Professor Shehan Williams
MBBS (Jaffna), MPhil (Kel'ya) , MDPsych (C'bo), FRCPsych (UK), FSLCOP
Professor in Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
General Adult Psychiatry
Research Interests
- Dementia / Elder Abuse
- Deliberate Self Harm
- Trauma / Disaster
Book Chapters and Sections
- Mental Health Care in Sri Lanka – New Directions, Shehan Williams and Jayan Mendis, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists 2011.
- Bibliography of Mental Health Research in Sri Lanka – Ianthe Karandawala, Shehan Williams, Suwin Hewage, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists 2009
- Rose-Clarke, Kelly, Dristy Gurung, Carrie Brooke-Sumner, Rochelle Burgess, Jonathan Burns, Ritsuko Kakuma, Kwabena Kusi-Mensah, Lourdes Ladrido-Ignacio, Pallab K Maulik, Tessa Roberts, Ian F Walker, Shehan Williams, Peter Yaro, Graham Thornicroft, Crick Lund. Rethinking research on the social determinants of global mental health. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 Aug 1;7(8):659-62.
- Hapangama A, Kuruppuarachch LA, de Silva R, Wickremasinghe AR, Ravindran A, Williams SS. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Leibowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS-SR) Sinhala Version. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2020 Jun 30;65(1-2).
- Chatterjee, Pratishtha, Malika Fernando, Binosha Fernando, Cintia B Dias, Tejal Shah, Renuka Silva, Shehan Williams, Steve Pedrini, Heidi Hillebrandt, Kathryn Goozee, Edward Barin, Hamid R Sohrabi, Manohar Garg, Stephen Cunnane, Ralph N Martins. Potential of coconut oil and medium chain triglycerides in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Mechanisms of ageing and development. 2020 Mar 1;186:111209.
- Perera SR, Gambheera H, Williams SS. “Telepsychiatry” in the time of COVID-19: Overcoming the challenges. Indian journal of psychiatry. 2020 Sep;62(Suppl 3):S391.
- Jha A, Williams S, Singh B, Pradhan P, Bhatt KR, Afridi MI, Tomar R, Mukhopadhaya K. Memory First Aid: remote memory service and webinar-based dementia training for non-medical graduates in Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. BJPsych International. 2020 Aug 20:1-3.
- Williams, Shehan S., and Thilini Rajapakse. "Suicide and attempted suicide."Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 5, no. 2 (2014): 37-39.
- Jayasekera, H. P. I., K. A. C. D. Seneviratne, H. K. Narammalage, A. S. Embuldeniya, J. W. S. Priyadarshanie, J. A. F. Rosana, M. R. F. Zahriya, and S. S. Williams. "Psycho spiritual characteristics of persons presenting with deliberate self-harm to a suburban hospital in the Western Province of Sri Lanka." Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 5, no. 2 (2014): 13-18.
- Edrisinghe, N., C. A. Wijesinghe, S. S. Williams, and K. A. L. A. Kuruppuarachchi. "Tobacco smoking in persons with schizophrenia followed up at a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka." Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 5, no. 2 (2014): 19-23.
- Delayed psychological morbidity associated with snake bite envenoming. Williams SS, Wijesinghe CA, Jayamanne SF, Buckley NA, Dawson AH, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. PLoSNegl Trop Dis. 2011 Aug; 5(8):e1255. Epub 2011 Aug 2.
- Mental health research trends in Sri Lanka. Williams SS, Hewage SN, Karandawala IR. Ceylon Med J. 2011 Jun; 56(2):61-5.
- The knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers in Sri Lanka towards childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Rodrigo MD, Perera D, Eranga VP, Williams SS, Kuruppuarachchi KA.Ceylon Med J. 2011 Jun; 56(2):51-4.
- Psychiatric training in Sri Lanka and its relevance to South Asia. Harischandra Gambheera, Shehan Williams. South Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2011 September; 2(2): 17-20.
- Validation of the Kessler’s psychological distress scale among the Sinhalese population in Sri Lanka.Wijeratne LT, Williams SS, Rodrigo MDA, Peris MUPK, Kawamura N, Wickremasinghe AR. South Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2011 September; 2(2): 21-25.
- Update on bipolar disorder. Shehan Williams, Thilini Rajapakse. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2011; 2 (1): 39-41.
- Developing Research Capacity in Mental Health in South Asia (Editorial). Shehan Williams. South Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2011;2:1-3
- A Study of Intimate Partner Violence among females attending a Teaching Hospital out-patient department. KALA Kuruppuarachchi, LT Wijeratne, GDSSK Weerasinghe, MUPK Peris, SS Williams. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2010 (1): 60-63
- Shared challenges in psychiatric research in India and Sri Lanka.(Review Article) H Gambheera, S Williams. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 52:s80-82.
- Update on depression and deliberate self harm. SS Willliams, T Rajapakse. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2010 (1): 70-72
- Olfactory impairment is more marked in patients with mild Dementia with Lewy bodies than those with mild Alzheimer’s disease. S S Williams, J Williams, M Combrinck, S Christie,AD Smith and RMcShane. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2009 ;80:667-670.
- Bibliography of Mental Health Research in Sri Lanka. I.Karandawela, S.Williams, S.Hewage.Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, 2009.
- Elder abuse--a wake up call Paranitharan P, Edirisinghe PA, Williams S. Ceylon medical journal, March 2009, vol./is. 54/1(1- 3).
- Trichotillomania.S.Williams & M.U.P.K .Peris.Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004 Mar;49(1):25.
- Betel use and schizophrenia K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi & S.S.Williams. (Correspondence) British Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 182: 455.
- Psychiatry and the media K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi & .S.Williams. (Correspondence) Psychiatric Bulletin 2003; 27: 316.
- Delusional parasitosis K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi & S.S.Williams.CeylonMedical Journal 2003 ;48(3):96-7.
- Psychological distress among students in five universities in Sri Lanka K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi, S.Wijeratne & .S.Williams, Ceylon Medical Journal 2002; 47(1):13-15.
- Psychological distress among university students K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi&S.S.Williams (Correspondence), Ceylon Medical Journal 2002; 47: 103.
- Acute hospital care K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi&S.S.Williams (Correspondence) Psychiatric Bulletin 2002; 26: 315.
- Doctors can influence people and promote peace K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi&S.S.Williams (Correspondence) British Medical Journal 2002; 324: 362.
- Cross-cultural psychiatric interviews and research instruments K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi & S.S.Williams (Correspondence) British Journal of Psychiatry 2001, 179(5):461.
- Community psychiatry in developing countries - Sri Lanka K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi & S.S.Williams. (Correspondence) Psychiatric Bulletin 2001, 25(10):401.
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in children following Television Programmes K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, S.S.Williams & T.Gadambanathan - Case Report, Ceylon Medical Journal, 2000; 45:177-8.
Publications in Conference Proceedings (Oral and Poster Presentaions)
- A study on post war stress among elderly internally displaced persons Attidiya DSR, Balasuriya BMAC, Dissanayaka DRWAB, Manuelpillai S, Williams SS. 124 th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association June 2011.
- A study of smoking among patients with schizophrenia. Edirisinghe N, Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijesinghe CA, Williams SS.Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, 2011.
- Geographic mapping of patients attending the psychiatry services of a Teaching Hospital using a computerized patient registry and mapping software. Fernando BSC, Fernando TCI, Priyantha MHMWP, Fernando PLN, Hensman RD, Suveendran T, Williams SS. Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, February 2011.
- Delayed psychological morbidity in victims of snakebite envenoming. Williams SS, Wijesinghe CA, Jayamanne SF, Buckley N, Dawson A, Lalloo DG, De Silva HJ Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, June 2010.
- Cardiovascular risk profile of the estate population of Sri Lanka.Pinidiyapathirage MJ, Chakrawarthy S, Perera PS, Wijayasinghe YS, Williams S, Williams SS, Kato n, Wickremasinghe AR. Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, June 2010.
- Deliberate Self Harm Patient Characteristics in a Teaching Hospital in Sri Lanka – A One Year Study Shehan Williams 1 , W.M.S.K.Wijesinghe 1 , Loretta Warnakulasuriya 2 , Tyrell Fernando 2 , Lalin Fernando 2 , M.U.P.K.Peris 1 & K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi 1 World Psychiatric Association, April 2009.
- Elder Abuse among out patient department attendees in a Tertiary Hospital PAS Edirisinghe¹, P Paranitharn¹, WNS Perera¹, Shehan Willams² Sri Lanka Medical Association, Annual Academic Sessions, March 2009.
- A comparison on acceptability of two different seclusion structures Fernando W.D.D., Dissanayake A.R.K., Gunawardena H.N.S., Shehan Williams. Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, February 2009.
- Deliberate Self Harm Patient Characteristics in Sri Lanka – a comparison with high income countries Shehan Williams 1 , W.M.S.K.Wijesinghe 1 , Loretta Warnakulasuriya 2 , Tyrell Fernando 2 , Lalin Fernando 2 , M.U.P.K.Peris 1 &K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi 1 SAARC Psychiatric Federation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, September 2008.
- Validation of the Kessler’s psychological distress scale among the Sinhalese population in Sri Lanka LT Wijeratne, SS Williams, MUPK Peris, NR de Silva, HAC Hapuarachchi, KPJ Perera, N Kawamura, AR Wickremasinghe for the Ragama Health Study Group. Sri Lanka Medical Association, Annual Academic Sessions, March 2008.
- The pattern of referral to a Youth Friendly Health Service (YFHS) in a Teaching hospital Out-patient Department Tyrell Fernando 1 , Loretta Warnakulasuriya 1 , Sarath Senarathne 1 , Shehan Williams 2 College of Family Physicians, 2008.
- Olfactory testing distinguishes dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) from Alzheimer’s disease in mild dementia Shehan Williams , Jonathan Williams , Marc Combrinck , Rupert McShane , Journal: Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association,ISSN: 1552-5260, Vol: 2, Issue: 3, Date: 2006-7.
- Olfactory testing and medial temporal lobe width in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease, Mild Cognitive impairment and Dementia with Lewy Bodies. International Psychogeratric Conference – Stockholm , Sept. 2005.
- A study of separation from parents in childhood and suicidal attempts in adulthood. K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, Shehan Williams. Annual Residential Meeting Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, York, September 2003.
- A survey of domestic violence among females attending an out-patient department. K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, L.T.Wijeratne, G.D.S.S.K.Weerasinghe, S.S.Williams, M.U.P.K.Peris. Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Psychiatric Association, Colombo, April 2003.
- A survey among newly passed doctors from three medical schools on the undergraduate training in psychiatry. S.S.Williams, K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, D.M.W.H.Bandara, D.T.S.Peiris, A.S.Dissanayake. Annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Psychiatric Association, Colombo, April 2002.
- A study on betal chewing among schizophrenic patients K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, S.S.Williams, D.M.W.H.Bandara. Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Psychiatric Association, Colombo, April 2002.
- A study of the symptom pattern of depression presenting to a psychiatry ward. K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, S.S.Williams. Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Psychiatric Association, Colombo, April 2001.
- A study on anxiety and depression among military personnel injured in the war. R.Ariyaratne, S.Arulrajah, D.Ariyananda, J.Ariyaratne, S.Athanayake, M.Azhar, A.Bandara, R.Bandara, S.S.Williams, K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi.Sri Lanka Medical Association 114 th Anniversary Academic Sessions, March, 2001.
- A survey of sexual disorders presenting at a psychiatry clinic -K.A.L.A.Kuruppurarachchi, S.S.Williams, R..M.C.Rathnayake, P.P.U.C.Peiris. Kandy Society of Medicine, 23 rd Annual academic conference, Sri Lanka, February 2001.
- A study of the characteristics of patients with pathological jealousy - K.A.L.A.Kuruppurarachchi, S.S.Williams, R..M.C.Rathnayake, P.P.U.C.Peiris. Kandy Society of Medicine, 23 rd Annual academic conference, Sri Lanka, February 2001.
- A study on anxiety and depression among patients with Diabetes mellitus . K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, S.Wijerathne, S.S.Williams, F.Sivagnanam. The fifth International medical congress, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, July 2000.
- The effects of exercise on psychological well-being among competitive sportsmen and women. S.S.Williams, I.P.Goonewardena, B.L.H.Perera. Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, November 1997.
- A study of the student evaluation of the present pre-clinical teaching programme in a traditional medical school. S.S.Williams, I.P.Goonewardena.Academic Sessions of the Galle Medical Association, Sri Lanka, 1997.
Professional Contributions
Positions held and holding in academic and scientific bodies
- Executive Director - Lanka Alzheimer's Foundation
- Member -Board of Management - Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (University of Colombo)
- Editor, South Asian Journal of Psychiatry.
