiling of advanced breast cancer tumors is beneficial in assisting clinical treatment plans. Oncotarget 2018; 9(25): 12805-12811.
  11. Casather, D. M.; Herath, R. P.; Ranathunga, R. D. J. ; Pannala, W. S., A Case of labial adhesions following primary genital herpes infection. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2018; 27(2): 55-58.
  12. Chandradasa, M.; Champika, L., Commentary: Measuring depression in a non-western war-affected displaced population: measurement equivalence of the Beck Depression Inventory. Frontiers in Psychology 2018; 9: 566.
  13. Chandradasa, M.; Champika, L., Improving mental health access to multi-religious university students in diverse cultures. Psychiatria Danubina 2018; 30(1): 113.
  14. Chandradasa, M.; Champika, L., Psychopathology among war-affected children and lessons from Sri Lanka on culturally relevant management. Journal of Pediatrics and Womens Healthcare 2018; 1(1): 1006.
  15. Chandradasa, M.; Champika, L., Reincarnation type presentations of children with high-functioning autism in Sri Lanka. Explore(NY) 2018; 14(3): 230-233.
  16. Chandradasa, M.; Champika, L., Transcultural factors related to depressive psychopathology in Sri Lankan migrants living in Australia. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2018; 64(3): 303-304.
  17. Chandradasa, M.; Champika, L., The Use of aripiprazole for tic disorders in children and adolescents and implications for resource limited settings in the developing world. Psychiatry Research 2018; 263: 298. (Comment)
  18. Chandradasa, M.; Hettiarachchi, D.; Fernando, R.; Gunathilake, M.; Wijetunge, S.; Tennakoon, A., A Juvenile sex offender with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research 2018; 2(1): 13-6.
  19. Chandradasa, M.; Rathnayake, L., Socio-cultural and neurobiological perspectives of betel nut chewing in schizophrenia. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2018; 37: 38-39.
  20. Chandradasa, M.; Rathnayake, L. C., How the west can help to develop mental health services in resource-limited settings. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2018; 64(6): 610-611.
  21. Chandradasa, M.; Rathnayake, L.C., Social media use of adolescents as a component of the comprehensive mental health assessment. Journal of Pediatrics and Womens Healthcare 2018; 1(2): 1010.
  22. Chandradasa, M.; Wijesinghe, C.; Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. L. A.; Perera, M., Near-death experiences in a multi-religious hospital population in Sri Lanka. Journal of Religion and Health 2018; 57(5): 1599-1605.
  23. Chandradasa, M.; Williams, S., High-functioning autism in a Sri Lankan youth with Langer-Giedion syndrome. Psychiatric Genetics 2018; 28(3): 55-57.
  24. Chandraratne, N. K.; Fernando, A. D.; Gunawardena, N., Physical, sexual and emotional abuse during childhood: Experiences of a sample of Sri Lankan young adults. Child Abuse & Neglect 2018; 81: 214-224.
  25. Chandraratne, N. K.; Fernando, A. D.; Gunawardena, N., Cultural adaptation, translation and validation of the ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool - Retrospective Version (ICAST-R) for young adults in Sri Lanka. Child Abuse & Neglect 2018; 84: 11-22.
  26. Chandrasena, N.; Premaratna, R.; Gunaratna, I. E.; de Silva, N. R., Morbidity management and disability prevention for lymphatic filariasis in Sri Lanka: Current status and future prospects. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2018; 12(5): e0006472.
  27. Chandrasinghe, P.; Cereser, B.; Moorghen, M.; Al Bakir, I.; Tabassum, N.; Hart, A.; Stebbing, J.; Warusavitarne, J., Role of SMAD proteins in colitis-associated cancer: from known to the unknown. Oncogene 2018; 37(1): 1-7.
  28. Chandrasinghe, P. C., Basics in molecular evolution of colorectal cancer and their implications for the surgeon: is it a 'big-bang' or a 'survival of the toughest'? Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2018; 36(2): 18-21.
  29. Dharmapala, A.D.; Siriwardena, R.C.;Chan, A.; Adair, A.; Shrikhande, S.; Jeyarajah, R.; Jegatheeswaran, S.; Jagannath, P.; Siriwardhane, M.; Sivaganesh, S.; Pathirana, A.A.; Siriwardena, A.K., Sri Lanka guidelines for the management of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer., The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2018; 36(4): 20-24. 
  30. Dharmarathna, I.; Miles, A.; Allen, J.E. Current approaches to instrumental assessment of swallowing in children. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery. 2018; 26(6):349-355.
  31. Dassanayake, A. S., Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Identifying the disease burden in Sri Lanka. Euroasian Journal of Hepato-Gastroenterology 2018; 8(1): 69-72.
  32. Dayasiri, K.C., de Silva, D., Weerasekara, K. Confirmation of mosaic trisomy 22 in an infant with failure to thrive. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2028; 47 (2): 174-176.
  33. Dayasiri, B. K. C.; Jayamanne, S. F.; Jayasinghe, C. Y., Patterns and outcome of acute poisoning among children in rural Sri Lanka. BMC Pediatrics 2018; 18(1): 274.
  34. de Silva, D.; Williamson, K. A.; Dayasiri KC; Suraweera, N.; Quinters, V.; Abeysekara, H.; Wanigasinghe, J.; De Silva, D.; de Silva, H., Gillespie syndrome in a South Asian child: a case report with confirmation of a heterozygous mutation of the ITPR1 gene and review of the clinical and molecular features. BMC Pediatrics 2018; 18(1): 308.
  35. de Silva, N. R., The soil-transmitted helminths in Sri Lanka: a review of the recent literature. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 2018; 8(2): 60-68.
  36. Devanarayana, N. M.; Rajindrajith, S., Irritable bowel syndrome in children: current knowledge, challenges and opportunities. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2018; 24(21): 2211-2235.
  37. Dias, T., Minimizing the risks of twin pregnancy. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2018; 40(3): 58-62. [Oration, Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists]
  38. Dissanayake, D. M. A, B.; Patel, H.; Wijesinghe, P. S., Differentiation of human male germ cells from Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine 2018; 45(2): 75-81.
  39. Edirisinghe, P. A. S.; Paranavithana, S. S.; Perera, A. A. B. S. ; Kitulwatte, I. D. G., Elderly victims dying of unnatural causes: a retrospective descriptive study from Ragama, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law 2018; 9(1): 15-22.
  40. Ediriweera, D. S.; Diggle, P.J.; Kasturiratne, A.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Gunawardena, N. K.; Jayamanne, S. F.; Isbister, G. K.; Dawson, A.; Lalloo, D. G.; de Silva, H. J., Evaluating temporal patterns of snakebite in Sri Lanka: the potential for higher snakebite burdens with climate change. International Journal of Epidemiology 2018; 47(6): 2049-2058.
  41. Ediriweera, D. S.; Dilina, N.; Saparamadu, V.; Fernando, I.; Kurukulasuriya, B.; Fernando, D.; Kurera, J., Aspirin is associated with low oral pH levels and antacid helps to increase oral pH. BMC Research Notes 2018; 11(1): 137.
  42. Ediriweera, D. S.; Karunapema, P.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Arnold, M., Increase in premature mortality due to non-communicable diseases in Sri Lanka during the first decade of the twenty-first century. BMC Public Health 2018; 18(1): 584.
  43. Ekanayake, C. D.; Punchihewa, R.; Wijesinghe, P. S., An Atypical presentation of an ovarian lymphoma: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2018; 12(1): 338.
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  45. Fernando, C. H. K. A.; Mendis, S.; Upasena, A. P.; Costa, Y. J.; Williams, H. S. A.; Moratuwagama, D., Splenic Syndrome in a young man at high altitude with undetected sickle cell trait. Journal of Patient Experience 2018; 5(2): 153-155.
  46. Fernando, D.; Wijeyaratne, P.; Wickremasinghe, R.; Abeyasinghe, R. R.; Galappaththy, G. N. L.; Wickremasinghe, R.; Hapugoda, M.; Abeyewickreme, W.; Rodrigo, C., Use of a public-private partnership in malaria elimination efforts in Sri Lanka; a case study. BMC Health Services Research 2018; 18(1): 202.
  47. Fernando, N.; de Silva, R.; Handunnetti, S. M.; Karunanayake, L.; de Silva, N. L.; de Silva, H. J.; Rajapakse, S.; Premawansa, S., Effect of antimicrobial agents on inflammatory cytokines in acute Leptospirosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2018; 62(5): e02312-17.
  48. Fernando, S. D.; Hapugoda, M.; Perera, R.; Saavedra-Rodriguez, K.; Black, W. C. 4th; de Silva, N. K., First report of V1016G and S989P knockdown resistant (kdr) mutations in pyrethroid-resistant Sri Lankan Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Parasites & Vectors 2018; 11(1): 526.
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  54. Gunaratna, G.; Manamperi, A.; Böhlken-Fascher, S.; Wickremasinge, R.; Gunawardena, K.; Yapa, B.; Pathirana, N.; Pathirana, H.; de Silva, N. R.; Sooriyaarachchi, M.; Deerasinghe, T.; Mondal, D.; Ranasinghe, S.; Abd, E.; Wahed, A., Evaluation of rapid extraction and isothermal amplification techniques for the detection of Leishmania donovani DNA from skin lesions of suspected cases at the point of need in Sri Lanka. Parasites & Vectors 2018; 11(1): 665.
  55. Gunathilaka, N.; Ranathunge, T.; Udayanga, L.; Wijegunawardana, A.; Abeyewickreme, , Oviposition preferences of dengue vectors; Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Sri Lanka under laboratory settings. Bulletin of Entomological Research 2018; 108(4): 442-450.
  56. Gunathilaka, N.; Chandradasa, M.; Champika L.; Siriwardana, S.; Wijesooriya, L., Delayed anxiety and depressive morbidity among dengue patients in a multi-ethnic urban setting: first report from Sri Lanka. International Journal of Mental Health Systems 2018; 12: 20.
  57. Gunathilaka, N.; Niroshana, D.; Amarasinghe, D.; Udayanga, L., Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections and assessment of deworming program among cattle and buffaloes in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. BioMed Research International 2018: 3048373.
  58. Gunathilaka, P. A. D. H. N.; Uduwawala, U. M. H. U.; Udayanga, N. W. B. A. L.; Ranathunge, R. M. T. B.; Amarasinghe, L. D.; Abeyewickreme, W., Determination of the efficiency of diets for larval development in mass rearing Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 2018; 108(5): 583-592.
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  60. Hettiarachchi, R.; Abeysena, C., Association of poor social support and financial insecurity with psychological distress of Chronic Kidney Disease patients attending National Nephrology Unit in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Nephrology 2018: 5678781.
  61. Hettiarachchi, S.; Kitnasamy, G.; Mahendran, R.; Nizar, F. S. ; Bandara, C.; Gowritharan, P., Efficacy of a low-cost multidisciplinary team-led experiential workshop for public health midwives on dysphagia management for children with cerebral palsy. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development 2018; 29(3): 67-92.
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  116. Rodrigo, R.; Allen, A.; Manamperi, A.; Perera, L.; Fisher, C. A.; Allen, S.; Weatherall, D. J.; Premawardhena, A. P., Haemoglobin variants, iron status and anaemia in Sri Lankan adolescents with low red cell indices: A cross sectional survey. Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases 2018; 71: 11-15.
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  147. Wijesooriya, L. I.; Kok, T.; Perera, J.; Tilakarathne, Y.; Sunil-Chandra, N. P., Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA detection and specific antibody class response in patients from two tertiary care hospitals in tropical Sri Lanka. Journal of Medical Microbiology 2018; 67(9): 1232-1242.
  148. Withanage, G. P.; Viswakula, S. D.; Gunawardene, Y. I. N. S.; Hapugoda, M. D., A forecasting model for dengue incidence in the District of Gampaha, Sri Lanka. Parasites & Vectors 2018; 11(1): 262.
  149. Woodhouse, L. J.; Scutt, P.; Hamdy, S.; Smithard, D. G.; Cohen, D. L.; Roffe, C.; Bereczki, D.; Berge, E.; Bladin, C. F.; Caso, V.; Christensen, H. K.; Collins, R.; Czlonkowska, A.; de Silva, A.; Etribi, A.; Laska, A. C.; Ntaios, G.; Ozturk, S.; Phillips, S. J.; Prasad, K.; Szatmari, S.; Sprigg, N.; Bath, P. M., Route of Feeding as a proxy for dysphagia after stroke and the effect of Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate: Data from the efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke Randomised Controlled Trial. Translational Stroke Research 2018; 9(2): 120-129.
  150. Yahiro, T.; Takaki, M.; Chandrasena, T. G. A. N.; Rajindrajith, S.; Iha, H.; Ahmed, K., Human-porcine reassortant rotavirus generated by multiple reassortment events in a Sri Lankan child with diarrhea. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 2018; 65: 170-186.
  151. Zaghiyan,K.; Warusavitarne,J.; Spinelli,A.; Chandrasinghe, P.;Di Candido,F. ;Fleshner,P.,Technical variations and feasibility of transanal ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease unclassified across continents. Techniques in Coloproctology 2018; 22(11): 867-873.
Publications in peer reviewed journals (2017)
  1. Abeysena, C.,Strengthening the health system to improve the quality of care and patient safety. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2017; 23(2): 55-62. 
  2. Allen, A., Allen, S., Rodrigo, R., Perera, L., Shao, W., Li, C., Wang, D., Oliviery, N., Weatherall, D.J., Premawardena, A., Iron status and anaemia in Sri Lankan secondary school children: A cross-sectional survey. PLoS One. 2017; 12(11): e0188110.
  3. Anderson, C.S., Arima, H., Lavados, P., Billot, L., Hackett, M.L., Olavarría, V.V., Muñoz Venturelli, P., Brunser, A., Peng, B., Cui, L., Song, L., Rogers, K., Middleton, S., Lim, J.Y., Forshaw, D., Lightbody, C.E., Woodward, M., Pontes-Neto, O., de Silva, H.A., Lin, R.T., Lee, T.H., Pandian, J.D., Mead, G.E., Robinson, T., Watkins, C., HeadPoST Investigators and Coordinators, Cluster-Randomized, crossover trial of head positioning in acute stroke. New England Journal of Medicine. 2017; 376(25): 2437-2447.
  4. Binosha, F.W.M.A.D., Somaratne, G., Williams, S., Goozee, K.G., Singh, H., Martins, R.N., Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease: Can tea phytochemicals play a role in prevention?Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2017; 59(2):481-501.
  5. Bulathsinhala, B. K. S., Siriwardana, R. C., Liyanage, C. A. H., Acute portal vein thrombosis leading to small bowel stricture.Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2017; 35(3): 14-15. 
  6. Bulathsinhala, B. K. S., Tillakaratne, M. S. B., Gunetilleke, M. B., Siriwardana, R. C.,Pancreatico-duodenectomy with long segment portal vein resection and reconstruction with left renal vein autologous graft. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2017; 35(4): 34-35. 
  7. Caleyachetty, R., Thomas, G.N., Toulis, K.A., Mohammed, N., Gokhale, K.M., Kumarendran, B., Nirantharakumar, K., Metabolically healthy obese and incident cardiovascular disease events among 3.5 million men and women. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2017; 70(12): 1429-1437.
  8. Carter, P.; Alifrangis, C.; Cereser, B.; Chandrasinghe, P.; Del Bel Belluz, L.; Fotopoulou, C.; Frilling, A.; Herzog, T.; Moderau, N.; Tabassum, N.; Krell, J.; Stebbing, J., Assessing tumor molecular profiling to guide treatments for patients with advanced female genital tract malignancy. 2017; 9(5): 6007-6014. (Correction in :Oncotarget. 2018; 9(19):15164)
  9. Chandradasa, M., Champika, L., Fluoxetine induced severe oral ulceration in a 13-Year-old girl. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 2017; 27(5): 469-470.
  10. Chandradasa, M.; Champika, L., Racism toward Mental Health Workers. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. 2017; 55[11): 5.
  11. Chandradasa, M., Champika, L., de Silva, S., Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A.,Topiramate's effectiveness on weight reduction in overweight/obese persons with schizophrenia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017; 18(1): 435.
  12. Chandradasa, M., Champika, L., Hettiarachchi, D., Wijetunge, S., Mendis, J., Serious bodily harm related to obsessions from Sri Lanka. Psychiatria Danubina. 2017; 29(1): 81-83.
  13. Chandradasa, M., Champika, L., Zoophilia in an adolescent with high-functioning autism from Sri Lanka. Australasian Psychiatry. 2017; 25(5): 486-488.
  14. Chandradasa, M., Hettiarachchi, D., Rohanachandra, Y., Wijetunge, S., A One year follow up study of persistent motor tic disorder treated with risperidone in a children's hospital in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2017; 46(2): 133-138. 
  15. Chandradasa, M., Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A., Child and youth mental health in postwar Sri Lanka.British Journal of Psychiatry International. 2017; 14(2): 37. 
  16. Chandradasa, M., Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A., Unusual sexual behaviour associated with female depression. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2017; 8(1): 1-2. 
  17. Chandradasa, M., Rodrigo, A.,Internet gaming disorder among adolescents. Indian Journal of Paediatrics. 2017; 84(8): 651-652.
  18. Chandradasa, M., Rohanachandra, Y., Dahanayake, D., Hettiarachchi, D., Gunathilake, M., Fernando, R., Wijetunge, S., A Comparative study on medical comorbidities among children with autism spectrum disorder and controls in a children's hospital. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2017; 46(3): 262-266. 
  19. Chandrasinghe, P., Stebbing, J., Warusavitarne, J., The MACC1-SPON2 axis: a new biomarker and therapeutic target in colorectal cancer. Oncogene. 2017; 36(11): 1474-1475.
  20. Chandrasinghe, P., Strouhal, R., Srinivasaiah, N., Alex Leo, C., Samaranayake, S., Warusavitarne, J., Transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): review of technique and initial experience. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2017; 35(4): 3-7. 
  21. Chandrasinghe, P.C., Ediriweera, D.S., Hewavisenthi, J., Kumarage, S.K., Fernando, F.R., Deen, K.I.,Colorectal cancer burden and trends in a South Asian cohort: experience from a regional tertiary care center in Sri Lanka. BMC Research Notes. 2017; 10(1): 535.
  22. Chandrasinghe, P.C., Ediriweera, D.S., Nazar, T., Kumarage, S., Hewavisenthi, J., Deen, K.I., Overall survival of elderly patients having surgery for colorectal cancer is comparable to younger patients: Results from a South Asian population. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2017; 2017:9670512. 
  23. Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K.T., Felli, V.E., Harari, R., Barrero, L.H., Felknor, S.A., Gimeno, D., Cattrell, A., Vargas-Prada, S., Bonzini, M., Solidaki, E., Merisalu, E., Habib, R.R., Sadeghian, F., Kadir, M.M., Warnakulasuriya, S.S., Matsudaira, K., Nyantumbu, B., Sim, M.R., Harcombe, H., Cox, K., Sarquis, L.M., Marziale, M.H., Harari, F., Freire, R., Harari, N., Monroy, M.V., Quintana, L.A., Rojas, M., Harris, E.C., Serra, C., Martinez, J.M., Delclos, G., Benavides, F.G., Carugno, M., Ferrario, M.M., Pesatori, A.C., Chatzi, L., Bitsios, P., Kogevinas, M., Oha, K., Freimann, T., Sadeghian, A., Peiris-John, R.J., Sathiakumar, N., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Yoshimura, N., Kelsall, H.L., Hoe, V.C., Urquhart, D.M., Derrett, S., McBride, D., Herbison, P., Gray, A., Vega, E.J., Epidemiological differences between localized and nonlocalized low back pain. Spine(Phila.Pa 1976). 2017; 42(10): 740-747.
  24. D'Antonio, F., Thilaganathan, B., Dias, T., Khalil, A., Southwest Thames Obstetric Research Collaborative (STORK), The Influence of chorionicity and gestational age at single fetal loss on the risk of preterm birth in twin pregnancies: analysis of the STORK multiple pregnancy cohort. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;50(6): 723-727
  25. Dayasiri, K.C., Jayamanne, S.F., Jayasinghe, C.Y., Patterns of acute poisoning with pesticides in the paediatric age group. International Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2017; 10(1): 22
  26. Dayasiri, M.B. K.C, Jayamanne, S.F., Jayasinghe, C.Y., Plant poisoning among children in rural Sri Lanka. International Journal of Pediatrics. 2017; 2017:6187487.
  27. Dayasiri, M.B.K.C., Jayamanne, S.F., Jayasinghe, C.Y.,Risk factors for acute unintentional poisoning among children aged 1-5 years in the rural community of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Pediatrics. 2017; 2017:4375987 
  28. Dayasiri, M.B.K.C., Jayamanne, S.F., Jayasinghe, C.Y.,Kerosene Oil Poisoning among Children in Rural Sri Lanka. International Journal of Pediatrics. 2017; 2017:8798610
  29. de Silva, G., Somaratne, V., Senaratne, S., Vipuladasa, M., Wickremasinghe, R., Wickremasinghe, R., Ranasinghe, S., Efficacy of a new rapid diagnostic test kit to diagnose Sri Lankan cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani. PLoS One. 2017; 12(11): e0187024.
  30. Denipitiya, D.T., Chandrasekharan, N.V., Abeyewickreme, W., Hartskeerl, R.A., Hapugoda, M.D., Identification of cattle, buffaloes and rodents as reservoir animals of Leptospira in the district of Gampaha, Sri Lanka. BMC Research Notes. 2017; 10(1): 134.
  31. Dias, T., Chandrasiri, D., Abeykoon, S., Gunawardena, C, Pragasan, G., Padeniya, T., Pathmeswaran, A., Comparison of ultrasound fetal biometry of singleton fetuses with a reference chart in pregnant women with normal nutritional and health status. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(1): 47-56.
  32. Dias, T., Patabendige, M., Herath, R.P., Garvik, T. I., Liland, F., Arulkumaran, S., Blood flow changes in pelvic vessels associated with the application of an abdominal compression belt in healthy postpartum women.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(4): 228-232.
  33. Dissanayake, D.M.C.D., Fernando, R., Munasinge, B.N.L., Thilakarathne, S.B., Pinto, D.P., Uragoda, U.A., Pre and post operative assessment of voice changes in patients undergoing total thyroidectomy. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(2): 115-116.
  34. Dissanayake, K.P., Wanniarachchi, D.P., Ranawaka, U.K., Case report of hypnic headache: a rare headache disorder with nocturnal symptoms. BMC Research Notes. 2017; 10(1): 318.
  35. Ediriweera, D.S., Dilina, N., Perera, U., Flores, F., Samita, S., Risk of low birth weight on adulthood hypertension - evidence from a tertiary care hospital in a South Asian country, Sri Lanka: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Public Health 2017; 17(1): 358.
  36. Ediriweera, D.S., Kasturiratne, A., Pathmeswaran, A., Gunawardena, N.K., Jayamanne, S.F., Lalloo, D.G., de Silva, H.J., Health seeking behavior following snakebites in Sri Lanka: Results of an island wide community based survey. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2017; 11(11): e0006073.
  37. Ekanayake, C., Pathmeswaran, A., Kularatna, S., Herath, R., Wijesinghe, P.,Cost evaluation, quality of life and pelvic organ function of three approaches to hysterectomy for benign uterine conditions: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017; 18(1): 565.
  38. Ekanayake, C.D., Pathmeswaran, A., Herath, R.P., Perera, H.S., Patabendige, M., Wijesinghe, P.S., Validation of the international consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Vaginal Symptoms (ICIQ-VS) in two South-Asian languages. International Urogynecology Journal. 2017; 28(12): 1849-1855.
  39. Ekanayake, C.D., Pathmeswaran, A., Nishad, A.A., Samaranayake, K.U., Wijesinghe, S., Translation and validation of ICIQ-FLUTS for Tamil-speaking women. International Urogynecology Journal. 2017; 28(12):1875-1881.
  40. Fernando, M. M. P. S. C., Luke, W. A. N. V., Miththinda, J. K. N. D., Wickramasinghe, R. D. S. S., Sebastiampillai, B.S., Gunathilake, M. P. M. L., Silva, F.H., Premaratne, R., Extended spectrum beta lactamase producing organisms causing urinary tract infections in Sri Lanka and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern-A hospital based cross sectional study. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2017; 17(1): 138.
  41. Fernando, M.P., Perera, P.J., Muthukumarana, O.J., Uyangoda, K. Hypocalcaemia leading to supra ventricular tachycardia in a three-month old Sri Lankan infant with vitamin D deficient rickets: a case report. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(4):242-43.
  42. Fernando, R., Global trends and equitable care in endocrine surgery. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2017; 35(4): 1-2. 
  43. Fernando, R., Myths and fallacies in thyroid disease. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(1): 1-4.
  44. Fernando, S.D., Booso, R., Dharmawardena, P., Harintheran, A., Raviraj, K., Rodrigo., C., Danansuriya, M., Wickremasinghe, R., The need for preventive and curative services for malaria when the military is deployed in endemic overseas territories: a case study and lessons learned. Military Medical Research. 2017; 4: 19.
  45. Galhena, P.B., Samarakoon, S.S.R., Thabrew, M.I., Paul, S.F.D., Mani, C., Protective effect of a polyherbal aqueous extract comprised of Nigella sativa (Seeds), Hemidesmus indicus (Roots), and Smilax glabra (Rhizome) on Bleomycin induced cytogenetic damage in human lymphocytes. Biomed Research International. 2017; 2017:1856713.
  46. Gamage, A., Abeysena, C., DAG: method for causal modelling in epidemiological research. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2017; 23(4):131–134.
  47. Gamage, A.U., Jayawardana, P.L., Knowledge of non-communicable diseases and practices related to healthy lifestyles among adolescents, in state schools of a selected educational division in Sri Lanka. BMC Public Health. 2017; 18(1): 64.
  48. Gangahawatte, S., Edirisinghe, P.A.S., Kitulwatte, I.D.G., A man with ischemic heart disease after consuming alcohol found collapsed while eating: a café coronary and intoxication. Which cause preceded the others? Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2017; 8(1): 4–7.
  49. Gunathilaka, M.L., Niriella, M.A., Luke, N.V., Piyarathna, C.L., Siriwardena, R.C., de Silva, A.P., de Silva, H.J.,Possible gasoline-induced chronic liver injury due to occupational malpractice in a motor mechanic: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2017; 11(1): 179.
  50. Gunathilaka, N., Illustrated key to the adult female Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes of Sri Lanka. Applied Entomology and Zoology 2017; 52(1): 69-77.
  51. Gunathilaka, N., Siriwardana, S., Wijesooriya, L., Gunaratne, G., Perera, N., Subcutaneous dirofilariasis caused by Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repens in Sri Lanka: A potential risk of transmitting human dirofilariasis. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports. 2017; 5:2050313X17701373.
  52. Gunathilaka, P.A.D.H.N., Ranathunge, T., Udayanga, L., Abeyewickreme, W.,Efficacy of blood sources and artificial blood Feeding Methods in Rearing of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) for sterile insect technique and incompatible insect technique approaches in Sri Lanka. Biomed Research International. 2017; 2017:3196924.
  53. Gunathilake, G., Kottahachchi, D., Siyambalapitiya, S., The drug compliance among patients with diabetes in Sri Lankan setting.Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism 2017; 7(1): 16-20. 
  54. Herath, A.D.M.A., Goonawardena, K.D.D.R., Yasira, D.P., Samanmalie, T.H.R., Wikramarachchi, S.D.V., Senavirathne, S., Karunarathne, R.M.G., Rajindrajith, S.,Sinhala translation and adaptation of the Children's Somatization Inventory-24. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2017; 8(1): 17-20. 
  55. Herath, H., Herath, R., Wickremasinghe, R., Gestational diabetes mellitus and risk of type 2 diabetes 10 years after the index pregnancy in Sri Lankan women-A community based retrospective cohort study. PLoS One 2017; 12(6): e0179647.
  56. Hewage, S., Abeysena, C., Housing improvements for health and associated socio-economic outcomes: evidence from a Cochrane Review and its application to Sri Lanka. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2017; 23(4):127–130.
  57. Ho, M.J., Gosselin, K., Chandratilake, M., Monrouxe, L.V., Rees, C.E., Taiwanese medical students' narratives of intercultural professionalism dilemmas: exploring tensions between Western medicine and Taiwanese culture. Advances in Health Sciences Education : Theory and Practice. 2017; 22(2): 429-445.
  58. Isbister, G.K., Jayamanne, S., Mohamed, F., Dawson, A.H., Maduwage, K., Gawarammana, I., Lalloo, D.G., de Silva, H.J., Scorgie, F.E., Lincz, L.F., Buckley, N.A., A Randomized controlled trial of fresh frozen plasma for coagulopathy in Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) envenoming. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2017; 15(4): 645-654.
  59. Isuru, A., Rodrigo, A., Wijesinghe, C., Ediriweera, D., Premadasa, S., Wijesekara, C., Kuruppuarachchi, L., A Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on the role of preemptive analgesia with acetaminophen [paracetamol] in reducing headache following electroconvulsive therapy [ECT]. BMC Psychiatry. 2017; 17(1): 275.
  60. Jafar, T.H., Jehan, I., de Silva, H.A., Naheed, A., Gandhi, M., Assam, P., Finkelstein, E.A., Quigley, H.L., Bilger, M., Khan, A.H., Clemens, J.D., Ebrahim, S., Turner, E.L., Kasturiratne, A., COBRA-BPS Study Group, Multicomponent intervention versus usual care for management of hypertension in rural Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017; 18(1): 272.
  61. Kandapola Arachchige, P., Senevirathne, K. M. I. W. M., Eranga, V. P., Fernando, P. L. N., Peris, M. U. P. K., Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. L. A., Williams, S. S.,A naturalistic observational study of patients with bipolar affective disorder from two tertiary care hospitals in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2017; 8(2): 4-8. 
  62. Kannathasan, S.; de Silva, N. R.; Kumanan, T., Persistence of amoebiasis in northern Sri Lanka - a public health failure. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 2017; 48(2): 88-89.
  63. Kannathasan, S., Murugananthan, A., Kumanan, T., Iddawala, D., de Silva, N.R., Rajeshkannan, N., Haque, R., Amoebic liver abscess in northern Sri Lanka: first report of immunological and molecular confirmation of aetiology. Parasites & Vectors. 2017; 10(1): 14.
  64. Karunakaran, R., Thabrew, M.I, Thammitiyagodage, G.M., Galhena, B.P., Arawwawala, L.D.A.M., The Gastroprotective effect of ethyl acetate fraction of hot water extract of Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn and its underlying mechanisms. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2017; 17(1): 312.
  65. Karunarathne, S., Liyanage, N., Rodrigo, A.,Role of negative experiences in past relationships and adverse childhood experiences in morbid jealousy. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2017; 8(2): 20-23. 
  66. Kasturiratne, A., Pathmeswaran, A., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Jayamanne, S.F., Dawson, A., Isbister, G.K., de Silva, H.J., Lalloo, D.G., The Socio-economic burden of snakebite in Sri Lanka. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2017; 11(7): e0005647.
  67. Kitulwatte, I.D.G., Edirisinghe, P.A.S., Mendis, H.K.N.L.P., Wijesinghe, P.R., Fernando, A., Abeyrathne, A.A.R.M., Study on the pattern of unnatural deaths of women brought for medico-legal autopsy. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2017; 8(1): 13–22.
  68. Kitulwatte, I.D.G, Gangahawatte, S., Perera, U.L.M.S., Edirisinghe, P.A.S., Death following ceftazidime-induced Kounis syndrome.The Medico-legal Journal. 2017; 85(4): 215-218.
  69. Kottahachchi, D. C., Gao, F., Topliss, D. J., Sztal-Mazer, S., The Technique of measuring the height in patients with osteoporosis.Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2017; 7(1): 13-15. 
  70. Kumara, D.M.C.W., Kitulwatte, I.D.G., Unexpected complications following an occupational injury. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2017; 8(2):13–17.
  71. Liu, X., Lu, D., Saw, W.Y., Wangkumhang, P., Ngamphiw, C., Fucharoen, S., Lert-Itthiporn, W., Chin-Inmanu, K., Chau, T.N., Anders, K., Kasturiratne, A., de Silva, H.J., Katsuya, T., Kimura, R., Nabika, T., Ohkubo, T., Tabara, Y., Takeuchi, F., Yamamoto, K., Yokota, M., Mamatyusupu, D., Yang, W., Chung, Y.J., Jin, L., Hoh, B.P., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Ong, R.H., Khor, C.C., Dunstan, S.J., Simmons, C., Tongsima, S., Suriyaphol, P., Kato, N., Xu, S., Teo, Y.Y., Characterising private and shared signatures of positive selection in 37 Asian populations. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2017; 25(4): 499-508.
  72. Luke, N., Munasinghe, H., Balasooriya, L., Premaratna, R., Widespread subcutaneous necrosis in spotted fever group Rickettsioses from the coastal belt of Sri Lanka- a case report. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2017; 17(1): 278.
  73. Luke, W.A.N.V., Gunathilake, M.P.M.L., Munidasa, D., de Silva, S.T.,Tuberculous monoarthritis of the wrist in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: a case report. BMC Research Notes. 2017; 10(1): 343.
  74. Manamperi, N.H., Oghumu, S., Pathirana, N., de Silva, V.C., Abeyewickreme, W., Satoskar, A.R., Karunaweera, N.D., In situ immunopathological changes in cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania donovani. Parasite Immunology. 2017; 39(3): e12413.
  75. Mettananda, S., Thalassaemia: In a quest towards an ultimate cure. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2017; 46(3):203-210. [C.De Silva Oration]
  76. Mettananda, S., de Silva, D.G., Anaemia in children: are we using the correct prevention strategies?Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(2): 73-76.
  77. Mettananda, S., de Silva, D.G., Re: Anaemia and iron deficiency in pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic in a Teaching Hospital in Southern Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(4):255
  78. Mettananda, S., de Silva, H., Periodic deworming practice in Sri Lanka: Is it based on evidence, misconceptions or commercialism?.Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2017; 46(4): 307-311. 
  79. Mettananda, S., Fisher, C.A., Hay, D., Badat, M., Quek, L., Clark, K., Hublitz, P., Downes, D., Kerry, J., Gosden, M., Telenius, J., Sloane-Stanley, J.A., Faustino, P., Coelho, A., Doondeea, J., Usukhbayar, B., Sopp, P., Sharpe, J.A., Hughes, J.R., Vyas, P., Gibbons, R.J., Higgs, D.R., Editing an α-globin enhancer in primary human hematopoietic stem cells as a treatment for ß-thalassemia. Nature Communications. 2017; 8(1): 424.
  80. Mettananda, S., Fisher, C.A., Sloane-Stanley, J.A., Taylor, S., Oppermann, U., Gibbons, R.J., Higgs, D.R., Selective silencing of alpha-globin by the histone demethylase inhibitor IOX1: A potentially new pathway for treatment of ß-thalassemia. Haematologica. 2017; 102(3): e80-e84.
  81. Monrouxe, L.V., Chandratilake, M., Gosselin, K., Rees, C.E., Ho, M.J., Taiwanese and Sri Lankan students' dimensions and discourses of professionalism. Medical Education 2017; 51(7):718-731.
  82. Motha, M. B., Palihawadana, T. S., Dias, T. D., Wijesinghe, P. S.,Nutcracker syndrome in pregnancy: a worrying presentation of a benign condition. Ceylon Medical Journal 2017; 62(4): 238-239.
  83. Niriella, M.A., Kobbegala, V.J., Karalliyadda, H.N., Ranawaka, C.K., de Silva, A.P., Dassanayake, S., de Silva, H.J., Sero-prevalence and vaccination status of hepatitis A and hepatitis B among adults with cirrhosis in Sri Lanka: a hospital based cohort study. BMC Research Notes. 2017; 10(1): 303.
  84. Niriella, M.A., Pathmeswaran, A., de Silva, S.T., Kasturiratna, A., Perera, R., Subasinghe, C.E., Kodisinghe, K., Piyaratna, C., Rishikesawan, V., Dassanayaka, A.S., de Silva, A.P., Wickramasinghe, R., Takeuchi, F., Kato, N., de Silva, H.J., Incidence and risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A 7-year follow-up study among urban, adult Sri Lankans. Liver International. 2017; 37(11):1715-1722.
  85. Paranitharan, P., Hulathduwa, S.R., Innovative instruments in forensic medicine. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2017; 8(2):10–12.
  86. Patabendige, M., Herath, R.P., Improvements of post caesarean section pain management following the introduction of a new pain management protocol. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2017; 39(2): 27-30. 
  87. Patabendige, M., Herath, R.P., Wijesooriya, W.R.P.L.I.,Antimicrobials in Gynaecological practice. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2017; 39(4): 74-77.
  88. Pearson, M., Metcalfe, C., Jayamanne, S., Gunnell, D., Weerasinghe, M., Pieris, R., Priyadarshana, C., Knipe, D.W., Hawton, K., Dawson, A.H., Bandara, P., de Silva, D., Gawarammana, I., Eddleston, M., Konradsen, F., Effectiveness of household lockable pesticide storage to reduce pesticide self-poisoning in rural Asia: a community-based, cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2017; 390(10105):1863-1872.
  89. Perera, A.D., Perera, C., Karunanayake, A.L.,Effectiveness of early stretching exercises for range of motion in the shoulder joint and quality of functional recovery in patients with burns - a randomized control trial. International Journal of Physiotherapy. 2017; 4(5): 262-318.
  90. Perera, D.M.P.; Coombes, J.A.; Shanika, L.G.T.; Dawson, A.; Lynch, C.; Mohamed, F.; Kalupahana, N.; de Silva, H.A.; Jayamanne, S.F.; Peters, N.B.; Myers, B.; Coombes, I.D. Opportunities for pharmacists to optimise quality use of medicines in a Sri Lankan hospital: An observational, prospective, cohort study. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research. 2017; 47(2):121-130.
  91. Perera, D.P., Andrades, M., Wass, V., Peer feedback for examiner quality assurance on MRCGP International South Asia: a mixed methods study.BMC Medical Education. 2017; 17(1): 244.
  92. Perera, K.M., Guruge, G.N., Jayawardana, P.L., Household Expenditure on tobacco consumption in a Poverty-Stricken rural district in Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2017; 29(2): 140-148.
  93. Perera, P., Moving from oral poliovirus vaccine to inactivated poliovirus vaccine in Sri Lanka: The rationale and challenges. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2017; 46(1): 70-74. INDEX in Scopus)
  94. Perera, R.S., Dissanayake, P.H., Senarath, U., Wijayaratne, L.S., Karunanayake, A.L., Dissanayake, V.H.W., Associations between disc space narrowing, anterior osteophytes and disability in chronic mechanical low back pain: a cross sectional study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2017; 18(1): 193.
  95. Perera, R.S., Dissanayake, P.H., Senarath, U., Wijayaratne, L.S., Karunanayake, A.L., Dissanayake, V.H., Single nucleotide variants of candidate genes in Aggrecan Metabolic Pathway are associated with lumbar disc degeneration and modic changes. PLoS One. 2017; 12(1): e0169835.
  96. Perera, R.S., Dissanayake, P.H., Senarath, U., Wijayaratne, L.S., Karunanayake, A.L., Dissanayake, V.H.W., Variants of ACAN are associated with severity of lumbar disc herniation in patients with chronic low back pain. PLoS One. 2017; 12(7): e0181580.
  97. Perera, U., Abeysena, C., Physical activity and sleep on the risk of overweight among Grade 5 students in Gampaha Medical Office of Health area, Sri Lanka. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2017; 23(1): 19-27. 
  98. Premaratna, R., Blanton, L.S., Samaraweera, D.N., de Silva, G.N., Chandrasena, T.G.A.N.., Walker, D.H., de Silva, H.J.,Genotypic characterization of Orientia tsutsugamushi from patients in two geographical locations in Sri Lanka. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2017; 17(1): 67.
  99. Premaratna, R., Scrub typhus in Sri Lanka - beyond the stethoscope. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians 2017; 48(2): 61-65. [EV Pieris Oration]
  100. Premaratna, R., Luke, N., Perera, H., Gunathilake, M., Amarasena, P., Chandrasena, T.G.A.N., Sporadic cases of adult measles: a research article. BMC Research Notes. 2017; 10(1): 38.
  101. Premathilaka, L.H.R.A., Lakmini, M.S., Thamal Dharshana, L.G., Nawaratne, S.B., Mettananda, S., de Silva, S.T., Premawardhena, A.P., Stroke in sickle cell beta thalassemia - a case report highlighting pitfalls in management in a low prevalence country.Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine. 2017; 26(2): 55-57.
  102. Premawardhena, A., Allen, A., Piel, F., Fisher, C., Perera, L., Rodrigo, R., Goonathilaka, G., Ramees, L., Peto, T., Olivieri, N., Weatherall, D., The evolutionary and clinical implications of the uneven distribution of the frequency of the inherited haemoglobin variants over short geographical distances. British Journal of Haematology. 2017; 176(3): 475-484.
  103. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N.M., Benninga, M.A., Constipation and constipation predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome: a comparative study using Rome III Criteria. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2017; 64(5): 679-684.
  104. Rajindrajith, S., Pathmeswaran, A., Jayasinghe, C., Kottahachchi, D., Kasturiratne, A., de Silva, S.T., Niriella, M.A., Dassanayake, A.S., de Silva, A.P., de Silva, H.J.,Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its associations among adolescents in an urban, Sri Lankan community. BMC Gastroenterology. 2017; 17(1): 135.
  105. Ranasinghe, N., Devanarayana, N.M., Benninga, M.A., Dijk, M.V., Rajindrajith, S., Psychological maladjustment and quality of life in adolescents with constipation. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 2017; 102(3):268-273.
  106. Rodrigo, A., Hewawitharana, U., Variant of anorexia nervosa in Sri Lanka: a case series. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(2): 104-107.
  107. Rodrigo, A., Liyanage, N., Disaster and mental health: the role of Sri Lankan psychiatrists. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2017; 8(1): 1-2. 
  108. Samarakoon, S.R., Shanmuganathan, C., Ediriweera, M.K., Piyathilaka, P., Tennekoon, K.H., Thabrew, I., Galhena, P., de Silva, E.D., Anti-hepatocarcinogenic and anti-oxidant effects of mangrove plant Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2017; 13(Supl 1): S76-S83.
  109. Samarakoon, Y.M., Pathmeswaran, A., Gunawardena, N.S., Risk prediction models for colorectal cancer: A Scoping review. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine. 2017; 4(2):E56 1–E56 24.
  110. Shanika, L.G.T, Wijekoon, C.N., Jayamanne, S., Coombes, J., Mamunuwa, N., Dawson, A.H., de Silva, H.A., Acceptance and attitudes of healthcare staff towards the introduction of clinical pharmacy service: a descriptive cross-sectional study from a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. BMC Health Services Research 2017; 17(1):46.
  111. Silva, A., Maduwage, K., Buckley, N.A., Lalloo, D.G.,de Silva, H. J., Isbister, G. K., Antivenom for snake venom-induced neuromuscular paralysis (Protocol).The Cochrane Database Systemic Review. 2017; 3: CD012604.
  112. Sirisena, N.D., Deen, K., Mandawala, D.E.N., Herath, P., Dissanayake, V.H.W., The Pattern of KRAS mutations in metastatic colorectal cancer: a retrospective audit from Sri Lanka. BMC Research Notes. 2017; 10(1): 392.
  113. Siriwardana, R., Tillakaratne, S., Kumarasinghe, P., Gunathilake, B.,Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) in a hepatocellular carcinoma patient with inadequate remnant liver volume. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2017; 35(2): 20-21. 
  114. Siriwardana, R., Tillakaratne, S.B., Shilpage, S., Amaraweera, C., Gunathilake, B., Reconstruction of the common hepatic artery with right gastro-epiploic graft during Whipple procedure. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2017; 35(1): 25-26.
  115. Siriwardana, R.C., Liyanage, C.A.H., Gunathileke, B., Niriella, M.A., de Silva, J., Dassanayake, A.S., Jayatunga, S.P., Diffuse-type Hepatoma: A grave prognostic marker. Gastrointestinal Tumors. 2017; 4(1-2): 20-27.
  116. Siriwardana, R.C., Lokubandara, R.W.M.A., Hewavisanthi, H.J.D.S., Liyanage, S.K., Jayatunga, D.S.P., Liyanage, C.A.H., Quality of life and impact of bile reflux after retro colic retro gastric gastrojejunostomy in Whipple surgery. BMC Gastroenterology. 2017; 17(1): 9.
  117. Siriwardana, R.C., Niriella, M.A., Dassanayake, A., Ediriweera, D., Gunatilleke, B., Sivasundaram, T., de Silva, J., Association of serum ferritin with diabetes and alcohol in patients with non-viral liver disease-related hepatocellular carcinoma.Liver Cancer. 2017; 6: 307-312.
  118. Siriwardana, R.C., Niriella, M.A., Dassanayake, A.S., Gunathilake, B., de Silva, H.J.,Liver Transplantation for Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Related Cirrhosis(A Future Global Epidemic Already Seen in Current Sri Lankan Practice). Progress in Transplantation. 2017; 27(1): 107-108.
  119. Siriwardana, R.C., Thilakarathne, S, Niriella, M.A., Dassanayaka, A.S., Gunathilake, M.B., Habarakada, L.C.A., de Silva, H.J., Pre-treatment alphafeto protein in hepatocellular carcinoma with non-viral aetiology - a prospective study.BMC Gastroenterology. 2017; 17(1): 142.
  120. Siriwikum, L. B. D. J., Samarakoon, N. K., Liyanage, S. K., Mahendra, B. A. G. G., Ratnayake, R. M. U. S., Hewavisenthi, S. J. de S., An audit of lymph node retrieval and histopathology reporting of pancreaticoduodenctomy specimens undertaken at a tertiary care referral center.Journal of Diagnostic Pathology. 2017; 12(1): 24-31. 
  121. Sumanasena, S.P.; Gunawardena, N..; Dissanayake, B.; Dilanka, S.; de Silva, S. Neurocognitive skills in children with congenital hypothyroidism attending the endocrine clinic of the Professorial Unit of the Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children. Colombo. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2017; 46 (1): 101. [Letter to Editor: Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2016; 45 (2):95-102].
  122. Tharmarajah, L., Samarakoon, S.R., Ediriweera, M.K., Piyathilaka, P., Thennakoon, K.H., Senathilake, K.S., Rajagopalan, U., Galhena, B.P., Thabrew, I., In Vitro anticancer effect of gedunin on human teratocarcinomal (NTERA-2) cancer stem-Like cells. Biomed Research International. 2017; 2017:2413197.
  123. Thayyil, S., Oliveira, V., Lally, P.J., Swamy, R., Bassett, P., Chandrasekaran, M., Mondkar, J., Mangalabharathi, S., Benkappa, N., Seeralar, A., Shahidullah, M., Montaldo, P., Herberg, J., Manerkar, S., Kumaraswami, K., Kamalaratnam, C., Prakash, V., Chandramohan, R., Bandya, P., Mannan, M.A., Rodrigo, R., Nair, M., Ramji, S., Shankaran, S., HELIX Trial group, Hypothermia for encephalopathy in low and middle-income countries (HELIX): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2017; 18(1): 432.
  124. Thilakawardana, B.U., De Mel, S., Abeysuriya, V., Hewavisenthi, J., De Mel, C., Chandrasena, L., Abeysuriya, V., A rare presentation of an acute abdomen: an ileal diverticular perforation.BMC Research Notes. 2017; 10(1): 190.
  125. Udoh, E.E., Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N.M., Benninga, M.A., Prevalence and risk factors for functional constipation in adolescent Nigerians. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 2017; 102(9):841-844.
  126. Venketasubramanian, N., Lee, C.F., Young, S.H., Tay, S.S., Umapathi, T., Lao, A.Y., Gan, H.H., Chua, C.L., Wijekoon, N., de Silva, H.A., Hiyadan, J.H., Suwanwela, N.C., Wong, K.S., Poungvarin, N., Eow, G.B., Chen, C.L., CHIMES-E Study Investigators, Prognostic factors and pattern of long-term recovery with MLC601 (NeuroAiDT) in the Chinese Medicine NeuroAiD efficacy on stroke recovery- Extension study. Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2017; 43(1-2): 36-42.
  127. Walker, S., Gibbins, J., Paes, P., Adams, A., Chandratilake, M., Gishen, F., Lodge, P., Wee, B., Barclay, S., Palliative care education for medical students: Differences in course evolution, organisation, evaluation and funding: A survey of all UK medical schools. Palliative Medicine. 2017; 31(6): 575-581.
  128. Wanigasinghe, J., Arambepola, C., Ranganathan, S.S., Sumanasena, S., Randomized, Single-blind, parallel clinical trial on efficacy of oral prednisolone versus intramuscular corticotropin: A 12-month assessment of spasm Control in West Syndrome. Pediatric Neurology. 2017; 76: 14-19.
  129. Wanigasuriya, K., Jayawardena, I., Amarasiriwardena, C., Wickremasinghe, R., Novel urinary biomarkers and their association with urinary heavy metals in chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology in Sri Lanka: a pilot study. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(4): 210-217.
  130. Warnakulasuriya, D.T.D., Peries, P.P.U.C., Rathnasekara, Y.A.C., Jayawardena, K.T.M., Upasena, A., Wickremasinghe, A.R.,Ultrasonographic parameters of the liver, spleen and kidneys among a cohort of school children in Sri Lanka. BMC Pediatrics. 2017; 17(1): 192.
  131. Warnakulasuriya, T., Williams, S., Dabarera, M., Rodrigo, K., Weerakkody, T., Wickremasinghe, R.,Frequency of micronuclei among persons resident in the vicinity of a mineral sand processing factory in Pulmoddai, Sri Lanka. Mutagenesis. 2017;32(5):511-516.
  132. Whal, S., Drong, A., Lehne, B., Loh, M., Scott, W.R., Kunze, S., Tsai, P.C., Ried, J.S., Zhang, W., Yang, Y., Tan, S., Fiorito, G., Franke, L., Guarrera, S., Kasela, S., Kriebel, J., Richmond, R.C., Adamo, M., Afzal, U., Ala-Korpela, M., Albeetti, B., Ammerpohl, O., Apperley, J.F., Beekman, M., Bertazzi, P.A., Black, S.L., Blancher, C., Bonder, M.J., Brosch, M., Carstensen-Kirberg, M., de Craen, A.J., de Lusignan, S., Dehghan, A., Elkalaawy, M., Fischer, K., Franco, O.H., Gaunt, T.R., Hampe, J., Hashemi, M., Isaacs, A., Jenkinson, A., Jha, S., Kato, N., Krogh, V., Laffan, M., Meisinger, C., Meitinger, T., Mok, Z.Y., Motta, V., Ng, H.K., Nikolakopoulou, Z., Nteliopoulos, G., Panico, S., Pervjakova, N., Prokisch, H., Rathmann, W., Roden, M., Rota, F., Rozario, M.A., Sandling, J.K., Schafmayer, C., Schramm, K., Siebert, R., Slagboom, P.E., Soininen, P., Stolk, L., Strauch, K., Tai, E.S., Tarantini, L., Thorand, B., Tigchelaar, E.F., Tumino, R., Uitterlinden, A.G., van Duijn, C., van Meurs, J.B., Vineis, P., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Wijmenga, C., Yang, T.P., Yuan, W., Zhernakova, A., Batterham, R.L., Smith, G.D., Deloukas, P., Heijmans, B.T., Herder, C., Hofman, A., Lindgren, C.M., Milani, L., van der Harst, P., Peters, A., Illig, T., Relton, C.L., Waldenberger, M., Järvelin, M.R., Bollati, V., Soong, R., Spector, T.D., Scott, J., McCarthy, M.I., Elliott, P., Bell, J.T., Matullo, G., Gieger, C., Kooner, J.S., Grallert, H., Chambers, J.C., Epigenome-wide association study of body mass index, and the adverse outcomes of adiposity. Nature 2017; 541(7635): 81-86.
  133. Wickremasinghe, A.R., Controlling non-communicable diseases in Sri Lanka: what to expect? Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2017; 23(4):144–146.
  134. Wickremasinghe, A.R., Wickremasinghe, R., Herath, H.D., Fernando, S.D., Should chemoprophylaxis be a main strategy for preventing re-introduction of malaria in highly receptive areas? Sri Lanka a case in point. Malaria Journal. 2017; 16(1): 102.
  135. Wijekoon, C.N., Pathmeswaran, A., Chackrewarthy, S., Kato, N., Wickremasinghe, R.,Utility of glycosylated haemoglobin in diagnosing diabetes in an urban Sri Lankan community. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2017; 62(1): 57-62.
  136. Wijerathna, T., Gunathilaka, N., Gunawardana, K., Rodrigo, W., Potential Challenges of Controlling Leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka at a Disease Outbreak. Biomed Research International. 2017; 2017:6931497.
  137. Wijerathne, B., Meier, R., Salgado, S., Agampodi, S., Hemoglobin A1c values in CKDu endemic and non endemic regions of Sri Lanka. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2017;134: 206-207.  
  138. Wijesooriya, W. R. P. L. I. , Herath, Y. B., Sugandhi, R. A. I., Weerawardhana, A., Ediriweera, D. S., Antibiotic sensitivity pattern for non-beta lactam antibiotics and carbapenems in extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing uropathogens versus non-ESBL producing uropathogens.Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2017; 7(2): 92-99. 
  139. Wijesooriya, W.R.P.L.I., Kotsanas, D.N., Korman, T.M., Graham, M., Teicoplanin non-susceptible coagulase-negative staphylococci in a large Australian healthcare network: Implications for treatment with vancomycin. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2017; 7(1): 10-17. 
  140. Wray, K., Allen, A., Evans, E., Fisher, C., Premawardhena, A., Perera, L., Rodrigo, R., Goonathilaka, G., Ramees, L., Webster, C., Armitage, A.E., Prentice, A.M., Weatherall, D.J., Drakesmith, H., Pasricha, S.R., Hepcidin detects iron deficiency in Sri Lankan adolescents with a high burden of hemoglobinopathy: A diagnostic test accuracy study. American Journal of Hematology. 2017; 92(2): 196-20.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2016)

  1. Abeysena, C., Gift authorships and research awards. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2016; 22(1): 2-4.
  2. Abeysena, H.T.C.S., Jayawardana, P.L., Peiris, M.U.P.K., Rodrigo, A., Validity of the Sinhala version of the General Health Questionnaires item 12 and 30: using different sampling strategies and scoring methods. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals 2016; 2(5): 180-87.
  3. Adhihetty, D., Kitulwatte, N.C., Hathagoda, K.L.W., Weeraratne, C.T., de Silva, S., Ediriweera, E.P.D.S., Outcome of children transported for pediatric intensive care to a tertiary care setting in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2016; 45(2):103-106.
  4. Amarasiri, D.L., Pathmeswaran, A., Dassanayake, A.S., de Silva, A.P., Adikari, M.D.B., Sanjeewa, P.A.B., Jayaratne, A., de Silva, H.J., The Prevalence of upper respiratory symptoms in a cohort of adults presenting with symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Ceylon Medical Journal 2016; 61(2):63-67.
  5. Arya, S., Xue, S., Embuldeniya, A., Narammalage, H., da Silva, T., Williams, S., Avindran, A., Coping strategies used by traumatic spinal cord injury patients in Sri Lanka: a focus group study. Disability and Rehabilitation 2016; 38(20):2008-15.
  6. Attidiya,D.S.R., Wickramasinghe, A., Balasuriya,A., Ediriweera,E.P.D.S., Manuelpillai, S., Williams, S., Post war psychological morbidity among internally displaced, married females in Northern Sri Lanka. Journal of Trauma Treatment 2016; 5(3): 327.
  7. Chandradasa, M., Champika, L., Amarasuriya, M., Wijelakshman, P., Bandara, S., Ranaweera, T., Fernando, L., A Comparative study of subjective experiences related to driving among outpatient psychotropic users and controls in Ragama, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2016; 7(1): 23-25.
  8. Chandradasa, M., Champika, L., Gunathillaka, K.,Mendis, , Association of duration of untreated psychosis and functional level, in first episode of schizophrenia attendingan outpatient clinic in Sri Lanka. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2016; 3: E33:1-E33:6.
  9. Chandradasa, M., Rowel, M., Champika, L., Williams, S., Prolonged delirium in a tertiary care psychiatry unit in Sri Lanka. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2016; 3: E28:1-E28:5.
  10. Chandradasa, M., Champika, L., Rajapakse, T. N., Association of family history of bipolar disorder with risk of violence in inpatient mania: a cohort study. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2016; 7(2): 12-15.
  11. Chandrasena, N., Herath, R., Rupasinghe, N., Samarasinghe, B., Samaranayake, H., Kastuririratne, A., de Silva, N.R., Toxoplasmosis awareness, seroprevalence and risk behavior among pregnant women in the Gampaha district, Sri Lanka. Pathogens and Global Health 2016; 110(2):62-67.
  12. Chandrasena, G.A.N., Premaratna, R., Samarasekera, D.S., de Silva, N.R., Surveillance for transmission of lymphatic filariasis in Colombo and Gampaha districts of Sri Lanka following mass drug administration. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2016; 110(10):620-22.
  13. Chandratilake, M.N., Professionalism in Medicine; the transition of a movable feast and its implications for clinical and educational practices. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine. 2016; 3: E31:1-E31:8. [PGIM Oration 2016]
  14. Chen, C., Homma, A., Mok, V.C., Krishnamoorthy, E., Alladi, S., Meguro, K., Abe, K., Dominguez, J., Marasigan, S., Kandiah, N., Kim, S.Y., Lee, D.Y., de Silva, H.A., Yang, Y.H., Pai, M.C., Senanarong, V., Dash, A., Alzheimer's disease with cerebrovascular disease: current status in the Asia-Pacific region. Journal of Internal Medicine 2016; 280(4):359-74.
  15. de Silva, A.P., Niriella, M.A., Nandamuni, Y., Nanayakkara, S.D., Perera, K.R.P., Kodisinghe, S.K., Subasinghe, C.E., Pathmeswaran, A., de Silva, H.J., Effect of audio and visual distraction on patients undergoing colonoscopy: a randomized controlled study. Endoscopy International Open 2016; 4(11): E1211-E1214.
  16. de Silva, H.A., Ryan, N.M., de Silva, H.J., Adverse reactions to snake antivenom, and their prevention and treatment. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2016; 81(3):446-52.
  17. Deen, K.I., Silva, H., Deen, R., Chandrasinghe, P.C., Colorectal cancer in the young, many questions, few answers. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology 2016; 8(6):481-488.
  18. Denipitiya, D.T.H, Chandrasekharan, N.V., Abeyewickreme, W., Hartskeerl, C.M., Hartskeerl, R.A., Jiffrey, A.M., Hapugoda, M.D., Application of a real time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay for the early diagnosis of human leptospirosis in Sri Lanka. Biologicals 2016; 44(6):497-502.
  19. Denipitiya, D.T.H., Chandrasekharan, V., Abeyewickreme, W., Viswakula, S., Hapugoda, M., Spatial and seasonal analysis of human leptospirosis in the District of Gampaha, Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 2016; 6(2): 83-93.
  20. Devanarayana, N.M., Rajindrajith, S., Benninga, M.A., Abdominal migraine in children: association between gastric motility parameters and clinical characteristics. BMC Gastroenterology 2016; 16(1):26.
  21. Dias, T., Small for gestational age: towards standards of our own. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2016; 38(3): 44-48. [Dr Siva Chinnatamby Oration 2016]
  22. Dias, T., Abeykoon, S., Kumarasiri, S., Gunawardena, C., Pragasan, G., Padeniya, T., Pathmeswaran, A., Symphysis-pubis fundal height charts to assess fetal size in women with a normal body mass index. Ceylon Medical Journal 2016; 61(3): 106-112.
  23. Dissanayake, D.D.M.C., Fernando, R.F., Dissanayake, I.J., Lateral approach to Thyroid (LATT): A good technique for re-operative thyroid surgery. World Journal of Endocrine Surgery 2016; 8(2): 141-142.
  24. Ediriweera, E.P.D.S., Kasturiratne, A., Pathmeswaran, A., Gunawardena, N.K., Wijayawickrama, B.A., Jayamanne, S.F., Isbister, G.K., Dawson, A., Giorgi, E., Diggle, P.J., Lalloo, D.G., de Silva, H.J., Mapping the risk of snakebite in Sri Lanka - A national survey with geospatial analysis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2016; 10(7): e0004813.
  25. Ediriweera, E.P.D.S., Kumarage, S., Deen, K.I., Comparison of hazard of death following surgery for colon versus rectal cancer. Ceylon Medical Journal 2016; 61(2):52-55.
  26. Faleel, F.D.M., de Zoysa, M.I.M, Lokuhetti, M.D.S., Gunawardena, Y.I.N.S., Chandrasekharan, V.N., Dassanayake, R.S., Modified mismatch polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism detected mutations in codon 12 and 13 of exon 2 of K-ras gene in colorectal cancer patients and its association with liver metastases: Data from a South Asian country. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2016; 2(4): 1272-1277.
  27. Fenwick, A.L., Kliszczak, M., Cooper, F., Murray, J., Sanchez-Pulido, L., Twigg, S.R., Goriely, A., McGowan, S.J., Miller, K.A., Taylor, I.B., Logan, C., Bozdogan, S., Danda, S., Dixon, J., Elsayed, S.M., Elsobky, E., Gardham, A., Hoffer, M.J., Koopmans, M., McDonald-McGinn, D.M., Santen, G.W., Savarirayan, R., de Silva, D., Vanakker, O., Wall, S.A., Wilson, L.C., Yuregir, O.O., Zackai, E.H., Ponting, C.P., Jackson, A.P., Wilkie, A., Niedzwiedz, W., Bicknell, L.S., Mutations in CDC45, encoding an essential component of the pre-initiation complex, cause Meier-Gorlin Syndrome and Craniosynostosis. American Journal of Human Genetics 2016; 99(1):125-38.
  28. Fernando, N., Wickremesinghe, S., Niloofa, R., Rodrigo, C., Karunanayake, L., de Silva, H.J., Wickremesinghe, A.R., Premawansa, S., Rajapakse, S., Handunnetti, S.M., Protein carbonyl as a biomarker of oxidative stress in severe leptospirosis, and its usefulness in differentiating leptospirosis from dengue infections. PLoS One 2016; 11(6): e0156085.
  29. Fernando, R. Epidemiology of goiters in Sri Lanka with Geographic Information System Mapping: population-based cross-sectional study [Author Reply to Comments on World Journal of Endocrine Surgery.2015;7(3):55-59]. World Journal of Endocrine Surgery; 8(2):187-188.
  30. Fernando, S.D., Dharmawardana, P., Epasinghe, G., Senanayake, N., Rodrigo, C., Premaratne, R., Wickremasinghe, R., Contribution of the private sector healthcare service providers to malaria diagnosis in a prevention of re-introduction setting. Malaria Journal 2016; 15: 504.
  31. Gunathilaka, N., Abeyewickreme, W., Hapugoda, M., Wickremasinghe, R., Determination of demographic, epidemiological, and socio-economic determinants and their potential impact on malaria transmission in Mannar and Trincomalee districts of Sri Lanka. Malaria Journal 2016; 15: 330.
  32. Gunathilaka, N., Denipitiya, T., Hapugoda, M., Abeyewickreme, W., Wickremasinghe, R., Determination of the foraging behaviour and blood meal source of malaria vector mosquitoes in Trincomalee District of Sri Lanka using a multiplex real time Polymerase Chain Reaction assay. Malaria Journal 2016; 15: 242.
  33. Gunathilaka, P.A.D.H.N., Hapugoda, M.D., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Abeyewickreme, W., Composition of Malaria vectors and diversity of Anopheline breeding habitats in the district of Mannar, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Environment Management Planning 2016; 1: 40-50.
  34. Haghighi, A., Kavehmanesh, Z., Haghighi, A., Salehzadeh, F., Santos-Simarro, F., Van Maldergem, L., Cimbalistiene, L., Collins, F., Chopra, M., Al-Sinani, S., Dastmalchian, S., de Silva, D. C., Bakhti, H., Garg, A., Hilbert, P., Congenital generalized lipodystrophy: identification of novel variants and expansion of clinical spectrum. Clinical Genetics 2016; 89(4): 431-44.
  35. Harshani, S.R.A.P., Abeysena, C., Selected non-communicable diseases and risk conditions among fishermen in divisional secretariat division of Kalpitiya. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2016; 22(1): 20-29.
  36. Hettiarachchi, P., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Frost, G.S., Deen, K.I., Pathirana, A.A., Murphy, K.G., Jayaratne, S.D., Resection of the large bowel suppresses hunger and food intake and modulates gastrointestinal fermentation. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2016; 24(8): 1723-30.
  37. Hettiarachchi, S., The Effectiveness of colourful semantics on narrative skills in children with intellectual disabilities in Sri Lanka. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 2016; 20(1): 18-33.
  38. Ilayperuma, I., Nanayakkara, B.G., Hasan, R., Uluwitiya, S.M., Palahepitiya, K.N., Coracobrachialis muscle: morphology, morphometry and gender differences. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 2016; 38(3):335-40.
  39. Illesinghe, V.J., Nazeer, I., Athauda, L., Perera, J., Role models and teachers: medical students perception of teaching-learning methods in clinical settings, a qualitative study from Sri Lanka. BMC Medical Education 2016; 16:52
  40. Jafar, T.H., de Silva, A., Naheed, A., Jehan, I., Liang, F., Assam, P.N., Legido-Quigley, H., Finkelstein, E.A., Ebrahim, S., Wickremasinghe, R., Alam, D., Khan, A.H., COBRA-BPS Study Group,Control of blood pressure and risk attenuation: a public health intervention in rural Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka: feasibility trial results. Journal of Hypertension 2016; 34(9): 1872-81.
  41. Jayakody, W.C.J.K., Pathmeswaran, A., Wickramasuriya, C.D., Management of patients with sexually transmitted infections by general practitioners in the district of Gampaha. Sri Lanka Journal of Sexual Health and HIV Medicine 2016; 2: 9-13.
  42. Jayatilleke, S.K., Patabendige, G., Dassanayake, M., Karunaratne, G.K.D., Perera, J., Perera, R.R.D.P, Wijesooriya, W.R.P.L.I., Sunil Chandra, N.P., Kottahachchi, J., Athukorala, D., Dissanayake, T., Analysis of urine culture isolates from seven laboratories of Sri Lanka: National laboratory based surveillance of Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists in 2014. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 2016; 6(1): 17-24.
  43. Kapugama, K.G.C.L., Obadaarachchi, L.N., Ruwanpriya, B.V.S., Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A., Depression presenting with genital symptoms - a series of unusual case histories. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2016; 7(2): 23-25.
  44. Kim, Y.J., Park, S., Premaratna, R., Selvaraj, S., Park, S.J., Kim, S., Kim, D., Kim, M.S., Shin, D.H., Choi, K.C., Kwon, S.H., Seo, W., Lee, N.T., Kim, S.H., Kang, H.K., Kim, Y.W., Clinical evaluation of rapid diagnostic test kit for Scrub Typhus with improved performance. Journal of Korean Medical Science 2016; 31(8): 1190-6.
  45. Krishnan, K., Scutt, P., Woodhouse, L., Adami, A., Becker, J.L., Berge, E., Cala, L.A., Casado, A.M., Caso, V., Chen, C., Christensen, H., Collins, R., Czlonkowska, A., Dineen, R.A., Gommans, J., Koumellis, P., Lees, K.R., Ntaios, G., Ozturk, S., Phillips, S.J., Pocock, S.J., de Silva, A., Sprigg, N., Szatmari, S., Wardlaw, J.M., Bath, P.M., Glyceryl Trinitrate for acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Results from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial, a subgroup analysis. Stroke 2016; 47(1): 44-52.
  46. Kumarasena, R.S., Niriella, M.A., Ranawaka, C.K., Miththinda, J.K.N.D., de Silva, A.P., Dassanayaka, A.S., de Silva, H.J., Predicting acute liver failure in dengue infection. Ceylon Medical Journal 2016; 61(1): 35-36.
  47. Lamb, T., Selvarajah, L.R., Mohamed, F., Jayamanne, S., Gawarammana, I., Mostafa, A., Buckley, N.A., Roberts, M.S., Eddleston, M., High lethality and minimal variation after acute self-poisoning with carbamate insecticides in Sri Lanka - implications for global suicide prevention. Clinical Toxicology(Phila) 2016; 54(8): 624-31.
  48. Levine, K. E.; Redmon, J. H.; Elledge, M. F.; Wanigasuriya, K. P.; Smith, K.; Munoz, B.; Waduge, V. A.; Periris-John, R. J.; Sathiakumar, N.; Harrington, J. M.; Womack, D. S.; Wickremasinghe, R., Quest to identify geochemical risk factors associated with chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) in an endemic region of Sri Lanka-a multimedia laboratory analysis of biological, food, and environmental samples. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2016; 188(10): 548.
  49. Liyanage, N., Rodrigo, A., Media portrayal of child abuse in Sri Lanka and the impact of two incidents of child abuse on media coverage. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2016; 7(2): 3-7.
  50. Liyanage, S.K., Mahendra, B.A.G.G., Ratnayake, R.M.U.S., Hewavisenthi, S.J., A Retrospective study on perinatal post-mortems. Journal of the Faculty of Graduate Studies 2016; 5: 1-6.
  51. Luke, N.V., Wickramasinghe, S.S., Ranawaka, U.K., Recurrent posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a patient with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: A case report. International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016; 7(11): 706-709.
  52. Mettananda, S., Gibbons, R.J., Higgs, D.R., Understanding α-globin gene regulation and implications for the treatment of ß-thalassemia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2016; 1368(1):16-24
  53. Mohamed, F., Endre, Z.H., Pickering, J.W., Jayamanne, S., Palangasinghe, C., Shahmy, S., Chathuranga, U., Wijerathne, T., Shihana, F., Gawarammana, I., Buckley, N.A., Mechanism-specific injury biomarkers predict nephrotoxicity early following glyphosate surfactant herbicide (GPSH) poisoning. Toxicology Letters 2016; 258: 1-10.
  54. Muñoz Venturelli, P., Robinson, T., Lavados, P.M., Olavarría, V.V., Arima, H., Billot, L., Hackett, M.L., Lim, J.Y., Middleton, S., Pontes-Neto, O., Peng, B., Cui, L., Song, L., Mead, G., Watkins, C., Lin, R.T., Lee, T.H., Pandian, J., de Silva, H.A., Anderson, C.S., HeadPoST Investigators. Regional variation in acute stroke care organisation. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2016; 371: 126-130.
  55. Muthukuda, D. T.; Kodisinghe, S. K.; Niriella, M. A., Ideal amount of exercise for a healthy life: have we solved the goldilocks problem? - review of the literature. Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism 2016; 6(2): 46-54.
  56. Nagodawithana, N.S.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Pannila, A.S.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.; Sathiakumar, N. Environmental pollution by traffic noise in the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution.2016;13(3):67-72
  57. Ng, S.C., Zeng, Z., Niewiadomski, O., Tang, W., Bell, S., Kamm, M. A., Hu, P., de Silva, H. J., Niriella, M. A., Udara, W. Y., Ong, D., Ling, K.L., Ooi, C.J., Hilmi, I., Goh, K. L., Ouyang, Q., Wang, Y. F., Wu, K., Wang, X., Pisespongsa, P., Manatsathit, S., Aniwan, S., Limsrivilai, J., Gunawan, J., Simadibrata, M., Abdullah, M., Tsang, S. W., Lo, F. H., Hui, A., Chow, C. M., Yu, H.H., Li, M. F., Ng, K.K., Ching, J. Y., Chan, V., Wu, J. C., Chan, F. K., Chen, M., Sung, J. J., Asia-Pacific Crohn's and Colitis Epidemiology Study (ACCESS) Group, Early course of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a population-based inception cohort study from 8 countries in Asia and Australia. Gastroenterology 2016; 150(1): 86-95.e3.
  58. Ngwe Tun, M.M., Inoue, S., Thant, K.Z., Talemaitoga, N., Aryati, A., Dimaano, E.M., Matias, R.R., Buerano, C.C., Natividad, F.F., Abeyewickreme, W., Thuy, N.T., Mai, L.T., Hasebe, F., Hayasaka, D., Morita, K., Retrospective seroepidemiological study of Chikungunya infection in South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific region. Epidemiology and Infection 2016; 144(11): 2268-75.
  59. Niriella, M.A., Kodisinghe, S.K., de Silva, A.P., Hewavisenthi, J., de Silva, H.J., Intestinal tuberculosis masquerading as difficult to treat Crohn disease: a case report. BMC Research Notes 2016; 9(1): 417.
  60. Niriella, M.A., Kumarasena, R.S., Dassanayake, A.S., Pathirana, A., de Silva, H.J., Worsening cholestasis and possible cefuroxime-induced liver injury following "successful" therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for a distal common bile duct stone: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2016; 10(1): 371.
  61. Ooi, C. J., Hilmi, I., Makharia, G. K., Gibson, P. R., Fock, K. M., Ahuja, V., Ling, K. L., Lim, W. C., Thia, K. T., Wei, S. C., Leung, W. K., Koh, P. K., Gearry, R. B., Goh, K. L., Ouyang, Q., Sollano, J., Manatsathit, S., de Silva, H. J., Rerknimitr, R., Pisespongsa, P., Abu Hassan, M. R., Sung, J., Hibi, T., Boey, C. C., Moran, N., Leong, R. W., Asia Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE) Working Group on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Asia Pacific Consensus Statements on Crohn's Disease Part 1: definition, diagnosis and epidemiology (Asia Pacific Crohn’s Disease Consensus Part 1). Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016; 31(1):45-55.
  62. Ooi, C. J., Hilmi, I., Makharia, G. K., Gibson, P. R., Fock, K. M., Ahuja, V., Ling, K. L., Lim, W. C., Thia, K. T., Wei, S. C., Leung, W. K., Koh, P. K., Gearry, R. B., Goh, K. L., Ouyang, Q., Sollano, J., Manatsathit, S., de Silva, H. J., Rerknimitr, R., Pisespongsa, P., Abu Hassan, M. R., Sung, J., Hibi, T., Boey, C. C., Moran, N., Leong, R. W., Asia Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE) Working Group on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Asia Pacific Consensus Statements on Crohn's Disease Part 2: Management. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016; 31(1):56-68.
  63. Paranitharan, P., Hulathduwa, S.R., A Current need for modern instruments in forensic pathology: a way forward. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law 2016; 7(2): 3-5.
  64. Perera, W.N.S., Mahendra, B.A.G.G., A Sudden death following cardiomyopathy in a child. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law 2016; 7(2): 6-10.
  65. Perumal, A.N., Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S., Dassanayake, R.S., Setaria digitata in advancing our knowledge of human lymphatic filariasis. Journal of Helminthology 2016; 90(2): 129-38.
  66. Piyarathna, T.A.C.L., Niriella, M.A., de Silva, A.P., de Silva, H.J., Duodenal xanthelasmata-(Picture Story). Ceylon Medical Journal 2016; 61(4): 191.
  67. Rajapakse, S., Fernando, N., Niloofa, M.J.R., de Silva, H.J., Karunanayake, L., Premawansa, S., Handunnetti, S.M., Leptospirosis: challenges in diagnosis, and predictors of severity. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians 2016; 47(2): 60-69. [EV Pieris Oration]
  68. Rajapakse, S., Weeratunga, P., Niloofa, R., Fernando, N., de Silva, N.L., Rodrigo, C., Maduranga, S., Nandasiri, N., Premawansa, S.,Karunanayake, L., de Silva, H.J., Handunnetti, S., A Diagnostic scoring model for leptospirosis in resource limited settings. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2016; 10(6): e0004513.
  69. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N.M., Constipation in children: New developments. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2016; 45(2):63-71.
  70. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N.M., Benninga, M.A., Faecal incontinence in adolescents is associated with child abuse, somatisation and poor health related Quality of Life. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2016; 62(5):698-703.
  71. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N.M., Perera, B.J.C., Benninga, M.A., Childhood constipation as an emerging public health problem. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2016; 22(30): 6864-6875
  72. Ramanayake, R.P., Dilanka, G.V., Premasiri, L.W., Palliative care; role of family physicians. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2016; 5(2): 234-237.
  73. Ranawaka, U.K., de Silva, H., Balasuriya, J., Puvanendiran, S., Jayasekara, B., Wijesekera, J.C., Stroke awareness in a Sri Lankan community Introduction. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians 2016; 47(1): 31-35.
  74. Ranawaka, U.K., Wijekoon, C.N., Pathmeswaran, A., Kasturiratne, A., Gunasekera, D., Chackrewarthy, S., Kato, N., Wickramasinghe, A.R., Risk estimates of cardiovascular diseases in a Sri Lankan community. Ceylon Medical Journal 2016; 61(1): 11-17.
  75. Rashwan, N., Bourguinat, C., Keller, K., Gunawardena, N.K., de Silva, N., Prichard, R., Isothermal diagnostic assays for monitoring single nucleotide polymorphisms in Necator americanus associated with Benzimidazole drug resistance. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2016; 10(12): e0005113.
  76. Rohanachandra, Y.M., Chandradasa, W.M.M.L., Hettiarachchi, D.B., Fernando, W.K.T.R., Gunathilake, I.A.G.M.P., Wijetunge, G.S., Clinical presentation and comorbidities of obsessive compulsive disorders in children and adolescents presenting to a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2016; 7(2): 16-19.
  77. Sagner, M., Arena, R., McNeil, A., Brahmam, G.N., Hills, A.P., de Silva, H.J., Karunapema, R.P., Wijeyaratne, C.N., Arambepola, C., Puska, P., Creating a pro-active health care system to combat chronic diseases in Sri Lanka: the central role of preventive medicine and healthy lifestyle behaviors. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy 2016; 14(10): 1107-1117.
  78. Sarquis, L.M., Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K.T., Felli, V.E., Harari, R., Barrero, L.H., Felknor, S.A., Gimeno, D., Cattrell, A., Vargas-Prada, S., Bonzini, M,, Solidaki, E., Merisalu, E., Habib, R.R., Sadeghian, F., Kadir, M.M., Warnakulasuriya, S.S., Matsudaira, K., Nyantumbu, B., Sim, M.R., Harcombe, H., Cox, K., Marziale, M.H., Harari, F., Freire, R., Harari, N., Monroy, M.V., Quintana, L.A., Rojas, M., Harris, E.C., Serra, C., Martinez, J.M., Delclos, G., Benavides, F.G., Carugno, M., Ferrario, M.M., Pesatori, A.C., Chatzi, L., Bitsios, P., Kogevinas, M., Oha, K., Tiina, Freimann, Sadeghian, A., Peiris-John, R.J., Sathiakumar, N., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Yoshimura, N., Kelsall, H.L., Hoe, V.C., Urquhart, D.M., Derrett, S., McBride, D., Herbison, P., Gray, A., Salazar Vega, E.J., Classification of neck/shoulder pain in epidemiological research: a comparison of personal and occupational characteristics, disability and prognosis among 12,195 workers from 18 countries. Pain 2016; 157(5): 1028-36
  79. Sasikumar, S., Wijayarathna, K.S.N., Karunaratne, K.A.M.S., Gobi, U., Pathmeswaran, A., Abeygunasekera, A.M., Pathological characteristics of primary bladder carcinoma treated at a tertiary care hospital and changing demographics of bladder cancer in Sri Lanka. Advances in Urology 2016; 2016: 5751647.
  80. Shanika, L.G.T.; Jayamanne, S.; Coombes, J.; Coombes, I.; Wijekoon, C.N. Adverse Drug reactions and associated factors in a cohort of Sri Lankan patients with non-communicable chronic diseases. Pharmaceutical Journal of Sri Lanka. 2016; 6:2-8
  81. Shanmugam, N.P., Narasimhan, G., Rajindrajith, S., Living with biliary atresia: From Kasai portoenterostomy to liver transplantation. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2016; 45(2): 116-122.
  82. Sigera, S., Perera, J., Rasarathinam, J., Samaranayake, D., Ediriweera, D., Seroprevalence of Bordetella pertussis specific Immunoglobulin G antibody levels among asymptomatic individuals aged 4 to 24 years: a descriptive cross sectional study from Sri Lanka. BMC Infectious Diseases 2015; 16(1): 729.
  83. Siriwardana, R.C., Niriella, M.A., Dassanayake, A.S., Liyanage, C.A.H., Gunetilleke, B., de Silva, H.J., Recurrence of graft steatosis after liver transplantation for cryptogenic cirrhosis in recently commenced liver transplant program. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2016; 35(3): 222-4.
  84. Siriwardana, R.C., Bandara, L.M.P.M., Atulugama, N., Gunathilke, M.B., Ekanayake, C.S., Short and medium term glycaemic control after pancreaticoduodenectomy. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2016; 34(4): 11-15.
  85. Subasinghe,S.K.C.E., Nandimuni, Y., Ranasinghe, S., Niriella, M.A., Miththinda, J.K.N.D., Dassanayake, A., de Silva, A.P., de Silva, H.J., Association between road accidents and low-grade hepatic encephalopathy among Sri Lankan drivers with cirrhosis: a prospective case control study. BMC Research Notes 2016; 9(1): 303.
  86. Sumanasena, S.P.; Gunawardena, N.; Dissanayake, B.; Dilanka, S.; de Silva, S. Neurocognitive skills in children with congenital hypothyroidism attending the endocrine clinic of the Professorial Unit of the Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children, Colombo. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2016;45 (2):95-102. [Correspondence in Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2017; 46 (1): 101]
  87. Udoh, E., Devanarayana, N.M., Rajindrajith, S., Meremikwu, M., Benninga, M.A., Abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders in adolescent Nigerians. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2016; 62(4):588-93.
  88. Urquhart, J., Roberts, R., de Silva, D., Shalev, S., Chervinsky, E., Nampoothiri, S., Sznajer, Y., Revencu, N., Gunasekera, R., Suri, M., Ellingford, J., Williams, S., Bhaskar, S., Clayton-Smith, J., Exploring the genetic basis of 3MC syndrome: Findings in 12 further families. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 2016; 170A(5):1216-24.
  89. Vargas-Prada, S., Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K.T., Felli, V.E., Harari, R., Barrero, L.H., Felknor, S.A., Gimeno, D., Cattrell, A., Bonzini, M., Solidaki, E., Merisalu, E., Habib, R.R., Sadeghian, F., Kadir, M.M., Warnakulasuriya, S.S., Matsudaira, K., Nyantumbu, B., Sim, M.R., Harcombe, H., Cox, K., Sarquis, L.M., Marziale, M.H., Harari, F., Freire, R., Harari, N., Monroy, M.V., Quintana, L.A., Rojas, M., Harris, E.C., Serra, C., Martinez, J.M., Delclos, G., Benavides, F.G., Carugno, M., Ferrario, M.M., Pesatori, A.C., Chatzi, L., Bitsios, P., Kogevinas, M., Oha, K., Freimann, T., Sadeghian, A., Peiris-John, R.J., Sathiakumar, N., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Yoshimura, N., Kelsall, H.L., Hoe, V.C., Urquhart, D.M., Derrett, S., McBride, D., Herbison, P., Gray, A., Vega, E.J., Descriptive epidemiology of somatising tendency: Findings from the CUPID Study. PLoS One 2016; 11(4): e0153748.
  90. Walker, S., Gibbins, J., Barclay, S., Adams, A., Paes, P., Chandratilake, M., Gishen, F., Lodge, P., Wee, B., Progress and divergence in palliative care education for medical students: A comparative survey of UK course structure, content, delivery, contact with patients and assessment of learning. Palliative Medicine 2016; 30(9): 834-42.
  91. Wickramasinghe, R.D.S.S., Luke, W.A.N.V., Sebastiampillai, B.S., Gunathilake, M.P.M.L., Premaratna, R., Thyrotoxic crisis presenting with jaundice. BMC Research Notes 2016; 9(1): 320.
  92. Wijekoon, C.N., Undugodage, C., Fernando, D., Atapattu, P., Malavige, G.N., Ranawaka, U.K., Anaphylaxis: the "killer allergy". Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians 2016; 47(1): 36-43.
  93. Wijerathne, B.T.B., Meier, R.J., Salgado, S.S., Agampodi, S.B., Dermatoglyphics in kidney diseases: a review. Springerplus 2016; 5: 290.
  94. Wijerathne, B.T.B, Meier, R.J., Salgado, S.S., Agampodi, S.B., Uncommon palm prints: Can they be used for forensic identification? Journal of Forensic Sciences 2016; 61(5): 1388.
  95. Wijesooriya,W.R.P.L.I., Suni-Chandra, N.P., Perera, J., Reliability of cold agglutinin test (CAT) for the detection of patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 2016; 6(1): 25-32.
  96. Xue, S., Arya, S., Embuldeniya, A., Narammalage, H., da Silva, T., Williams, S., Ravindran, A., Perceived functional impairment and spirituality/religiosity as predictors of depression in a Sri Lankan spinal cord injury patient population. Spinal Cord 2016; 54(12): 1158-63.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2015)

  1. Amarasinghe, S.C., Vidanalage, J.K., Williams, S.S., The prevalence of depressive disorder among newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 6(2): 9-14.
  2. Athauda, L.K., Wichremasinghe, A.R., Kumarendran, B., Kasturiratne, A., An ecological study for Sri Lanka about health effects of coconut. Ceylon Medical Journal 2015; 60(3): 97-99.
  3. Babelli, S., Chandratilake, M., Roff, S., Egyptian medical students' recommended responses to the Dundee Polyprofessionalism I: Academic Integrity. Medical Teacher 2015; 37(3): 277-80.
  4. Babelli, S., Chandratilake, M., Roff, S., Recommended sanctions for lapses in professionalism by student and faculty respondents to Dundee Polyprofessionalism Inventory I: Academic Integrity in one medical school in Saudi Arabia. Medical Teacher 2015; 37(2): 162-67.
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  75. Pradeep, I. H. D. S., Chandrasinghe, P. C., Kannangara, K.R., Epitakaduwa, E. K. G. D. C., Fernando, R. F., Columnar cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma - a rare and clinically aggressive variant. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2015; 33(2): 44-45.
  76. Pradeep, I. H. D. S., Chandrasinghe, P. C., Siriwardana, S. A. S. R., Kumarage, S. K. , Botulinum toxin injection to the puborectalis in the management of pelvic floor dyssynergia. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2015; 33(1): 27-29.
  77. Pradeep, I. H. D. S., Prasad, I. H. D. S., Wickramarathna, D., Liyanage, C. A. H., An incidental finding of absent gall bladder in laparoscopic exploration - a rare occurrence in extra hepatic biliary anatomy. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2015; 33(2): 38-40.
  78. Premaratna, R., Dissanayake, D., Silva, F. H., Dassanayake, M., de Silva, H. J., Secondary bacteraemia in adult patients with prolonged dengue fever. Ceylon Medical Journal 2015; 60(1): 10-12.
  79. Premaratna, R., Weerasinghe, M. S., Premawardana, N. P., de Silva, H. J., Gloriosa superba poisoning mimicking an acute infection- a case report. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology 2015; 16(1): 27.
  80. Premaratna, R., Wijayalath, S. H., Miththinda, J. K., Bandara, N. K., de Silva, H. J., Scrub typhus mimicking Parkinson's disease. BMC Research Notes 2015; 8: 438.
  81. Rajapakse, S., Weeratunga, P., Niloofa, M. J., Fernando, N., Rodrigo, C., Maduranga, S., Fernando, N. L., de Silva, H. J., Karunanayake, L., Handunnetti, S., Clinical and laboratory associations of severity in a Sri Lankan cohort of patients with serologically confirmed leptospirosis: a prospective study. Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2015; 109(11): 710-6.
  82. Rajapaksha, A., Fernando, R., Ranasinghe, N., Iddagoda, S., Morphology of the tubercle of Zuckerkandl and its importance in thyroid surgery.Ceylon Medical Journal 2015; 60(1): 23-24.
  83. Ramanayake, R. P., De Silva, A. H., Perera, D. P., Sumanasekara, R. D., Gunasekara, R., Chandrasiri, P., Evaluation of teaching and learning in family medicine by students: a sri Lankan experience. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2015; 4(1): 3-8.
  84. Ramanayake, R. P., De Silva, A. H., Perera, D. P., Sumanasekera, R. D., Athukorala, L. A., Fernando, K. A., Training medical students in general practice:a qualitative study among general practitioner trainers in SriLanka. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2015; 4(2): 168-73.
  85. Ranawaka , P. R. D., Abeysekera, C. K., Gamage, M. P., Illangasekara, O. R., Silva, G. R. C. , Mettananda, D. S. G. ,Pathmanathan, T. , Abeyagunawardena, A. S., Psychosocial outcomes of children and parents after renal transplantation.Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2015; 44(1): 38-44.
  86. Ranawaka, U.K., The challenge of treating central nervous system infections.Ceylon Medical Journal 2015; 60(4): 55-8.
  87. Rathnayaka, R. M. U. S.; Beneragama, D. H.; Hewavisenthi, S. de S. , Are we addressing ethical issues in histopathology adequately?, The Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 2015; 10(2): 1-4
  88. Rodrigo, A., Liyanage, N., Child abuse: the role of psychiatrists. The Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 6(2): 1-2.
  89. Rodrigo, A., Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A., Pathmeswaran, A., Validation of the Beck Depression Inventory II among the Sinhalese speaking population in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 6(2): 20-24.
  90. Rodrigo, A., Perera, D., Eranga, V.P., Peris, M.U.P.K., Pathmeswaran, A., Road rage in Sri Lanka: prevalence and psychiatric distress. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2015; 60(3): 86-90.
  91. Samarawickrema, N., Tabrizi, S., Young, E., Gunawardena, P., Garland, S., Prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and human papillomavirus in a sexual health clinic setting in urban Sri Lanka. International journal of STD & AIDS 2015; 26(10): 733-9.
  92. Sampath, L.D.S., Gunawardene, Y.I.N.S., Dassanayake, R.S., Transgenic Mosquitoes to Control Vector Borne Diseases. Biochemistry and Analytical Biochemistry 2015; 4: 182.
  93. Siriwardhana, D., Weerasinghe, M., Disciplining the children: mothers' perceptions from a rural Sri Lankan community. Health Science Journal 2015; 9(3): 3(1-7).
  94. Siriwardana, R. , Niriella, M. A., Dassanayake, A. S., Liyanage, C., Gunathilaka, B., Jayathunge, S., de Silva, H. J., Clinical characteristics and outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma in alcohol related and cryptogenic cirrhosis: a prospective study. Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases International 2015; 14(4): 401-5.
  95. Siriwardana, R. C., Niriella, M. A., Dassanayake, A. S., Liyanage, C. A., Upasena, A., Sirigampala, C., de Silva, H. J. , Factors affecting post-embolization fever and liver failure after trans-arterial chemo-embolization in a cohort without background infective hepatitis- a prospective analysis. BMC Gastroenterology 2015; 15: 96.
  96. Siriwardana, R. C.; Pathirana, A.; Liyanage, C. A. H.; Rajapaksa, P. M.; Munasinghe, M., Long-term survival of stage IV hepatocellular carcinoma treated with multimodal approach, The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2015; 33(3): 4-5.
  97. Sunil-Chandra, N. P., Clement, J., Maes, P., DE Silva, H. J., VAN Esbroeck, M., VAN Ranst, M., Concomitant leptospirosis-hantavirus co-infection in acute patients hospitalized in Sri Lanka: implications for a potentially worldwide underestimated problem. Epidemiology and infection 2015; 143(10): 2081-93.
  98. Sumathipala, D.S., Mandawala, E.N., Samanmalee, P.S., Vajira, H.W.D., 2 and Xq28 duplication detected in a girl diagnosed with Potocki-Lupski syndrome. BMC Research Notes 2015; 8(1): 506.
  99. Szlavicz, E., Perera, P.S., Tomboly, C., Helyes, Z., Zador, F., Benyhe, S., Borsodi, A., Bojnik, E., Further Characterization of Hemopressin Peptide Fragments in the Opioid and Cannabinoid Systems. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2015;121(6):1488-94
  100. Teng, T. S., Kam, Y. W., Lee, B., Hapuarachchi, H. C., Abeywickreme, W., Ng, L. C., Ng, L. F., A Systematic meta-analysis of immune signatures in patients with acute chikungunya virus Infection. The Journal of infectious diseases 2015; 211(12): 1925-35.
  101. Tilakaratna, T.J., Palihawadana, T.S., Fernandopulle, R.C., An audit on the outcome of vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section (VBAC) in a Sri Lankan tertiary care setting and factors associated with failure. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2015; 37(2): 14-18.
  102. Torgerson, P.R., Devleesschauwer, B., Praet, N., Speybroeck, N., Willingham, A.L., Kasuga, F., Rokni, M.B., Zhou, X.N., Fèvre, E.M., Sripa, B., Gargouri, N., Fürst, T., Budke, C.M., Carabin, H., Kirk, M.D., Angulo, F.J., Havelaar, A., de Silva, N., World Health Organization Estimates of the Global and Regional Disease Burden of 11 Foodborne Parasitic Diseases, 2010: A Data Synthesis. PLoS Medicine 2015; 12(12): e1001920.
  103. Venketasubramanian, N., Young, S. H., Tay, S. S., Umapathi, T., Lao, Y., Gan, H. H., Baroque Ii, A. C., Navarro, J. C., Chang, H. M., Advincula, J. M., Muengtaweepongsa, S., Chan, B. P., Chua, C. L., Wijekoon, N., de Silva, A., Hiyadan, J. H., Suwanwela, N. C., Wong, K. S., Poungvarin, N., Eow, G. B., Lee, C. F., Chen, C. L., Chinese Medicine NeuroAiD Efficacy on Stroke Recovery - Extension Study (CHIMES-E): A Multicenter Study of Long-Term Efficacy. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2015; 39(5-6)1: 309-18.
  104. Vithana, P.C.; Ariyaratne, M.; Jayawardana, P., Educational intervention on breast cancer early detection: effectiveness among target group women in the district of Gampaha, Sri Lanka, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015; 16(6): 2547-53.
  105. Vithana, P.V., Ariyaratne, M.A., Jayawardana, P.L., Effectiveness of an educational intervention among public health midwives on breast cancer early detection in the district of Gampaha, Sri Lanka. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015; 16(1): 227-32.
  106. Voronin, D., Abeykoon, A. M., Gunawardene, Y. I. N. S., Dassanayake, R. S. , Absence of Wolbachia endobacteria in Sri Lankan isolates of the nematode parasite of animals Setaria digitata. Veterinary parasitology 2015; 207(3-4): 350-4.
  107. Wanigasinghe, J., Arambepola, C., Sri Ranganathan, S., Sumanasena, S., Attanapola, G., Randomized, single-blind, parallel clinical trial on efficacy of oral prednisolone versus intramuscular corticotropin on immediate and continued spasm control in West syndrome. Pediatric neurology 2015; 193-9.
  108. Weerasinghe, M., Konradsen, F., Eddleston, M., Pearson, M., Gunnell, D., Hawton, K., Jayamanne, S., Pabasara, C., Jayathilaka, T., Dissanayaka, K., Rajapaksha, S., Thilakarathna, P., Agampodi, S., Risk factors associated with purchasing pesticide from shops for self-poisoning: a protocol for a population-based case-control study. BMJ Open 2015; 5(5): e007822.
  109. Wijesinghe, C. A., Williams, S. S., Kasturiratne, A., Dolawaththa, N., Wimalaratne, P., Wijewickrema, B., Jayamanne, S. F., Isbister, G. K., Dawson, A. H., Lalloo, D. G., de Silva, H. , A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Brief Intervention for Delayed Psychological Effects in Snakebite Victims. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2015; 9(8): e0003989.
  110. Wijesinghe, R. S., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Physical, psychological, and social aspects of Quality of Life in filarial lymphedema patients in Colombo,Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 2015; 27(2): NP2690-701.
  111. Wijesooriya, L.R.A., Palihawadana, T.S., Rajapaksha, R.N.G., A Study of Psychological Impact on Women Undergoing Miscarriage at a Sri Lankan Hospital Setting. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2015; 37(2): 10-13.
  112. Williams, S.S., Ariyasinghe, D., Abuse, maltreatment and bullying in childhood. The Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 6(2): 35-37.
  113. Yapabandara, M. A., Sarmento, R., de Fatima Mota Mdo, R., Don Bosco, J., Martins, N., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Evidence-based malaria control in Timor Leste from 2006 to 2012. Malaria Journal 2015; 14(1): 109.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2014)

  1. Abeysuriya, V., Chandrasena, L. G., Kasturiratne, A., Hettiarachchi, V. S., Wickremasinghe, A. R. Outcome of patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) following percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: a retrospective study. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(4): 118-23.
  2. Akiyama, K., Takeuchi, F., Isono, M., Chakrawarthy, S., Nguyen, Q. N., Wen, W., Yamamoto, K., Katsuya, T., Kasturiratne, A., Pham, S. T., Zheng, W., Matsushita, Y., Kishimoto, M., Do, L. D., Shu, X. O., Wickremasinghe, R., Kajio, H., Kato, N. Systematic fine-mapping of association with BMI and type 2 diabetes at the FTO locus by integrating results from multiple ethnic groups. PLoS One 2014; 9(6): e101329.
  3. Ariyarathne, N., Abeysena, H. T. C. S. Secondary preventive measures adopted in the management of patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome admitted to the National Hospital of Sri Lanka. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2014; 1(E2): 1-7.
  4. Bath, P. M., Adami, A., Bereczki, D., Berge, E., Beridze, M., Cala, L., Casado, A., Caso, V., Chang, M., Christensen, H., Collins, R., Czlonkowska,  A., Dineen,  R. A., El Etribi, A., Ghani, A. R., Gommans, J., Koumellis, P., Laska, A. C., Lees, K. R., Navarro,  J. , Ntaios, G., Ozturk, S., Phillips, S., Pocock, S., Prasad, K., Scutt, P., de Silva, H.A. Szatmari, S., Díez-Tejedor E, Utton, S., Wang, Y. J. , Wardlaw, J. M., Whynes, D., Wong, L., Woodhouse, L, Sprigg, N., ENOS Trial Investigators(36), Baseline characteristics of the 4011 patients recruited into the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke' (ENOS) trial. International Journal of Stroke 2014; 711-20.
  5. Chandradasa, W. M. M. L.; Champika, L.; Kotalawala, S.; Seneviratne, S.; Siriwardene, G.; Perera, H. Tardive Dyskinesia in an 8-year-old child, The Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2014; 5(2): 24-26.
  6. Chandrasinghe, P. C., Ediriweera, D. S., Hewavisenthi, J., Kumarage, S., Deen, K. I. The total number of lymph nodes harvested is associated with better survival in stages II and III colorectal cancer. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 33(3): 249-53.
  7. Chandratilake, M. From the professionalism of a profession to the professionalism of a multiprofessional team. Medical Education 2014; 48(4): 345-7.
  8. Clement, J., Van Esbroeck, M., Lagrou, K., Verschueren, J., Sunil-Chandra, P., Van Ranst, M. Leptospirosis versus Hantavirus infections in the Netherlands and in Belgium. [Letter to the Editor]. Euro Surveillance 2014; 19(38): 20912.
  9. de Alwis, K. N., Abeysinghe, M. R., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Wijesinghe, P. R. A Cohort event monitoring to determine the adverse events following administration of mouse brain derived, inactivated Japanese Encephalitis vaccine in an endemic district in Sri Lanka. Vaccine 2014; 32(8): 924-30.
  10. de Silva, A.H.W., Rizwaan, M.S.A., Ramanayake, P.J.C., Perera, D.P., Sumanasekara, R.D.N., Knowledge on HIV prevention amongst a group of post war re-settlers in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Venereology 2014; 5(1): 16-19.
  11. de Silva, N., The Neglected tropical diseases in Sri Lanka. Anuradhapura Medical Journal 2014; 8(2): 30-33.
  12. de Silva, N. L., Niloofa, M., Fernando, N., Karunanayake, L., Rodrigo, C., de Silva, H. J. Premawansa, S., Handunnetti, S. M., Rajapakse, S. Changes in full blood count parameters in leptospirosis: a prospective study. International Archives of Medicine 2014; 7: 31.
  13. de Silva, N. R., India can do more about intestinal worm infections. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2014; 139(1): 7-9.
  14. de Silva, R.E.E.; Haniffa, M.R.; Gunathillaka, K.D.K.; Atukorala, I.; Fernando, E.D.P.S.; Perera, W.L.S.P. A Descriptive study of knowledge, beliefs and practices regarding osteoporosis among female medical school entrants in Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Family Medicine. 2014; 13(1): 15.
  15. de Silva, S. T., Perera, R. P., Niriella, M. A., Pathmeswaran, A., de Silva, H. J. Frequency, pattern and short-term outcome of chronic renal dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis: a prospective study using HRS and ADQI-IAC criteria. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2014; 26(11): 1296-9.
  16. Devanarayana, N. M., Rajindrajith, S., Perera, M. S., Nishanthanie, S. W., Karunanayake, A., Benninga, M. A., Association between Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases and Exposure to Abuse in Teenagers. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2014; 60(5): 386-92.
  17. Devanarayana, N. M., Rajindrajith, S., Benninga, M. A., Quality of life and health care consultation in 13 to 18 year olds with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal diseases. BMC Gastroenterology 2014; 14: 150.
  18. Dias, T., Akoleka, R., Timing of birth in multiple pregnancy. Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014; 28(2): 319-26.
  19. Dias, T., Sairam, S., Kumarasiri, S., Ultrasound diagnosis of fetal renal abnormalities. Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014; 28(3): 403-15.
  20. Dias, T., Kumarasiri, S., Wanigasekara, R., Cooper, D., Batuwitage, C., Jayasinghe, L., Padeniya, T., Risk of stillbirth at term and optimum timing of delivery in uncomplicated south Asian singleton pregnancies. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(2): 54-8.
  21. Dias, T., Kociejowski, A., Rathnayake, S., Kumarasiri, S., Abeykoon, S., Padeniya, T., Sexual violence against women: a challenge. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(3): 107-108.
  22. Dias, T., Shanmugaraja, V., Ganeshamoorthy, P., Kumarasiri, S., Abeykoon, S., Padeniya, T., Birthweight standards - ability of birthweight percentiles in predicting abnormal fetal growth and outcome. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014; 36(4): 85-88.
  23. Dissanayake, D. M. A. B., Amaranath, K. A., Perera, R. R. D. P., Wijesinghe, P. S., Antibiotics supplemented culture media can eliminate non-specific bacteria from human semen during sperm preparation for intra uterine insemination. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences 2014; 7(1): 58-62.
  24. Edirisinghe, P. A. S., Paranitharn, P., Perera, W. N. S.,  Williams, S.S., Elder abuse among outpatient department attendees in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(3): 84-89.
  25. Edirisinghe, P.A.S., Kitulwatte, I.D.G., Gangahawatta, S., Multidisciplinary forensic investigation into a partially burnt dismembered body found by a road side. The Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka 2014; 2(2): 45-49.
  26. Edirisinghe, P. A. S., Kitulwatte, I. D. G., Senarathne, U. D., Injuries in the vulnerable road user fatalities; a study from Sri Lanka. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 2014; 27: 9-12.
  27. Edrisinghe, N., Wijesinghe, C. A., Williams, S. S., Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. A., Tobacco smoking in persons with schizophrenia followed up at a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2014; 5(2): 19-23.
  28. Ekanayake, C. D., Padumadasa, S., Premaratna, R., Rajindrajith, S., Samaranayake, W. W., Transplacental transfer of dengue. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(4): 145-46.
  29. Fernando, R. Beyond evidence-based medicine [Correspondence]. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2014; 32(4): 42-43.
  30. Fernando, R.; Rajapaksha, A.; Ranasinghe, N.; Gunawardhana, D., Embryological Remnants of the Thyroid Gland and their Significance in Thyroidectomy, World Journal of Endocrine Surgery 2014; 6(3): 110-112.
  31. Godamunne, P., Liyanage, C., Wimaladharmasooriya, N., Pathmeswaran, A., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Patterson, C., Sathiakumar, N., Comparison of performance of Sri Lankan and US children on cognitive and motor scales of the Bayley scales of infant development. BMC Research Notes 2014; 7(1): 300.
  32. Gunathilaka, P.A.D.H.N.R., Fernando, M.A.S.T., Hapugoda, M.D., Wijeyerathne, P., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Abeyewickreme, W. Breeding habitat diversity and species composition of Anopheles mosquitoes in Trincomalee district, Sri Lanaka. LEPCEY-The Journal of Tropical Asian Entomology 2014; 3(1): 1-11.
  33. Gunathilaka, N., Fernando, T., Hapugoda, M., Abeyewickreme, W., Wickremasinghe, R. Revised morphological identification key to the larval anopheline (Diptera: Culicidae) of Sri Lanka. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2014; 4(Sup1): S222-7.
  34. Gunawardena, N. K., Introduction to geographic information system. The Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists 2014; 12: 34-37.
  35. Gunawardena, S., Gunawardena, N. K. Kahathuduwa, G., Karunaweera, N. D., de Silva, N. R., Ranasinghe, U. B., Samarasekara, S. D., Nagodavithana, K. C., Rao, R. U., Rebollo, M. P., Weil, G. J., Integrated school-based surveillance for soil-transmitted helminth infections and lymphatic filariasis in Gampaha district, Sri Lanka. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2014; 90(4): 661-6.
  36. Hasan, R. A Study on the Effects of Prolactin and Its Abnormalities on Semen Parameters of Male White Rats. International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering 2014; 8(9): 1034-43
  37. Herath, R. P., Warnakulasuriya, T. , Silva, A. D. , Wijesinghe, P. S. , Methylene Blue Induced Bluish Discoloration Mimicking Cyanosis, at Diagnostic Laparoscopy. Journal of Women's Health, Issues and Care 2014; 3(5): 2.
  38. Hettiarachchi, S., Das, A., Perceptions of 'inclusion'and perceived preparedness among school teachers in Sri Lanka. Teaching and Teacher Education 2014; 43: 143-153.
  39. Hosni, M. M., Herath, R. P., Mumtaz, R., Diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas of cervical ectopic pregnancy. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 2014; 69(5): 261-76.
  40. Jayasekera, H. P. I., Seneviratne, K. A. C. D. , Narammalage, H. K. , Embuldeniya, A. S. , Priyadarshanie, J. W. S. , Rosana, J. A. F. , Zahriya, M. R. F. , Williams, S. S. , Psycho spiritual characteristics of persons presenting with deliberate self-harm to a suburban hospital in the Western Province of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2014; 5(2): 13-18.
  41. Jayathilake, K.G.H; Siriwardana, R.C.; Navarathne, N.M.M; Mahendra, B.A.G.G.; Liyanage, C.A.H. Intraductal papillary neoplasm of extrahepatic biliary tract with an associated early invasive adenocarcinoma. International Journal of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases. 2014;4:1–6.
  42. Jayathilake, K. G. H., Withana, S., Siriwardane, R., Mahendra, G., Liyanage, C., Umbilical endometriosis-A simple but challenging diagnosis for surgeons. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2014; 32(3): 49-50.
  43. Kahandawa, S., Somasundaram, N. P., Ediriweera, D. S., Kusumsiri, D. P., Ellawala, S., Chandrika, G. H. T. N. K., Ransarini, K. G. H., Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction among type 2 diabetic patients attending the Diabetes Clinic, National Hospital of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism 2014; 4(1): 43-48.
  44. Karunanayake, A.L., Risk factors for chronic low back pain in adults. A case control study done in Sri Lanka. Journal of Pain Relief 2014; 3: 5.
  45. Karunanayake, A.L., Risk Factors For chronic Low Back Pain. Journal of Community Medicine Health Education 2014; 4: 271.
  46. Karunanayake, R.K., Dissanayake, D.M., Karunanayake, A.L., A study of snake bite among children presenting to a paediatric ward in the main Teaching Hospital of North Central province of Sri Lanka. BMC Research Notes 2014; 7: 482.
  47. Karunasekera, K. A. W., Fernando, A. F., Subasinghe, S. M. V., Lakmini, B. C., Respiratory problems since birth to 12 years: What is causing morbidity and mortality in Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2014; 43(1): 33-37.
  48. Kasturiratne, A., Mufeena, M. N., Mettananda, K. C. D., Fernandopulle, N., Rajindrajith, S., Waraketiya, P. R., Weerasinghe, S. K., Ranaweera, A., Hewavisenthi, S. J. de S., de Silva, A. P., de Silva, H. J., Incidence of inflammatory bowel disease in Gampaha district: details of the Sri Lankan component of the Asia-Pacific Crohn's and Colitis Epidemiology Study. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(1): 16-8.
  49. Khalil, A., D'Antonio, F., Dias, T., Cooper, D., Thilaganathan, B., Southwest Thames Obstetric Research Collaborative (STORK), Ultrasound estimation of birth weight in twin pregnancy: comparison of biometry algorithms in the STORK multiple pregnancy cohort. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014; 44(2): 210-20.
  50. Kitulwatte, I. D. G., Edirisinghe, P. A. S., Study on  unnatural  childhood  deaths  presented  to  North Colombo  Teaching  Hospital, Sri Lanka. Medicine, Science and the Law 2014; 54(2]: 74-7.
  51. Kitulwatte, I.D.G., Edirisinghe, P.A.S., Sudden unexpected deaths of young adults in a tertiary care hospital for a period of four years. The Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka 2014; 2(1): 15-21.
  52. Kotsanas, D., Wijesooriya, W. R. P. L., Sloane, T., Stuart, R. L., Gillespie, E. E., The Silver lining of disposable sporicidal privacy curtains in an intensive care unit. American Journal of Infection Control 2014; 42(4): 366-70.
  53. Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. L. A., de Silva, N. R., Burden of mental illness and the need for better undergraduate education in psychiatry. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(2): 35-38.
  54. Liyanage, C A.H., Reconstruction of the middle hepatic vein in live donor liver transplantation: will it improve donor liver function? The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2014; 32(2): 35-37.
  55. Mahajan, A., Go, M.J., Zhang, W., Below, J.E., Gaulton, K.J., Ferreira, T., Horikoshi, M., Johnson, A.D., Ng, M.C., Prokopenko, I., Saleheen, D., Wang, X., Zeggini, E., Abecasis, G.R., Adair, L.S., Almgren, P., Atalay, M., Aung, T., Baldassarre, D., Balkau, B., Bao, Y., Barnett, A.H., Barroso, I., Basit, A., Been, L.F., Beilby, J., Bell, G.I., Benediktsson, R., Bergman, R.N., Boehm, B.O., Boerwinkle, E., Bonnycastle, L.L., Burtt, N., Cai, Q., Campbell, H., Carey, J., Cauchi, S., Caulfield, M., Chan, J.C., Chang, L.C., Chang, T.J., Chang, Y.C., Charpentier, G., Chen, C.H., Chen, H., Chen, Y.T., Chia, K.S., Chidambaram, M., Chines, P.S., Cho, N.H., Cho, Y.M., Chuang, L.M., Collins, F.S., Cornelis, M.C., Couper, D.J., Crenshaw, A.T., van Dam, R.M., Danesh, J., Das, D., de Faire, U., Dedoussis, G., Deloukas, P., Dimas, A.S., Dina, C., Doney, A.S., Donnelly, P.J., Dorkhan, M., van Duijn, C., Dupuis, J., Edkins, S., Elliott, P., Emilsson, V., Erbel, R., Eriksson, J.G., Escobedo, J., Esko, T., Eury, E., Florez, J.C., Fontanillas, P., Forouhi, N.G., Forsen, T., Fox, C., Fraser, R.M., Frayling, T.M., Froguel, P., Frossard, P., Gao, Y., Gertow, K., Gieger, C., Gigante, B., Grallert, H., Grant, G.B., Grrop, L.C., Groves, C.J., Grundberg, E., Guiducci, C., Hamsten, A., Han, B.G., Hara, K., Hassanali, N., Hattersley, A.T., Hayward, C., Hedman, A.K., Herder, C., Hofman, A., Holmen, O.L., Hovingh, K., Hreidarsson, A.B., Hu, C., Hu, F.B., Hui, J., Humphries, S.E., Hunt, S.E., Hunter, D.J., Hveem, K., Hydrie, Z.I., Ikegami, H., Illig, T., Ingelsson, E., Islam, M., Isomaa, B., Jackson, A.U., Jafar, T., James, A., Jia, W., Jöckel, K.H., Jonsson, A., Jowett, J.B., Kadowaki, T., Kang, H.M., Kanoni, S., Kao, W.H., Kathiresan, S., Kato, N., Katulanda, P., Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, K.M., Kelly, A.M., Khan, H., Khaw, K.T., Khor, C.C., Kim, H.L., Kim, S., Kim, Y.J., Kinnunen, L., Klopp, N., Kong, A., Korpi-Hyövälti, E., Kowlessur, S., Kraft, P., Kravic, J., Kristensen, M.M., Krithika, S., Kumar, A., Kumate, J., Kuusisto, J., Kwak, S.H., Laakso, M., Lagou, V., Lakka, T.A., Langenberg, C., Langford, C., Lawrence, R., Leander, K., Lee, J.M., Lee, N.R., Li, M., Li, X., Li, Y., Liang, J., Liju, S., Lim, W.Y., Lind, L., Lindgren, C.M., Lindholm, E., Liu, C.T., Liu, J.J., Lobbens, S., Long, J., Loos, R.J., Lu, W., Luan, J., Lyssenko, V., Ma, R.C., Maeda, S., Mägi, R., Männisto, S., Matthews, D.R., Meigs, J.B., Melander, O., Metspalu, A., Meyer, J., Mirza, G., Mihailov, E., Moebus, S., Mohan, V., Mohlke, K.L., Morris, A.D., Mühleisen, T.W., Müller-Nurasyid, M., Musk, B., Nakamura, J., Nakashima, E., Navarro, P., Ng, P.K., Nica, A.C., Nilsson, P.M., Njolstad, I., Nöthen, M.M., Ohnaka, K., Ong, T.H., Owen, K.R., Palmer, C.N., Pankow, J.S., Park, K.S., Parkin, M., Pechlivanis, S., Pedersen, N.L., Peltonen, L., Perry, J.R., Peters, A., Pinidiyapathirage, J.M., Platou, C.G., Potter, S., Price, J.F., Qi, L., Radha, V., Rallidis, L., Rasheed, A., Rathman, W., Rauramaa, R., Raychaudhuri, S., Rayner, N.W., Rees, S.D., Rehnberg, E., Ripatti, S., Robertson, N., Roden, M., Rossin, E.J., Rudan, I., Rybin, D., Saaristo, T.E., Salomaa, V., Saltevo, J., Samuel, M., Sanghera, D.K., Saramies, J., Scott, J., Scott, L.J., Scott, R.A., Segrè, A.V., Sehmi, J., Sennblad, B., Shah, N., Shah, S., Shera, A.S., Shu, X.O., Shuldiner, A.R., Sigurdsson, G., Sijbrands, E., Silveira, A., Sim, X., Sivapalaratnam, S., Small, K.S., So, W.Y., Stancáková, A., Stefansson, K., Steinbach, G., Steinthorsdottir, V., Stirrups, K., Strawbridge, R.J., Stringham, H.M., Sun, Q., Suo, C., Syvänen, A.C., Takayanagi, R., Takeuchi, F., Tay, W.T., Teslovich, T.M., Thorand, B., Thorleifsson, G., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Tikkanen, E., Trakalo, J., Tremoli, E., Trip, M.D., Tsai, F.J., Tuomi, T., Tuomilehto, J., Uitterlinden, A.G., Valladares-Salgado, A., Vedantam, S., Veglia, F., Voight, B.F., Wang, C., Wareham, N.J., Wennauer, R., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Wilsgaard, T., Wilson, J.F., Wiltshire, S., Winckler, W., Wong, T.Y., Wood, A.R., Wu, J.Y., Wu, Y., Yamamoto, K., Yamauchi, T., Yang, M., Yengo, L., Yokota, M., Young, R., Zabaneh, D., Zhang, F., Zhang, R., Zheng. W., Zimmet, P.Z., Altshuler, D., Bowden, D.W., Cho, Y.S., Cox, N.J., Cruz, M., Hanis, C.L., Kooner, J., Lee, J.Y., Seielstad, M., Teo, Y.Y., Boehnke, M., Parra, E.J., Chambers, J.C., Tai, E.S., McCarthy, M.I., Morris, A.P., Genome-wide trans-ancestry meta-analysis provides insight into the genetic architecture oftype 2 diabetes susceptibility. Nature Genetics 2014; 46(3): 234-44.
  56. Mahendra, B.A.G.G. Challenges in the diagnosis of lipomatous tumours. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology. 9(1) :1–17.
  57. Markar, S. R., Pinto, D., Penna, M., Karthikesalingam, A., Bulathsinghala, B. K., Kumaran, K., Hashemi, M., Fernando, R. A comparative international study on the management of acute appendicitis between a developed country and a middle income country. International Journal of Surgery 2014; 12(4): 357-60.
  58. Mathurageethan, M., Kahathuduwa, C., Badanasinghe, N., Corea, E., Fernando, R. Melioidosis associated with chronic osteomyelitis and visceral organ abscesses. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2014; 32(2): 41-42.
  59. Moratuwagama, H. M. D., Jayathilake, A., Somarathna, T., Hewavisenthi, J. An unusual cause of death of a Hb E/? Thalassaemia patient. The Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 2014; 9(1): 37-40.
  60. Motha, M. B., Palihawadana, T. S. Perry, D. J., Recurrent pregnancy loss and thrombophilia. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(1): 1-3.
  61. Navarro, J. C., Gan, H. H., Lao, A. Y., Baroque, A. C., Hiyadan, J. H., Chua, C. L., San Jose, M. C., Advincula, J. M., Bousser, M. G., Chen, C. L., CHIMES Study Investigators (38), de Silva, H.A. CHIMES Study Investigator, Ranawaka, U. CHIMES Study Investigator, Wijekoon, N. CHIMES Study Investigator, Baseline characteristics and treatment response of patients from the Philippines in the CHIMES study. International Journal of Stroke 2014; 9(Supp A100): 102-105.
  62. Nishad, A. A., de Silva, I. S., Perera, H. L., Pathmeswaran, A., Kasturiratne, K. T. A. A., Premawardhena, A. P., Role of red cell distribution width in screening for Hb Etrait in population ccreening for hemoglobin disorders. Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology 2014; 36(8): e490-2.
  63. Nusliha, A., Dalpatadu, U., Amarasinghe, B., Chandrasinghe, P. C., Deen, K. I., Congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE) in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP); a polyposis registry experience. BMC Research Notes 2014; 7(1): 734.
  64. Osborne, A. J., Hawkins, S. C., Pournaras, D. J., Chandratilake, M., Welbourn, R., An Evaluation of operative self-assessment by UK postgraduate trainees. Medical Teacher 2014; 36(1): 32-7.
  65. Palihawadana, T. S., Dissanayake, D. M. A. B., Wijesinghe, P. S. , Seneviratne, H. R. , Wasalthilaka, C. , Dias, T. , A Study on Factors Associated with Clomifene Resistance in Infertile Women with WHO Group II Anovulation at a Teaching Hospital in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014; 36(3): 71-73.
  66. Palihawadana, T. S., Goonewardene, I. M. R., Motha, M. B. C., Williams, H. A., Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy: diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014; 36(3): 61-65.
  67. Palihawadana, T. S., Motha, M. B. C. , Dias, T. D. , Wijesinghe, P. S. , An Audit on Performance of Medical Students of the University of Kelaniya in Completing the Clinical Tasks during their Final . Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014; 79-82.
  68. Palihawadana, T. S., Wasalthilaka, C., Dias, T., The apt use of symphysio - fundal height chart during antenatal follow up: A multicenter audit. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014; 36(4): 96-98.
  69. Paranitharan, P., Perera, W. N. S., Hulathduwa, S. R., Beyond autopsies: treading new horizons. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law 2014; 5(1): 9-11.
  70. Peiris-John, R. J., Attanayake, S., Daskon, L., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Ameratunga, S., Disability studies in Sri Lanka: priorities for action. Disability and Rehabilitation 2014; 36(20): 1742-48.
  71. Perera, B. P., Should the Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) discuss the cause and manner of death with the family of the deceased?. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(1): 32.
  72. Perera, H. K. K., Vijaykrishna, D., Premarathna, A. G., Jayamaha, C. J., Wickramasinghe, G., Cheung, C. L., Yeung, M. F., Poon, L. L., Perera, A. K., Barr, I. G., Guan, Y., Peiris, M., Molecular Epidemiology of Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 Virus among Humans and Swine, Sri Lanka. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2014; 20(12): 2080-4.
  73. Perera, H.P., Wickramasuriya, C.D., Perera, P.J., Pathmeswaran, A., Knowledge on mother to child transmission of HIV among newly registered antenatal mothers in MOH area Ragama. Sri Lanka Journal of Venereology 2014; 5(1): 31-34.
  74. Perera, M. N., Abeysena, H. T. C. S., Evidence update on the use of inhaled corticosteroids in the management of bronchial asthma. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2014; E5: 1-3.
  75. Perera, P., Fernando, M., Meththananda, S., Samaranayake, R., Accuracy of measuring axillary temperature using mercury in glass thermometers in children under five years: a cross sectional observational study. Health 2014; 6(16): 2115-2120.
  76. Perera, P. J., Sandamal, Y. S., Randeny, S., Benign intracranial hypertension following vitamin A megadose. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(1): 31.
  77. Perera, P. J., Fernando, M. P., Samaranayake, R., Head circumference during infancy in a birth cohort of Sri Lankan children: are we using the correct chart?. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2014; 59(4): 136-38.
  78. Perera, P. J., Fernando, M. P., Warnakulasooriya, T. D., Ranathunga, N., Effect of feeding practices on dental caries among preschool children: a hospital based analytical cross sectional study. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2014; 23(2): 272-7.
  79. Perera, P.J., Fernanado, M.P., Ranathunga, N., Sampath, W., Samaranayake, R., Meththananda, S., Growth parameters of Sri Lankan children during infancy: A comparison with world health organization Multicentre growth reference study. Journal of Human Growth and Development 2014; 24(1): 11-15
  80. Perera, U., Abeysena, C., Prevalence of overweight and obesity in grade five students in schools of Gampaha medical officer of health area. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2014; 19(2): 11-16.
  81. Prasanga, D. P. G. G. M., Dias, T. D. , Palihawadena, T., Gunathilaka, S. N. M. P. K. , Herath, H. M. R. , Wasalathilaka, C. D. , Mirror syndrome: a rare presentation with a trisomy 21 fetus . Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014; 36(3): 83-84.
  82. Premaratna, R., Ariyaratna, N., Attanayake, C., Bandara, W., Chandrasena, N., de Silva, J., Rickettsial infection among military personnel deployed in Northern Sri Lanka. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014; 14(1): 688.
  83. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N. M., Lakmini, C., Subasinghe, V., de Silva, D. G. H., Benninga, M. A., Association Between Child Maltreatment and Constipation: a School Based Survey Using Rome III Criteria. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2014; 58(4): 486-90.
  84. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N. M., Benninga, M. A., Obesity and functional gastrointestinal diseases in children. Journal of Neurogastroenterology Motility 2014; 20(3): 414-6.
  85. Rajindrajith, S., Constipation in children: From misty to understanding. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2014; 43(3): 121-141.
  86. Ramanayake, R. P. J. C., de Silva, A. H. W., Perera, D. P., Sumanasekera, R. D. N., Athukorala, L. A. C. L., Fernando. K. A. T., Referral communications: Bridging the gap between primary care doctors and specialists. Middle East Journal of Family Medicine 2014; 12(7): 10-16.
  87. Ramanayake, R. P. J. C., de Silva, A. H. W., Perera, D. P., Sumanasekera, R. D. N., Athukorala, L. A. C. L., Fernando. K. A. T., Training medical students in general practices: Patients' attitudes. Middle East Journal of Family Medicine 2014; 12(6): 35-42.
  88. Ramanayake, R. P. J. C., de Silva, A. H. W., Perera, D. P., Sumanasekera, R. D. N., Athukorala, L. A. C. L., Fernando, K. A. T., Referral Communications in Sri Lanka; Views of General Practitioners. Scientific Research Journal 2014; 2(6): 17-22.
  89. Ramanayake, R. P. J. C., de Silva, A. H. W., Perera, D. P., Sumanasekera, R. D. N., Athukorala, L. A. C. L., Fernando, K. A. T., Structured Referral Form; Is it a solution for problems of referral communication in Sri Lanka. European International Journal of Science and Technology 2014; 3(6): 10-18.
  90. Ramanayake, R.P.J. C., Ranasingha, S., Lakmini, S., Management of emergencies in general practice: role of general practitioners. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2014; 3(4): 305-8.
  91. Ranawaka, U.K., Guillain-Barre syndrome - a Sri Lankan profile. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians 2014; 45: 6-15.
  92. Ranaweera, L., Kaewsutthi, S., Win Tun, A., Boonyarit, H., Poolsuwan, S., Lertrit, P., Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations. Journal of Human Genetics 2014; 59(1): 28-36.
  93. Ranjithatharsini, M., Deen, K., Kumarage, S., Liyanage, C., Siriwardana, , Gunathilake, B., Nasojejunal feeding versus feeding jejunostomy after upper gastrointestinal surgery. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2014; 32(2): 26-31.
  94. Rao, R.U., Nagodavithana, K.C., Samarasekera, S.D., Wijegunawardana, A.D., Premakumara, W.D., Perera, S.N., Settinayake, S., Miller, J.P., Weil, G.J., A comprehensive assessment of lymphatic filariasis inSri Lanka six years after cessation of mass drug administration. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2014; 9(12): e3428.
  95. Rasanjana, D. P. L., Dias, T., Prenatal management of fetal supravevtricular tachycardia. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014; 36(4): 102-103.
  96. Ratnayake, R. M. U. S., Somarathna, T. , Mahendra, B. A. G. G. , Hewavisenthi, S. J. , Follow up of histopathology and cytopathology reports that are duly signed out - are standard procedures required?. The Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 2014; 9(2): 23-27.
  97. Redmon, J. H., Elledge, M. F., Womack, D. S., Wickremashinghe, R., Wanigasuriya, K. P., Peiris-John, R. J., Lunyera, J., Smith, K., Raymer, J. H., Levine, K. E., Additional perspectives on chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka-lessons learned from the WHO CKDu population prevalence study. BMC Nephrology 2014; 15(1): 125.
  98. Rodrigo, W. W., Dassanayake, R. S., Karunanayake, E. H., Gunawardene, Y. N. S., Weerasena, O.V., Heterologous expression, chaperone mediated solubilization and purification of parasitic nematode-specific growth factor-like protein of Setaria digitata. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2014; 7(2): 85-92.
  99. Rodrigo, W. W., Dassanayake, R. S., Weerasena, S. J., Gunawardene, Y. I. S., Novel parasitic nematode-specific protein of bovine filarial parasite Setaria digitata displays conserved gene structure and ubiquitous expression. Tropical Biomedicine 2014; 31(3): 514-524.
  100. Salgado, L.S.S., Hasan, R., Perera, A.A.M.M.S.L., Wijesundara, W.M.R.D., Anuradha, W.K., Variations of the Superficial Palmar Arch in a Sri Lankan Perspective: A Cadaveric Study. GSTF Journal of Advances in Medical Research (JAMR) 2014; 1(2): 61-67.
  101. Samarakoon, S. R., Kotigala, S. B., Gammana-Liyanage, I., Thabrew, I., Tennekoon, K. H., Siriwardana, A., Galhena, P. B., Cytotoxic and apoptotic effect of the decoction of the aerial parts of Flueggea leucopyrus on human endometrial carcinoma (AN3CA) cells. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2014; 13(6): 873-880.
  102. Samaraweera, N. Y., Abeysena, H. T. C. S. , Liyanage, T. , Taft, A. J. , The quality of interaction between Public Health Nursing Sister and Public Health Midwife during supervision in Maternal and Child Health Care settings in Sri Lanka. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2014; E6: 1-9.
  103. Silva, H., Siriwardana, R. C., Niriella, M. A., Dassanayake, A. S., Liyanage, C. A. H., Gunathilake, B., de Silva, H. J., Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among potential live liver donors-a preliminary experience from Sri Lanka. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 33(6): 573-4.
  104. Tillakaratne, M. S. B., Ekanayake, C. S., Wijenayake, W., Deen, K. I. , Use of a rectus abdominis muscle cube to seal presacral venous haemorrhage. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2014; 32(4): 22-23.
  105. Torgerson, P. R., de Silva, N. R., Fèvre, E. M., Kasuga, F., Rokni, M. B., Zhou, X. N., Sripa, B., Gargouri, N., Willingham, A. L., Stein, C., The Global burden of foodborne parasitic diseases: an update. Trends in Parasitology 2014; 30(1): 20-6.
  106. Waidyatilaka, I., de Silva, A., de Lanerolle-Dias, M., Wickremasinghe, R., Atukorala, S., Somasundaram, N., Lanerolle, P., Lifestyle patterns and dysglycaemic risk in urban Sri Lankan women. British Journal of Nutrition 2014; 112(6): 952-7.
  107. Wanigasinghe, J., Gamaathige, N. I. S., Sumanasena, S., Weerasekera, M., Ohtahara syndrome due to bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2014; 43(1): 57-58.
  108. Weerasinghe, M.; Pearson, M.; Peiris, R.; Dawson, A. H.; Eddleston, M.; Jayamanne, S.; Agampodi, S.; Konradsen, F., The role of private pesticide vendors in preventing access to pesticides for self-poisoning in rural Sri Lanka, Injury prevention 2014; 20(2): 134-7.
  109. Wickremasinghe, R., Fernando, S. D., Thillekaratne, J., Wijeyaratne, P. M., Wickremasinghe, A. R. Importance of active case detection in a malaria elimination programme. Malaria Journal 2014; 13(1): 186.
  110. Wijayasinghe, Y.S. Blumenthal, R.M., Viola, R.E., Producing proficient methyl donors from alternative substrates of S - Adenosylmethioninesynthetase. American Journal of Physiology. Biochemistry 2014; 53: 1521 - 1526.
  111. Wijekoon, C. N., Dassanayake, K. M. M. P., Pathmeswaran, A., Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and empirical prescribing practices in adult in patients with urinary tract infection: is there a need for changing clinical practices? Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 2014; 4(1): 9-21.
  112. Wijewantha, H. S., de Silva, A. P., Niriella, M. A., Wijesinghe, N., Waraketiya, P., Kumarasena, R. S., Dassanayake, A. S., Hewawisenthi, J. de S., de Silva, H. J. Usefulness of routine terminal ileoscopy and biopsy during colonoscopy in a tropical setting: a retrospective record-based study. Gastroenterology Research and Practice 2014; 2014: 343849.
  113. Williams, S., Rajapakse, T., Suicide and attempted suicide. Sri Lanka. Journal of Psychiatry 2014; 5(2): 37-39.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2013)

  1. Abeysena, C., Poddalgoda, I., Quality of reporting clinical trials published in five leading Sri Lankan medical journals. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine 2013; 6(4): 243-9.
  2. Abeysundara, P. K., Dissanayake, D., Wijesinghe, P. S., Perera, R., Nishad, A., Efficacy of two sperm preparation techniques in reducing non-specific bacterial species from human semen. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences 2013; 6(2): 152-7.
  3. Abeywickrama, S. P., Jayasinghe, I. K., Sumanasena, S. P., Excluded in inclusive schools: experiences of children with disabilities, their families and teachers in Sri Lanka. Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development(DCID) 2013; 24(1): 115-129.
  4. Al-Eraky, M. M., Chandratilake, M., Wajid, G., Donkers, J., van Merrienboer, J., Medical professionalism: development and validation of the Arabian LAMPS. Medical Teacher 2013; 35: S56-62.
  5. Amarasekera, M., Prescott, S. L., Palmer, D. J., Nutrition in early life, immune-programming and allergies: the role of epigenetics. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology 2013; 31(3): 175-82.
  6. Amarasiri, D. L., Pathmeswaran, A., de Silva, H. J., Ranasinha, C. D., Response of the airways and autonomic nervous system to acid perfusion of the esophagus in patients with asthma: a laboratory study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2013; 13(1): 33.
  7. Amarasiri, W. A., Pathmeswaran, A., de Silva, A. P., Dassanayake, A. S., Ranasinha, C. D., de Silva, H. J., Gastric motility following ingestion of a solid meal in a cohort of adult asthmatics. Journal of Neurogastroenterology Motility 2013; 19(3): 355-65.
  8. Ankolekar, S., Renton, C., Bereczki, D., Sprigg, N., Payne, T., Gommans, J., Berge, E., Wardlaw, J., Dennis, M. S., Bath, P. M., ENOS Trial Investigators(25), de Silva, A.ENOS Trial Investigator, Effect of the neutral CLOTS 1 trial on the use of graduated compression stockings in the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide Stroke (ENOS) trial. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2013; 342-7. [Epub 2012 Oct 31]
  9. Bornholdt, D., Atkinson, T. P., Bouadjar, B., Catteau, B., Cox, H., de Silva, D., Fischer, J., Gunasekera, C. N., Hadj-Rabia, S., Happle, R., Holder-Espinasse, M., Kaminski, E., Konig, A., Megarbane, A., Megarbane, H., Neidel, U., Oeffner, F., Oji, V., Theos, A., Traupe, H., Vahlquist, A., van Bon, B. W., Virtanen, M., Grzeschik, K. H., Genotype-phenotype correlations emerging from the identification of missense mutations in MBTPS2. Human Mutation 2013; 34(4): 587-94.
  10. Chackrewarthy, S., Gunasekara, D., Pathmeswaran, A., Wijekoon, C. N., Ranawaka, U. K., Kato, N., Takeuchi, F., Wickremasinghe, A. R., A Comparison between revised NCEP ATP III and IDF definitions in diagnosing metabolic syndrome in an urban Sri Lankan population: the Ragama Health Study. ISRN Endocrinology 2013; 2013: 320176.
  11. Chandrasinghe, P. C., Ediriweera, D. S., Kumarage, S. K., Deen, K. I., Pre-operative hypoalbuminaemia predicts poor overall survival in rectal cancer: a retrospective cohort analysis. BMC Clinical Pathology 2013; 13: 12.
  12. Chandrasinghe, P. C., Liyanage, C., Deen, K. I., Wijesuriya, S. R. E., Obstructive jaundice caused by a biliary mucinous cystadenoma in a woman: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2013; 7(1): 278.
  13. Chen, C. L., Venketasubramanian, N., Lee, C. F., Wong, K. S., Bousser, M. G., CHIMES Study Investigators, de Silva, A. with 38 CHIMES Study Investigators, Effects of MLC601 on early vascular events in patients after stroke: the CHIMES study. Stroke 2013; 3580-3.
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  101. Senanayake, H., Dias, T., Jayawardena, A., Maternal mortality and morbidity: epidemiology of intensive care admissions in pregnancy. Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2013; 27(6): 811-20.
  102. Senanayake, M. P., Rodrigo, R., Extreme food refusal resulting in pellagra in a toddler living in the 'maize belt' of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2013; 41(3): 166-67.
  103. Senanayake, S. M., Fernandopulle, A. N., Niriella, M. A., Wijesinghe, N. T., Ranaweera, A., Mufeena, M. N., Pathmeswaran, A., Navarathne, N. M., de Silva, A. P., de Silva, H. J., The Long-term outcomes of a cohort of Sri Lankan patients with ulcerative colitis: a retrospective study at two national referral centers and review of literature. Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology 2013; 6: 195-200.
  104. Shanmugaraja, Y., Kumarasiri, S. G., Wahalawatte, S. L., Wanigasekara, R. V., Begam, P., Jayasinghe, P. K., Padeniya, T., Dias, T., Sri Lankan fetal/ birthweight charts:validation of global reference for fetal weight and birthweight percentiles. Ceylon Medical Journal 2013; 58(2): 62-65.
  105. Simonis, N., Migeotte, I., Lambert, N., Perazzolo, C., de Silva, D. C., Dimitrov, B., Heinrichs, C., Janssens, S., Kerr, B., Mortier, G., Van Vliet, G., Lepage, P., Casimir, G., Abramowicz, M., Smits, G., Vilain, C., FGFR1 mutations cause Hartsfield syndrome, the unique association of holoprosencephaly and ectrodactyly. Journal of Medical Genetics 2013; 50(9): 585-92.
  106. Siriwardana, R. C., Liyanage, C. A. H., Bulathsindhala, B. K. H., Major hepatectomy for hepatoma invading the main portal vein. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2013; 31(1): 30.
  107. Siriwardana, R. C., Liyanage, C. A. H., Gunethileke, M. B., Hepatocellular carcinoma in Sri Lanka - where do we stand?. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2013; 31(2): 14-18.
  108. Siriwardana, R. C., Niriella, M. A., Liyanage, C. A. H., Wijesuriya, S. R. E., Gunathilaka, B., Dassanayake, A. S., de Silva, H. J., Cryptogenic cirrhosis is the leading cause for listing for liver transplantation in Sri Lanka. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2013; 32(6): 397-99.
  109. Stranecky, V., Hoischen, A., Hartmannova, H., Zaki, M. S., Chaudhary, A., Zudaire, E., Noskova, L., Baresova, V., Pristoupilova, A., Hodanova, K., Sovova, J., Hulkova, H., Piherova, L., Hehir-Kwa, J. Y., de Silva, D., Senanayake, M. P., Farrag, S., Zeman, J., Martasek, P., Baxova, A., Afifi, H. H., St Croix, B., Brunner, H. G., Temtamy, S., Kmoch, S., Mutations in ANTXR1 cause GAPO syndrome. American Journal of Human Genetics 2013; 92(5): 792-9.
  110. Sunderalingam, V., Kanapathipillai, T., Edirisinghe, P. A. S., Dassanayake, K. M., Premawansa, I. H., Dengue viral myositis complicated with Rhabdomyolysis and superinfection of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Case Reports in Infectious Diseases 2013; 2013: 194205.
  111. Venketasubramanian, N., Young, S., Tay, S. S., Chang, H. M., Umapathi, T., Chan, B., de Silva, A., Wong, L., Navarro, J., Zhao, Y. D., Tan, S. B., Chen, C., Chinese medicine NeuroAiD efficacy stroke recovery-extension study (CHIMES-E study): an observational multicenter study to investigate the longer term efficacy of NeuroAiD in stroke recovery. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2013; 35 Suppl 1: 18-22.
  112. Vithana, P. V., Ariyaratne, M., Jayawardana, P., Quality of breast cancer early detection services conducted by well woman clinics in the district of Gampaha, Sri Lanka. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013; 14(1): 75-80.
  113. Vithana, P.V., Hemachandra, N.N., Ariyaratne, M., Jayawardana, P., Qualitative assessment of breast cancer early detection services provided through well woman clinics in the district of Gampaha in Sri Lanka. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013; 14(12): 7639-44.
  114. Waidyatilaka, I., Lanerolle, P., Wickremasinghe, R., Atukorala, S., Somasundaram, N., de Silva, A., Sedentary behaviour and physical activity in South Asian women: time to review current recommendations?. PLoS One 2013; 8(3): e58328. [Epub 2013 Mar 5].
  115. Wanigasinghe, J., Mettananda, S., de Silva, K. S., Gunethilake, S., Multiple subcutaneous folds in oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe. Ceylon Medical Journal 2013; 58(1): 37-8.
  116. Wanigasinghe, J., Rodrigo, R., Dissanayake, P., Epidermal naevus syndrome: 2 cases with a rare triad. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2013; 42(1): 52-53.
  117. Warushahennadi, J., Perera, W. N. S., Paranitharan, P., A Study on detainees: effects of war on health and rights. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law 2013; 4(1): 6-9.
  118. Wickremasinghe, A. R., Peiris-John, R., Nandasena, S., Delzell, E., Tipre, M., Sathiakumar, N., Capacity building in environmental and occupational health in Sri Lanka. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 2013; 56(1): 1-10.
  119. Wijegunawardana, A. D., Gunawardane, N. S., Hapuarachchi, C., Manamperi, A., Gunawardena, K., Abeyewickrama, W., Latif, B., Evaluation of PCR-ELISA as a tool for monitoring transmission of Wuchereria bancrofti in District of Gampaha, Sri Lanka. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2013; 3(5): 381-7.
  120. Zano, S., Wijayasinghe, Y.S., Malik, R., Smith, J., Viola, R.E., Relationship between enzyme properties and disease progression in Canavan disease. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2013; 36: 1-6.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2012)

  1. Abeyewickreme, W., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Karunatilake, K., Sommerfeld, J., Axel, K., Community mobilization and household level waste management for dengue vector control in Gampaha district of Sri Lanka; an intervention study. Pathogens and Global Health 2012; 106(8): 479-87.
  2. Abeysena, C., Jayamanna, K., Dep, S., Completeness of consent forms in research proposals submitted to an ethics review committee. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2012; 9(2): 100-3.
  3. Abeysena, C., Jayawardana, P., Peiris, U., Factor structure and reliability of the 30-item Sinhala version of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2012; 5(2): 150-3.
  4. Abeysena, C., Jayawardana, P., Peiris, U., Factor structure and reliability of the 12-item Sinhala version of General Health Questionnaire. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine and Public Health 2012; 4(8): 1606-1613.
  5. Abeysena, C., Peiris, U., Jayawardana, P., Rodrigo, A., Validation of the Sinhala version of 30-item General Health Questionnaires. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine and Public Health 2012; 4(7): 1373-1381.
  6. Abeysundara, P. K., Padumadasa, G. S., Tissera, W. G., Wijesinghe, P. S., Xanthogranulomatous salpingitis and oophoritis associated with endometriosis and uterine leiomyoma presenting as intestinal obstruction. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2012; 38(8): 1115-7.
  7. Abeysuriya, V., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Perera, P. J., Kasturiratne, A., Iodine concentration in common potable water sources in the estates of Ratnapura district and thyroid status of children. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2012; 41(4): 176-79.
  8. Abeysuriya, V., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Perera, P. J., Kasturiratne, A., Consumption pattern of iodised salt in households and serum TSH levels among 5-9 year old children in the plantation sector of Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(2): 69-74.
  9. Al-Eraky, M. M., Chandratilake, M., How medical professionalism is conceptualised in Arabian context: A validation study. Medical Teacher 2012; 34: S90-S95.
  10. Amarasekera, M., Gunawardena, N. K., de Silva, N. R., Douglass, J. A., O Hehir, R. E., Weerasinghe, A., Impact of helminth infection on childhood allergic diseases in an area in transition from high to low infection burden. Asia Pacific Allergy 2012; 2(2): 122-8.
  11. Amarasiri, D. L., Pathmeswaran, A., Dassanayake, A. S., de Silva, A. P., Ranasinha, C. D., de Silva, H. J., Esophageal motility, vagal function and gastroesophageal reflux in a cohort of adult asthmatics. BMC Gastroenterology2012; 12: 140.
  12. Ariyaratne, M. H. J., Exploring infections as an aetiological agent of breast carcinoma. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2012; 30(2): 20-23.
  13. Ariyaratne, M. H. J., Jayatunge, D. N. U., The Value of sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2012; 30(1): 5-8.
  14. Bartlett, G., Zgheib, N., Manamperi, A., Wang, W., Hizel, C., Kahveci, R., Yazan, Y., Pharmacogenomics in primary care: a cucial entry point for global personalized medicine?. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 2012; 10: 101-05.
  15. Blacksell, S. D., Jarman, R. G., Gibbons, R. V., Tanganuchitcharnchai, A., Mammen, M. P. Jr., Nisalak, A., Kalayanarooj, S., Bailey, M. S., Premaratna, R., de Silva, H. J., Day, N. P. J., Lalloo, D. G., Comparison of seven commercial antigen and antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for detection of acute dengue infection. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 2012; 19(5): 804-10.
  16. Chandratilake, M., The Journey of Imparting the Morality of Medicine. Journal of Medical Research and Education 2012; 01: 8-10.
  17. Chandratilake, M. N., McAleer, S., Gibson, J.,Professionalism: the indicator of a civilized and exemplary medical profession (the leading article). Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(2): 57-60.
  18. Chandratilake, M., McAleer, S., Gibson, J., Cultural similarities and differences in medical professionalism: a multi-region study. Medical Education 2012; 46: 257-66.
  19. Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Palmer, K. T., Felli, V. E., Harari, R., Barrero, L. H., Felknor, S. A., Gimeno, D., Cattrell, A., Serra, C., Bonzini, M., Solidaki, E., Merisalu, E., Habib, R. R., Sadeghian, F., Kadir, M., Warnakulasuriya, S. S., Matsudaira, K., Nyantumbu, B., Sim, M. R., Harcombe, H., Cox, K., Marziale, M. H., Sarquis, L. M., Harari, F., Freire, R., Harari, N., Monroy, M. V., Quintana, L. A., Rojas, M., Salazar Vega, E. J., Harris, E. C., Vargas-Prada, S., Martinez, J. M., Delclos, G., Benavides, F. G., Carugno, M., Ferrario, M. M., Pesatori, A. C., Chatzi, L., Bitsios, P., Kogevinas, M., Oha, K., Sirk, T., Sadeghian, A., Peiris-John, R. J., Sathiakumar, N., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Yoshimura, N., Kielkowski, D., Kelsall, H. L., Hoe, V. C., Urquhart, D. M., Derrett, S., McBride, D., Gray, A., The CUPID (Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability) study: methods of data collection and characteristics of study sample. PLoS One 2012; 7(7): e39820; [Erratum in: PLoS One.2012; 7(10)].
  20. de Silva, A. P., Nandasiri, S. D., Hewavisenthi, J., Manamperi, A., Ariyasinghe, M. P., Dassanayake, A. S., Jewell, D. P., de Silva, H. J., Subclinical mucosal inflammation in diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in a tropical setting. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2012; 47(6): 619-24.
  21. de Silva, N. R., Jayawickrama, H., Can we eliminate soil-transmitted helminth infections in Sri Lanka?. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(1): 1-4.
  22. de Silva, N. R., Priyabhashini, G. D. C., Godage, P. K., Premakumara, P., Pathmeswaran, A., Feasibility of introducing General English as an university entry requirement for Medicine: results of a national survey. Sri Lanka Journal of Advanced Social Studies 2012; 2(2): 23-42.
  23. Deen, K. I., The Making of a modern day surgeon. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2012; 30(2): 1.
  24. Devanarayana, N. M., Rajindrajith, S., Aerophagia among Sri Lankan schoolchildren: epidemiological patterns and symptom characteristics. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2012; 54(4): 516-20.
  25. Devanarayana, N. M., Rajindrajith, S., Rathnamalala, N., Samaraweera, S., Benninga, M. A., Delayed gastric emptying rates and impaired antral motility in children fulfilling Rome III criteria for functional abdominal pain. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2012; 24(5): 420-5, e207.
  26. Dias, T., Senanayake, H., Ruwanpura, L., Pathirana, P., Dissanayake, P., Intra-uterine fetal blood transfusion. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(2).
  27. Dias, T., Thilaganathan, B., Elective birth at 37 weeks of gestation versus standard care for women with an uncomplicated twin pregnancy at term: the Twins Timing of Birth Randomised Trial. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 119(13): 1676.
  28. Dias, T., Thilaganathan, B., Is first-trimester crown-rump length associated with birthweight?. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 119(3): 380.
  29. Dias, T., Screening - 1 of 2: Fetal growth restriction. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 34(1): 29-32.
  30. Dias, T., Fetal growth restriction- pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of uteroplacental insufficiency before 34 weeks. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 34(3): 128-30.
  31. Dias, T., Management of pregnancies with high risk of severe haemolytic disease of the fetus. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 34(4): 176-78.
  32. Edirisinghe, P. A. S., The Management of unknown or unidentified deceased alleged to be involved in road traffic accidents; are we helping adequately to provide justice to them?. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law 2012; 3(1): 4-6.
  33. Fernando, A. D., Developing pathways for a safer childhood. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2012; 41(1): 3-8.
  34. Fernando, R. F., Chandrasinghe, P. C., Pathmeswaran, A., The Prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis after universal salt iodisation in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(3): 116-9.
  35. Fernando, S., Hysterectomy-need of a paradigm shift. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 34: 33-36.
  36. Galhena, P. B., Samarakoon, S. R., Thabrew, M. I., Weerasinghe, G. A., Thammitiyagodage, M. G., Ratnasooriya, W., Tennekoon, K. H., Anti-Inflammatory activity is a possible mechanism by which the polyherbal formulation comprised of Nigella sativa (Seeds), Hemidesmus indicus (Root), and Smilax glabra (Rhizome) mediates its antihepatocarcinogenic effects. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012; 108626.
  37. Gunaratna, R. I., Handunnetti, S. M., Bulathsinghalage, M. R. C., Somaratne, P., Jayanaga, A., de Silva, H. J., Rajapakse, S., Serum nitrite levels in Sri Lankan patients with leptospirosis. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2012; 5(1): 75-78.
  38. Gunasekera, H. A. K. M., Senanayake, C. P., Mendis, L., Sunil-Chandra, N. P., Japanese encephalitis virus infection in an endemic area: hospital based study 1998 to 2000. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012; (1): 19-27.
  39. Hankey, G. J., Eikelboom, J. W., Yi, Q., Lees, K. R., Chen, C., Xavier, D., Navarro, J. C., Ranawaka, U. K., Uddin, W., Ricci, S., Gommans, J., Schmidt, R., VITATOPS trial study group, Antiplatelet therapy and the effects of B vitamins in patients with previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a post-hoc subanalysis of VITATOPS, a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurology 2012; 11(6): 512-20.
  40. Hankey, G. J., Eikelboom, J. W., Yi, Q., Lees, K. R., Chen, C., Xavier, D., Navarro, J. C., Ranawaka, U. K., Uddin, W., Ricci, S., Gommans, J., Schmidt, R., VITAmins TO Prevent Stroke (VITATOPS) Trial Study Group, Treatment with B vitamins and incidence of cancer in patients with previous stroke or transient ischemic attack: results of a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Stroke 2012; 43(6): 1572-7.
  41. Hewavisenthi, S. J. de S., Granulomatous colitis: Can pathology help in differentiating intestinal tuberculosis from Crohns disease?. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 2012; 7(1): 24-32.
  42. Kannathasan, S., Murugananthan, A., Rajeshkannan, N., de Silva, N. R., Cutaneous Larva Migrans among Devotees of the Nallur Temple in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. PLoS One 2012; 7(1): e30516.
  43. Kitulwatte, I. D. G., A Case of sudden death following minor intentional trauma; pathologist's contribution to the decision on the manner of death. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law 2012; 3(1): 7-9.
  44. Kodikara, S, Paranitharan, P., Pollanen, M. S., The Role of the Armanni-Ebstein lesion, hepatic steatosis, biochemical analysis and second generation antipsychotic drugs in fatal diabetic ketoacidosis. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 2012; 20(2): 108-111.
  45. Kottahachchi, D. C., Balasooriya, B. L., Panangala, L., Ranawaka, U. K., Two siblings with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(3): 128-9.
  46. Mahendra, B. A. G. G., Hewavisenthi, S. J. de S., Synovial sarcoma. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 2012; 7(1): 68-69.
  47. Manamperi, A., Huzair, F., Capacity building in genomic medicine and molecular diagnostics: the case of Sri Lanka. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 2012; 10(3): 185-94.
  48. Marasinghe, N. C., Siriwardana, R. C., Wijesuriya, S. R. E., Liyanage, C. A. H., de Silva, H. J., Aortic patch reconstruction of superior mesenteric and celiac axis in a deceased donor liver transplantation. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(3): 123.
  49. McGregor, C. A., Paton, C., Thomson, C., Chandratilake, M., Scott, H., Preparing medical students for clinical decision making: a pilot study exploring how students make decisions and the perceived impact of a clinical decision making teaching intervention. Medical Teacher 2012; 34(7): e508-e517.
  50. Memmo, A., Dias, T., Mahsud-Dornan, S., Papageorghiou, A. T., Bhide, A., Thilaganathan, B., Prediction of selective fetal growth restriction and twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in monochorionic twins. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 119(4): 417-21.
  51. Mitui, M. T., Chandrasena, T. G. A. N., Chan, P. K. S., Rajindrajith, S., Nelson, E. A. S., Leung, T. F., Nishizono, A., Ahmed, K., Inaccurate identification of rotavirus genotype G9 as genotype G3 strains due to primer mismatch. Virology Journal 2012; 9: 144.
  52. Nandasena, S., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Lee, K., Sathiakumar, N., Indoor fine particle (PM2.5) pollution exposure due to secondhand smoke in selected public places of Sri Lanka. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 2012; 55(12): 1129-36.
  53. Nandasena, S., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Sathiakumar, N., Air pollution and public health in developing countries: Is Sri Lanka different?. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2012; 17(2): 21-42.
  54. Nandasena, S., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Sathiakumar, N., Biomass fuel use for cooking in Sri Lanka: analysis of data from national demographic health surveys. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 2012; 55(12): 1122-8.
  55. Nandasena, S., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Sathiakumar, N., Respiratory health status of children from two different air pollution exposure settings of Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 2012; 55(12): 1137-45.
  56. Napolitano, R., Melchiorre, K., Arcangeli, T., Dias, T., Bhide, A., Thilaganathan, B., Screening for pre-eclampsia by using changes in uterine artery Doppler indices with advancing gestation. Prenatal Diagnosis 2012; 32(2): 180-4.
  57. Nawasiwatte, B. M. T. P., Premaratna, R., Amarasinghe, B., de Silva, H. J., Neck stiffness and papilloedema due to Harada syndrome. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(2): 88-9.
  58. Nishad, A. A. N., Herath, R., Silva, G. R. C., Mohamed, R., Wijesinghe, P., Padumadasa, S., Premawardhena, A., Premaratna, R., A Fatal case of dissecting aortic root aneurysm due to undiagnosed Marfan syndrome in the puerperium. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 34: 55-57.
  59. Nishad, A.A.N., Pathmeswaran, A., Wickramasinghe, A.R., Premawardhena, A., The Thal-index with the BTT prediction.exe to discriminate ß-thalassaemia traits from other microcytic anaemias. Thalassemia Reports 2012; 2(1): e1.
  60. Nusliha, A., Fernando, F. R., Deen, K. I., Dalpatadu, K. U. A., Prasanna, W. L. A. D. A., Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and papillary thyroid cancer: A rare form of familial cancer syndrome. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2012; 30(1): 34-35.
  61. Palihawadana, T. S., Wijesinghe, P. S., Seneviratne, H. R., Aetiology of infertility among females seeking treatment at a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(2): 79-83.
  62. Paranitharan, P., Perera, W. N. S., Ranantunge, I. D. J., Ratnayake, W. R. A. D. T. D., Do the print media help the medical science? An analysis of forensic related contents in newspaper articles. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law 2012; 3(1): 10-12.
  63. Perera, P., Mettananda, S., A Sri Lankan infant with vaccine associated acute flaccid paralysis. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(1): 42-3.
  64. Perera, P. J., Abeyweera, N. T., Fernando, M. P., Warnakulasuriya, T. D., Ranathunga, N., Prevalence of dental caries among a cohort of preschool children living in Gampaha district, Sri Lanka: a descriptive cross sectional study. BMC Oral Health 2012; 12: 49.
  65. Perera, P. J., Disanayake, D., Fernando, M. P., Warnakulasooriya, T. D., Ranathunga, N., Knowledge and practices related to helminth infections among mothers living in a suburban area of Sri Lanka. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2012; 43(6): 1326-32.
  66. Perera, P. J., Ranathunga, N., Fernando, M. P., Sampath, W., Samaranayake, G. B., Actual exclusive breastfeeding rates and determinants among a cohort of children living in Gampaha district Sri Lanka: A prospective observational study. International Breastfeeding Journal 2012; 7(1): 21.
  67. Prabodha, L. B., Dias, D. K., Nanayakkara, B. G., de Silva, D. C., Chandrasekharan, N. V., Ileyperuma, I., Evaluation of 22q11.2 deletion in Cleft Palate patients. Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery 2012; 2(2): 121-6.
  68. Premaratna, R., Liyanaarachchi, E. W., Rajapakse, R. P. V. J., Bandara, N. K. B. K. R. G. W., de Silva, H. J., A patient with spotted fever group rickettsiosis mimicking connective tissue disease. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(3): 127-8.
  69. Premaratna, R., Rodrigo, K. M. D. J., Anuratha, A., de Alwis, V. K. D., Perera, U. D. C. A., de Silva, H. J., Repeated dengue shock syndrome and 'dengue myocarditis' responding dramatically to a single dose of methyl prednisolone. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012; 16(7): e565-9.
  70. Premaratna, R., Weerasinghe, S., Ranaweera, A., Chandrasena, T. G. A. N., Bandara, N. W., Dasch, G. A., de Silva, H. J., Clinically helpful rickettsial disease diagnostic IgG titers in relation to duration of illness in an endemic setting in Sri Lanka. BMC Research Notes 2012; 5: 662.
  71. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N. M., Subtypes and Symptomatology of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children and Adolescents: A School-based Survey Using Rome III Criteria. Journal of Neurogastroenterology Motility 2012; 18(3): 298-304.
  72. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N. M., Adhikari, C., Pannala, W., Benninga, M. A., Constipation in children: an epidemiological study in Sri Lanka using Rome III criteria. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2012; 97(1): 43-5.
  73. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N. M., Benninga, M. A., Children and adolescents with chronic constipation: how many seek healthcare and what determines it?. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2012; 58(4): 280-5.
  74. Rajindrajith, S., Devanarayana, N. M., Perera, B. J. C., Rumination syndrome in children and adolescents: a school survey assessing prevalence and symptomatology. BMC Gastroenterology 2012; 12: 163.
  75. Ranasinghe, S., Zhang, W. W., Wickremasinghe, R., Abeygunasekera, P., Chandrasekharan, V., Athauda, S., Mendis, S., Hulangamuwa, S., Matlashewski, G., Pratlong, F., Leishmaniadonovani zymodeme MON-37 isolated from an autochthonous visceral leishmaniasis patient in Sri Lanka. Pathogens and Global Health 2012; 106(7): 421-24.
  76. Ranawaka, U. K., Wanigatunga, C., de Abrew, A., Wimalachandra, M., Goonaratna, C., The Sri Lanka Clinical Trials Registry - five years young, and growing. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(2): 95-6.
  77. Rashid, M., Rashid, M. H., Malik, F., Herath, R. P., Hyperemesis gravidarum and fetal gender: a retrospective study. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 32(5): 475-8.
  78. Ratnayake, R. M. U. S., Hewavisenthi, S. J. de S., Histological study of macroscopically normal mucosa adjacent to tumour in colorectal resection specimens. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 2012; 7(1): 33-41.
  79. Rodrigo, A., Majoor, J., Stamping the message: psychiatric themes in philately. Australasian Psychiatry 2012; 20(3): 188-92.
  80. Rodrigo, A., Wijesinghe, C., Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. L. A., Changes in attitudes toward psychiatry with introduction of a new curriculum: experiences of a Sri Lankan medical school. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2012; 3(1): 14-16.
  81. Rodrigo, D., Perera, R., de Silva, J., Classic polyarteritis nodosa associated with hepatitis C virus infection: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2012; 6(1): 305.
  82. Rodrigo, K. M. D. J., Premaratna, R., Chandrasena, T. G. A. N., de Silva, N., de Silva, H. J., Marked eosinophilia due to intestinal strongyloidiasis in an immunocompetent patient. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(4): 172-173.
  83. Roff, S., Chandratilake, M. N., McAleer, S., Gibson, J., Medical student rankings of proposed sanction for unprofessional behaviours relating to academic integrity: results from a Scottish medical school. Scottish Medical Journal 2012; 57(2): 76-79.
  84. Samarakoon, S.R., Thabrew, I., Galhena, P.B., Tennekoon, K.H., Modulation of apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2 cells) by a standardized herbal decoction of Nigella sativa seeds, Hemidesmus indicus roots and Smilax glabra rhizomes with anti- hepatocarcinogeniceffects. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012; 12: 25.
  85. Samarakoon, S.R., Thabrew, I., Galhena, P.B., Tennekoon, K.H., Effect of standardized decoction of Nigella sativa seed, Hemidesmusindicus root and Smilax glabra rhizome on the expression of p53 and p21 genes in human hepatoma cells (HepG2) and mouse liver with chemically-induced hepatocarcinogenesis. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2012; 11(1): 51-61.
  86. Schoeman, S., Chandratilake, M., The Weak relationship between anatomy competence and clinical skills in junior medical students. Anatomical Sciences Education 2012; 5(4): 217-24.
  87. Schoeman, S., Chandratilake, M., The Anatomy competence score - a new marker for anatomical ability. Anatomical Sciences Education 2012; 5(1): 33-40.
  88. Senanayake, K.J., Fernando, R., Salgado, S., Jayanthi, M., Does the position of external branch of superior laryngeal nerve change with the height of the patients and the length of the larynx. World Journal of Endocrine Surgery 2012; 4(1): 1-2.
  89. Senanayake, M. P., Mettananda, S. G., Metastatic calcification: Be watchful when renal failure complicates renal tubular acidosis. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2012; 41(3): 148.
  90. Senanayake, M. P., Rodrigo, R., Lamahewage, A., Abeygunasekera, S., An infant with massive haemobilia due to cavernous transformation of the portal vein. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57(1): 44-5.
  91. Senanayake, S. M., Niriella, M. A., Weerasinghe, S. K., Kasturiratne, A., de Alwis, J. P., de Silva, A. P., Dassanayake, A. S., de Silva, H. J., Survival of patients with alcoholic and cryptogenic cirrhosis without liver transplantation: a single center retrospective study. BMC Research Notes 2012; 2(5): 663.
  92. Silva, N., Peiris-John, R., Wickremasinghe, R., Senanayake, H., Sathiakumar, N., Cadmium a metalloestrogen: are we convinced?. Journal of Applied Toxicology 2012; 32(5): 318-32.
  93. Siriwardana, R. C., Wijesuriya, S. R. E., Liyanage, C. A. H., Eversion thrombectomy for partial portal vein thrombosis during living donor liver transplantation. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2012; 30(1): 30.
  94. Sunil-Chandra, N. P., Sri Lanka future trends in veterinary public health and emerging viral diseases. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal (supp) 2012; 59: 1-9.
  95. Thadchanamoorthy, V., De Silva, S., Sarathchandra, J., Kumarendran, B., Prospective analysis of ventilated patients in the Paediatric Medical Intensive Care Unit of Lady Ridgeway Hospital. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2012; 41(3): 114-17.
  96. Wai, K. T., Arunachalam, N., Tana, S., Espino, F., Kittayapong, P., Abeyewickreme, W., Hapangama, D., Tyagi, B. K., Htun, P. T., Koyadun, S., Kroeger, A., Sommerfeld, J., Petzold, M., Estimating dengue vector abundance in the wet and dry season: implications for targeted vector control in urban and peri-urban Asia. Pathogens and Global Health 2012; 106(8): 436-45.
  97. Warnakulasuriya, S. S. P., Peiris-John, R. J., Sivayogan, S., Sathiakumar, N., Coggon, D., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Work-related musculoskeletal Disorders among mail sorting officers in Sri Lanka: a cross sectional study. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2012; 17(2): 43-50.
  98. Warnakulasuriya, S. S., Peiris-John, R. J., Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Sathiakumar, N., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Musculoskeletal pain in four occupational populations in Sri Lanka. Occupational Medicine (Oxford, England) 2012; 62(4): 269-72.
  99. Wickramasinghe, N., Gunasekara, C. N., Fernando, W. S., Hewavisenthi, J., de Silva, H. J., Vulvitis granulomatosa, Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, and Crohn's disease: dramatic response to infliximab therapy. International Journal of Dermatology 2012; 51(8): 966-8.
  100. Wijegunawardana, N. D., Gunawardene, Y. I. N. S., Manamperi, A., Senarathne, H., Abeyewickreme, W., Geographic information system (GIS) mapping of lymphatic filariasis endemic areas of Gampaha District, Sri Lanka based on epidemiological and entomological screening. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2012; 43(3): 557-66.
  101. Wijesinghe, P. S., Herath, R. P., Abeysundara, I. D. H. P. K., A Qualitative study on patients' perceptions of expectant management of first trimester incomplete miscarriage. Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57: 145-49.
  102. Yeganeh-Arani, E., Chandratilake, M., Muula, A. S., Factors affecting career preferences of medical students at the College of Medicine in Malawi. South African Medical Journal 2012; 102(4): 257-59.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2011)

  1. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P. Reliability of period of gestation determined by ultrasound scan measurements. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health. 2011; 3(5): 334-39.
  2. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P Sleep deprivation, physical activity and low income are risk factors for inadequate weight gain during pregnancy: a cohort study. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 2011;37 (7):734-40.
  3. Abeysena C, Jayawardena P. Body mass index and gestational weight gain in two selected Medical Officer of Health areas in the Gampaha District.Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2011; 16(1):30-34
  4. Abeysuriya V, Deen K, Dassanayake B, Kumarage S, Navarathne N, Pathirana A. Idiopathic pancreatitis is a consequence of an altering spectrum of bile nucleation time. BMC Research Notes. 2011; 26;4(1):163.
  5. Amarasekera M. Immunoglobulin E in health and disease. Asia Pacific Allergy. 2011; 1(1):12-15.
  6. Blacksell SD, Tanganuchitcharnchai A, Jarman RG, Gibbons RV, Paris DH, Bailey MS, Day NPJ, Premaratna R, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. Poor diagnostic accuracy of commercial antibody-based assays for the diagnosis of acute Chikungunya infection. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. 2011; 18(10):1773-75.
  7. Blacksell SD, Jarman RG, Bailey MS, Tanganuchitcharnchai A, Jenjaroen K, Gibbons RV, Paris DH, Premaratna R, de Silva HJ, Lalloo DG, Day NPJ. Evaluation of six commercial point-of-care tests for diagnosis of acute dengue infections: the need for combining NS1 antigen and IgM/IgG antibody detection to achieve acceptable levels of accuracy. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. 2011;18(12):2095-101.
  8. Chandrasena TGAN, Gunawardena NK, Premaratna R, de Silva NR. Ultrasonographic visualisation of live Wuchereria bancrofti adult worms in situ Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011; 56(2):82-3.
  9. Chandrasinghe PC, Liyanage CAH. Clopidogrel and Surgical Intervention: A point to ponder. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2011; 29(1):10-14.
  10. Chandrasinghe PC, Abeyranthe IGKP, Fernando RF. Lymphangioma of the spleen in an asymptomatic patient. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2011; 29(2):100-02. Case Report
  11. Dalpatadu KUA, Anwar N, Wijesuriya SRE, Kumarage SK, Amarasinghe B, Deen KI. Usesof a familial adenomatous polyposis registry. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011;56 (2): 66-69.
  12. Dassanayake AS, Kasturiratne A, Niriella MA, Kalubovila U, Rajindrajith S, de Silva AP, Kato N, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva HJ. Prevalence of Acanthosis Nigricans in an urban population in Sri Lanka and its utility to detect metabolic syndrome. BMC Research Notes. 2011; 4(1):25.
  13. Dassanayake BK, Samita S, Deen, RYI, Wickramasinghe NSA, Hewavisenthi J, Deen KI. Local recurrence of rectal cancer in patients not receiving neoadjuvant therapy – the importance of resection margins.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011; 56(4):159-61.
  14. de Silva AP, Kumarasena RS, Keragala SDP, Kalubowila U, Niriella M, Dassanayake AS, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva HJ. The prone 12 o'clock position reduces ileal intubation time during colonoscopy compared to the left lateral 6 o'clock (standard) position. BMC Gastroenterology. 2011; 4;11:89.
  15. de Silva HA, Pathmeswaran A, Ranasinha CD, Jayamanne S, Samarakoon SB, Hittharage A, Kalupahana R, Ratnatilaka GA, Uluwatthage W, Aronson JK, Armitage JM, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. Low-dose adrenaline, promethazine, and hydrocortisone in the prevention of acute adverse reactions to antivenom following snakebite: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. PLoS Medicine.2011;May 8(5): e1000435.
  16. Devanarayana NM, Adhikari C, Pannala W, Rajindrajith S. Prevalence of functional gastrointestinal diseases in a cohort of Sri Lankan adolescents: comparison between Rome II and Rome III criteria.Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 2011;57(1):34-9.
  17. Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Bowel habits and behaviors related to defecation in 10- to 16-year-olds: impact of socioeconomic characteristics and emotional stress.Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2011;52(5):569-73.
  18. Devanarayana NM, Mettananda S, Liyanarachchi C, Nanayakkara N, Mendis N, Perera N, Rajindrajith S. Abdominal pain-predominant functional gastrointestinal diseases in children and adolescents: prevalence, symptomatology, and association with emotional stress.Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology Nutrition. 2011;53(6):659-65.
  19. Edirisinghe PAS, Kitulwatte IDG, Amarasena WDJK, Wellagiriya IKST, Lawrence NA. Study on medical experts input in crime scene investigations (CSI); Is there room for improvement? a preliminary study for a national audit. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2011;1(1):7-13
  20. Edirisinghe PAS , Kitulwatta IDG, Shihanada AAS, Bulathsinhala BAAR. Justice delayed-justice denied; a study on time intervals of medico-legal examinations, reporting and giving evidence in cases of alleged child abuse victims Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2011;1(1): 20-26
  21. Edirisinghe PAS. Picture story: Facial Injuries in females. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2011;1(1): 45
  22. Gambheera H. Williams, S. Psychiatric Training in Sri Lanka and its relevance to South Asia.South Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2011; 2(2):17-20
  23. Gunawardena K, Kumarendran B, Ebenezer R, Gunasingha MS, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva N. Soil-transmitted helminth infections among plantation sector schoolchildren in Sri Lanka: prevalence after ten years of preventive chemotherapy. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2011;5(9):e1341.
  24. Herath RP, Wijesinghe PS. Management of morbidly adherent placenta.Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2011; 33(2): 39-44.
  25. Herath RP, Singh N, Oligbo N. Antenatal uterine rupture in a pregnancy following microwave endometrial ablation. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2011; 31(1):82-3.
  26. Hewage SN, Salgado LS, Fernando GMO, Liyanage PLCK, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva NR. Selection of medical students in Sri Lanka: time to re-think criteria? Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011; 56(1): 22-28.
  27. Kitulwatta IDG, Edirisingha PAS, Ratnayake T. Child victims in medico-legal autopsy . Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2011;1(1):27-33.
  28. Kitulwatta IDG, Pollanen MS. A case of fatal pressure on the neck in a woman with a stab injury. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2011;1(1): 46-48.
  29. Kooner JS, Saleheen D, Sim X, Sehmi J, Zhang W, Frossard P, Been LF, Chia KS, Dimas AS, Hassanali N, Jafar T, Jowett JB, Li X, Radha V, Rees SD, Takeuchi F, Young R, Aung T, Basit A, Chidambaram M, Das D, Grundberg E, Hedman AK, Hydrie ZI, Islam M, Khor CC, Kowlessur S, Kristensen MM, Liju S, Lim WY, Matthews DR, Liu J, Morris AP, Nica AC, Pinidiyapathirage JM, Prokopenko I, Rasheed A, Samuel M, Shah N, Shera AS, Small KS, Suo C, Wickremasinghe AR, Wong TY, Yang M, Zhang F; DIAGRAM; MuTHER, Abecasis GR, Barnett AH, Caulfield M, Deloukas P, Frayling TM, Froguel P, Kato N, Katulanda P, Kelly MA, Liang J, Mohan V, Sanghera DK, Scott J, Seielstad M, Zimmet PZ, Elliott P, Teo YY, McCarthy MI, Danesh J, Tai ES, Chambers JC. Genome-wide association study in individuals of South Asian ancestry identifies six new type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci. Nature Genetics. 2011; 43(10): 984-89.
  30. Kuruppuarachchi KA, Seneviratne AN.Organic causation of morbid jealousy. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2011;4(4):258-60.
  31. Lansakara N, Wickramasinghe AR, Seneviratne HR.. Feeling the blues of infertility in a South Asian context: psychological well-being and associated factors among Sri Lankan women with primary infertility.Women Health. 2011 Jun 21;51(4):383-99.
  32. Mahran MA, Herath RP, Sayed AT, Oligbo N. Laparoscopic management of genital prolapse.Archives of Gynecology and Obstetetrics 2011;283(5):1015-20.
  33. Manamperi A, Gunawardene NS, Wellawatta C, Abeyewickreme W, de Silva HJ. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes in a group of Sri Lankan patients with chronic infection. Tropical Biomedicine. 2011; 28(2): 320-4.
  34. Mettananda DS, de Silva KS. Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 in an infant. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011; 56(2):71-2.
  35. Mohamed F, Perera A, Wijayaweera K, Kularatne K, Jayamanne S, Eddleston M, Dawson A, Konradsen F, Gunnell D. The prevalence of previous self-harm amongst self-poisoning patients in Sri Lanka.Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2011; 46(6):517-20.
  36. Munasinghe MA, Abeysena C, Yaddehige IS, Vidanapathirana T, Piyumal KP. Blood sugar lowering effect of Coccinia grandis (L.) J. Voigt: path for a new drug for diabetes mellitus. Experimental Diabetes Research.2011;2011:978762.
  37. Pearson M, Konradsen F, Gunnell D, Dawson AH, Pieris R, Weerasinghe M, Knipe DW, Jayamanne S, Metcalfe C, Hawton K, Wickramasinghe AR, Atapattu W, Bandara P, de Silva D, Ranasinghe A, Mohamed F, Buckley NA, Gawarammana I, Eddleston MA Community-based cluster randomised trial of safe storage to reduce pesticide self-poisoning in rural Sri Lanka: study protocol. BMC Public Health. 2011 Nov 21;11:879.
  38. Peiris HS, Wickremasinghe AR, Balasubramanium K. Private health insurance profits: the need to take a closer look. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011 Sep;56(3):136-8.
  39. Perera PJ, Fernando M, Warnakulasuria T, Ranathunga N. Feeding practices among children attending child welfare clinics in Ragama MOH area: a descriptive cross-sectional study. International Breastfeeding Journal 2011 Nov 21;6:18.
  40. Perera ULMS, Perera WNS, Wijerathne NASP. A sudden death of a prisoner a rere case of adult presentation of Bochdalec hernia. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2011 ;1(1): 52-54
  41. Perera N, Abeysena C. Psychosocial Stress, standing time and overweight are risk. Factors for pregnancy induced hypertension: A case control study.Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2011; 16(1):35-39
  42. Perera WNS, Paranitharan P. A maternal death due to an illegal abortion.Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2011; 2(1): 4-6.
  43. Pinidiyapathirage MJ, Dassanayake AS, Rajindrajith S, Kalubowila U, Kato N, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva HJ. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a rural, physically active, low income population in Sri Lanka. BMC Research Notes. 2011; 4(1):513.
  44. Premaratna, R Rickettsial infections in Sri Lanka: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2011, 42, 11-15 P.B. Fernando Oration 2010 DOI:
  45. Premaratna R, Jayasinghe KGNU, Liyanaarachchi EW, Weerasinghe OMS, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva HJ. Effect of a single dose of methyl prednisolone as rescue medication for patients who develop hypotensive dengue shock syndrome during the febrile phase: a retrospective observational study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2011; 15(6):e433-4.
  46. Premaratna R, Liyanaarachchi E, Weerasinghe M, de Silva HJ. Should colloid boluses be prioritized over crystalloid boluses for the management of dengue shock syndrome in the presence of ascites and pleural effusions?BMC Infectious Diseases. 2011;11:52.
  47. Premaratna R, Galappaththy G, Chandrasena N, Fernando R, Nawasiwatte T, de Silva NR, de Silva HJ. What clinicians who practice in countries reaching malaria elimination should be aware of: lessons learnt from recent experience in Sri Lanka.Malaria Journal. 2011; 10: 302.
  48. Premaratna R, Halambarachchige LP, Nanayakkara DM, Chandrasena TGAN, Rajapakse RPVJ, Bandara NKBKRGW de Silva HJ. Evidence of acute rickettsioses among patients presumed to have chikungunya fever during the chikungunya outbreak in Sri Lanka.International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2011; 15(12):e871-73.
  49. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Constipation in children: novel insight into epidemiology, pathophysiology and management. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2011 ; 17(1): 35-47.
  50. Rajindrajith S, Mettananda S, Devanarayana NM. Constipation during and after the civil war in Sri Lanka: a Paediatric Study. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 2011; 57(6):439-43.
  51. Rodrigo MD, Perera D, Eranga VP, Williams SS, Kuruppuarachchi KA. The knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers in Sri Lanka towards childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011; 56(2):51-54.
  52. Silva, N, Senanarake, H Peiris-John R, Wickremasinghe R. Demographic, biological and dietary characteristics associated with endometriosis in a group of Sri Lankan women.Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2011; 33(3): 91-97.
  53. Senanayake MP, Mettananda DSG. Vidyatilake S. Profound thrombocytopenia and generalized hyperpigmentation following pyrimethamine use.Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2011; 40(3): 134-135
  54. Singh N, Rashid M, Herath RP. How can we reduce negative laparoscopies for pelvic pain? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2011; 31(1):62-68.
  55. Sankaran VG, Xu J, Byron R, Greisman HA, Fisher C, Weatherall DJ, Sabath DE, Groudine M, Orkin SH, Premawardhena A, Bender MA. A functional element necessary for fetal hemoglobin silencing. New England Journal of Medicine. 2011; 365(9): 807-14. Comment in : N Engl J Med. 2011 Sep 1;365(9):852-4.
  56. Sarin SK, Kumar A, Angus PW, Baijal SS, Baik SK, Bayraktar Y, Chawla YK, Choudhuri G, Chung JW, de Franchis R, de Silva HJ, Garg H, Garg PK, Helmy A, Hou MC, Jafri W, Jia JD, Lau GK, Li CZ, Lui HF, Maruyama H, Pandey CM, Puri AS, Rerknimitr R, Sahni P, Saraya A, Sharma BC, Sharma P, Shiha G, Sollano JD, Wu J, Xu RY, Yachha SK, Zhang C; Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) Working Party on Portal Hypertension. Diagnosis and management of acute variceal bleeding: Asian Pacific Association for Study of the Liver recommendations.Hepatology International. 2011; 5(2):607-24.
  57. Waduge R, Rodrigo A, Peris U.Imposing restrictions on pornography: its potential impact and effectiveness in Sri Lanka.Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2011; 2(1): 6-8
  58. Wanigasinghe J, Mettananda SG, Kodikara Arachchi DS. A case of Kleine-Levin syndrome. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011; 56(3): 132-33.
  59. Wickremasinghe AR, Peiris-John RJ, Wanigasuriya, KP. Chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka: trying to unravel the mystery. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011; 56(4): 143-46.
  60. Wijerathne LT, Williams SS, Rodrigo MDA, Peris MUPK, Kawamura N, Wickramasinghe AR. Variation of Kessler’s psychological distress scale among the Sinhalese population in Sri Lanka. South Asian Journal of Psychiatry.2011; 2(2): 21-25.
  61. Wijesinghe PS, Padumadasa GS, Palihawadana TS, Marleen FS. A trial of expectant management in incomplete miscarriage. Ceylon Medical Journal.2011; 56(1): 10-13.
  62. Wijesuriya SRE, Deen KI. Urinary catheter bulb mimicking obstructed femoral hernia. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2011 Dec;81(12):944 No abstract available.
  63. Wilks MF, Tomenson JA, Fernando R, Ariyananda PL, Berry DJ, Buckley NA, Gawarammana IB, Jayamanne S, Gunnell D, Dawson A. Formulation changes and time trends in outcome following paraquat ingestion in Sri Lanka.Clinical Toxicology(Phila). 2011; 49(1):21-28.
  64. Williams S.Developing research capacity in mental health in South Asia. South Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2011; 2(1):1-3.
  65. Williams SS, Hewage SN, Karandawala IR. Mental health research trends in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011; 56(2):61-65.
  66. Williams SS, Wijesinghe CA, Jayamanne SF, Buckley NA, Dawson AH, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. Delayed psychological morbidity associated with snakebite envenoming. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.2011; Aug 5(8):e1255.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2009)

  1. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P, DE A Seneviratne R. Maternal sleep deprivation is a risk factor for small for gestational age: a cohort study.Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2009; 49(4): 382-7.
  2. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P, Senevirathne R De A. Risk factors for spontaneous abortion. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2009; 14(1): 14-19.
  3. Abeysena C, Wijerathne, L, Jayawardana P. Prevalence of disability in Ragama MOHarea. Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies. 2009: 11:107-120
  4. Ariyaratne MHJ,Dilesha WL,New concepts of breast cancer aetiology.Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2009:27(2):31-37
  5. Balasooriya BL, Fonseka HF, Williams S, Premawardhena A. Oro-genital ulcers with a positive pathergy test in acute myeloid leukaemia.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2009; 54(4):131-2. Case Report.
  6. Chandrasena LG, Peiris H, Waikar HD. Biochemical changes associated withnreperfusion after off-pump and on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2009 Fall;39(4):372-7.
  7. Chandrasena N, Rajindrajith S, Ahmed K, Pathmeswaran A, Nakagomi O. Hospital-based study of the severity and economic burden associated with rotavirus diarrhea in Sri Lanka. Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 2009;4(4): 379-86
  8. Chandratilake MN &de Silva NR. Identifying poor concordance between the ‘planned’ and the ‘hidden’ curricula at a time of curriculum change in a Sri Lankan medical school using the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure. South East Asian Journal of Medical Education 2009; 3 (2): 15 – 19.
  9. Dassanayake AS, Kasturiratne A, Rajindrajith S, Kalubowila U, Chakrawarthi S, de Silva AP, Makaya M, Mizoue T, Kato N, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva HJ. Prevalence and risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among adults in an urban Sri Lankan population. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2009; 24(7): 1284-8.
  10. De Silva AP, Amarasiri L, Liyanage MN, Kottachchi D, Dassanayake AS, de Silva HJ. One-hour fast for water and six-hour fast for solids prior to endoscopy provides good endoscopic vision and results in minimum patient discomfort. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2009; 24(6): 1095-7..
  11. De Silva AP, Karunanayake AL, Dissanayaka TGI, Dassanayake AS, Duminda HKKJ, Pathmeswaran A, Wickramasinghe AR, de Silva HJ.Osteoporosis in adult Sri Lankan inflammatory bowel disease patients.World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2009; 15(28): 3528-31.
  12. De Silva HJ, Dassanayake AS. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: confronting the global epidemic requires better awareness. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2009; 24(11):1705-07.
  13. De Silva NR, Wijesundara MKdeS. Parasitic infection of the nervous system, with an update on free-living aerobic infections. Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists. 2009; 7(1):49-53.
  14. Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, de Silva HJ. Recurrent abdominal pain in children. Indian Pediatrics. 2009; 46(5): 389-99. Review.
  15. Dissanayake D, Wijesinghe PS, Ratnasooriya WD, Wimalasena S. Effects of zinc supplementation on sexual behavior of male rats. Journal of Human Reproduction Science. 2009; 2(2):57-61.
  16. Dissanayake DMAB, Palihawadana PS, Herath HMRP, Wimalasena S, Ratnasooriya WD,Wijesinghe PS. A Study to access the prevalence of zinc abnormalities and the effect of zinc on semen parameters in subfertile population. Sri Lanka Bulletin of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. 2009; 1(1):15-21
  17. Edirisinghe PA, Kitulwatte ID. Extreme violence--homicide; an analysis of 265 cases from the offices of JMO Colombo and Ragama--a study from Sri Lanka. Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 2009; 11 Suppl 1:S363-5.
  18. Fernando, AD. Karunasekera, W.Juvenile victimisation in a group of young Sri Lankan adults. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2009;54(3) 80-84 Erratum in: Ceylon Medical Journal. 2009;54(4):127.
  19. Fernando ED,Deen KI.Consideration of the blood supply of the ileocecal segment in valve preserving right hemicolectomy. Clinical Anatomy. 2009;22(6): 712-5.
  20. Fernando R, Mettananda DSG, Kariyakarawana L. Incidental occult carcinomas in total thyroidectomy for benign diseases of the thyroid. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2009; 54(1): 4-6.
  21. Fernando R, Pathmeswaran A, Atulugama NS, Mubarak MNA, Edirisinghe EMDAR, Abeysinghe APSD, Fernanado WMTPS, Premathilaka HMMS Inorganic content of water and prevalence of goitre in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2009; 27(1): 9-12.
  22. Hall A, Horton S, de Silva N, The Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of Mass Treatment for Intestinal Nematode Worm Infections Using Different Treatment Thresholds. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2009; 3(3): e402.
  23. Hapuarachchi HC, Abeysundara S, Dayanath MY, Manamperi A, Abeyewickreme W, de Silva NR. Molecular markers of chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in Sri Lanka: frequency before revision of the antimalarial drug policy. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 2009; 103(4): 351-6.
  24. Jayawardana P, Abeysena C. Respiratory health of welders in a container yard, Sri Lanka. Occupational Medicine (Oxford, England). 2009; 59(4): 226-9.
  25. Kitulwatte I, Pollanen MS. Electrical injury of the neck and cardiac air embolism: a novel mechanism of death. Forensic science Medicine, and Pathology. 2009; 5(1):32-5.
  26. Kuruppuarachchi KA, Hapangama A.Postnatal mental disorders. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2009; 54(2):35-7.
  27. Kuruppuarachchi KA, Wijesinghe CA.Suicidal risk assessment and depression. Ceylon Medical Journal.2009;54(1): 31-2.
  28. Liyanage CA, Rathnayake G, Deen KI.A new technique for suture rectopexy without resection for rectal prolapse.Techniques in Coloproctology. 2009; 13(1): 27-31; discussion 32-3.
  29. Liyanage CAH, Sadakari Y, Kitada H, Ienaga J, Tanabe R, Takahata S, Nabae T, Tanaka M. Prevention of iatrogenic bile duct injuries in difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomies: is the naso-biliary drain the answer? Journal of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery. 2009;16(4):458-62.
  30. Lok CY, Merryweather-Clarke AT, Viprakasit V, Chinthammitr Y, Srichairatanakool S, Limwongse C, Oleesky D, Robins AJ, Hudson J, Wai P, Premawardhena A, de Silva HJ, Dassanayake A, McKeown C, Jackson M, Gama R, Khan N, Newman W, Banait G, Chilton A, Wilson-Morkeh I, Weatherall DJ, Robson KJH. Iron overload in the Asian community.Blood. 2009; 114(1): 20-5.
  31. Mahendra G, Pandit H, Kliskey K, Murray D, Gill HS, Athanasou N. Necrotic and inflammatory changes in metal-on-metal resurfacing hip arthroplasties. Acta Orthopaedica. 2009 ; 80(6):653-9.
  32. Manamperi, A Hapuarachchi, C, Gunawardene, NS Bandara, A, Dayanath, D and Abeyewickreme, W. STR polymorphisms in Sri Lanka: evaluation of forensic utility in identification of individuals and parentage testing.Ceylon Medical Journal 2009; 54(3): 85-89.
  33. Mettananda C, de Silva HJ, Fernando R. Hypoglycaemia and fits in a thyrotoxic man. BMJ Case Reports. 2009;2009. pii: bcr07.2008.0448.
  34. Motha MB, Wijesinghe PS. Systemic lupus erythematosus and pregnancy--a challenge to the clinician.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2009; 54(4):107-9.
  35. O'Donnell A, Premawardhena A, Arambepola M, Samaranayake R, Allen SJ, Peto TE, Fisher CA, Cook J, Corran PH, Olivieri NF, Weatherall DJ. Interaction of malaria with a common form of severe thalassemia in an Asian population.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2009; 106(44): 18716-21.
  36. Paranitharan P, Edirisinghe PA,Williams S.Elder abuse--a wake up call.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2009; 54(1): 1-3. Comment in Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010;55(1):34-5.
  37. Paranitharan P, Pollanen MS. The interaction of injury and disease in the elderly: a case report of fatal elder abuse. J Forensic Leg Med. 2009; 16(6): 346-9. .
  38. Perera P, Pathmeswaran A. A pilot study on assessment of racial affinity of Sri Lankan population using discriminant function statistics and a few established morphological racial traits. Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 2009; 11 Suppl 1: S182-5. .
  39. Premaratna R, Pathmeswaran A, Amarasekara NDDM, Motha MBC, Perera KVHKK, de Silva HJ. A clinical guide for early detection of dengue fever and timing of investigations to detect patients likely to develop complications. Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2009; 103(2): 127-31. .
  40. Premaratna R, Chandrasena TGAN, Rajapakse RPVJ, Eremeeva ME, Dasch GA, Bandara NKBKRGW, de Silva HJ. Rickettsioses presenting as major joint arthritis and erythema nodosum: description of four patients. Clinical Rheumatology. 2009; 28(7): 867-8.
  41. Premaratna R, Williams HSA, Chandrasena TGAN, Rajapakse RPVJ, Kularatna SAM, de Silva HJ. Unusual pancytopenia secondary to haemophagocytosis syndrome in rickettsioses. Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2009; 103(9):961-3.
  42. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, de Silva HJ. Helicobacter pylori infection in children. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology. 2009; 15(2): 86-94.
  43. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, de Silva HJ.Helicobacter pylori infection in children.Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2009; 38(3): 86-88.
  44. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Mettananda S, Perera P, Jasmin S, Karunarathna UA, Adhihetty D, Goonewardena R. Constipation and functional faecal retention in a group of school children in a district in Sri Lanka.Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2009; 38(2): 60-64.
  45. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana, NM. Constipation in children: diagnosis and management.Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2009; 38(4): 127-35
  46. Rajindrajith S, Mettananda S, Adihetti D, Goonawardana R, Devanarayana NM. Neonatal mortality in Sri Lanka: timing, causes and distribution. Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2009; 22(9): 791-96.
  47. Ranawaka UK, Goonaratna C. Establishing the Sri lanka clinical trials registry. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine. 2009; 2(1):29-31.
  48. Salgado, S, Abeysuriya, V Pathirana, A. Surgical anatomy of the veins of the lower limb – a cadaveric study. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2009;27(2):45-47.
  49. Salm P , Taylor PJ, Roberts D, de Silva J. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of the organophosphorus pesticides dimethoate, fenthion, diazinon and chlorpyrifos in human blood.Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications 2009 Feb 15;877(5-6):568-74.
  50. Sarin SK,Kumar A,Almeida JA,Chawla YK, Fan ST, Garg H, de Silva HJ, Hamid SS, Jalan R, Komolmit P, Lau GK, Liu Q, Madan K, Mohamed R, Ning Q,Rahman S, Rastogi A, Riordan SM, Sakhuja P, Samuel D, Shah S, Sharma BC, Sharma P, Takikawa Y, Thapa BR, Wai CT, Yuen MF. Acute-on-chronic liver failure: consensus recommendations of the Asian Pacific Association for the study of the liver (APASL).Hepatology International. 2009;3(1): 269-82.
  51. Silva GRC,Nanayakkara KADSP,Wijesinghe PS.Emergency contraception and ectopic pregnancy.Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2009;31(1):71-72.
  52. Vilain C, Mortier G, Van Vliet G, Dubourg C, Heinrichs C, de Silva D, Verloes Baumann C. Hartsfield holoprosencephaly-ectrodactyly syndrome in five male patients: further delineation and review. American Journal of Medical GeneticsA. 2009; 149A(7):1476-81.
  53. Williams SS, Williams J, Combrinck M, Christie S, Smith AD, McShane R. Olifactory impairment is more marked in patients with mild dementia with Lewy bodies than those with mild Alzheimer disease.Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2009; 80(1): 667-70.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2010)

  1. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P. Maternal and social determinants of excessive weight gain during pregnancy: a cohort study.International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health. 2010; 02(10): 348-59.
  2. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P, de A Seneviratne R. Effect of psychosocial stress on maternal complications during pregnancy: A cohort study.International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health. 2010; 02(12): 436-48.
  3. Abeysena HTCS, Jayawardana PL, Wickremasinghe AR, Wickremasinghe U. Knowledge of basic epidemiological and statistical concepts among doctors in selected Sri Lankan hospitals.Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2010; 15(1):45-51.
  4. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P. Inter-rater variability of ultrasound scan measurement.Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2010; 15(1):52-58.
  5. Abeysena C. Adverse pregnancy outcome: do we know the risk factors.Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2010; 15(2):1-6.[College Oration]
  6. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P. Assessment of foetal growth retardation: small for gestational age. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2010; 15(2):32-5.
  7. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P, Seneviratne Rde A. Effect of psychosocial stress and physical activity on preterm birth: a cohort study.Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 2010; 36(2):260-67.
  8. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P, Seneviratne Rde A. Effect of psychosocial stress and physical activity on low birth weight: a cohort study.Journal of of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 2010; 36(2):296-303.
  9. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P, Wickremasinghe R, Wickramasinghe U. Evidence-based medicine : knowledge, attitudes, and practices among doctors in Sri Lanka.Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine. 2010; 3(2):83-7. [Epub 2010 Apr 28].
  10. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P, de A Seneviratne R. Maternal haemoglobin level at booking visit and its effect on adverse pregnancy outcome.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetetrics and Gynaecology. 2010; 50(5):423-7. [Epub 2010 Sep 1].
  11. Abeysuriya V, Deen KI, Navarathne NM. Biliary microlithiasis, sludge, crystals, microcrystallization, and usefulness of assessment of nucleation time.Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International. 2010; 9(3):248-53.Review.
  12. Abeysuriya V, Salgado LS, Samarasekera DN. The distribution of the anal glands and the variable regional occurrence of fistula-in-ano: is there a relationship?Techniques in Coloproctology. 2010; 14(4):317-21. [Epub 2010 Oct 15].
  13. Ahmed K, Batuwanthudawe R, Chandrasena TGAN, Mitui MT, Rajindrajith S, Galagoda G, Pun SB, Uchida R, Kunii O, Moji K, Abeysinghe N, Nishizono A, Nakagomi O. Rotavirus infections with multiple emerging genotypes in Sri Lanka. Archives of Virology.2010;155(1):71-5. [Epub 2009 Nov 17].
  14. Allen A, Fisher C, Premawardhena A, Peto T, Allen S, Arambepola M, Thayalsutha V, Olivieri N, Weatherall D. Adaptation to anemia in hemoglobin E-ß thalassemia.Blood. 2010; 116(24):5368-70. [Epub 2010 Sep 10].
  15. Amarasekera M, Rathnamalala N, Samaraweera S, Jinadasa M. Prevalence of latex allergy among healthcare workers.International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. 2010; 23(4):391-6.
  16. Amarasekera NDDM, Gunawardena NK, de Silva NR, Weerasinghe A. Prevalence of childhood atopic diseases in the Western Province of Sri Lanka.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(1):5-8.
  17. Amarasiri LD, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva AP, Dassanayake AS, Ranasinha CD, de Silva J. Comparison of a composite symptom score assessing both symptom frequency and severity with a score that assesses frequency alone: a preliminary study to develop a practical symptom score to detect gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in a resource-poor setting.European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2010; 22(6):662-8.[Epub 2009 May 30].
  18. Amarasiri LD, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva HJ, Ranasinha CD. Prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease symptoms and reflux-associated respiratory symptoms in asthma. BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 2010; 10:49.
  19. Bell DJ, Wijegunasinghe D, Samarakoon S, Palipana H, Gunasekera S, de Silva HA, Lalloo DG, Ranawaka UK, de Silva HJ. Neurophysiological findings in patients 1 year after snake bite induced neurotoxicity in Sri Lanka.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2010; 104(5):351-6. [Epub 2010 Jan 22].
  20. Chackrewarthy S, Thabrew MI, Weerasuriya MK, Jayasekera S. Evaluation of the hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of an ethylacetate fraction of Artocarpus heterophyllus (jak) leaves in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2010; 6(23):186-90.
  21. Chandrasena LG, Peiris H, Williams S, Siribaddana SH. Hemoglobin variants in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2010; 41(5):1247-51.
  22. Chandrasena TGAN, Balasooriya BA, Imbulpitiya IV, de Silva NR. A survey for intestinal parasites in a psychiatric institution in Sri Lanka.Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 2010; 104(7):605-8. No Abstract Available
  23. Chandrasinghe PC, Ariyaratne MHJ. Current concepts in management of chronic wounds. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2010; 28(2): 2-5.
  24. Dassanayake AS, de Silva HJ. Statins and the liver.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(2):37-9. No Abstract Available
  25. Deen KI. The Changing face of the journal. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2010; 28(2): 1
  26. De Silva AP. Evidence basesd guidelines for preparation of patients before upper gastrointestinal endoscopy(UGIE).Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2010; 41(1):19-25. [Dr E. V. Pieris Memorial Oration 2009]
  27. De Silva AP, Niriella MA, Perera H, Aryasingha S, Kalubovila U, Manchanayake J, Dassanayake AS, Devanarayana NM, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva HJ. Is a six hour fast after a rice meal sufficient before upper gastrointestinal endoscopy?Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2010; 45(7-8):987-91.
  28. de Silva NR. The changing face of malaria in Sri Lanka: implications for diagnosis and treatment. Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists 2010; 8:47 –50.
  29. De Silva N, Hall A. Using the prevalence of individual species of intestinal nematode worms to estimate the combined prevalence of any species.PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2010; 4(4):e655. .
  30. de Silva NR & Wickremasinghe R. Counting malaria out – what progress? Indian Journal of Medical Research 2010; 131, 475 - 477.
  31. Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Association between constipation and stressful life events in a cohort of Sri Lankan children and adolescents.Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 2010; 56(3):144-8. [Epub 2009 Aug 20].
  32. Devanarayana NM. Recurrent abdominal pain in children: a Sri Lankan perspective. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2010; 39(3): 79-92.[C.C. de Silva Oration]
  33. Dissanayake DMAB, Wijesinghe PS, Ratnasooriya W, Wimalasena S. Relationship between seminal plasma zinc and semen quality in a sub fertile population.Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. 2010; 3(3):124-8.
  34. Edirisinghe PAS. A Café Coronary Death due to a 'Banana'.Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2010; 1(1): 22-24.
  35. Edirisinghe PAS. Subarachnoid haemorrhage as a cause of death: a review of forensic autopsies conducted in Edinburgh.Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2010; 1(2):14-19.
  36. 33Edirisinghe PAS. Postmortem examinations of deaths in police custody - challenges faced by forensic pathologists in Sri Lanka in relation to causal factors.Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2010; 1(2):25-27.
  37. Edirisinghe A, Samarasekara A. Sudden unexpected death of an infant. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(3):122-3.
  38. Edirisinghe PAS, Kitulwatte IG. Homicidal firearm injuries: a study from Sri Lanka.Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology.2010; 6(2): 93-8.[Epub 2010 Feb 19].
  39. Fernando R, Bandara DMSM, de Silva A, Renuka MDS, Atulugama N. Thyroid volume in a cohort of Sri Lankan patients: a preliminary report. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(3): 92. [Resaech Letter]
  40. Fernando R, Bandara DMSM, Perera WATM. Pleomorphic adenoma of palate. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2010; 28(1): 9
  41. Gawarammana IB, Roberts DM, Mohamed F, Roberts MS, Medley G, Jayamanne S, Dawson A. Acute human self-poisoning with bispyribac-containing herbicide Nominee: a prospective observational study. Clinical Toxicology (Phila). 2010; 48(3):198-202.
  42. Geary TG, Woo K, McCarthy JS, Mackenzie CD, Horton J, Prichard RK, de Silva NR, Olliaro PL, Lazdins-Helds JK, Engels DA, Bundy DA. Unresolved issues in anthelmintic pharmacology for helminthiases of humans. International Journal of Parasitology. 2010; 40(1): 1-13. [Epub 2009 Nov 20]. Review.
  43. Hapuarachchi HC, Bandara KB, Sumanadasa SD, Hapugoda MD, Lai YL, Lee KS, Tan LK, Lin RT, Ng LF, Bucht G, Abeyewickreme W, Ng LC. Re-emergence of Chikungunya virus in South-east Asia: virological evidence from Sri Lanka and Singapore.Journal of General Virology. 2010 Apr;91(Pt 4):1067-76. Epub 2009 Dec 2.
  44. Hapugoda MD, de Silva NR, Khan B, Dayanath MYD, Gunesena S, Prithimala LD, Abeyewickreme W. A Comparative retrospective study of RT-PCR-based liquid hybridization assay for early, definitive diagnosis of dengue.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2010; 104(4): 279-82. [Epub 2010 Feb 8].
  45. Karunanayake AL, Pinidiyapathirage MJ, Wickremasinghe AR. Prevalence and predictors of osteoporosis in an urban Sri Lankan population.International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 2010; 13(4):
  46. Karunasekera KAW, Fernando AD, Jayasinghe CY. Impact of corticosteroid therapy on lifestyles in asthmatic children from Sri lanka.Indian Pediatrics. 2010; 47(5):433-5.
  47. Kitulwatte ID, Kim PJ, Pollanen MS. Sudden death related myocarditis: a study of 56 cases.Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology. 2010; 6(1):13-9. [Epub 2009 Nov 29].
  48. Kumarasena RS, Mananjala, Senanayake SM, Sivaraman K, de Silva AP, Dassanayake AS, Premaratna R, Wijesiriwardena B, de Silva HJ. Intravenous N-acetylcysteine in dengue-associated acute liver failure.Hepatology International. 2010; 4(2):533-34.
  49. Kumarasena RS, Niriella MA, Kalubowila U, de Silva AP, Dassanayake AS, de Silva HJ. Bleeding from oesophageal ulceration induced by endoscopic variceal ligation for primary prophylaxis.Gut. 2010; 59(11):1586. [Epub 2010 Aug 30]. Research Letter
  50. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijeratne LT, Weerasinghe GDSSK, Peris MUPK, Williams SS. A Study of intimate partner violence among females attending a Teaching Hospital out-patient department.Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 1(2):60-63.
  51. Liyanage CAH, Jayaweera KKDG, Deen KI. Clopidogrel and Surgery “be aware” Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2010; 28(1): 1-4
  52. Mahendra G, Kliskey K, Athanasou NA. Immunophenotypic distinction between pigmented villonodular synovitis and haemosiderotic synovitis. Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2010; 63(1):75-8
  53. Manamperi A, Nugawela P, Gunawardene NS, Abeyewickreme W, de Silva J. RNA positivity rates among anti-HCV reactive blood donors in Sri Lanka: a preliminary study. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2010 Jul-Sep;28(3):264-5. (Research Letter)
  54. Mettananda KCD, De Silva ST, Premawardhena AP. Mycotic aneurysm of the descending aorta due to Aspergillus species.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(1):20-1.
  55. Navarathne NM, Abeysuriya V, Ileperuma A, Thoufeek UL. Endoscopic observations around the gastroesophageal junction in patients with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease in South Asia.Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2010; 29(5):184-6. [Epub 2010 Oct 13].
  56. Nawarathne NM, Thoufeek UL, Abeysuriya V, Ileperuma A. Acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage in Sri Lankan adults--single unit experience.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(4):134-5. Research Letter
  57. Nandasena YL, Wickremasinghe AR, Sathiakumar N. Air pollution and health in Sri Lanka: a review of epidemiologic studies.BMC Public Health. 2010; 10:300.Review.
  58. Niriella MA, De Silva AP, Dayaratne AHGK, Ariyasinghe MHADP, Navarathne MMN, Peiris RSK, Samarasekara DN, Satharasinghe RL, Rajindrajith S, Dassanayake AS, Wickramasinghe AR, de Silva HJ. Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in two districts of Sri Lanka: a hospital based survey.BMC Gastroenterology. 2010; 10:32.
  59. Olivieri NF, Thayalsuthan V, O'Donnell A, Premawardhena A, Rigobon C, Muraca G, Fisher C, Weatherall DJ. Emerging insights in the management of hemoglobin E beta thalassemia.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2010; 1202:155-7.
  60. Ooi CJ, Fock KM, Makharia GK, Goh KL, Ling KL, Hilmi I, Lim WC, Kelvin T, Gibson PR, Gearry RB, Ouyang Q, Sollano J, Manatsathit S, Rerknimitr R, Wei SC, Leung WK, de Silva HJ, Leong RWL; Asia Pacific Association of Gastroenterology Working Group on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The Asia-Pacific consensus on ulcerative colitis. Journal ofGastroenterology and Hepatology. 2010; 25(3):453-68.Review.
  61. Palihawadana TS, Dasanayake, DMAB, Harshanie A, Wijesinghe PS. Chlamidia trachomatis infection in an infertile population, a cross sectional study.Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2010; 32(4): 85-88..
  62. Pathirana, A, Siriwardana, RC , Deen, KI, Rupasinghe Y. A Case of embryonal sarcoma of the liver.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(3): 90
  63. Perera KVHKK, Chan KH, Ma E, Peiris JSM. Influenza virus infections among a sample of hospital attendees in Ragama, Sri Lanka.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(2):40-4.
  64. Premaratna R, Nawasiwatte BMTP, Niriella MA, Chandrasena TGAN, Bandara NKBKRGW, Rajapakse RP, de Silva HJ. Scrub typhus mimicking enteric fever; a report of three patients.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2010; 104(4):309-10. [Epub 2009 Sep 17].
  65. Premaratna R, Rajapakse RPVJ, Chandrasena TGAN, Nanayakkara DM, Bandara NKBKRGW, Kularatna SAM, Eremeeva ME, Dasch GA, de Silva HJ.Contribution of rickettsioses in Sri Lankan patients with fever who responded to empirical doxycycline treatment.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.2010;104(5):368-70.
  66. Rajapaksha WRAS, Paranitharan P, Perera WNS. A Clinical case of an 'alleged assault': are they fabricated injuries?Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2010; 1(1):32-35.
  67. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Constipation-associated and nonretentive fecal incontinence in children and adolescents: an epidemiological survey in Sri Lanka.Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition 2010; 51(4):472-76.
  68. Samarakoon SR, Thabrew I, Galhena PB, De Silva D, Tennekoon KH. A Comparison of the cytotoxic potential of standardized aqueous and ethanolic extracts of a polyherbal mixture comprised of Nigella sativa (seeds), Hemidesmus indicus (roots) and Smilax glabra (rhizome).Pharmacognosy Research. 2010;2(6):335-42.
  69. Samaraweera Y, Abeysena C. Maternal sleep deprivation, sedentary lifestyle and cooking smoke: Risk factors for miscarriage: A case control study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetetrics and Gynaecology 2010; 50(4):352-57.
  70. Satarasinghe SL, De Silva AP, Arulnithy K, Abeyratne PD, Jayawardana MAR. Aetiology and other features of a cohort of adult Sri Lankans presenting with upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB). Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2010;41(2):57-60
  71. Siriwardana RC, Wijesuriya SRE, Kumarage SK, Deen KI. Synchronous liver metastasis in colorectal cancer in Sri Lanka.Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2010; 29(4):149-51.[Epub 2010 Aug 26]. .
  72. Siriwardana RC, Renuka S, Kumarage S. Laparoscopy as a diagnostic and therapeutic option in evaluating chronic unexplained right iliac fossa pain.Surgical Endoscopy 2010; 24(11): 2793-5. [Epub 2010 Apr 8].
  73. Wijekoon CN, Wijekoon PW. Dengue hemorrhagic fever presenting with acute pancreatitis.Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2010; 41(4):864-66.
  74. Wijesinghe MSD, Abeysena C. Selected aspects of quality of care received by the diabetes mellitus patients attending diabetic and medical clinics at National Hospital Sri Lanka.Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2010; 15(2):12-17.
  75. Wijesinghe RS, Wickremasinghe AR. Quality of life in filarial lymphoedema patients in Colombo, Sri Lanka.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2010; 104(3):219-24. [Epub 2009 Sep 30].
  76. Wijesuriya SRE, Siriwardana R, Deen K. Education and imaging. hepatobiliary and pancreatic: carcinoid tumor with cystic liver metastases. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2010; 25(3):647.
  77. Wijesuriya SRE, Kuruppuarachchi KG, Weerasinghe A, Hewavisenthi J, Deen KI. Detection of micrometastases in lymph nodes using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for cytokeratin 20 (CK-20)--a pilot study. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(3):77-79.
  78. Wijesuriya SRE, Delriviere L, Mitchell A. Gall bladder cancer and Mirizzi syndrome: alternative explanation to the common belief.The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery. 2010; 80(1-2):116-17.
  79. Wijesuriya SRE, Hewavisenthi J, Deen KI. Patients with rectal cancer having neoadjuvant chemoradiation do not have increased complications of ileostomy closure. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(4): 115-17.


Publications in peer reviewed journals (2007)

  1. Banagala ASK, Ariyarathne MHJ.Trap guns injuries in rural Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2007;25(2):18-24.
  2. Beeching N, Dassanayake A. Tropical liver disease. Medicine 2007; 35(1): 49-53.
  3. Chan HL, de Silva HJ, Leung NW, Lim SG, Farrell GC. How should we manage patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in 2007? Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2007; 22(6):801-808.
  4. Chandrasena LG, Peiris H, Welihinda J. Fifty years after Watson & Crick. Vidyodya Journal of Science 2007; 13.
  5. Chandrasena TGAN, Hapuarachchi HC, Dayanath MYD, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva NR. Intestinal parasites and the growth status of internally displaced children in Sri Lanka. Tropical Doctor 2007; 37(3): 163-165.
  6. Chandrasena TGAN, Premaratna R, Muthugala MARV, Pathmeswaran A , de Silva NR. Modified Dermatology Life Quality Index as a measure of quality of life in patients with filarial lymphoedema. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2007; 101(3): 245-249.
  7. Dassanayake RS, Gunawardene YINS, Tobe SS. Evolutionary selective trends of insect/mosquito antimicrobial defensin peptides containing cysteine-stabilized α/β motifs. Peptides 2007; 28(1): 62-75.
  8. de Silva BA, Herath HMRP, Wijesinghe PS. Acid aspiration Syndrome. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2007; 29: 14-18.
  9. de Silva D. Emerging issues in genetic testing in Sri Lanka. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. 2007; 4(3): 133-4.
  10. de Silva DC, Wijesiriwardene B. The adrenal glands and their functions. Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(3): 95-100.
  11. de Silva DGH. Children needing protection: experience from South Asia. Archives of Diseases in Childhood 2007; 92(10): 931-934.
  12. de Silva DGH, Rajindrajith S, Pathmeswaran A, Karunasekera W. An intervention study to monitor weight gain in infants using a home based complementary food recipe and a hand blender. Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(3): 79-83.
  13. e Silva HA. Alzheimer disease in Sri Lanka. Japanese. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2007; 18: 321-325.
  14. de Silva, N. Challenges in medical education to enhance quality in medical care. Sri Lankan Family Physician. 2007; 28:3-9
  15. de Silva, N. Patients’ expectations and satisfaction with consultations. Sri Lankan Family Physician. 2007; 28:50-57
  16. Dharmasiri MG, Ratnsooriya WD, Thabrew MI. Gastroportective effects Anisomeles India Kuntze. Pharmacognosy Magazine 2007; 3(12): 246-250.
  17. Ferdinandis TGHC, Amarasiri L, de Silva HJ. Use of ambulatory oesophageal pH monitoring to diagnose gastrooesophageal reflux disease.Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(4): 130-132.
  18. Fernando AD. Strategies in the management of child maltreatment: should reporting be mandatory or voluntary? Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(1): 1-3.
  19. Hapangama A, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Volatile substance misuse is often missed. Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(2): 68.
  20. Hapugoda, MD, Batra, G, Abeyewickreme, W, Swaminathan, S, Khanna, N. Single antigen detects both immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG antibodies elicited by all four dengue virus serotypes. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 2007; 14(11): 1505-1514.
  21. Jayawardana PL. Administrative posts in public health institution. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2007; 12: 1-2
  22. J ayawardana PL, Sarukkali C, Wickremasinghe AR.Stemming TB: The Sri Lankan experience. Health Alert (Asia Pacific Edition) 2007; 9: 7
  23. Karunanayake A, Pathmeswaran A, Wijayaratne LS. Radiological changes of spine in patients with chronic low back ache. Medicine Today 2007; 5(1): 6-9.
  24. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijeratne LT. Prion disease in Sri Lanka. British Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 190: 362.
  25. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijeratne LT. Health shop treatments for depressions. Psychiatric Bulletin 2007; 31(4) : 153-154 (correspondence)
  26. Madatuwa TMJC, Mahawithanage STC, Chandrika UG, Jansz ER, Wickremasinghe AR. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the national vitamin A supplementation programme among school children in Sri Lanka. British Journal of Nutrition 2007; 97(1): 153-159.
  27. Mahawithanage STC, Kannangara KKNP, Wickremasinghe R, Chandrika UG, Jansz ER, Karunaweera ND, Wickremasinghe AR. Impact of vitamin A supplementation on health status and absenteeism of school children in Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2007; 16(1): 94-102.
  28. Nanayakkara PR, Samarasekera DN, Gamage HN, Abayadeera AU, de Silva,HJ. Oesophago-gastrectomy in a patient with haemophilia A. Haemophilia 2007; 13(5): 670-671.
  29. O'Donnell A, Premawardhena A, Arambepola M, Allen SJ, Peto TE, Fisher CA, Rees DC, Olivieri NF, Weatherall DJ. Age-related changes in adaptation to severe anemia in childhood in developing countries. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2007; 104(22): 9440-9444.
  30. Perera ING, Pinidiyapathirage MJ, Wickremasinghe AR. Rabies vaccination of domesticated dogs in the Central Province of Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(2): 69-70.
  31. Perera MTPR, Wijesuriya SRE, Kumarage SK, Ariyaratne MHJ, Deen KI. Inflammatory pseudotumour of the liver caused by a migrated fish bone. Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(4): 141-142.
  32. Perera P. Scars of torture: a Sri Lankan study. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 2007; 14(3): 138-145.
  33. Perera P. Physical methods of torture and their sequelae: a Sri Lankan perspective. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicne 2007; (3): 146-150.
  34. Pinidiyapathirage MJ, Wickremasinghe AR. Antenatal care provided and its quality in field clinics in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2007; 19(3): 38-44.
  35. Premaratna R, Bailey MS, Rathnasena BGN, de Silva HJ. Dengue fever mimicking acute appendicitis. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2007; 101(7): 683-685.
  36. Ranawaka, UK. Living with epilepsy: advice to patients and carers. Sri Lanka Prescriber 2007; 15(3): 1-3.
  37. Ranawaka, UK, Goonaratna, C. Sri Lanka clinical trials registry. Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(4): 117-119.
  38. Roberts DJ, Brunskill SJ, Doree C, Williams S, Howard J, Hyde CJ. Oral deferiprone for iron chelation in people with thalassaemia. Cochrane Database Systemic Review 2007 Jul. 18; (3): CD004839.
  39. Salgado LSS, Abeysuriya V, Kumarage SK.Anatomical variations of the vasculature in suprarenal glands in Sri Lankans.Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2007; 25(2): 25-27.
  40. Salgado LSS, Abeysuriya V, Kumarage SK, Rupasinghe DK. Position and morphology of the appendix vermiformis in Sri Lankans. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2007; 25(1): 5-6.
  41. Schousboe ML, Rajakaruna RS, Salanti A, Hapuarachchi HC, Galappaththy GN, Bygbjerg IC, Amerasinghe PH, Konradsen F, Alifrangis M. Island-wide diversity in single nucleotide polymorphisms of the Plasmodium vivax dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthetase genes in Sri Lanka. Malaria Journal 2007; 9(6): 28.
  42. Senanayake KJ, Salgado S, Rathnayake MJ, Fernando R, Somarathne K. A rare variant of the superficial ulnar artery, and its clinical implications: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2007; 1:128.
  43. Uluwaduge DI, Perera ANS, Jansz ER, Thabrew MI. A pilot study on palmyrah pinattu (dried fruit pulp) as an anti-diabetic food component. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 2007; 1(3): 250-254.
  44. Waduge TRW. Clinical audit on documentation of medical records at a teaching hospital in London, United Kingdom. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2007; 36(1): 14-15.
  45. Wanigasuriya KP, Peiris-John RJ, Wickremasinghe R, Hittarage A. Chronic renal failure in North Central Province of Sri Lanka: an environmentally induced disease. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2007; 101(10) : 1013-1017.
  46. Weerasooriya MV, Yahathugoda TC, Wickremasinghe D, Gunawardena NK, Dharmadasa RA, Vidanapathirana KK, Weerasekara SH, Samarawickrema WA. Social mobilization, drug coverage and compliance and adverse reactions in a Mass Drug Administration (MDA) Programme for the elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis in Sri Lanka.Filaria Journal 2007;6:11.
  47. Wijesinghe RS, Ekanayake S, Perera MS, Wickremasinghe AR. Knowledge and perceptions of filariasis in Colombo, Sri Lanka, among patients with chronic filarial lymphoedema. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 2007; 101(3): 215-23. Erratum in: Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 2007 Sep;101(6):498.
  48. Wijesinghe RS, Wickremasinghe AR, Ekanayake S, Perera MS. Efficacy of a limb-care regime in preventing acute adenolymphangitis in patients with lymphoedema caused by bancroftian filariasis, in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 2007; 101(6): 487-97.
  49. Wijesinghe RS, Wickremasinghe AR, Ekanayake S, Perera MS. Physical disability and psychosocial impact due to chronic filarial lymphoedema in Sri Lanka. Filaria Journal 2007; 6: 4.
  50. Wijesiriwardene B, de Silva DC. Adrenal hypersecretion.Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(3): 104-109.
  51. Wijesiriwardene B, de Silva DC. Adrenal insufficiency.Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(3): 100-103.
  52. Wijesuriya SRE, Wijesuriya MTW, Perera MTPR, d e Zylva STU, Deen KI. Locally advanced breast cancer as a possible portal of entry in a patient with tetanus. Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52(3): 114.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2006)

  1. Adikaram ND, de Silva NR, Fernando A, Fernando D, Lamabadasuriya S, Reid CB. Filarial antigens detected in urine using the immunochromatographic card test. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(4):157-8.
  2. Amarasiri L, Douglass J. Rhinitis and asthma: it's one airway after all. Med Today (Aust). 2006; 7(10):52-8.
  3. Amarasiri WADL, Dissanayake AS. Coconut fats. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(2):47-51.
  4. Bailey MS, de Silva HJ. Sri Lankan Sanni masks: an ancient classification of disease. BMJ (Int Ed). 2006; 333(7582):1327-28.
  5. Casals-Pascual C, Kai O, Cheung JO, Williams S, Lowe B, Nyanoti M, Williams TN, Maitland K, Molyneux M, Newton CR, Peshu N, Watt SM, Roberts DJ. Suppression of erythropoiesis in malarial anemia is associated with hemozoin in vitro and in vivo. Blood. 2006; 108(8): 2569-77.
  6. Chandrasena LG, Chackrewarthy S, Perera PT, de Silva D. Erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes in patients with cataract. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2006; 36(2):201-4.
  7. de Silva A, Pathmeswaran A, de-Jager C, Kuruppuarachi L. P3-028: Seven-minute neurocognitive test battery: a reliable test for dementia. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2006; 2(3), Supplement 1: S380
  8. de Silva HJ. Hepatitis C Infection. Bull Sri Lanka Coll Microbiologists. 2006; 4(1):40-1.
  9. de Silva HJ, Abeywickrema I. Hepatitis B, C and HIV infections in Sri Lanka. J Ceylon Coll Physicians. 2006;39(1&2):3-4.
  10. de Silva HJ, Dassanayake AS, Manamperi A, de Silva AP. Treatment of lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B infection in post-renal transplant patients with Adefovir dipivoxil: preliminary results. Transplant Proc. 2006; 38(9):3118-20.
  11. de Silva HJ, Samarawickrema NA, Wickremasinghe AR. Toxicity due to organophosphorus compounds: what about chronic exposure? Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 100(9):803-6.
  12. de Silva N, Abayasekera S, Mendis K, Ramanayake J.Patient satiasfaction with consultation in ambulatory care setting in Sri Lanka. Med Today.2006;4(3):125-31.
  13. de Silva NR, Chandratilake MN, Pathmeswaran A, Dias R. Selection of students to medical school. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(2):51-2.
  14. de Silva NR, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva N, Edirisinghe JS, Kumarasiri PVR, Parameswaran SV, Seneviratne R, Warnasuriya N, de Silva HJ. Admission to medical schools in Sri Lanka: predictive validity of selection criteria. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(1):17-21.
  15. Dias TD, Herath HMRP, Ganeshananthan S, Perea M, Karunananda A. Pseudo-Meigs syndrome secondaray to pedunculated leiomyoma associated with intra uterine pregnancy. Sri Lanka J Obstet Gynecol. 2006; 28:37-8.
  16. Dissanayake DMAB, Wijesinghe PS, Rathnasooriya WD, Wimalasena S, Palihawadana TS. Effects of different Zinc levels in the sperm culture medium on sperm recovery and quality of sperms in the swims up procedure for sperm processing. Ceylon J Med Sci. 2006; 49(1):21-7.
  17. Edirisinghe A, Samarasekara A. Sudden unexpected death of an infant. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(3):122-3.
  18. Edirisinghe PAS, Busuttil A. Medical suicide-groin stabbing-case report. J Clin Forensic Med. 2006; 13(1):92-5.
  19. Edirisinghe PAS, Busuttil A. Suicide by serving the arterio-venous subclavian dialysis catheter. J Clin Forensic Med. 2006; 13(1):86-8.
  20. Fernando D, de Silva D, Carter R, Mendis KN, Wickremasinghe R. A Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of the impact of malaria prevention on the educational attainment of school children. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 74(3):386-93
  21. Fernando R, Mettananda KCD Balasooriya BLH, de Silva HJ. Subcutaneous local recurrence of parathyroid carcinoma. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(4):147.
  22. Ferdinandis TGHC, Dissanayake AS, de Silva HJ. Chronic alcoholism and esophageal motor activity: a 24-h ambulatory manometry study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006; 21(7):1157-62.
  23. Fox S, Rathuwithana AC, Kasturiratne A, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. Underestimation of snakebite mortality by hospital statistics in the Monaragala District of Sri Lanka. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 100(7):693-5.
  24. Gunasekara ADCJ, Premawardhena AP, Hettiarachchi HANS, Rathnasena BG, de Silva HJ. Cushing syndrome due to an adrenal phaeochromocytoma. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(2):66-67.
  25. Gunatilake SB. Current and emerging therapies in Parkinson's disease. J Ceylon Coll Physicians. 2006; 39(1 &2):25-31.
  26. Hapuarachchi HAC, Dayanath MYD, Bandara KBAT, Abeysundara S, Abeyewickreme W, de Silva NR, Hunt SY, Sibley CH. Point mutations in the dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthase genes of Plasmodium falciparum and resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Sri Lanka. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 74(2):198-204.
  27. Hettiarachchi M, Liyanage C, Wickremasinghe R, Hilmers D, Abrams S. Nutrient intake and growth of adolescents in southern Sri Lanka. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(3):89-92.
  28. Hettiarachchi M, Liyanage C, Wickremasinghe R, Hilmers DC, Abrams SA. Prevalence and severity of micronutrient deficiency: a cross-sectional study among adolescents in Sri Lanka. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2006; 15(1):56-63.
  29. Hewavisenthi SJdeS. Synchronous occurrence of lymphocytic colitis with ulcerative colitis. Sri Lanka J Surg. 2006; 24(2):22-3.
  30. Hewavisenthi. SJdeS. Varying histological patterns in ulcerative colitis-implications in diagnosis and disease progression. Sri Lanka J Surg. 2006; 24(2):24-5.
  31. Iddamaldeniya SS, Thabrew MI, Wickramasinghe SM, Ratnatunge N, Thammitiyagodage MG. A Long-term investigation of the anti-hepatocarcinogenic potential of an indigenous medicine comprised of Nigella sativa, Hemidesmus indicus and Smilax glabra. J Carcinog. 2006; 9: 5:11.
  32. Karunanayake AL, Pathmeswaran A, Wijayaratne LS. Risk factors for chronic low backache in adult Sri Lankan females. Med Today. 2006; 4(1):4-8.
  33. Kusumawathie PHD, Wickremasinghe AR, Karunaweera ND, Wijeyaratne MJS. Larvivorous potential of fish species found in river bed pools below the major dams in Sri Lanka. J Med Entomol. 2006; 43(1):79-82.
  34. Kusumawathie PHD, Wickremasinghe AR, Karunaweera ND, Wijeyaratne MJS, Yapabandara AMGM. Anopheline breeding in river bed pools below major dams in Sri Lanka. Acta Trop. 2006; 99(1):30-3.
  35. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Lawrence TS. Carer burden in dementia. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(1): 44.
  36. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Lawrence TS. Incorporating spiritual and religious beliefs in taking care of the elderly with psychiatric problems, some personal experiences. Indian J Geriatr Ment Health. 2006; 2(1):51-4
  37. Liyanage CAH, Sabaratnam VY, Deen KI. A Structured training programme in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(2):74-5.
  38. Lukumar P, Pathmeswaran A. Factors associated with home deliveries in Thampalakamam, Trincomalee. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(2):59-62.
  39. Mahendra BAGG. Is Endoscopic examination alone adequate in determining the extent of disease in ulcerative colitis? Sri Lanka J Surg. 2006; 24(2):18-21.
  40. Matheson MC, Abeysena C, Raven JM, Skoric B, Johns DP, Abramson MJ, Walters EH. How have we been managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Australia? Intern Med J. 2006; 36(2):92-99.
  41. Mettananda DSG, Wickramasinghe VP, Arachchi JK, Lamabadusuriya SP, Aanthan R, Kottahachchi D. Suitability of selection criteria as a measure of medical graduates: University of Colombo. Ceylon J Med Sci. 2006; 49(1):1-12.
  42. Padmasiri EA, Montresor A, Biswas G, de Silva NR. Controlling lymphatic filariasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis together in South Asia: opportunities and challenges. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 100(9):807-10.
  43. Pathmeswaran A, Kasturiratne A, Fonseka M, Nandasena S, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. Identifying the biting species in snakebite by clinical features: an epidemiological tool for community surveys. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 100(9):874-8.
  44. Peiris-John RJ, Wanigasuriya JKP, Wickremasinghe AR, Dissanayake WP, Hittarage A. Exposure to acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides and chronic renal failure. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(1):42-3.
  45. Perera MTPR, Athem AYAR, Deen KI. Shunt surgery and long term follow-up in extra-hepatic portal venous obstruction. Sri Lanka J Surg. 2006; 24(1):2-6.
  46. Poon L, Wong BW, Ma EH, Chan KH, Chow LM, Abeyewickreme W, Tangpukdee N, Yuen KY, Guan Y, Looareesuwan S, Peiris JS. Sensitive and inexpensive molecular test for falciparum malaria: detecting Plasmodium falciparum DNA directly from heat-treated blood by loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Clin Chem. 2006; 52(2):303-6.
  47. Premaratna R, Chandrasena TGAN, Dassanayake AS, Loftis AD, Dasch GA, de Silva HJ. Acute hearing loss due to scrub typhus: a forgotten complication of a reemerging disease. Clin Infect Dis. 2006; 42(1):e6-8.
  48. Ranasinghe CD. Management of Community Acquired Pneumonia. Sri Lanka Prescriber. 2006; 14(3):2-4.
  49. Ranawaka UK. Diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. Sri Lanka Prescriber. 2006; 14(2):1-2.
  50. Ranawaka UK. Hereditary spastic paraplegias. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(1):1-3.
  51. Ranawaka UK. Stroke management in the new millennium. J Ceylon Coll Physicians. 2006; 39(1&2):32-6.
  52. Ranawaka UK. What is epilepsy? Sri Lanka Prescriber. 2006; 14(1):1-2.
  53. Ratnayake SAGR, Hewavisenthi SJDeS. Choriocarcinoma presenting as a renal tumour. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(3):127.
  54. Salgado SS, Angunawela P, de Tissera A, Sirisena J. Ultrastructure of endothelial cells of fetal capillaries of placentae of women with pregnancy induced hypertention. Ceylon J Med Sci. 2006; 49(1):13-20.
  55. Samarakkody DMP, Jayawardana P, Abeysena C. Cause of death of Sri Lankan migrant workers employed in the Middle East. BMJ (Int Ed). 2006; 333(7573):861.
  56. Samarakkody DMP, Jayawardana P, Abeysena C. Reported cause of death of Sri Lankan migrant workers employed in the Middle Eastern countries. Sri Lanka J Med. 2006; 15(2):40-9.
  57. Sarin SK, Sollano JD, Chawla YK, Amarapurkar D, Hamid S, Hashizume M, Jafri W, Kumar A, Kudo M, Lesmana LA, Sharma BC, Shiha G, de Silva HJ; Members of the APASL Working Party on Portal Hypertension. Consensus on extra-hepatic portal vein obstruction. Liver Int. 2006; 26(5):512-19.
  58. Satarasinghe, RL Fernando HRR, Jayamaha DH, Samarasinghe I, de Silva AP. Collagenous colitis in adult Sri Lankans: experience from the Indian subcontinent. Gut. 2006; 55:436.
  59. Senaratne WV, Pinidiyapathirage MJ, Perera GAMHE, Wickremasinghe AR. Anti-tuberculosis drug inducd hepatitis: a Sri Lankan experience. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(1):9-14.
  60. Senevirathne MP, Rathnasena BGN, Jayathileke MM, Pathmeswaran A. Carbimazole induced agranulocytosis treated with GCS Fand surgery. Sri Lanka J Surg. 2006; 24(1):11-12.
  61. Seneviratne SL, Malavige GN, de Silva HJ. Pathogenesis of liver involvement during dengue viral infections. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 100(7):608-14.
  62. Siriwardana PN, Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Deen KI. Histopathology reporting in colorectal cancer. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51(4):156-57.
  63. Thoradeniya T, Wickremasinghe R, Ramanayake R, Atukorala S. Low folic acid status and its association with anaemia in urban adolescent girls and women of childbearing age in Sri Lanka. Br J Nutr. 2006; 95(3):511-16.
  64. Uluwaduge DI, Thabrew MI, Jansz ER. The Effect of flabelliferins of palmyrah (Borassas flabellifer) fruit pulp on intestinal glucose uptake in mice. J Natl Sci Found. 2006; 34(1):37-41.
  65. Wakista SS. A Case of juvenile idiopathic scoliosis treated with physical therapy. Sri Lanka J Child Health. 2006; 35(3):99-100.
  66. Weerasinghe A. Management of urticaria. Sri Lanka Prescriber. 2006; 14(4):7-8.
  67. Wijesinghe PS. Vesico vaginal fistulae; then and now. Sri Lanka J Obstet Gynecol. 2006; 28:7-9.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2005)

  1. Abeysena C, de Silva HJ. HIV in South Asia. Medicine 2005; 33(6): 42-43.
  2. Abeysuria V, de Silva P, Pathirana A. Effectiveness of teaching clinical skills in improving simple wound suturing among medical undergraduates. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2005; 14(2):38-42.
  3. Abeysuria V, de Silva AP, Pathirana AA. Shunt surgery in acute variceal bleeding.Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2005; 23(2): 20-21.
  4. Chandrasena LG, Peiris H, Sivayogan S. Laboratory statistics in Clinical Decision marking Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2005; 14(2): 27-31.
  5. Chandrasena TGAN, Hapuarachchi HAC, Dayanath MYD, de Silva NR. Intestinal Parasitoses and the nutritional status of internally displaced children in Vavuniya. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50 (supplement 1): 40
  6. De Silva HA, Gunatilake SB, Johnston C, Warden D, Smith AD. Medial temporal lobe atrophy, apolipoprotein genotype, and plasma homocysteine in Sri Lankan patients with Alzheimer's disease.Experimental Aging Research 2005:345-354.
  7. De Silva HA. Alzheimer's disease--time to act is now. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(1): 1-4.
  8. De Silva HA, Gunatilake SB. Mirror writing in a patient with Alzheimer disease. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(3): 126-128.
  9. De Silva HA, Pathmeswaran A, Gunatilake SB. Efficacy of rivastigmine on activities of daily living in Sri Lankan patients with Alzheimer disease and on improving caregiver burden: a prospective study. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(3): 106-109.
  10. De Silva HJ. Hepatitis B and C infection in Sri lanka. Anuradhapura Medical Journal 2005; 4: 42-44.
  11. De Silva HJ, Herath CA, Sheriff MH. Lamivudine therapy for hepatitis B infection in post-renal transplant patients: results after 36 months follow-up. Liver International 2005; 25(5): 1074-1075.
  12. De Silva HJ, Motha MBC, Wijesinghe PS. Liver dysfunction in pregnancy. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynacology 2005; 27: 11-15.
  13. De Silva KSH, Mettananda DSG, Athauda T. Sociodemographic and health aspects of mothers in a paediatric ward. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2005; 34(4): 114-119.
  14. De Silva M, Selliah S, Thabrew I. Descriptive study of chronic calcific pancreatitis in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(1): 5-10.
  15. De Silva N. Making the best of what we have: a plea for wider use of anthelmintics. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2005; 122(1): 1-3.
  16. De Silva N. Qualitative research: how to do it. Medicine Today 2005; 3(1): 18-22.
  17. De Silva N. Medical students experiences of learning communication skills during a family medicine clerkship in Sri Lanka. Medicine Today 2005; 3(2): 67-70.
  18. De Silva N. Qualitative research: how to do it. Sri Lankan Family Physician 2005; 26(1): 38-42.
  19. Gunawardena NK, Fujimaki Y, Aoki Y, Mishima N, Ezaki T, Uni S, Kimura E. Differential effects of diethylcarbamazine, tetracycline and the combination on Brugia pahangi adult females in vitro. Parasitology International 2005; 54(4): 253-259.
  20. Haniffa R. Work related musculoskeletal disorders fact myth among female garment factory workers in Sri Lanka:a descriptive study. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2005; 14(1): 5-13.
  21. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Palihawadana TS, Fernando WS, Wijesinghe PS. Positive peritoneal fluid cytology in ovarian malignancies with metastasis:a descriptive study. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynacology 2005; 27: 28-31.
  22. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Deen KI. Synchronous colorectal adenocarcinoma arising in a patient with serrated adenomatous polyposis. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(2): 91-92.
  23. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Dassanayake AS, de Silva HJ. Clinical, biochemical and histological characteristics of a Sri Lankan population of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients.Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(3): 113-116.
  24. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Fernando P. Use and interpretation of phrases in histopathology reports. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(1): 37-38.
  25. Hewavisenthi SJDeS. Getting the best results from the histopathology report-the responsibilities of the clinical team.Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2005; 23(1): 2-5.
  26. Iddamaldeniya S, Wickramasinghe SMDN, Thabrew MI, Ratnatunga N, Tammitiyagodage MG. An Investigation of the toxic effects of a herbal formulation with anti-carcinogenic properties.Ceylon Journal of Medical Sciences 2005; 48(1): 13-23.
  27. Jayawardana PL. Ill-health retirement at a health agency between 1991 and 1994. Occupational Medicine (Lond) 2005; 55(5): 349-351.
  28. Karunasekera KAW, Perera KPJ, Perera MTPR, Abeynarayana J. Genetic and environmental risk for asthma in children aged 5-11 years. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2005; 34(3): 79-83.
  29. Kasturiratne A, Pathmeswaran A, Fonseka MM, Lalloo DG, Brooker S, de Silva HJ. Estimates of disease burden due to land-snake bite in Sri Lankan hospitals. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2005; 36(3): 733-740.
  30. Kasturiratne A, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva A. Morbidity pattern and household cost of hospitalisation for non-communicable diseases (NCDs): a cross-sectional study at tertiary care level. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(3): 109-113.
  31. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijeratne LT. Domestic violence and female mental health in developing countries. British Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 187: 587-588.
  32. Mayooran V, Deen KI, Wijesinghe PS, Pathmeswaran A. Endosonographic characteristics of the anal sphincter complex in primigravid Sri Lankan women. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetetrics 2005; 90(3): 245-250.
  33. Mendis K, Solangaarachchi I. PubMed perspective of family medicine research: where does it stand? Family Practice 2005; 22(5): 570-575.
  34. Mendis K, Solangaarachchi I, Weerabaddana C. Three decades of Ceylon Medical Journal--analysis using MEDLINE (PubMed). Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(1): 14-17.
  35. Padumadasa S, Goonewardene M. The Outcome of preterm labour and preterm prelabour rupture of membranes after oral salbutamol or nifedipine SR. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynacology 2005; 27: 32-36.
  36. Pathirana SL, Alles HK, Bandara S, Phone-Kyaw M, Perera MK, Wickremasinghe AR, Mendis KN, Handunnetti SM. ABO-blood-group types and protection against severe, Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 2005; 99(2): 119-124.
  37. Pathmeswaran A, Jayatissa R, Samarasinghe S, Fernando A, de Silva RP, Thattil RO, de Silva NR. Health status of primary school children in Sri Lanka.Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(2): 46-50.
  38. Peiris-John RJ, Ruberu DK, Wickremasinghe AR, van-der-Hoek W. Low-level exposure to organophosphate pesticides leads to restrictive lung dysfunction. Respiratory Medicine 2005; 99 (10): 1319-1324.
  39. Perera MTPR, Athem AYAR, Deen KI. Shunt surgery in acute variceal bleeding. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2005; 23(2): 16-19.
  40. Premaratne R, Amarasinghe A, Wickremasinghe AR. Hospitalisation trends due to selected non-communicable diseases in Sri Lanka, 2005-2010.Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(2): 51-54.
  41. Premasiri DA, Wickremasinghe AR, Premasiri DS, Karunaweera N. Malarial vectors in an irrigated rice cultivation area in southern Sri Lanka. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2005; 99(2): 106-114.
  42. Premawardhena A, de Silva S, Arambepola M, Olivieri NF, Vichinsky EP, Merson L, Muraco G, Allen A, Fisher C, Peto T, Weatherall DJ. Hemoglobin E-{beta} Thalassemia: Progress Report from the International Study Group. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2005; 1054: 33-39.
  43. Premawardhena A, Fisher CA, Olivieri NF, de Silva S, Sloane-Stanley J, Wood WG, Weatherall DJ. A Novel molecular basis for beta thalassemia intermedia poses new questions about its pathophysiology. Blood 2005; 106(9): 3251-3255.
  44. Premawardhena A, Fisher CA, Olivieri NF, de Silva S, Arambepola M, Perera W, O'Donnell A, Peto TE, Viprakasit V, Merson L, Muraca G, Weatherall DJ. Haemoglobin E beta thalassaemia in Sri Lanka.Lancet 2005 ; 366 (9495):1467-1470.
  45. Ranawaka UK. Living with stroke: advice to patients and carers. Sri Lanka Prescriber 2005; 13(3&4): 7-8.
  46. Ranawaka UK. Prevention and treatment of stroke. Sri Lanka Prescriber 2005; 13(1&2): 6-7.
  47. Siriwardana PN, Fernando R. A case of primary squamous carcinoma of breast. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(4): 172-173.
  48. Smyth PP, Wijeyaratne CN, Kaluarachi WN, Smith DF, Premawardhana LD, Parkes AB, Jayasinghe A, de Silva DGH, Lazarus JH. Sequential studies on thyroid antibodies during pregnancy. Thyroid 2005; 15(5): 474-477.
  49. Subhashini PAM, Chandraguptha SMD, Herath, HMRP, Ellepola HK, Wijesundara A, Warnakulasuriya A. "Painful" epidural: a rare complication after epidural catheter placement. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology 2005; XIII(2): 156-158.
  50. Thabrew MI, Mitry RR, Morsy MA, Hughes RD. Cytotoxic effects of a decoction of Nigella sativa, Hemidesmus indicus and Smilax glabra on human hepatoma HepG2 cells. Life Sciences 2005; 77(12): 1319-1330.
  51. Uluwaduge DI, Thabrew MI, Jansz ER. Preliminary report on the absence of toxicity of fruit pulp of palmrah (Borassus flabellifer) in ICR mice. Journal of National Science Foundation 2005; 33 (1): 37-41.
  52. Uluwaduge DI, Punyakeerthi AA, Senadheera SN, Jansz ER. Studies on the natural hydrophobic binders of flabelliferns and their effects on some bioactivities. Journal of National Science Foundation 2005; 33(3): 37-41.
  53. Weerasinghe CR, de Silva NR, Michae E. Maternal filarial-infection status and its consequences on pregnancy and the newborn in Ragama, Sri Lanka. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 2005; 99(8): 813-816.
  54. Wickremasinghe AR, Wickremasinghe R, Fernando SD, Galapaththy G, Mahawithangae, STC. The Social and economic burden of malaria in Sri Lanka.Federation of Asian Parasitologist 2005; 6: 191-204.
  55. Fernando SD, Wickremasinghe R, Wickremasinghe AR, Mahawithangae, STC. Impact of childhood malaria in Sri Lanka. Federation of Asian Parasitologist 2005; 6: 204-217.
  56. Wijesinghe PS. Vesico-vaginal fistulae: down but not out. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynacology 2005; 27: 1-2.
  57. Wijesuriya SRE, Deen KI, Hewavisenthi J, Balawardana J, Perera M. Neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer down-stages the tumor but reduces lymph node harvest significantly. Surgery Today 2005; 35(6): 442-445.
  58. Wijeyaratne CN, Jayasinghe A, de Silva DGH, Parkes AB, Lazarus JH, Premawardhana LDKE. Iodine prophylaxis, goitre and thyroid autoimmunity in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(1): 20-23.


    Books & Chapters in Books

    1. de Silva, J.Poisoning In :Kumar P & Clark M (eds) Clinical Medicine. 6th ed. Edinburgh : Elsevier, 2005. Online Appendix
    2. de Silva NR. Helminth infections and filariasis. In: Kumar P & Clark M (eds) Clinical Medicine. 6th ed. Edinburgh: Elsevier Saunders, 2005. Online appendix.
    3. de Silva NR. Soil-transmitted helminth infections in Sri Lanka. In: Arizono N, Chai J-Y, Nawa Y, Takahashi Y (eds) Food-borne helminthiasis in Asia. Asian Parasitology series monograph vol 1. Chiba, Federation of Asian Parasitologists, 2005; pp 289 -294.
    4. Goonaratne CG, De Silva HJ. How to write a paper in the Medical Sciences. In : Deen, KI, Kumar RR (Eds). Successful Surgical Research: How to Plan, Perform and publish. New Delhi : Churchill BI Publications. 2005 ; pp 76-85.
    5. Jayawardena PL, Abeysena C, Pathmeswarn, A. Handbook on research methodology for medical undergraduates. Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, 2005
    6. Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Psychiatry in Sri Lanka In : Psychiatry in Asia Mumbai : Vikas Medical Publishers. 2005; pp

Publications in peer reviewed journals(2008)

  1. Abeysena, C. Strenthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology (STROBE) statement: New guidelines for reporting observational studies. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2008; 13(2):26-28
  2. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P, Senevirathne R De A. Effect of energy expenditure on pregnancy outcome: a cohort study. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2008; 13(2): 1-8
  3. Abeysuriya V, Deen KI, Kumarage SK, Navarathne NM. Assessment of 'nucleation time' as a predictor of cholelithiasis. European Journal of Gastroenterol Hepatology 2008; 20(10):1020-3.
  4. Abeysuriya, V, Deen, KI, Wijesuriya, T, Salgado, SS. Microbiology of gallbladder bile in uncomplicated symptomatic cholelithiasis. Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International. 2008; 7(6):633-7.
  5. Abeysuriya, V, Salgado, S, Deen, KI, Kumarage, SK. Hepaticocystic duct and a rare extra-hepatic "cruciate" arterial anastomosis: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2008; 6;2(1): 37
  6. Chandrasena LG, De Silva LD, De Silva KI, Dissanayaka P, Peiris H. Changes in erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and reduced glutathione (GSH) activities in the development of senile and diabetic cataracts.Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2008; 39(4):731-6.
  7. Dassanayake, RS. Gunawardene, YINS, de Silva, BGDNK. ITS-2 secondary structures and phylogeny of Anopheles culicifacies species. Bioinformation 2008; 2(10):456-60.
  8. De Silva AP, Aryasingha S, Dassanayake AS, Hevavisenthi J, Ratnasena BGN, de Silva HJ. Mènétrier's disease treated with gastrectomy.Ceylon Medical Journal 2008 ;53(1): 22-3.
  9. De Silva, AP, Kasturiratne, A, Liyanage, DL, Karunanayaka, TK, Hewavisenthi, SJdeS, Dassanayake, AS, Farrell, GC, de Silva, HJ. Is past exposure to hepatitis A protective against progressive fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease? Liver International 2008; 28(1): 147-9
  10. De Silva DC, Jayawardana P, Hapangama A, Suraweera EG, Ranjani D, Fernando S, Karunasena C, Jinadasa S. Attitudes toward prenatal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy for genetic disorders among healthcare workers in a selected setting in Sri Lanka. Prenatal diagnosis. 2008; 28(8): 715-21.
  11. De Silva HA, Pathmeswaran A, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ, Aronson JK. Multiple-dose activated charcoal in yellow oleander poisoning.Lancet 2008; 371(9631):2171-2;
  12. De Silva HJ, de Silva NR, de Silva AP, Jewell DP. Emergence of inflammatory bowel disease 'beyond the West': do prosperity and improved hygiene have a role? Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2008; 102(9): 857-860
  13. De Silva NR, Perera KKYW, Gunatunge RS, Tantirigoda DA. How many Doctors should Sri Lanka have? Ceylon Medical Journal 2008; 53(3): 93-98
  14. De Silva P, Jayawardana, P, Pathmeswaran, A. Concurrent validity of the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT). Alcohol and Alcoholism (oxford) 2008; 43(1): 49-50.
  15. Devanarayana NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Aetiology of recurrent abdominal pain in a cohort of Sri Lankan children. Journal of Paediatric and Child Health. 2008; 44(4):195-200.
  16. Devanarayana NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Gastric myoelectrical and motor abnormalities in children and adolescents with functional recurrent abdominal pain. Journal of Gastroenterol Hepatology. 2008; 23(11): 1672-7.
  17. Devanarayana, NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Recurrent Abdominal Pain Syndrome in a Cohort of Sri Lankan children and adolescents. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2008; 54(3): 178-83.
  18. Ferdinandis TGHC, de Silva HJ. Illicit alcohol consumption and Neuropathy - a Preliminary Study in Sri Lanka. Alcohol and Alcoholism (oxford) 2008; 43(2):171-173.
  19. Grayer, RJ, Thabrew, MI, Hughes, RD, Bretherton, S, Lever, A, Veitch, NC, Kite, GC, Lelli, R. Phenolic and terpenoid constituents from the Sri Lanka Medical plant Osbeckia aspera. Pharmaceutical Biology 2008; 46(3): 154-61
  20. Gunawardena NK, Amarasekera NDDM, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva NR. Effect of repeated mass chemotherapy for filariasis control on soil-transmitted helminth infections in Sri Lanka.Ceylon Medical Journal 2008; 53(1): 13-6.
  21. Hapangama A, Kuruppuarachchi KA. Dextromethorphan abuse. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2008; 53(3): 109-10.
  22. Hapuarachchi HA, Bandara KB, Hapugoda MD, Williams S, Abeyewickreme W. Laboratory confirmation of dengue and chikungunya co-infection. Ceylon Medical Journal; 53(3):104-5.
  23. Hapuarachchi HAC, Gunawardena NK, Senevirathne MP, Abeyewickreme W, de Silva NR. A case of imported malaria: the first report of Plasmodium malariae infection in Sri Lanka after 37 years. Ceylon Medical Journal 2008;53(2):53-54
  24. Hearth HMRP, Palihawadane TS Molligoda HD, de Zylva S, Wijesinghe PS. A Poorly functioning ectopic kidney associated with an ectopic ureter; diagnosis and treatment. Sri Lanka J Obstet Gynaecol. 2008; 30:63-5.
  25. Hettiarachchi M, Liyanage C, Wickremasinghe R, Hilmers DC, Abrams SA. The efficacy of micronutrient supplementation in reducing the prevalence of anaemia and deficiencies of zinc and iron among adolescents in Sri Lanka. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008;62(7): 856-65.
  26. Jayawardana P. Sponsorship, public private partnership and Medical professionals. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2008; 13(2): 39-43
  27. Jayawardana P. Mortality: a glimpse in to selected situations. J Coll Community Physicians Sri Lanka. 2008; 13(1):1-11,
  28. Jayawardana P, Tennakoon, S, Bandara, V. Respiratory Symptoms and ventilatory function among granite workers in quarries installed with mechanical crushers in and around Kandy municipality limits. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2008; 13(2): 9-16
  29. Kasturiratne A, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva N, Gunawardena NK, Pathmeswaran A, Premaratna R, Savioli L, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. The global burden of snakebite : a literature analysis and modelling based on regional estimates of envenoming and deaths. PLoS Medicine. 2008 Nov 4; 5(11):e218.
  30. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Hapangama A. A Patient choice in psychiatry in low and middle income countries. British Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 192(3): 233-234.
  31. Kusumawathie PHD, Wickremasinghe AR, Karunaweera ND, Wijeyaratne MJS. Larvivorous Potential of the Guppy, Poecilia reticulata, in Anopheline Mosquito Control in Riverbed Pools Below the Kotmale Dam, Sri Lanka Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 2008; 20(1): 56-63.
  32. Kusumawathie PH, Wickremasinghe AR, Karunaweera ND, Wijeyaratne MJ. Costs and effectiveness of application of Poecilia reticulata (guppy) and temephos in anopheline mosquito control in river basins below the major dams of Sri Lanka. Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; 102(7):705-11.
  33. Liyanage CAH, Abeygunawardhana S, Kumarage S, Deen KI. Duodenum-preserving local excision of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases international. 2008; 7(2): 214-6.
  34. Liyanage CAH, Sadakari Y, Lenaga J, Tanabe R, Takahata S, Tanaka M. Endoscopic management of a difficult common bile duct stone. Ceylon Med J. 2008; 53(3):105-6.
  35. Liyanage CAH, Takahata S Intramural incision technique: do we know enough to continue? Gastrointest Endosc. 2008;67(4):774-5; author reply 775-6.
  36. Mahendra G, Kliskey K, Williams K, Hollowood K, Jackson D, Athanasou NA. Intratumoural lymphatics in benign and malignant soft tissue tumours. Virchows Arch. 2008; 453(5):457-64.
  37. Manamperi A. Current developments in genomics and personalized health care: impact on public health. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2008; 20(3): 242-50.
  38. Manamperi A, Sanath M, Fernando D, Wickremasinghe R, Anura B, Hapuarachchi C, Abeyewickreme W, Wickremasinghe AR. Genotyping of Plasmodium vivax infections in Sri Lanka using Pvmsp-3 alpha and Pvcs genes as markers: A preliminary report. Tropical Biomedicine. 2008; 25(2): 100-6.
  39. Matthews PC, Dean BJ, Medagoda K, Gundle R, Atkins BL, Berendt AR, Byren I. Native hip joint septic arthritis in 20 adults: delayed presentation beyond three weeks predicts need for excision arthroplasty. J Infect. 2008; 57(3):185-90.
  40. Mettananda DS, Fernando AD. A child with Morquio syndrome and mixed mitral valve disease. Ceylon Medical Journal 2008; 53(1): 24-5.
  41. Mettananda KCD, de Silva AP, de Silva HJ. Acute systemic paraquat intoxication: survival without long-term complications. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2008; 53(4): 136-7.
  42. Munasinghe BN, Rathnayaka MMG, Parimalendran R, Kumarage SK, de Zylva S, Ariyaratne MHJ, Deen KI. Biofeedback with and without surgery for fecal incontinence improves maximum squeeze pressure, saline retention capacity and quality of life. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2008; 27(1): 5-7.
  43. Naga M, Chakravorty A, Liyanage C, Grabham JA. A Rare presentation of submucous colonic lipoma. Surgeon. 2008; 6(3):191.
  44. Olivieri NF, Muraca GM, O'Donnell A, Premawardhena A, Fisher C, Weatherall DJ. Studies in haemoglobin E beta-thalassaemia. British Journal of Haematology. 2008; 141(3): 388-397
  45. Paranitharan P, Parai JL, Pollanen MS. Pseudo-gunshot wound injury from perforating rib fracture: a cautionary case report. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology. 2008; 4,(2): 113-115
  46. Peiris-John RJ, Wickremasinghe AR. Efficacy of activated charcoal in yellow oleander poisoning.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2008; 53(2): 33-35.
  47. Peiris-John, RJ, Wickremasinghe, R. Impact of low-level exposure to organophosphates on human reproduction and survival. Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2008; 102(3): 239-245
  48. Perera, MTPR, Deen, KI, Wijesuriya, SRE, Kumarage, SK, De Zylva, ST, Ariyaratne, MHJ. Sexual and urinary dysfunction following rectal dissection compared with segmental colectomy. Colorectal Disease 2008; 10(7): 689-693.
  49. Perera T, Wijesuriya SRE, Suraweera PHR, Wijewardene K, Kumarage SK, Ariyaratne MHJ, Deen KI. The prevalence of colorectal cancer and survival in patients from the Gampaha District, North Colombo region. Ceylon Medical Journal 2008; 53(1): 17-21.
  50. Pinidiyapathirage J, Senaratne W, Wickremasinghe R Prevalence and predictors of default with tuberculosis treatment in Sri Lanka. Southeast Asian Journal Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2008 ; 39(6):1076-82.
  51. Premaratna R, Loftis AD, Chandrasena TGAN, Dasch GA, de Silva HJ. Rickettsial infections and their clinical presentations in the Western Province of Sri Lanka: a hospital-based study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2008; 12(2): 198-202.
  52. Premaratna R, Rathnasena BG, de Silva HJ.Accidental scrotal burns from paraquat while handling a patient. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2008 Sep; 53(3):102-3.
  53. Premawardhena A, Arambepola M, Katugaha N, Weatherall DJ. Is the beta thalassaemia trait of clinical importance? British Journal of Haematology 2008; 141(3): 407-10.
  54. Rajindrajith S, Dassanayake, AS, Hewavisethi, J. de Silva, HJ. Advancd hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis due to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Sri lankan children: a preliminary report. Hepatology International 2008; 2(2): 209-212
  55. Rathnayake MM, Kumarage SK, Wijesuriya SRE, Munasinghe BN, Ariyaratne MHJ, Deen KI. Complications of loop ileostomy and ileostomy closure and their implications for extended enterostomal therapy: A prospective clinical audit. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008; 45(8): 1118-21.
  56. Rowel D, Jayawardena P, Fernando N.Validation of the Sinhala translation of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.Ceylon Medical Journal 2008;53(1):10-3.
  57. Salgado SS, Abeysuriya V, Pathirana A. Anatomy of the pancreatic vasculature: Respect of the duodenum preserving resection of head of pancreas. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2008; 26(1): 7-10
  58. Salgado SS, Pathmeswaran A. Effects of placental infarctions on the fetal outcome in pregnancies complicated by hypertension. Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan 2008; 18(4): 213-6.
  59. Samarawickrema N, Pathmeswaran A, Wickremasinghe R, Peiris-John R, Karunaratna M, Buckley N, Dawson A, de Silva J. Fetal effects of environmental exposure of pregnant women to organophosphorus compounds in a rural farming community in Sri Lanka. Clinical Toxicology (Phila). 2008; 46(6): 489-95.
  60. Wanigasuriya KP, Peiris H, Ileperuma N Roshini J, Peiris-John RJ, Wickremasinghe, R. Could ochratoxin A in food commodities be the cause of chronic kidney disease in Sri Lanka? Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2008; 102(7): 726-728
  61. Wickremasinghe R, Galappaththy GN, Fernando WA, de Monbrison F, Wijesinghe RS, Mendis KN, Picot S, Ringwald P, Wickremasinghe AR. An Indigenous Case of Plasmodium ovale Infection in Sri Lanka. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2008; 78(2): 206-207.
  62. Wijesinghe RS, Wickremasinghe AR, Ekanayake S, Perera MSA. Treatment-Seeking Behavior and Treatment Practices of Lymphatic Filariasis Patients with Lymphoedema in the Colombo District, Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 2008; 20(2): 129-138.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2004)

  1. Bhutta ZA, Gupta I, de Silva DGH, Manandhar D, Awasthi S, Hossain SM, Salam MA. Maternal and child health: is South Asia ready for change?. British Medical Journal. 2004; 328(7443): 816-819
  2. Chandrasena TGAN, Premaratne R, de Alwis AC, de Silva LDR, Morel RP, de Silva NR. Intestinal parasitoses and the nutritional status of Veddah children in Sri Lanka. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2004; 35(2): 255-59
  3. Chandrasena TGAN, Premaratne R, de Silva NR. Lymphoedema management knowledge and practices among patients attending filariasis morbidity control clinics in Gampaha district, Sri Lanka. Filaria Journal. 2004; 3(1): 6
  4. De Silva D. Genetic testing for single gene disorders. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(1): 18-20
  5. De Silva HA, Hewavisenthi J, Pathmeswaran A, Dassanayake AS, Navaratne NMM, Peiris R, de Silva HJ. Comparison of one week and two weeks of triple therapy for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in a Sri Lankan population: a randomised, controlled study. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(4): 118-22
  6. De Silva HJ. A middle aged man. Lancet. 2004; 364(9428): 111
  7. De Silva HJ. Making a physician. Journal of Ceylon College of Physicians. 2004; 37[1&2]: 2-5
  8. De Silva LDR, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva NR. Nutritional status and productivity of Sri Lankan tea pluckers. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(3): 102-03
  9. De Silva NR, Abhayaratne J, Fernando D. Soil transmitted helminth infections and Sri Lankan children. Bulletin of Sri Lankan College of Microbiologists. 2004; 2(1): 51-58
  10. De Silva NR, Pathmeswaran A, De Silva HJ. Selection of students for admission to a medical school in Sri Lanka.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004;49(3):81-85
  11. Fernando AD. Do schools promote violence in Sri lanka?. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(2): 70
  12. Fernando SD, Karunaweera ND, Fernando WP, Attanayake N, Wickremasinghe AR. A Cost analysis of the use of the rapid, whole-blood, immunochromatographic P.f/P.v assay for the diagnosis of Plasmodium vivax malaria in a rural area of Sri Lanka. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 2004 ; 98(1): 5-13.
  13. Gunasekera PC, Wijesinghe PS. New contraceptive options. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2004; 26: 15-22
  14. Gunatilake SB, Settinayake Sunil. Leprosy. Practical Neurology. 2004; 4: 194-203
  15. Haniffa R. Management of health care waste in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(3): 93-5
  16. Hapuarachchi HAC, Dayanath MYD, Abeysundara S, Bandara KBAT, Abeyewickreme W, de Silva NR. Chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria among security forces personnel in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(2): 47-51
  17. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Suranimala HDC, Alwis WHE, Senevirathne KADC. Histological evaluation and H. pylori status of dyspeptic patients without gastrooesophageal reflux. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2004; 22(2): 12-17
  18. Ihalagama IRIIP, Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Wijesinghe PS. Pregnancy following treated malignant struma ovarii.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(3): 90-91
  19. Jayawardana PL. Non-specific occupational health conditions among brass workers at Gadaladeniya, Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(4):122-27
  20. Khera G, Kumarage S, Strekozov B. Adult intussusception in a cystic fibrosis patient--mimicking acute appendicitis. ANZ J Surg. 2004; 74(9): 807-8.
  21. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijeratne LT. ADHD in developing countries. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2004; 185(11): 439
  22. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijeratne LT. Depression intervention in resource-poor regions. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2004; 185: 438-439
  23. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijeratne LT. Post-traumatic stress in former Ugandan child soldiers. Lancet. 2004; 363(9421): 1648
  24. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijeratne LT. The Continuing story of dhat syndrome. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2004; 185: 260
  25. Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Detection and management of alcohol misuse by general practioners. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(2): 71
  26. Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Surely you take complementary an alternative medicines?. Psychiatric Bulletin. 2004; 28: 228
  27. Liyanage CAH, Rajarathnam K, Zanoon RS. Locating an insulinoma by surgical expolaration. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49(3): 88-89
  28. Nestel P, Nalubola R, Sivakaneshan R, Wickremasinghe AR, Atukorala S. The Use of Iron-fortified Wheat Flour to Reduce Anemia Among the Estate Population in Sri Lanka. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. 2004; 74(1): 35-51
  29. Premawardhena AP, De Silva S, Arambepola M, Olivieri N, Merson L, Muraco J, Allen A, Fisher CA, Peto T, Vichinsky E, Weatherall DJ. Thalassemia in Sri Lanka: a progress report. Human Molecular Genetics. 2004; 13(Spec. 2): R203-206
  30. Rajendra S, Deen KI. Ileal lipoma causing ileo - caecal intussusception in an adult. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2004; 22(1]: 5-7
  31. Ranawaka UK. What is Stroke?. Sri Lanka Prescriber. 2004;12(3 &4)
  32. Rodrigo SNK Palihawadana TS. Peritonoal tuberculosis mimicking malignancy. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2004; 26: 42-44
  33. Salgado SS, Angunawela P, de Tissera A, Sirisena J. Villous syncytial knots in hypertensive placenta. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2004; 26: 33-37
  34. Samarage H, Padumadasa S. Screening for diabetes mellitus in pregnancy. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004 ; 49(1): 37
  35. Thabrew MI, Jansz ER. Nutritive inportance of palmyrah products. Research Development and Environmental Biology.2004; 1: 1-18
  36. Thabrew MI, Munasinghe C, Chakrewarthi S, Senarath S. The Effect of Cassia auriculata and Cardiospermum halicacabum teas on the steady state blood level and toxicity of carbamazepine. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2004; 90(1): 145-150
  37. Thabrew MI, Munasinghe TMJ, Senarath S, Yapa RMSC. Effects of Cassia auriculata and Cardospermum halicacabum teas on the steady state blood levels of theophylline in rats. Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions. 2004; 20(4): 263-72
  38. Wakista SS, Ranchagoda G. Intensive physiotherapeutic management of congenital muscular torticollis. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2004; 33(2):43-45
  39. Wakista SS, Seneviratne RW. Effectiveness of ultraphonoporesis in the managemment of chronic soft tissue injuries. Galle Medical Journal. 2004; 9(1): 34-35
  40. Wijesinghe PS. Teenage pregnancy: beyond obstetrics care. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2004; 26:1-2
  41. Williams SS, Peris MUPK. Trichotillomania.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004; 49 (1): 25
  42. Zaidi AKM, Awasthi S, de Silva HJ. Burden of infectious diseases in South Asia. British Medical Journal. 2004; 328(7443): 811-815

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2003)

  1. Armuzzi A, Ahamad T, Ling KL, de Silva A, Cullen S, van Heel D, Orchard TR, Welsh KI, Marshall SE, Jewell DP. Genotype-phenotype analysis of the Crohn's disease susceptibility haplotype on chromosome 5q31.Gut. 2003; 52(8): 1133-39
  2. Cowan FM, French RS, Mayaud P, Gopal R, Robinson NJ, de Oliveira SA, Faillace T, Uuskula A, Nygard-Kibur M, Ramalingam S, Sridharan G, El Aouad R, Alami K, Rabi M, Sunil-Chandra, NP. Seroepidemiological study of herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 in Brazil, Estonia, India, Morocco and Sri Lanka. Sexually Transm Infect. 2003; 79(4): 286-290
  3. De Silva BA, Wijesekera C, Fernandopulle RC, Fernando WS, Palihawadana TS. Dengue fever in pregnancy- a mamagement dilemma. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2003; XII(1): 47-50
  4. De Silva HA, Aronson JK, Ranasingha CD, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. Multi-dose activated charcoal for yellow oleander poisoning.Lancet. 2003; 362(9383): 581
  5. De Silva HA, Fonseka MMD, Pathmeswaran A, Alahakoon DGS, Ratnatilake GA, Gunatilake SB, Ranasingha CD, Lalloo DG, Aronson JK, de Silva HJ. Multiple-dose activated charcoal for treatment of yellow oleander poisoning : a single-blind randomized placebo controlled trial.Lancet. 2003; 361(9373): 1935-38
  6. De Silva HA, Gunatilake SB, Smith AD. The pevalence of dementia in a semi-urban population in Sri Lanka : report from a regional survey. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2003; 18(8): 711-715
  7. De Silva HA, Saparamadu PAM, Thabrew MI, Pathmeswaran A, Fonseka MMD, de Silva HJ. Liv. 52 in alcoholic liver disease: a prospective controlled trial. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2003; 84(1): 47-50
  8. De Silva, HA. Alzheimer's disease in Sri Lanka. Journal of Ceylon College of Physicians. 2003; 36[1&2]: 14-26
  9. De Silva NR, Brooker S, Hotez PJ, Montresor A, Engels D, Savioli L. Soil-transmitted helminth infections: updating the global picture. Trends in Parasitology. 2003; 19(12): 547-551
  10. De Silva NR, Pathmeswaran A, Fernando SD, Weerasinghe CR, Selvaratnam RR, Padmasiri EA, Montresor A. Impact of mass chemotherapy for the control of filariasis on geohelminth infections in Sri Lanka. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 2003; 97(4): 421-425
  11. De Silva NR. Impact of mass chemotherapy on the morbidity due to soil-transmitted nematodes.
  12. Deen KI. Faecal incontinence after vaginal delivery. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(1): 1-3
  13. Dharmasiri MG, Ratnasooriya WD, Thabrew MI. Diuretic activity of leaf and stem decoctions of Anisomeles indica. Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants. 2003; 4(1): 433-439
  14. Dharmasiri MG, Ratnasooriya WD, Thabrew MI. Water extracts of leaves and stems of pre-flowering but not flowering plants possess analgesic and antihyperalgesic activities in rat. Pharmaceutical Biology. 2003; 41(1): 37-44
  15. Edirisinghe A, Samarasekera A. Pseudo-convulsions in a child subjected to abuse. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(3): 91
  16. Fernando D, Wickremasinghe R, Mendis KN, Wickremasinghe AR. Cognitive performance at school entry of children living in malaria-endemic areas of Sri Lanka. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2003; 97(2): 161-5
  17. Fernando D, de Silva D, Wickremasinghe R. Short-term impact of an acute attack of malaria on the cognitive performance of school children living in a malaria-endemic area of Sri Lanka. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2003; 97(6): 633-9
  18. Fernando SD, Gunawardena DM, Bandara MR, De Silva, D Carter, R, Mendis KN, Wickremasinghe AR. The impact of repeated malaria attacks on the school performance of children.American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2003 ; 69(6): 582-8
  19. Fisher CA, Premawardhena AP, De Silva S, Perera G, Rajapaksa S, Olivieri NA, Old JM, Weatherall DJ. The Molecular basis for the thalassaemias in Sri Lanka. British Journal of Haematology. 2003; 121(4): 662-671
  20. Fonseka MMD, Medagoda K, Tillakaratna Y, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. Self-limiting cerebellar ataxia following organophosphate poisoning. Human and Experimental Toxicology. 2003; 22(2): 107-109
  21. Fonseka MMD, Medagoda D, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. Self limiting cerebellar ataxia following organophosphate poisoning. Human and Experimental Toxicology. 2003; 22(2): 107-109
  22. Gunasekera MB, Hapugoda MD, Gunasena S, Subasinghe SASC, Bandara KBAT, Khan KB, Abeyewickreme W. A Novel reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction based-liquid hybridisation(RT-PCR-LH) assay for early diagnosis of dengue infection. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(1): 17-22
  23. Gunasekera PC, Wijesinghe PS. Better reproductive health: a strategy for poverty reduction. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2003; 25: 16-21
  24. Gunawardene YINS, Bendena WG, Tobe SS, Chan SM. Comparative immunohistochemistry and cellular distribution of farnesoic acid o-methyltransferase in the shrimp and the crayfish. Peptides. 2003; 24(10): 1591-1597
  25. Gunawardena NK, Fujimaki Y, Aoki Y.Chemotactic response of Brugia pahangi infective larvae to jird serum in vitro. Parasitology Research. 2003;90(4): 337-42.
  26. Gurugama NP, Seneviratne SL, Peiris DTS, de Silva HJ. Detection and management of alcohol misuse by General Practitioners. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(4): 122-124
  27. Iddamaldeniya SS, Wichramasinghe SMDN, Thabrew MI, Ranatunge N, Tammitiyagodage MG. Protection against diethylnitrosamine induced hepatocarcinogenecity by an indigenous herbal remedy comprised of Nigella sativa, Hemidesmus indicus and Simlax glabra: a preliminary study. Journal of Carcinogenesis. 2003; 2(1): 6-11
  28. Jayawardana PL, de Alwis WR. Audiometry in brass workers. Journal of College of Community Physicians in Sri Lanka. 2003; 8: 10-17
  29. Karunasekera KAW, Fernando R, Jayasinghe JC, Rajendran S. Successful pneumatic dilatation of acalasia cardia in a preschool child. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2003; 32(4): 111-112
  30. Karunasekera, KAW, Perera KPJ, Perera MTPR, Abeynarayana J. Prevalence of asthma and atopic symptoms in children aged 5-11 years. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2003; 32(1): 11-14
  31. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams SS. Acute hospital care. Psychiatric Bulletin. 2003; 26(8): 315
  32. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams SS. Betel use and schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2003; 182: 455
  33. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams SS. Delusional parasitosis. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(3): 96-97
  34. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams SS. Psychiatry and media. Psychiatry Bulletin. 2003; 27(8): 316
  35. Kuruppuarachchi KALA. "Dhat" is it a "syndrome" or a "symptom"?. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine. 2003; 12(1): 19-21
  36. Kuruppuarachchi KALA. A Response to "remembering Robert Kendell".British Journal of Psychiatry. 2003;182(4):279-280
  37. Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Fecal incontinence after vaginal delivery. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(2): 64
  38. Kuruppuarachchi KALA. The Adolscent girl. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(1): 35
  39. Malalasekera AP, Ariyaratne MHJ, Fernando R, Perera D, Deen KI. Cost accounting in a surgical unit in a teaching hospital--a pilot study. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(3): 71-74
  40. Malalavidhane TS, Wickremasinghe SMDN, Perera MSA, Jansz ER. Oral hypoglygaemic activity of Ipomea aquatica in streptozotocin induced diabetic wistar rats and type II diabetics. Phytotherapy Research. 2003; 17(9): 1098-1100
  41. Mazziotti G, Premawardena LDKE, Parkes AB, Adams H, Smyth PPA, Smith DF, Kaluarachi WN, Wijeratne CN, Jayasinghe A, de Silva DGH, Lazarus JH. Evalution of thyroid autoimmunity during iodine prophylaxis: the Sri Lankan experience. European Journal of Endocrinology.2003; 149(2): 103-110
  42. Medagoda K, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. A Case of self-limiting Coomb's negative haemolytic anaemia following dengue shock syndrome. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(4): 147-48
  43. Okosime OE, Premawardena LDKE, Jayasinghe A, de Silva DGH, Smyth PPA, Parkes AB, Lejeune PJ, Ruf J, Lazarus JH. Thyroglobulin epitope recognition in post iodine supplemented Sri Lanka population. Clinical Endocrinology(Oxf). 2003; 59(2): 190-197
  44. Padumadasa S, Goonewardene M. Knowledge and awareness about gynaecological cancer Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2003; 25: 30-33
  45. Palihawadana P, Wickremasinghe AR, Perera J. Seroprevalence of rubella antibodies among pregnant females in Sri Lanka. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2003; 34(2): 398-404.
  46. Premawardhena AP, Fisher CA, Liu YT, Verma IC, De Silva S, Arambepola M, Clegg, JB, Weatherall, DJ. The Global distribution of length polymorphisms of the promoters of the gucuronosyltransferase I gene(UGTIAI): hematologic and evolutionary implications. Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases. 2003; 31(1): 98-101
  47. Ranasinghe KN, Tilakaratne Y, de Silva HJ. Non-secretory multiple myelomas. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(2): 63
  48. Selvaratnam RR, de Silva LD, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva NR. Nutritional status and productivity of Sri Lankan tea pluckers. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(4): 114-118
  49. Silva MA, Ratnayake G, Deen KI. The quality of life of stoma patients: temporary ileostomy versus colostomy. World Journal of Surgery. 2003; 27(4): 421-424
  50. Siriwardana PN, Satheshan B, Ariyaratne MHJ, Deen KI. The natural course of acquired undescended testis in boys. British Journal of Surgery.2003; 90[12]: 1609
  51. Sumathipala A, Siribaddana S, de Silva N. Qualitative research. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2003; 48(4): 136-39
  52. Sumathipala A, Sribaddana SH, Abeysingha NM, de Silva N, Fernando DJ, Dayaratne DA, de Silva D, Warnasuriya ND, Hotopf, M. Challenges in recruiting older twins for the Sri Lankan twin registry. Twin Research. 2003; 6(1): 67-71
  53. Thabrew MI, Dharmasiri MG, Senaratne L. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity in the polyherbal formulation maharasnadhi quathar. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2003; 85(2-3): 261-267
  54. Thabrew MI, Munasinghe TMJ, Chakrewarthi S, Senarath S. Possible interaction of herbal tea and carbamazepine. Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions. 2003; 19(3): 177-187
  55. Thabrew MI. An Investigation of the hypoglacaemic and toxic effects of palmyrah fruit pulp. Vidya. 2003; 5: 4
  56. Watanabe H, Weerasinghe A, Miyaji C, Sekikawa H, Toyabe S, Mannor MK, Morshed SR, Halder RC, Kobayashi J, Toma H, Sato Y, Iwai K, Matsuoka H, Abo T. Expansion of unconventional T cells with natural killer markers in malaria patients. Parasitology International. 2003; 52(1): 61-70.
  57. Weerasooriya MV, Itoh M, Mudalige MP, Qiu XG, Kimura E, Gunawardena NK, Fujimaki Y. Human infection with Wuchereria bancrofti in Matara, Sri Lanka: the use, in parallel, of an ELISA to detect filaria-specific IgG4 in urine and of ICT card tests to detect filarial antigen in whole blood
  58. Wijesinghe PS. The aging population in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2003; 25: 1-2

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2002)

  1. Ahamad T, Armuzzi A, Bunce M, Mulcahy-Hawes K, Marshall SE, Orchard TR, Crawshaw J, Large O, de Silva A, Cook JT, Barnardo M, Cullen S, Welsh KI, Jewell DP. The Molecular classification of the clinical manifestations of Crohn's Disease. Gastroenterology. 2002; 122(4): 854-66.
  2. Allen H, Crompton DWT, de Silva NR, LoVerde PT, Olds GR. New policies for using anthelmintics in high risk groups.Trends in Parasitology. 2002; 18(9): 381-382
  3. Altman D, Carroli G, Duley L, Farrell B, Moodley J, Neilson J, Smith D; Fernando S. Magpie Trial Collaboration Group. Do women with pre-eclampsia and their babies benifit from management sulphate? The Magpie Trial: a randomised placebo controlled trial. Lancet. 2002; 359: 1877-90
  4. Chandrasena TGAN, Premaratne R, Abeyewickreme W, de Silva NR. Evaluation of the ICT whole-blood antigen card test to detect infection due to Wuchereria bancrofti in Sri Lanka. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2002; 96(1): 60-63
  5. Dassanayake AS, Karunanayake P, Kasturiratne KTAA, Fonseka MMD, Wijesiriwardena B, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. Safety of subcutaneous adrenaline as prophylaxis against acute adverse reactions to anti-venom serum in snakebite. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(2): 48-49
  6. De Silva HA, Gunatilake SB. Mini Mental State Examination in Sinhalese: a sensitive test to screen for dementia in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2002; 17(2): 134-39
  7. De Silva HA, Gunatilake SB. Rivastigmine in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Sri Lanka Prescriber. 2002; 10(12): 5-6
  8. De Silva HJ, Fonseka MMD, Gunatilake SB, Sellahewa KH, Kularatne SAM. Anti-venom for snake bite in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(2): 43-45
  9. Deen KI. Patients who have etched a permanent mark in my memory. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(4): 131
  10. Dharmasiri MG, Ratnasooriya WD, Thabrew MI. Anti-inflammatory activity of decoction of leaves and stems of Anisomeles indica at pre-flowering and flowering stages. Pharmaceutical Biology. 2002; 40(6): 433-439
  11. Ferdinandis TGHC, Dissanayake AS, de Silva HJ. Effect of carbohydrates meals for varying consistency on gastric myoelectrical activity. Singapore Medical Journal. 2002; 43(11): 579-582
  12. Fernando MAB, Deen KI, Hewavisenthi J. Primary anal malignant melanoma.Case report and review of the literature. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2002; 20[2]: 37-41
  13. Fernando SD, Wickremasinghe AR. The clinical and epidemiological features of childhood malaria in a moderately endemic area of Sri Lanka. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2002; 33(4): 671-7.
  14. Fonseka MMD, Seneviratne SL, de Silva CE, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. Yellow oleander poisoning in Sri Lanka: outcome in a secondary care hospital. Human and Experimental Toxicology. 2002; 21(6): 293-295
  15. Gu PL, Gunawardene YINS, Chow BC, He JG, Chan SM. Characterization of a novel cellular retinoic acid/retinol binding protein from shrimp: expression of the recombinant protein for immunohistochemical detection and binding assay. Gene. 2002; 288(1-2): 77-84
  16. Gunasekera HAKM, Sunil-Chandra NP, de Silva HJ. Low community seroprevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in the Gampaha district. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(4): 122
  17. Gunasekera PC, Wijesinghe PS. Emergency Obstetric care: the key to further reducing maternal mortality in Sri Lanka. Regional Health Forum WHO-SEARO. 2002; 6(2): 22-29
  18. Gunasekera PC, Wijesinghe PS. Reducing abortions is a public health issue. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002;47(2):74
  19. Gunasekera PC, Wijesinghe PS. Why assisted reproductive technologies need regulation?. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics Gynacology. 2002; 24: 15-18
  20. Gunatilake SB. The Physician neurologist: what do they do?what should they do?and why don't they?. Journal of Ceylon College of Physicians. 2002; 35(1 &2): 24-31
  21. Gunatilake SB. Letter from Sri Lanka- a paradise For the travelling neurologist. Practical Neurology. 2002; 3: 184-86
  22. Gunawardene YINS, Tobe, SS, Bendena WG, Chow BK, Yagi KJ, Chan SM. Function and cellular localization of farnesoic acid o-methyltransferase (FAMeT) in the shrimp, Metapenaeus ensis . European Journal of Biochemistry. 2002; 269(14): 3587-3595
  23. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, De Silva MVC. Gastrointestinal stromal tmours (GIST) revisited. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology. 2002; 3: 3-11
  24. Karunasekera KAW, Sirisena J, Jayasinghe JACT, Perera GUI. How accurate is the postnatal estimation of gestational age?. Journal of Tropical Paediatrics. 2002; 48(5): 270-272
  25. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Kuruppuarachchi KAJM, Wijerathne S, Williams SS. Psychological distress among students from five universities in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(1): 13-15
  26. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams SS. Conflict in Sri Lanka: Doctors can influence people and promote peace. British Medical Journal. 2002; 324(7333): 361
  27. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams SS. Psychological distress among university students. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(3): 103
  28. Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Hospital admission of children and psychological trauma. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(3): 104-105
  29. Mendis S, Ranatunga P, Jayatilake M, Wanninayake S, Wickremasinghe R. Hyperhomocysteinaemia in Sri Lankan patients with coronary artery disease.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(3): 89-92
  30. Palihawadana P, Wickremasinghe AR, Perera J. Strategies for immunisation against rubella: evidence from a study in the Kalutara District. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(2): 52-7
  31. Peiris-John RJ, Ruberu DK, Wickremasinghe AR, Smit LA, van der Hoek W. Effects of occupational exposure to organophosphate pesticides on nerve and neuromuscular function. Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine. 2002; 44(4): 352-7.
  32. Premaratne R, Chandrasena TGAN, Abeyewickreme W, Chandrasena LG, Senerath S, de Silva NR, de Silva HJ. Red blood cell antioxidant levels in Wuchereria bancrofti infections. Experimental Parasitology. 2002; 102(2): 81-88
  33. Premaratne R, Pathmeswaran A, Chandrasekara B, Dissanayake AS, de Silva HJ. Effect of pollution on health of residents in an industrial area in Sri Lanka. Archives of Environmental Health. 2002; 57(6): 579-583
  34. Premaratne R, Sathischandra H, Thilakaratne Y, Shantharaj W, de Silva HJ. Effects of propranolol and nitrates on exercise capacity, respiratory minute volume and capillary oxygen saturation during exercise in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension. Hepatology Research. 2002; 24(2): 152-158
  35. Ranatunge KS, Fernando MA, Silva MA, Kumarage SK, Deen KI. Use of mini-laparotomy in the treatment of colonic cancer(Br J Surg 2001;88:831-6). British Journal of Surgery. 2002; 89(2): 247-248
  36. Samarage H, Padumadasa S, Gamage N. A Case of pleural endometriosis. Galle Medical Journal. 2002; 1(3): 48-51
  37. Seneviratne SL, de Silva CE, Fonseka MMD, Pathmeswaran A, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. Envenoming due to snake bite during pregnancy. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2002; 96(3): 272-274.
  38. Silva MA, Deen KI, Fernando DJS, Sheriffdeen AH. The Internal jugular vein valve may have a significant role in the prevention of venous reflux: evidence from live and cadaveric human subjects. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. 2002; 22(3): 202-05
  39. Silva MA, Munasinghe SH, Munasinghe D, Deen KI. Magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography(MRCP). Surgery. 2002; 20(5): 120b-120e
  40. Silva MA, Rajapakse T, Deen KI. Laparoscopic excision of a mesenteric cyst case report and review of literature. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2002; 20(1): 12-14
  41. Sumathipala A, Sribaddana SH, de Silva N, Fernando D, Abeysingha N, Dayaratne R, de Silva D, Warnasuriya ND, Hotopf M. Sri lankan Twin Registry. Twin Rearch. 2002; 5(5): 424-426
  42. van Heel DA, Udalova IA, De Silva AP, McGovern DP, Kinouchi Y, Hull J, Lench NJ, Cardon LR, Carey AH, Jewell DP, Kwiatkowski D. Inflammatory bowel disease is associated with a TNF polymorphism that affects an interaction between the OCT1 and NF(-kappa)B transcription factors. Human Molecular Genetics. 2002; 11(11): 1281-9.
  43. Weerasekera D, Padumadasa GS. A Review of post-operative morbidity following laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy compared to conventional types of hysterectomy. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics Gynacology. 2002; 24: 19-22
  44. Weerasinghe CR, Abeyewickreme W, de Silva NR. Compliance with single-dose diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC) mass treatment programme for filariasis in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Regional Health Forum WHO-SEAR. 2002; 6(2): 43-47
  45. Weerasinghe KL, Galappaththy G, Fernando WP, Wickremasinghe DR, Faizal HM, Wickremasinghe AR. A safety and efficacy trial of artesunate, sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine and primaquine in P falciparum malaria.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(3): 83-5
  46. Weerasooriya MV, Gunawardena NK, Itoh M, Qiu X. -G, Kimura E. Prevalence and intensity of Wuchereria bancrofti antigenaemia in Sri Lanka by Og4C3 ELISA using filter paper-absorbed whole blood. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2002; 96(1): 41-45
  47. Wickremasinghe AR, Gunawardena, DM, Mahawithanage, ST. Use of routinely collected past surveillance data in identifying and mapping high-risk areas in a malaria endemic area of Sri Lanka. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2002; 33(4): 678-84
  48. Wijesinghe PS. Primary spontaneous complete colporrhexis. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2002; 47(1): 29
  49. Wijesinghe PS. Violence against women. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynacology. 2002; 24: 1-2

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2001)

  1. De Silva D, Suriyawansa D, Mangalika M, Samarasinghe D. Meckel Gruber syndrome: a single gene cause of recurrent neural tube defects. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2001; 46(1): 30
  2. De Silva DGH, Hobbs CJ, Hanks H. Conscription of children in armed conflict - a form of child abuse: a sudy of 19 former child soldiers. Child Abuse Review. 2001; 10: 125-134
  3. De Silva DGH, Hobbs CJ. Conscription of children in armed conflict. British Medical Journal. 2001; 322(7298): 1372
  4. De Silva DGH. Conscription of children in armed conflict: clarifications. British Medical Journal. 2001; 323(7311): 517
  5. De Silva HA, Jayasekara WMPR, Mangalika HAR. Breast examination of older women in a teaching hospital. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2001; 46(3): 95-96
  6. De Silva HJ. Should cisapride be withdrawn?. Sri Lanka Prescriber. 2001; 9(2): 1
  7. De Silva MVC, Hewavisenthi SJDeS. Quality assurance in histopathology. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology. 2001; 2(1): 1-2
  8. De Silva N, Pathmeswaran A, Mendis K. Students behaviour and attitudes versus academic performance. Sri Lankan Family Physician. 2001; 24(1): 43-45
  9. De Silva N, Teaching communication skills. Journal of Ceylon College of Physicians. 2001; 34[1&2]: 7-11
  10. Deen KI de Silva AP, Jayakody M, de Silva HJ. Saphenoperitoneal anastomosis for resistant ascites in patients with cirrhosis. American Journal of Surgery. 2001; 181(2): 145-148
  11. Deen KI, Gunawardena PAHA. Comparison of hydrogen peroxide instillation with Goodsall's rule for fistula in-ano. Australia New Zealand Journal of Surgery. 2001; 71(8): 472-474
  12. Fernando B, Mendis K. Introduction of electronic communication alone would not improve clinical care. British Medical Journal. 2001; 323: 516
  13. Fernando MR, Thabrew MI. Extra-pancreatic effects contributing to the hypoglycaemic activity of Artocarpus heterophyllus. Ceylon Journal of Medical Science. 2001; 44(1): 1-10
  14. Fernando SD, Goonethilleke H, Weerasena KH, Kuruppuarachchi ND, Tilakaratne D, de Silva D, Wickremasinghe AR. Geo-helminth infections in a rural area of Sri Lanka. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2001; 32(1): 23-6.
  15. Ganeshwaran Y, Senevirathne SM, Jayamaha R, de Silva AP, Balasuriya WK. Dengue fever associated with a haematoma of the rectus abdominis muscle. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2001; 46(3): 105-06
  16. Gunasekera PC, Wijesinghe PS. Reducing abortions is a public health issue. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2001; 46(2): 41-44
  17. Gunasekera PC, Wijesinghe PS, Goonewardene IMR. The Caesarean section rate is rising. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2001; 46(4): 147-150
  18. Gunatilake SB, Jayasekera, BAS, Premawardhena AP. Stroke subtypes in Sri Lanka - a hospital based study. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2001; 46(1): 19-20
  19. Gunawardene YINS, Chow BK, He JG, Chan SM. The Shrimp FAMeT cDNA is encoded for a putative enzyme involved in the methyl farnesoate (MF) biosynthetic pathway and is temporally expressed in the eyestalk of different sexes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2001; 31(11): 1115-1124
  20. Hewavisenthi SJDeS. Interpretation of colorectal biopsies:a systematic approach. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology. 2001; 2(1): 3-9
  21. Itoh M, Weerasooriya MV, Qiu G, Gunawardena NK, Anantaphruti MT, Tesana S, Rattanaxay P, Fujimaki Y, Kimura E. Sensitive and specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of Wuchereria bancrofti infection in urine samples. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2001; 65(4): 362-5.
  22. Karunasekera KAW, Jayasinghe JACT, Alwis LWGR. Risk factors of childhood asthma: a Sri lankan study. Journal of Tropical Paediatrics. 2001; 47(3): 142-145
  23. Kasturiratne KTAA, Premaratne BAHR, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva NR, de Silva HJ. Compliance with the mass chemotherapy program for lymphatic filariasis. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2001; 46(4): 126-129
  24. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams SS. Communitry psychiatry in developing countries - Sri Lanka. Psychiatric Bulletin. 2001; 25: 401
  25. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams SS. Cross cultural psychiatric interviews and research instruments. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2001; 179: 461
  26. Malalavidhane TS, Wickremasinghe SMDN, Jansz ER. An Aqueous extract of the green leafy vegetables Ipomoea aquatica is as effective as the oral hypoglacaemic drug Tolbutamide in reducing the blood sugar levels of Wistar rats. Phytotherapy Research. 2001; 15: 635-673
  27. Munasinghe TCJ, Seneviratne CK, Thabrew MI, Abeysekera, AM. Antiradical and antilipoperoxidative effects of some plant extracts used by Sri Lankan traditional medical practitioners for cardioprotection. Phytotherapy Research. 2001; 15(6): 519-523
  28. Nicholl DS, Daniels HM, Thabrew MI, Grayer RJ, Simmonds MSJ, Hughes RS. In-vitro studies on the immunomodulatory effects of extracts of Osbeckia aspera. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2001; 78(1): 39-44
  29. Premaratne R, Gunatilake AKE, de Silva NR, Tilakaratne Y, Fonseka MMD, de Silva HJ. Severe hepatic dysfunction associated with falciparum malaria. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2001; 32(1): 70-72
  30. Premaratne R, Tilakaratne Y, Fonseka MMD, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. Parasuicide by self-injection of an organophosphate insecticide. Human and Experimental Toxicology. 2001; 20(7): 377-378
  31. Premawardhena AP, Fisher CA, Fathiu F, de Silva S, Perera W, Peto TE, Olivieri NF, Weatherall DJ. Genetic determinants of jaundice and gallstones in haemoglobin E beta thalassaemia. Lancet. 2001; 357(9272): 1945-46
  32. Ranatunge KS, Fernando MA, Silva MA, Kumarage SK, Deen KI. Use of mini-laparotomy in th treatment of colonic cancer(Br J Surg 2001;88:831-6). British Journal of Surgery. 2002; 89(2): 247-248
  33. Ranawaka UK. Management of ischaemic stroke -early treatment. Sri Lanka Prescriber. 2001; 9(2)
  34. Samarawickrema NA, Upcroft JA, Thammapalerd N, Uproft P. A Rapid method for cryopreserving Entamoeba histolytica. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 2001; 95(8): 853-855
  35. Selliah S, de Tissera A, de Mel T. A Comparative study of the protection offered by Vitamin E and captopril when used as additives in kidney storage solutions. Ceylon Journal of Medical Science. 2001; 44(1): 11-18
  36. Senevirathne SM, Ganeshwaran Y, Jayamaha R, de Silva AP, Balasuriya WK. A Man with thyrotoxicosis lymphoma and thymic hyperplasia. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2001; 46(3): 102-03
  37. Thabrew MI, Samarawickrema NA, Munasinghe C. Antioxidant potential of two polyherbal preparations used in Ayurveda for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2001; 76(3): 285-291
  38. Wagaarachchi PT, Fernando L, Premachadra P, Fernando DJ. Screening based on risk factors for gestational diabetes in an Asian population. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2001; 21(1): 32-34
  39. Weerasooriya MV, Weerasooriya TR, Gunawardena NK, Samarawickrema WA, Kimura E. Epidemiology of bancroftian filariasis in three suburban areas of Matara, Sri Lanka. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 2001;95(3):263-73.
  40. Wijesinghe PS, Gunasekera PC, Goonewardene IMR. Early pregnancy loss: are we doing enough?. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2001; 23: 28-30
  41. Wijesiriwardena B, de Silva HJ. Dyspepsia. Journal of Ceylon College of Physicians. 2001; 21: 21-25.

Publications in peer reviewed journals (2000)

  1. De Silva HJ, de Silva NR. Morbidity due to intestinal geohelminth infections. Gastroenterology Today. 2000; 4: 196-198
  2. De Silva HJ, Kasturiaratchi N, Seneviratne SL, Senaratne DC, Molagoda A, Ellawala NS. Suicide in Sri Lanka: Points to ponder. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(1): 17-24
  3. De Silva N, Abeyewickreme W, Chandrasena TGAN. Sleeping sickness and teaching of medical students. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(1): 39
  4. De Silva N. Continuing professional development (CPD) - an emerging international trend for doctors in practice. Journal of Ruhunu Clinical Society. 2000; 7(1): 5-7
  5. De Silva N. Distance education : a flexible learning approach for practising doctors. Galle Medical Journal. 2000; 2(1): 38-42
  6. De Silva NR, Samarasinghe HHR. Quality in medical education. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(2): 55-57
  7. De Silva NR, Thabrew MI, Saparamadu PAM, Jayawardena DRKC, Arachchige AA, Weerawardhane M, Silva Gunawardena, YIN. Geneder differences in undergraduate medical examination results in Sri Lanka.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(3): 119-122
  8. Deen KI. Postoperative adhesions and small bowel obstruction - New insights. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2000; 18(1): 6-9
  9. Fernando RM, Wickremasinghe SMDN, Thabrew MI. Possible toxicity of a medicinal plant, "Asteracantha longifolia". Ceylon Journal of Medical Science. 2000; 43(1): 1-6
  10. Gibberd R, Pathmeswaran A, Burtenshaw K. Using clinical indicators to identify areas for quality improvement. Journal of Qualitative Clinical Practice. 2000; 20(4): 136-144
  11. Gunatilake, SB. Sleeping sickness in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(1): 39-40
  12. Gunatilake SB, Seneviratne SL. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy : a study in Sri Lanka. Seizure. 2000; 9(3): 221-23
  13. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Ariyaratne J, Gunawardena PAHA. Mixed medullary follicular carcinoma--an unusual thyroid neoplasm. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(1): 34-35
  14. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Collure SK. Synovial sarcoma in an unusual site.Ceylon Medical Journal.2000; 45(2): 82-83
  15. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Samarasekera DS, Priyadharshani JWS. Colerectal carcinoma: audit of histopathology reports. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology. 2000; 1(1): 19-22
  16. Hewavisenthi SJDeS, Wedysinghe AN. Interfollicular Hodgkin's disease with histological features of Castleman's disease. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(3): 138-139
  17. Jayathilake KAPW, Thabrew MI. Protection by Osbeckia aspera against carbon tetrachloride-mediated alterations in microsomal drug metabolizing enzyme activity. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2000; 52(4): 461-465
  18. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Ratnayake JAWS, Dasanayake NAH, Rajakuruna RR. The Koro syndrome. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(4): 182
  19. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams SS, Gadambabathan T. Post-traumatic stress disorder after watching violent scenes on television. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(4): 177-178
  20. Kuruppuarachchi, KALA. Need for psychogeriatric services for Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine.2000; 9(1): 14-16
  21. Liyanage CE, Thabrew MI, Kuruppuarachchi DSP. Nitrate pollution in ground water of kalpitiya: An evaluation of the content of nitrates in the waterand food items cultivated in the area. Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. 2000; 28: 101-112
  22. Maclean J, Campbell S, Pollock K, Chackrewarthy S, Coggins JR, Lapthorn AJ. Crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of shikimate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli. Acta Crystallographica. 2000; 56: 512-515
  23. Malalasekera, AP, Deen, KI. Relief of large bowel obstruction with a self-expanding metal stent . Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 2000; 18(1): 26-27
  24. Malalavidhane, TS, Wickremasinghe, SMDN, Jansz, ER. The Oral hypoglacaemic activity of Ipomea aquatica. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2000; 72: 293-298
  25. Peiris DTS, Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Weerasena LP, Seneviratna NAH, Tilakaratna YT, de Silva HJ, Wijesiriwardena B. Neuroleptic malignanat syndrome without fever: a report of three cases. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2000; 69(2): 277-278
  26. Premawardena LDKE, Parkes AB, Smyth PPA, Wijeratne CN, Jayasinghe A, de Silva DGH, Lazarus, JH. Increased prevalence on thyroglobulin antibodies in Sri Lankan school girls - is iodine the cause?. European Journal of Endocrinology. 2000; 143(2): 185-188
  27. Seneviratna G.D.C.N, Manamperi A.A.P.S., Kapilananda G.M.G., Longacre, S., Handunnetti S.M., Udagama-Randeniya P.V. A double antibody sandwich ELISA for the diagnosis of vivax malaria: a tool for further research. Ceylon Journal of Medical Science. 2000; 43(1): 11-17
  28. Seneviratne SL, Opanayaka CJ, Ratnayake NSLA, Sarathkumara KE, Sugathadasa AM, Weerasuriya N, Wickrama WASS, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. Use of antivenom serum in snake bite: a prospective study of hospital practice in the Gampaha district. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(2): 65-68
  29. Thabrew MI, Samarawickrema NA, Chandrasena LG, Jayasekara S. Protection by garlic against adriamycin induced alterations in the oxido-reductive status of mouse red blood cells. Phytotherapy Research. 2000; 14(3): 215-217
  30. Wijesinghe PS. Intra-amniotic injection or intrauterine injection of methylene blue? (2). Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(2): 92
  31. Wijeysuriya SRE, Rathnayake G, Deen KI. Patients' experience and quality of life with a loop ileostomy. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery.2000;18(1): 21-23
  32. Olivieri NF, De Silva S, Premawardhena AP, Sharma S, Viens AM, Taylor CM, Brittenham, GM, Weatherall, DJ. Iron overload and iron-chelating therapy in haemoglobin E/beta thalassaemia.Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2000; 22(6): 593-597
  33. de Silva S, Fisher CA, Premawardhena AP, Lamabadusuriya SP, Peto TE, Perera G, Old JM, Clegg JB, Olivieri NF, Weatherall DJ, Sri Lanka Thalassaemia Study Group. Thalassaemia in Sri Lanka: implications for the future health burden of asian populations. Lancet. 2000; 355(9206): 786-791
  34. Niriella DA, Deen KI. Neosphincters in the management of faecal incontinence. British Journal of Surgery. 2000; 87(12): 1617-1628
  35. Fernando SD, Paranavitane SR, Rajakaruna J, Weerasinghe S, Silva D, Wickremasinghe AR. The health and nutritional status of school children in two rural communities in Sri Lanka. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2000 ; 5(6): 450-2.
  36. Wagaarachchi PT, Sirisena J. Efficiency of Pipelle device in sampling endometrium. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 2000; 79(9): 793-795
  37. Wagaarachchi PT, Fernando L. Fertility following ligation of internal iliac arteries for life-threatening obstetric haemorrhage: case report. Human Reproduction. 2000; 15(6): 1311-13
  38. Wagaarachchi PT, Fernando L, Fernando DJ. Acute pelvic inflammatory disease in a gynecological casualty setting. International Journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics. 2000; 68(2): 155-56
  39. de Silva DGH. Some reflections on child abuse in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2000; 29(4): 104-106

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