Vidya Jyothi Prof. H. Janaka de Silva
MBBS (C’bo), MD (C'bo), DPhil (Oxon), FRCP (London), FCCP, FNAS (SL)
Hon. DSc (Kln), FRACP, FRCP (Thailand), FCGP (SL), FRCP (Glasgow)
Emeritus Professor of Medicine
- NAFLD/NASH, Cirrhosis & portal hypertension, IBD, Tropical Medicine/Snakebite
- Titular National Honour ‘Vidyajyothi’, “for outstanding scientific and technological achievements involving original research”, 2005.
- Committee of Vice-Chancellors’ and Directors’ Excellence Award for the Most Outstanding Researcher in Medical and Allied Sciences (inaugural award for lifetime achievement in research), Colombo, 2006.
- Listed in the world’s top 2% of scientists career-wide database 1996-2019 (Stanford University; PLoS Biology 2020;18:e3000918); 2020 updated list (Elsevier BV, Stanford University).
- Presidential Awards for Scientific Research: 1999-2003, 2005-2018, National Research Council, Colombo.
- National Science Foundation Research Award for Research Excellence in Health Sciences, 2017.
- Kandy Society of Medicine Prize for Health Research 2007. October 2007.
- University of Bologna (900th anniversary): Prize for the Best Research Paper, Bologna, Italy, 1989.
- Asia Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver: Distinguished Poster Award, Bangkok, Thailand, 2011.
- United European Gastroenterology Week:
- Oral Free Paper Prize, October 2013, Berlin, Germany.
- Oral Free Paper Prize, October 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Presidential Poster of Distinction, November 2018, San Francisco, USA.
- Prizes for research papers, Sri Lanka Medical Association:
- E. M. Wijerama Prize: 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2019
- S. E. Seneviratna Prize: 1993, 1996, 2005, 2016
- Daphne Attygalle Prize: 1992, 2011
- Sir Nicholas Attygalle Prize: 2002, 2014, 2021
- H. K. T. Fernando Prize: 1996, 2005, 2009
- Sir Frank Gunasekera Prize: 2013, 2019
- Wilson Peiris Prize: 2002, 2016, 2019
- Kumaradasa Rajasuriya Prize: 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016
- Special Prize in Cardiology: 2000
- Ramachandran Prize for the best paper in Nephrology: 2021
- E. M. Wijerama Award for best presentation. Ceylon College of Physicians: 2020.
- Ten Outstanding Young Professionals Award for Academic Leadership, Colombo, 1997.
Nihal Markus Oration. The treatment of ulcerative colitis - from cure to a new disease. Gastroenterological and Digestive Endoscopy Society Sri Lanka. Colombo, June, 1992.
Prof. P. B. Fernando Oration. Cerebellar involvement in falciparum malaria - investigation of an epidemic. Ceylon College of Physicians (Silver Jubilee). Colombo, September, 1992.
Sir Marcus Fernando Oration. Suicide in Sri Lanka: Points to ponder. Sri Lanka Medical Association. Colombo, November, 1999.
The Kandy Society of Medicine Oration (Millenium Oration). Use of antivenom serum in snake bite: towards evidence based practice. Kandy Society of Medicine. Kandy, February, 2000.
The Kandy Society of Medicine Prize for Health Research Oration. Evolution of intestinal and liver diseases: the influence of wealth. Kandy Society of Medicine Foundation sessions. Kandy, October, 2007.
Sir Nicholas Attygalle Oration. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: the current status in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Medical Association (125th anniversary). Colombo, September, 2012.
K. N. Seneviratne Oration. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: the challenge before us. South Asian Association of Physiologists and Physiological Society of Sri Lanka (Silver Jubilee). Colombo, November, 2012.
Sri Lanka Medical Association Oration. Epidemiology of snakebite: investigating the burden. Sri Lanka Medical Association. Colombo, July, 2013.
B. J. C. Perera Research Prize Oration. Developing a research agenda in a challenging environment. Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Colombo, August, 2019.
- Carlo Fonseka Memorial Lecture (Inaugural). Carlo Fonseka. Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya. Ragama, October, 2021.
- de Silva HJ, Fonseka MMD, de Zoysa NS, Premawardhena AP. Seroepidemiology of Hepatitis B and C in Sri Lanka. In: Sarin SK, Hess G (Eds). Transfusion Associated Hepatitis. New Delhi: CBS Publishers, 1998: 117-125.
- de Silva HJ. Side effects of gastrointestinal drugs. In: Aronson J (Ed). Side Effects of Drugs. Annual 22. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1999: 389-398.
- de Silva HJ. Side effects of gastrointestinal drugs. In: Aronson J (Ed). Side Effects of Drugs. Annual 23. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2000: 380-390.
- de Silva HJ. Side effects of gastrointestinal drugs. In: Aronson J (Ed). Side Effects of Drugs. Annual 24. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001: 401-410.
- de Silva HJ, Fonseka MMD. Seroepidemiology of Hepatitis C in SAARC countries. In: Sarin SK, Okuda K (Eds). Hepatitis B and C: from Carrier to Cancer. New Delhi: Harcourt (India) / Elsevier Science, 2002: 187-200.
- de Silva HJ. Side effects of gastrointestinal drugs. In: Aronson J (Ed). Side Effects of Drugs. Annual 25. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2002: 416-430.
- de Silva HJ. Side effects of gastrointestinal drugs. In: Aronson J (Ed). Side Effects of Drugs. Annual 26. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003: 382-392.
- de Silva HJ. Side effects of gastrointestinal drugs. In: Aronson J (Ed). Side Effects of Drugs. Annual 27. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2004: 362-372.
- de Silva Janaka. Poisoning. In: de Silva Janaka (Ed). Online Appendix. Kumar and Clark: Clinical Medicine. 6th Edition. London: Elsevier. 2005.
- Goonaratna CG, de Silva HJ. How to write a paper in the Medical Sciences. In: Deen KI, Kumar RR (Eds). Successful Surgical Research: How to Plan, Perform and Publish. New Delhi: Churchill BI Publications, 2005: 76-85.
- de Silva Janaka. Poisoning. In: de Silva Janaka (Ed). Online Appendix. Kumar and Clark: Clinical Medicine. 7th Edition. London: Elsevier. 2009.
- de Silva Janaka. Poisoning. In: de Silva Janaka (Ed). Online Appendix. Kumar and Clark: Clinical Medicine. 8th Edition. London: Elsevier. 2012.
- de Silva Janaka. Poisoning. In: de Silva Janaka (Ed). Online Appendix. Kumar and Clark: Clinical Medicine. 9th Edition. London: Elsevier. 2017.
- de Silva HJ. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy. In: Padumadasa S, Goonewardene M (Eds). Obstetrics emergencies: a concise guide. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 2021; 25-31.
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
de Silva HJ, Wijesekera CPB (Editors). Kandy Medical Journal (ISSN1021-2604). 1992 - 1997.
Goonaratna C, de Silva HJ (Editors). Gastroenterology Update. Colombo: Gastroenterological and Digestive Endoscopy Society Sri Lanka, 1993. (ISBN 955-9265-00-8).
de Silva Janaka (Editor). Online Appendix. Kumar and Clark: Clinical Medicine. [This appendix provides supplementary information on diseases and problems that are prevalent in certain parts of the world]. 6th Edition. London: Elsevier, 2005; 7th Edition. London: Elsevier, 2009; 8th Edition. London: Elsevier, 2012.
de Silva Janaka, Rajapakse Senaka (editorial contribution). Online Appendix. Kumar and Clark: Clinical Medicine. 9th Edition. London: Elsevier, 2017.
de Silva HJ, Goonaratna CG (1999-2008); de Silva HJ, Abeygunasekera A (2009-2014)(Editors). Ceylon Medical Journal (ISSN 0009-0875). Editor Emeritus (2014-).
Managing Editor, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2017-2019).
Deputy Editor (2013-to date), Guest Associate Editor (2008-2013), PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Grant Reviewing. Grant reviews for: National Research Council, National Science Foundation and Sri Lankan Universities, Wellcome Trust, UK, National Institute for Health Research, UK.
Journal Reviewing. Multiple journals including Lancet, Public Library of Science, BioMed Central, BMJ, Quarterly Journal of Medicine, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Tropical Medicine and International Health, Toxicon, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
- National Institute of Health Research, UK
- Member, Global Health Research Selection Panel, (2017- to date)
- World Health Organization:
- Member, SEARO Regional Director’s Technical Advisory Committee (2015- to date)
- Temporary Advisor and Team Leader, project to Estimate the Global Burden of Snakebite (2007-2008)
- Facilitator, Bi-Regional Workshop on Production, Control and Regulation of Antivenoms, Jakarta, Indonesia, May, 2008
- Temporary Adviser, South East Asia Regional Office, on “Hepatitis and the way forward in South East Asia Region”, New Delhi, India, June, 2010
- Invited Expert, International WHO-ICF Consensus on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Nottwil, Switzerland, June, 2010
- Temporary Adviser, SEARO, to develop “Guidelines for the management of snakebite in the South East Asia Region”, New Delhi, India, June, 2016
- Wellcome Trust:
- Chairman (2009-2014), Independent Scientific Advisory Board, Mahidol–Oxford –Wellcome Trust Tropical Medicine Research Programme, Thailand-Laos. (Member - 2008)
- Member, Centres for Global Health Research Themed Strategic Awards Committee, London, 2012
- Invited participant, Wellcome Trust Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences programme on, “Mechanisms to reverse the public health neglect of snakebite victims”, Cambridge, September 2015
- Member, Council of the Asia Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (1998-2008).
- Asia Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver:
- Member, Working Party on Portal Hypertension (2005-2011)
- Member, Working Party on Acute on Chronic Liver Failure (2008-2013)
- Asia Pacific Association of Gastroenterology:
- Member, Working Group on Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2008-)
- Member, Asia Pacific Working Party on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (2006)
- Member, Advisory Board, University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan (2015-2018).
- Kofi Annan Foundation, Geneva
- Invited Expert, “Snakebites in Africa: Challenges and Solutions”, December 2016
- Senior Advisor, South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration (2011-2017).