News and Events

Research Poster Presentations - MBBS Batch 31

Students of the MBBS Batch 31 group presented their research projects on the 1st of December 2023 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya. Students conducted their research projects for a period of two years in groups of 5-6. Their posters were presented digitally to a panel of judges comprising one internal examiner from the faculty and one external examiner from the Ministry of Health. Students were provided with feedback and questions to improve their research reports further.
The poster presentation is expected to enable students to obtain crucial feedback on their projects conducted under the Community Health Strand and improve their work in preparation for the submission of their research report. This event was organised by the Department of Public Health. The projects were supervised by academic staff members from different departments of the Faculty. Three top-scoring research groups will be awarded ‘The Dean’s Award of Excellence’, and the next three places will be awarded ‘The Dean’s Award of Merit’ at the upcoming Faculty Board Meeting.

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  • Last modified on 27 June 2024.