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Faculty of Medicine opens Student Wellbeing Centre (Peace Point) and Student Services Office

Medical and other health professions students face frequent well-being challenges due to academic pressures and workload. Quality assurance program reviews have recommended establishing dedicated facilities for student support.

In response, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Kelaniya recently opened a Student Wellbeing Centre (Peace Point) and Student Services Office on the faculty premises. The Student Wellbeing Centre provides a dedicated space for assistant student counsellors to provide psychological support to MBBS, BSc SHS, and Occupational Therapy students. The facility has individual and group counselling rooms with an ambient environment that maintains privacy, confidentiality, and comfort. Two qualified assistant student counsellors staff the facility.

The Student Services Office, located next to the Student Wellbeing Centre, houses the three hostel subwardens and the marshal. This office centralises accommodation and safety services for students. The subwardens are available from 12:00 to 13:30 on weekdays to meet with students. The marshal monitors the security and safety of students and faculty from this office.

The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, the Coordinator of Student Affairs Decision, several Heads of Departments, the Senior Assistant Registrar, the Acting Bursar, Assistant Student Councillors, student representatives, works, civil, and sanitary supervisors, and several academic and non-academic staff members. Untiring efforts of the internal staff restored an old building to create the facility.

The facility is one step towards establishing a student-friendly faculty. It will provide students with easy access to relevant officials.

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Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya,
P.O Box 6,
Thalagolla Road,
Sri Lanka


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  • Last modified on 06 March 2025.