Professor Niranga M Devanarayana
MBBS (Ruhuna), DM (Kel'ya), PhD (Amsterdam)
Cadre Chair and Professor
Department of Physiology
Department of Physiology
Gastrointestinal Physiology
Research Interests
- Abdominal pain
- Brain-gut axis
- Constipation
- Environmental physiology
- Functional gastrointestinal disorders
- Functions of the autonomic nervous system
- Gastrointestinal motility
Awards and Fellowships
The vice Chancellor Award for the Most Outstanding Young Researcher – 2008, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
President’s Awards for Scientific Publication-2008/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/ 2020 Awarded by the National Research Council of Sri Lanka
Professor Ebrahim Prize for the Best Paper in Tropical Paediatrics . Is awarded to, Functional abdominal pain in children and adolescents: Association with impaired gastric motility. Devanarayana NM, Dharmawansa R, Rajindrajith S. 6th Congress of the Paediatric Association of South Asian Countries 2009, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. FP 02.
Vice-Chancellor’s Awards-2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015/2016 Award for bringing honor to the University by winning prestigious awards, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
K.N. Seneviratne Research Award 2009- Awarded by the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. For the research work carried out on “The recurrent abdominal pain in school children: association with gastrointestinal motility”
Hiran Tillakeratne Special Award for Research (in the field of Medicine) 2007-2009 Awarded by the University Grants Commission, Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka For the thesis titled “Gastric myoelectrical activity, gastric emptying time and oro-caecal transit time in children with recurrent abdominal pain syndrome”.
The vice Chancellor Award for the Most Outstanding Young Researcher – 2010 Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Poster prize for the best poster, European Paeditric Motility Meeting 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, is awarded to the abstract titled “Gastric emptying and antral motility according to the subtypes of irritable bowel syndrome: a paediatric study”. Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S.
IFFGD Research Award 2013 – Junior Investigator in Pediatrics Awarded by the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases (IFFGD), Miwaukee, USA
University of Kelaniya, Senate Honors - 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020 For conducting high quality research and publishing in peer reviewed indexed journals
Best Oral Presentation – 1st Runner up - The Annual Sessions 2015, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka Is awarded to the abstract title: “The therapeutic effects of domperidone on abdominal pain-predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders in children: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial”. Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, De Silva A.
Best Oral Presentation - The Annual Sessions 2015, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka Is awarded to the abstract title: “Effects of body mass index on gastric motility in children with abdominal pain-predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders”. Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S
The Best Poster Award in Paediatric Respirology – 2017 This was awarded at the 6th Global Congress for the Consensus in Paediatrics-2017, held in collaboration with the 20th Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians,12th-15th November, 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Abstract title: Gastrointestinal symptoms among asthmatic adolescents in Sri Lanka. Manori Vijaya Kumari, Lakmali Amarasiri, Shaman Rajindrajith, Chandana Hewawasam, Sujanthi WIckramage, Niranga Devanarayana. -
NRC Merit Award for Scientific Research -2017 Awarded to the abstract title ; ‘Constipation and constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome: a comparative study using Rome III criteria’ . Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM,
Best oral presentation- The Annual Sessions 2018, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka Is awarded to the abstract title: ‘Gastric motility and cardiovascular autonomic function in trained athletes: a prospective case controlled study’. Warnakulasuriya T, Luke D, Karunanayake AL, Devanarayana NM.
Certificate of Merit - In Group B (MTech/MPhil/PhD or equivalent) with the Life
Sciences Discipline .Is awarded to the Poster on ‘Gastroesophageal reflux disease in Sri Lanka: an assessment of island wide prevalence, treatment options in use, treatment resistance and the use of gastrointestinal physiology to predict treatment outcomes’ NAM Wicrkamasinghe, NM Devanarayana, DN Samarasekera, E Yazaki At the International Poster Presentation Competition (IPPC) 2020, Organized by NYAB, INYAS, SLAYS and TYSA – and held on September – October 2020 -
Award for the Best Oral Presentation – Joint Award. 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, December 2021
Abstract title: Comparison of spirometry predicted values using 3 established reference equations for a Sinhalese population. Warnakulasuriya T, Amarasiri L, Wadasinghe D, Medagoda K, Kottahachchi D, Ariyawansa J, Rathnayake P, Dissanayake T, Fernando S, De Silva DC, Devanarayana NM -
Award for the Best Oral Presentation – Joint Award. 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, December 2021
Abstract title: Microbial, pH and physical differences between local Sri Lankan bread made in bakeries with different manufacturing practices. Wickramasinghe NA,Ahthavann T, Gunasekera GCS, Devanarayana NM
Academic honors :
- September 2015 :Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) ,University of Amsterdam
- December 2006 :Doctor of Medicine (DM), University of Kelaniya
- November 1997 :Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)- (2nd Class Upper Division)
Orations/Guest lectures/Invited Speech/Plenary
Orations and Presidential addresses
- Recurrent abdominal pain syndrome in children: A Sri Lankan perspective Prof. C.C. de Silva oration 2010 Conducted by the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians – On 28thJuly 2010
- Non-invasive assessment of gastric motility using ultrasound Dr. S. N. B. Talwatte Memorial Oration 2020 At the 19th Annual Academic Sessions 2020, Sri Lanka College of Radiologists – On 20th February 2021
- Quest to find solutions for pediatric functional gastrointestinal disorders Presidential address 2021 At the 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions, the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka – On 10th December 2021
Guest lectures
- The recurrent abdominal pain in school children: association with gastrointestinal motility. Special Lecture , Annual Academic Sessions, the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka – On 20th November 2010
- Brain-gut axis Symposium lecture, 3rd South Asian Conference of Physiological Societies – 8th to 10th November, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Light at the end of the tunnel Prof. Valentine Basnayake Endowment Lecture on “Every Day Physiology” Annual Academic Sessions, the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka – On 22th November 2013
- Healthy mind, healthy gut: Psychological and emotional co-morbidities in FGIDs Symposium lecture 25th Anniversary International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, 6th to 8th April, 2016, Sri Lanka
- Functional abdominal pain disorders Lecture, Workshop on Paediatric Gastroenterology Annual Scientific Congress, Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians – On 29th August 2019
- Why should doctors do research?
Young Ayurveda Researchers’ and Innovators’ Symposium (YARIS) 2019
Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute – On 23rd December 2019
Book Chapters, Sections and Study Guides
Other (eg newsletters, magazines, etc.)
- Chapter 7 - Clinical evaluation of children with constipation: History and physical examination. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. In: Constipation in children. Diagnosis and treatment. Editors: Nunez RN and Fabbro MA. Nova Science Publishers Inc. New Yolk. 2013; pp 167-184. ISBN: 978-1-62417-825-2
- Chapter 1– Global prevalence and international perspective of paediatric gastrointestinal disorders. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. In: Paediatric Gastrointestinal disorders: a psychosocial perspective. Martin C, Dovey T. Radcliffe Publishing. London. 2014; pp 11-23. ISBN: 13:978 184619 995 0
- Book - Epidemiological and pathophysiological aspects of abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders in children and adolescents: a Sri Lankan perspective. Devanarayana NM. Thesis (PhD), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Gunaratne Offset (PVT) ltd, Colombo. 2015; pp 1-251. ISBN : 978-955-42488-0-9
- Chapter 21 – Defecation disorders in children: Constipation and functional fecal incontinence. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. In: Textbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Guandalini S, Dhawan A and Branski D. Springer International Publishing, Now York. 2016; pp 247-260. ISBN: 978-3-17169-2.
- Chapter 38 – Neurogastroenterology and motility disorders in pediatric population. Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Champong A, Thapar N. In. Clinical and Basic Neurogastroenterology and motility. Editors. Rao SSC, Lee YY, Ghoshal UC. Academic Press,London. 2020: p535-556.ISBN: 978-0-12-813037-7
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
- Sundaresan KT, Sugirtha S, Devanarayana NM, Ariyaratne MHJ, Deen KI.Prevention of pre-sacral haemorrhage using thumb tacks. The Ceylon Medical Journal 1999; 44(2): 87-88.
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DG, de Silva HJ. Recurrent Abdominal Pain Syndrome in a Cohort of Sri Lankan Children and Adolescents. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 2008; 54(3): 178-183
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DG, de Silva HJ. Aetiology of recurrent abdominal pain in a cohort of Sri Lankan children. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2008; 44(4):195-200.
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DG, de Silva HJ. Gastric myoelectrical and motor abnormalities in children and adolescents with functional recurrent abdominal pain.Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2008; 23(11): 1672-167
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Mettananda S, Perera P, Jasmin S, Karunarathna U, Adhihetty D, GoonewardenaR. Constipation and functional faecal retention in a group of school children in a district in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2009; 38: 60-64.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, HJ de Silva. Helicobacter pylori infection in children. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2009; 38: 86-88.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Constipation in children: diagnosis and management. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2009; 38: 127-135.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanrayana NM, de Silva HJ.Helicobacter pylori infection in children. The Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology 2009; 15(2): 86-94.
- Rajindrajith S, Mettananda S, Adihetti D, Goonawardana R, Devanarayana NM.Neonatal mortality in Sri Lanka: Timing, causes and distribution. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2009; 22: 791-6
- Devanrayana NM, Rajindrajith S, de Silva HJ. Recurrent abdominal pain in children. Indian Pediatrics 2009; 46(5): 389-401
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Association between constipation and stressful life events in a cohort of Sri Lankan children and adolescents.The Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2010; 56(3): 144-8
- Devanrayana NM. Recurrent abdominal pain in children: A Sri Lankan perspective. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2010; 39: 79-92.
- De Silva AP, Niriella MA, Perera H, Aryasingha S, Kalubovila U, Manchanayake J, Dassanayake AS, Devanarayana NM, Pathmeswaran A, De Silva HJ.Is a six hour fast after a rice meal sufficient before upper gastrointestinal endoscopy? . Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2010; 45: 987-91.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA.Constipation-associated and nonretentive fecal incontinence in children and adolescents: and epidemiological survey in Sri Lanka. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2010; 51(4): 472-476.
- Devanarayana NM, Adhikari C, Pannala W, Rajindrajith S. Prevalence of functional gastrointestinal diseases in a cohort of Sri Lankan adolescents: comparison between Rome II and Rome III criteria. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2011;57:34-39.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Bowel habits and behaviours related to defecation in 10 to 16 year olds: impact of socio-economic characteristics and emotional stress. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2011; 52(5): 569-73.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM.Constipation in children: Novel insight into epidemiology, pathophysiology and management. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2011; 17: 35-47.
- Rajindrajith S, Mettananda S, Devanarayana NM. Constipation during and after the civil war in Sri Lanka: a paediatric study. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2011; 57: 439-43.
- Devanarayana NM, Mettananda S, Liyanarachchi C, Nanayakkara N, Mendis N, Perera N, Rajindrajith S. Abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal diseases in children and adolescents: prevalence, symptomatology and association with emotional stress. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2011; 53: 659-65.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Adhikari C, Pannala W, Benninga MA.Constipation in children: an epidemiological study in Sri Lanka using Rome III criteria. Archives of Diseases in Childhood 2012; 97: 43-5.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S.Aerophagia among Sri Lankan school children: epidemiological patterns and symptom characteristics. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2012; 54: 516-20.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA.Children and adolescents with chronic constipation: How many seek healthare and what determines it? Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2012; 58: 280-5.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Rathnamalala N, Samaraweera S, Benninga MA. Delayed gastric emptying rates and impaired antral motility in children fulfilling Rome III criteria for functional abdominal pain. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2012, 24: 420-5.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Subtypes and symptomatology of irritable bowel syndrome in children and adolescens: a school-based survey using Rome III criteria. Journal of Neurogastroenteroloy and Motility 2012: 18: 298-304
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Crispus Perera BJ. Rumination syndrome in children and adolescents: a school survey assessing prevalence and symptomatology. BMC Gastroenterology 2012; 12: 163.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Review article: feacal incontinence in children: epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical evaluation and management. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2013; 37: 37-48.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Bandara C, Shashipraba G, Benninga MA.Ultrasonographic assessment of liquid gastric emptying and antral motility according to the subtypes of irritable bowel syndrome in children. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2013; 56(4): 443-8.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Functional gastrointestinal diseases in children: facing the rising tide. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2013; 28: 28-10.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Functional gastrointestinal diseases in children: stepping out of the box. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2013; 42: 65-69
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Perera MS, Nishanthani SW, Benninga MA. Gastric emptying and antral motility parameters in children with functional dyspepsia: association with symptom severity. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2013; 28(7):1161-6.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Weerasooriya L, Hathagoda W, Benninga MA.Quality of life and somatic symptoms in children with constipation: a school-based study. Journal of Pediatrics 2013; 163(4): 1069-72
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Lakmini C, Subasinghe V, de Silva DG, Benninga MA. Association between child maltreatment and constipation: a school based survey using Rome III criteria. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2014;58(4): 486-90.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Obesity and functional gastrointestinal diseases in children. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2014; 20(3): 414-6.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Benninga MA. Quality of life and health care consultation in 13 to 18 year olds with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disease. BMC Gastroenterology 2014; 14: 150.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Perera MS, Nishanthanie SW, Karunanayake A, Benninga MA. Association between functional gastrointestinal diseases and exposure to abuse in teenagers. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2014; 60(5): 386-92.
- Korterink J, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Villeger A, Benninga MA. Childhood functional abdominal pain: mechanisms and management. Nature Review Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2015; 12: 159-71.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Pathmeswaran A, Abegunasekara C, Gunawardena NK, Benninga MA. Epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome in children and adolescents in Asia. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2015; 60: 792-8
- Udoh E, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Meremikwu M, Benninga MA. Abdominal Pain Predominant Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Adolescent Nigerians. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2016; 62(4): 588-93.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Faecal Incontinence in Adolescents is Associated with Child Abuse, Somatisation and Poor Health Related Quality of Life. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2016; 62(5): 698-703.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S Benninga MA. Abdominal migraine in children: association between gastric motility parameters and clinical characteristics. BMC Gastroenterology 2016; 16: 26
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Crispus Perera BJ, Benninga MA.Childhood constipation as an emerging public health problem. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2016; 22(30): 6864-75.
- Ranasinghe N, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA, van Dijk M, Rajindrajith S.Psychological maladjustment and quality of life in adolescents with constipation. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2017 Mar;102(3):268-273.
- Udoh EE, Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA.Prevalence and risk factors for functional constipation in adolescent Nigerians. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2017; 102(9): 841-844.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Constipation and constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome: a comparative study using Rome III criteria. . Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2017; 64(5): 679-684.
- Kumari AMMV, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Amarasiri L.Clinical utility of spirometry in pre-school children. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2018; 47(1): 64-68.
- Rajindrajith S, Hettige S, Gulegoda I, Jayawickrama N, de Silva SC, Samarakoon HK, de Silva RL, Abeyagunawardena S, Devanarayana NM. Aerophagia in adolescents is associated with exposure to adverse life events and psychological maladjustment. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2018; 30(3): doi: 10.1111/nmo.13224. Epub 2017 Oct 3.
- Rajindrajith S, Zeevenhooven J, Devanarayana NM, Perera BJC, Benninga MA. Functional abdominal pain in children. Expert Review in Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2018; 12(4): 369-390
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, de Silva A, Gunawardena S, Rajindrajith S. Randomized controlled clinical trial on value of domperidone in functional abdominal pain in children. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2018; 66(5): 725-731.
- Ranasinghe N, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Prerera MS, Nishanthinie S, Warnakulasuriya T, De Zoysa PT. Functional gastrointestinal diseases and psychological maladjustment, personality traits and quality of life. BMC Gastroenterology 2018; 18(1): 33
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Irritable bowel syndrome in children: current knowledge, challenges and opportunities. World journal of Gastroenterology 2018; 24(21): 2211-2235.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Delayed or not delayed? That is the question in Indian children with constipation. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018; 37(5): 385-387.
- Kumari MV, Devanarayana NM, Amarasiri L, Rajindrajith S. Association between functional abdominal pain disorders and asthma in adolescents: a cross sectional study. World Journal of Clinical Cases. 2018; 6(15): 944-951.
- Karunanayake A, Rajindrajith S, de Silva HA, Gunawardena S, Devanarayana NM. Autonomic functions and gastric motility in children with functional abdominal pain disorders. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2019; 25(1): 95-106.
- Vriesman MH, Rajindrajith S, Koppen IJN, van Etten-Jamaludin FS, van Dijk M, Devanarayana NM, Tabbers MM, Benninga MA. Quality of life in children with functional constipation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Pediatrics 2019; 214:141-150.
- Walter AW, Hovenkamp A, Devanarayana NM, Solanga R, Rajindrajith S, Benninga MA. Functional constipation in infancy and early childhood: epidemiology, risk factors, and healthcare consultation. BMC Pediatrics 2019; 19(1): 285.
- Scheepers PTJ, de Werdt L, van Dael M, Anzion R, Vanoirbeek J, Duca RC, Creta M, Godderis L, Warnakulasuriya DTD, Devanarayana NM. Assessment of exposure of gas station attendants in Sri Lanka to benzene, toluene and xylenes. Environmental Research 2019 Nov; 178:108670
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Constipation in children: the bird’s eye view. Galle Medical Journal 2020; 25(3): 69-73.
- Zeevenhooven J, van der Heijden HS, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Benninga MA . Epidemiology of functional abdominal pain disorders and functional defecation disorders in adolescents in Curacao. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenteorlogy and Nutrition 2020; 70(4): e71-e76
- Zeevenhooven J, Rexwinkel R, Van Berge Henegouwen VWA, Krishnan U, Vandenplas Y, Strisciuglio C, Staiano A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Benninga MA, Tabbers NM;.A core outcome set for clinical trials in pediatric functional abdominal pain disorders. Consensus Group on Outcome Measures Made in Pediatric Enteral Nutrition Clinical Trials Working Group. Journal of Pediatrics 2020; 221:115-122
- Zeevenhooven J, van der Heijden HS, Devanarayan NM, Rajindrajith S, Benninga MA. Epidemiology of functional abdominal pain disorders and functional defecation disorders in adolescents in Curacao. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenteorlogy and Nutrition 2020; 71(3): e103-e104
- Rajindrajith S, Ranathunga N, Jayawickrama N, van Dijk M, Benniga MA, Devanarayana NM. Behavioral and emotional problems in adolescents with constipation and their association with quality of life. Plos One 2020; 15(10): e0239092.
- Kumari MV, Amarasiri L, Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Functional abdominal pain disorders and asthma: two disorders, but similar pathophysiology? Expert Review Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2021; 15(1): 9-24.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Thapar N, Benninga MA. Functional fecal incontinence in children: epidemiology, pathophysiology, evaluation and management. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2021; 72(6): 794-801.
- Liyanarachchi H, Rajindrajith S, Kuruppu C, Chathurangana P, Ranawaka R, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Association between childhood constipation and exposure to stressful life events: a systematic review. Neurogastroenteorlogy and Motility 2021; 20: e14231
- Kumari MV, Amarasiri L, Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Gastric motility and pulmonary function in children with functional abdominal pain disorders and asthma: a pathophysiological study. Plos One 2022;
- . Niriella MA, Jayasena H, Withanage M, Devanarayana NM, De Silva AP. Chronic nausea and vomiting: a diagnostic approach. Expert review of gastroenterology and hepatology 2022; 16(4):311-320
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Childhood constipation: Current status, challenges, and future perspectives. World journal of clinical paediatrics 2022 ;11(5):385-404.
- Rajindrajith S, Gunawardane D, Kuruppu C, Dharmaratne SD, Gunawardena NK, Devanarayana NM. Epidemiology of aerophagia in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2022.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Early life events in functional abdominal pain disorders in children. PLoS One 2022.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Thapar N, Benninga MA. Myths and misconceptions about childhood constipation. European journal of pediatrics 2023 ;182(4):1447-1458.
Publications in Conference Proceedings (Oral and Poster Presentations)
- Dissanayake AS, Devanarayana NM, Madagoda K. Correlation of examination performance in physiology with student’s approach to learning. Abstract of the Inaugural Session 2001, the Asian Medical Education Association, Hong Kong, China. Abstract no. PP 6.
- Madagoda K, Dissanayake AS, Devanarayana NM. Student attitudes on a problem-based learning session in traditional curriculum. Abstract of the Inaugural Session 2001, the Asian Medical Education Association, Hong Kong, China. Abstract no. OP 9.
- Athukorala ADSPK, Madagoda K, Devanarayana NM, Ferdinandis H, Dissanayake AS, de Silva DC. Is problem based learning (PBL) a way forward in undergraduate medical education? Results of a pre and post PBL assessment. Abstract of the 6th International Medical Congress 2002, Kandy, Sri Lanka. Abstract no 11.
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Helicobacter pylori infection in recurrent abdominal pain: a Sri Lankan experience. Abstract of the Annual Meeting 2006, Commonwealth Association of Paediatrics Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Abstract no. 23
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Causes for Recurrent abdominal pain in children and adolescents: a classification according to Rome II criteria. Abstract of the Asia Pacific Congress of Paediatrics 2007, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. 12
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Association between Recurrent abdominal pain in Sri Lankan school children and exposure to stressful life events. Abstract of the Asia Pacific Congress of Paediatrics 2007, Colombo, Sri Lanka.Abstract no. 13
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva H, de Silva J. Gastric myoelectrical and motor abnormalities in children and adolescents with functional recurrent abdominal pain. Proceedings of the 11th Spring Meeting, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 2007, York, United Kingdom. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2007; 92(Suppl 1): A29(Abstract).
- Mettananda S, Adhihetty D, Goonewardena R. Devanarayana N, Rajindrajith S. Readmission of neonates after discharge: a case controlled study. Abstract presented at the International Congress of Pediatrics 2007, Athens, Greece.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana N, Mettananda S, Perera P, Jasmin S, Karunarathna U, Adhihetty D, Goonewardena R. Constipation in Sri Lankan school children of 10 to 16 years: how big the problem is? Abstract presented at the International Congress of Pediatrics 2007, Athens, Greece.
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva H, de Silva J. Aetiology of childhood recurrent abdominal pain syndrome: functional or organic? Comparison between Rome II and Rome III criteria. Abstract presented at the International Congress of Pediatrics 2007, Athens, Greece.
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva H, de Silva J. Sri Lankan children with recurrent abdominal pain: clinical profile and consultation behaviour. Abstract presented at the International Congress of Pediatrics 2007, Athens, Greece.
- Devanarayana NM. Rajindrajith S, Adikari C, Pannala W. Gastrointestinal disorders in children admitted to a tertiary car paediatric unit in Sri Abstract of Asia Pacific Digestive Week September 2008, New Delhi, India. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008; 23 (Suppl 5): A157.
- Rajindrajith S, Adikari C, Pannala W, Devanarayana NM. Bowel habits of Sri Lankan children and adolescent. Abstract of Asia Pacific Digestive Week, September 2008, New Delhi, India. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008; 23 (Suppl 5): A158.
- Rajindrajith S, Adikari C, Pannala W, Devanarayana N. Constipation and functional faecal retention in Sri Lankan school children and adolescents. Abstract of Asia Pacific Digestive Week September 2008, New Delhi, India. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008; 23 (Suppl 5): A157-158
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Adikari C, Pannala W. Oro-caecal transit in Sri Lankan children and adolescents with functional recurrent abdominal pain. Abstract of Asia Pacific Digestive Week September 2008, New Delhi, India. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008; 23 (Suppl 5): A157.
- De Silva A, Niriella M, Harshani N, Perera D, Aryasingha J, Kalubowila U,Dassanayake A, Pathmeswaran A, Manchanayake J, Devanarayana N. Is a Six Hour Fast After a Rice Meal Sufficient Before Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy? DDW 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2009; 69(5): AB220-AB221.
- Devanarayana NM, Adikari C, Pannala W, Rajindrajith S. Prevalence of functional gastrointestinal diseases among a cohort of Sri Lankan school children aged 12 to 16 years. 6th Congress of the Paediatric Association of South Asian Countries 2009, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. FP 01.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Fecal incontinence in Sri Lankan children and adolescents: an epidemiological survey. 6th Congress of the Paediatric Association of South Asian Countries 2009, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. FP 04.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM.Constipation and exposure to stressful life events in 10 to 16 year olds: Sri Lankan experience. 6th Congress of the Paediatric Association of South Asian Countries 2009, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. FP 03.
- Devanarayana NM, Dharmawansa R, Rajindrajith S. Functional abdominal pain in children and adolescents: Association with impaired gastric motility. 6th Congress of the Paediatric Association of South Asian Countries 2009, Colombo, Sri Lanka.Abstract no. FP 02.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Constipation and exposure to stressful life events in 10-16 year olds: A Sri Lankan experience. British Society of Gastroenterology Annual General Meeting 2009, Glasgow, UK. Gut 2009; 58 (Supplement I): A 92-3
- Rajindrajith S, Mettananda S, Devanarayana NM. Constipation during and after the civil war in Sri Lanka: a paediatric study. Young Investigators Forum, Functional Brain Gut Study Group 2010. Tucson, USA. Abstract no.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Assessment of gastric emptying and antral motility in different types of abdominal pain related functional gastrointestinal diseases: a paediatric study. British Society of Gastroenterology Annual General Meeting 2010, Liverpool, UK. Gut 2010; 59 (Supplement I): A 92-3.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Subtypes and intestinal-related and extraintestinal symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in children. Annual Meeting of the Commonwealth Association of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2011, London, UK. Abstract no. 29.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Factors affecting healthcare consultation in children with chronic constipation: a school based survey. Annual Meeting of the Commonwealth Association of Paediatric Gastroenteorology and Nutrition 2011, London, UK. Abstract no. 10.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA.Determinants of healthcare consultation behaviour in children with chronic constipation: a school based survey.5th European Pediatric Motility Meeting 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Abstract no.46 (PP). Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutriion 2011; 53 (Suppl 2): S82.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Aerophagia among school children: epidemiological patterns and symptom characteristics. 5th European Pediatric Motility Meeting 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Abstract no. 25 (PP). Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutriion 2011; 53 (Suppl 2): S73.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Bandara C,Shashipraba G, Benninga MA.Gastric emptying and antral motility according to the subtypes of irritable bowel syndrome: a paediatric study. 5th European Pediatric Motility Meeting 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Abstract no. 24 (PP) Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2011; 53 (Suppl 2): S72.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Rathnamalala N, Samaraweera S, Benninga MA. Delayed gastric emptying rates and impaired antral motility in children fulfilling Rome III criteria for functional abdominal pain. 5th European Pediatric Motility Meeting 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Abstract no. 03 (OP). Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2011; 53 (Suppl 2): S63.
- Ranasinghe N, Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Warnakulasuriya T, Nishanthini S, Perera MS. Children and Adolescents with Constipation: Do they have Different Personalities?Asia Pacific Digestive Week, Bangkok, Thailand 2012. Abstract no.P18-12. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012; 27(Suppl 5): 383.
- Ranasinghe N, Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Warnakulasuriya T, Nishanthini S, Perera MS.Personality Assessment in Children with Abdominal Pain Predominant Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases. Asia Pacific Digestive Week, Bangkok, Thailand 2012. Abstract no.P18-13. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012; 27(Suppl 5): 384.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Lakmini C, Subasinghe V, Benninga MA. Constipation in Sri Lankan Children: Association with Physical, Sexual, Emotional Abuse. Asia Pacific Digestive Week, Bangkok, Thailand 2012. Abstract no.P18-11. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012; 27(Suppl 5): 383.
- Devanarayana NM. Rajindrajith S, Karunanayake A, Nishanthini S, Perera MS, Benninga MA. Abdominal Pain Predominant Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases: Association with Child Abuse, Traumatic Life Events and Quality of Life. Asia Pacific Digestive Week, Bangkok, Thailand 2012. Abstract no.P18-10. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012; 27(Suppl 5): 383.
- Devanarayana NM,Rajindrajith S, Benninga MA. Gastric Motility in Children with Abdominal Migraine. Asia Pacific Digestive Week, Bangkok, Thailand 2012.Abstract no. P12-17. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012; 27(Suppl 5):286.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Abdominal bloating in children: association with functional gastrointestinal diseases and adverse life events. 3rd BiennialCongress of Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association, 2013, Peanang, Malaysia.Abstract no P12. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2013; 19(Suppl 1): 63.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Epidemiology of cyclical vomiting syndrome in a cohort of Sri Lankan children. 3rd Biennial Congress of Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association, 2013, Peanang, Malaysia.Abstract no P6. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2013; 19(Suppl 1): 98
- Rajindrajith S,Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Quality of life and somatic symptoms in children with constipation. 3rd Biennial Congress of Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association, 2013, Peanang, Malaysia.Abstract no P77. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2013; 19(Suppl 1): 99.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Gastric motility in children with aerophagia. 3rd Biennial Congress of Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association, 2013, Peanang, Malaysia.Abstract no P86. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2013; 19(Suppl 1): 108.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S,Benninga MA. Quality of life in teenagers with abdominal pain related functional gastrointestinal disorders, who have been exposed to child abuse. Abstract from 6th European Pediatric Motility Meeting 2013, Brussels, Belgium. Abstract no. P44.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Gastric motility abnormalities in children suffering from cyclical vomiting syndrome. Abstract from 6th European Pediatric Motility Meeting 2013, Brussels, Belgium. Abstract no. P33.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga M. Association between faecal incontinence, child abuse, somatisation and health related quality of life. Abstract of the 6th European Pediatric Gastrointestinal Motility Meeting, Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica, 2013: 34.
- Rajindrajith S, Gunawardena K, Chitra Abegunasekara, Devanarayana NM. The epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome among children and adolescents in Asia: a systematic review. Abstract of the 6th European Pediatric Gastrointestinal Motility Meeting, Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica, 2013: 63, Abstract no. P52.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Impact of pain characteristic and gastric motility parameters on quality of life of children with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders. Abstract of the 1st Federation of the Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting 2014, Guangzhou, China. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2014; 26(suppl 1): 68. Abstract no. PP214. Karunanayake A, Devanarayana N, Rajindrajith S. The relationship between cardio-vagal autonomic functions and gastric motility in children with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders. Abstract of the 1st Federation of the Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting 2014, Guangzhou, China. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2014; 26(suppl 1): 69. Abstract no. PP215.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Benninga MA.The association between adverse life events and abdominal pain-predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders. Abstract presented at the 7th European Pediatric GI Motility Meeting, 10/2015, Sorrento, Italy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2015; 61(4):517-518. Abstract No. OP-20
- Hovenkamp A, Walter HAW, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Benninga MA. Infant dyschezia in Sri Lankan children. Abstract presented at the 7th European Pediatric GI Motility Meeting, 10/2015, Sorrento, Italy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2015; 61(4):516. Abstract No. OP-17
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Effects of body mass index on gastric motility in children with abdominal pain-predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders. Abstract presented at the 7th European Pediatric GI Motility Meeting, 10/2015, Sorrento, Italy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2015; 61(4):526. Abstract No. PP-14
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, de Silva A. Therapeutic effects of domperidone on abdominal pain-predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders.Abstract presented at the 7th European Pediatric GI Motility Meeting, 10/2015, Sorrento, Italy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2015; 61(4):511-512. Abstract No. OP-7.
- Rajindrajith S,Devanarayana NM, Rajapakshe NN, Benninga MA. Do traumatic life events predispose children to develop constipation? Abstract presented at the 7th European Pediatric GI Motility Meeting, 10/2015, Sorrento, Italy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2015; 61(4):513-514. Abstract No. OP-11
- Walter HA, Hovenkamp A,Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Benninga MA. Bowel habits in Sri Lankan infants and toddlers. Abstract presented at the 7thEuropean Pediatric GI Motility Meeting, 10/2015, Sorrento, Italy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2015; 61(3):520. Abstract No. PP-1
- Walter HA, Hovenkamp A, Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM, Rajapakshe NN, Benninga MA. Prevalence of functional constipation in infants and toddlers in Sri Lanka. Abstract presented at the 7th European Pediatric GI Motility Meeting, 10/2015,Sorrento, Italy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2015; 61(4):514. Abstract no. OP-12
- Rajindrajith S, Silva RL, Devanarayana NM. Aerophagia in children is associated with emotional ill-treatment. Abstract presented at the 7th European Pediatric GI Motility Meeting, 10/2015, Sorrento, Italy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2015; 61(4):527. Abstract No. PP-17
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Association between adverse life events, child abuse and irritable bowel syndrome. Abstract presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association March 2017, Osaka, Japan.Abstract No. 2P-38.
- Devanarayana NM, Hettige S, De Silva SC, Samarakoon HK, Jayawickrema N, Rajindrajith S. Aerophagia in teenagers: association with child abuse, adverse life events, somatisation and quality of life. Abstract presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association March 2017, Osaka, Japan. Abstract No. 1P-63.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Association between aerophagia and psychological maladjustment. Abstract presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association March 2017, Osaka, Japan. Abstract No. PA3-4.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Health related quality of life (HRQOL), family impact and disturbances to child activity in children with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders (AP-FGIDs): school based, cross sectional study. Abstract presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association March 2017, Osaka, Japan. Abstract No. 1P-80.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Gunawardena S. Automatic stomach: a model to describe the association of autonomic functions with gastric motility in children with functional abdominal pain. Abstract presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association March 2017, Osaka, Japan. Abstract No. 2P-9.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Impact of early life events (ELE) and family dynamics for development of abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders (AP-FGIDs) in 5-12 age group. Abstract presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association March 2017, Osaka, Japan. Abstract No. 2P-10.
- Kumari MV, Devanarayana NM, Amarasiri L, Rajindrajith S. Impaired lung function among children with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders. Abstract presented at the 6th Consensus of Paediatrics Meeting and the 20th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. November 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract No. PP141.
- Kumari MV, Devanarayana NM, Amarasiri L, Rajindrajith S. Impaired gastric motility among asthmatic children. Abstract presented at the 6th Consensus of PaediatricsKarunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. The prevalence and clinical profile of abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders (AP-FGIDs) in 5-12 year olds in Sri Lanka. Abstract presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association March 2017, Osaka, Japan.Abstract No. FP-4. Meeting and the 20th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. November 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract No. PP137.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Gunawardena S, de Silva A. Value of domperidone in functional abdominal pain in children: a double blind, randomized, placebo controlled trial. Abstract presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association March 2017, Osaka, Japan. Abstract No. 1P-72.
- Kumari MV, Amarasiri L, Rajindrajith S, Hewawasam C, Wickramage S, Devanarayana NM.Gastrointestinal symptoms among asthmatic adolescents in Sri Lanka. Abstract presented at the 6th Consensus of Paediatrics Meeting and the 20th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. November 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract No. PP135.
- Kumari MV, Amarasiri L, Rajindrajith S, Rajapakse SI, Hewawasam C, Wickramage S, Devanarayana NM. The impact of asthma on adolescents’ health in Sri Lanka. Abstract presented at the 6th Consensus of Paediatrics Meeting and the 20th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. November 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract No. PP130.
- Weerapperuma N, Ranathunga N, Rrajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Epidemiology and behavior profile of functional gastrointestinal disorders in a group of Sri Lankan children. Abstract presented at the 6th Consensus of Paediatrics Meeting and the 20th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. November 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract No. PP77.
- Kumari MV, Devanarayana NM, Amarasiri L, Rajindrajith S. Gastric motility disturbances in children with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders. Abstract presented at the 6th Consensus of Paediatrics Meeting and the 20th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians.November 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract No. PP72.
- Kumari MV, Amarasiri L, Rajindrajith S, Rajapakse SI, Devanarayana NM. The impact of functional gastrointestinal disorders on quality of life among adolescents in Sri Lanka. Abstract presented at the 6th Consensus of Paediatrics Meeting and the 20th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. November 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract No. PP04.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Parents’ views, attitudes and responses towards abdominal pain in children with functional abdominal pain disorders (FAPDs): a school based cross sectional study. Abstract presented at the 14th Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition Congress. October 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract No. PP-G-14.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Health care seeking behaviours in functional abdominal pain disorders (FAPDs): school based cross sectional study. Abstract presented at the 14th Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition Congress. October 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract No. PP-G-15
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Impact of early life events (ELE) on sex-related vulnerability in development of functional abdominal pain disorders (FAPDs) in 5-12 age group. Abstract presented at the 14th Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition Congress. October 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract No. PP-G-16.
- Kumari MV, Devanarayana NM, Amarasiri A, Rajindrajith S. Association between functional gastrointestinal disorders and asthma in adolescents: a school based study. Abstract presented at the 14th Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition Congress. October 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract No. OP-G-04.
- Kumari MV, Devanarayana NM, Amarasiri A, Rajindrajith S. Gastric motility disturbances among asthmatic. Abstract presented at the 14th Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition Congress. October 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract No. PP-G-12.
- Kumari MV, Devanarayana NM, Amarasiri A, Rajindrajith S. Impaired gastric motility among children with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders (AP-FGIDs). Abstract presented at the 14th Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition Congress. October 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract No. PP-G-68.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Association between aerophagia and behaviour in teenagers: an epidemiological study using the child behaviour check list. Abstract presented at the 1st World Congress of Paediatric Neurogastroenterology and Motility, April 2021, Adelaide, Australia.
- Devanarayana NM, Gunasekara D, Rajindrajith S. Prevalence of constipation in 5 to 10 year old children in Sri Lanka: a community based survey using Rome IV criteria. Abstract presented at the 1st World Congress of Paediatric Neurogastroenterology and Motility, April 2021, Adelaide, Australia.
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Recurrent abdominal pain syndrome among school children in the Gampaha district in Sri Lanka. Abstract of the 118th Anniversary Academic Session, 2005, Sri Lanka Medical Association, The Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(Supplement 1): 37, Abstract no. PP1.
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Recurrent abdominal pain in children: its role in school performance. Abstract from 119th Annual Scientific Sessions 2006, Sri Lanka Medical Association. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 51(Supplement 1): 36, Abstract no. PP1.
- Amarasiri WADL, Ferdinandis TGHC, Devanarayana NM, De Silva DC. Learning outcome of a “modified essay question type” versus a traditional tutorial in Physiology. Abstract of the Annual Meeting 2006, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. Abstract no. A1.
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Role of antral motility in gastric emptying of liquids: A paediatric study. Abstract of the Annual Meeting 2006, the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. Abstract no. A3.
- Rajindrajith S, Mettananda S, Adihetti D, Goonawardena R, Devanarayana NM. Neonatal mortality in Sri Lanka: timing, causes and distribution. Abstract of the Annual Scientific Congress 2008, The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Abstract no. OP 38.
- Pannala W, Adikari C, Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana N. Neonatal deaths in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Abstract of the Annual Scientific Congress 2008, The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Abstract no. OP 37.
- Rajindrajith S, Adikari C, Pannala W, Devanarayana N. Constipation and functional faecal retention in 10 to 16 years olds: an epidemiological study in Sri Lanka. Abstract of the Annual Scientific Congress 2008, The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Abstract no. OP 20
- Rajindrajith S, Adikari C, Pannala W, Devanarayana N. Bowel habits of Sri Lankan children and adolescents. Abstract of the Annual Scientific Congress 2008, The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Abstract no. OP 19.
- Mettananda DSG, Rajindrajith S, Adhihetty S. Goonewardena AR, Adikari AM, Pannala WS, Devanarayana NM, Mettananda KCD. Fate of premature neonates born before 34 weeks of gestation: experience at a tertiary care center in Sri Lanka. Abstract of the Annual Scientific Congress 2008, The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Abstract no. OP 6.
- Mettananda DSG, Rajindrajith S, Adhihetty S. Goonewardena AR, Adikari AM, Pannala WS, Devanarayana NM, Mettananda KCD. Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of neonates born before 34 weeks of gestation: a case control study. Abstract of the Annual Scientific Congress 2008, The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Abstract no. OP 5.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Gastric motility and irritable bowel syndrome: a paediatric study. Abstract of the Annual Meeting 2009, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. Abstract no. A4.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Impact of emotional stress on bowel habits and defecation disorders in children and adolescents. Abstract of the Annual Meeting 2009, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. Abstract no. A3.
- Mettananda S, Rajindrajith S, Warnakulasuriya T, Fernando M, Devanarayana NM, Gunawardena NK. Achieving Millennium Development Goad 4 in 2015: Are we really on tract? Abstract of the Annual Scientific Congress 2011, The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Abstract no. OP.08
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Factors affecting healthcare consultation in children with chronic constipation: a school based survey. Abstract of the Annual Scientific Congress 2011, The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Abstract no. OP.05.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Subtypes and intestinal-related and extraintestinal symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in children. Abstract of the Annual Scientific Congress 2011, The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians. Abstract no. OP.06.
- Mettananda S, Warnakulasooriya T, Fernando M, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Analysis of neonatal deaths in Sri Lanka from 2002 to 2006. 124th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. OP 47. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2011. Vol 56: 38.
- Devanarayana NM, Mettananda S, Rajindrajith S. Abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal diseases in children and adolescents: prevalence, symptomatology and association with emotional stress. 124th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. OP 34. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2011. Vol 56: 43.
- Rajindrajith S, Devanarayana NM. Factors affecting healthcare consultation in children with chromic constipation: a school based survey. 124th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. OP 34. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2011. Vol 56: 42.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Perera MS, Nishanthinie S. Association between functional dyspepsia and gastric motility in children. 125th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. PP 122. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2012. Vol 57:129.
- Rajindrajith S, Mettananda S, Lakmini BC, Subasinghe SMV, Devanarayana NM.The impact of functional constipation on quality of life in children. 125th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. PP 120. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2012. Vol 57:128.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Mettananda S, Weerasooriya WALK, Hathagoda KLW, Lakmini BC, Subasinghe SMV, de Silva DGH. Child abuse and abdominal pain – Is there an association? 125th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract no. OP 23. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2012. Vol 57:25.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Cardio-vagal autonomic functions in children with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders. Abstract of the Annual Meeting 2013, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. Abstract no. OP 09.
- Warnakulasuriya T, Luke D, Karunanayake AL, Devanarayana NM. Gastric motility and cardiovascular autonomic function in trained athletes: a prospective case controlled study. Abstract of the Annual Meeting 2018, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. Abstract no. OP 02.
- Medagoda K, Warnakulasuriya T, Kottahachchi D, Fernando S, Ariyawansa J, Jayasinghe N, de Silva D, Scheepers P, Devanarayana N. Cognitive function assessment among males occupationally exposed to petrol fumes. Abstract of the Annual Meeting 2018, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. Abstract no. OP 05.
- Rajidrajith S, Ranathunga N, Devanarayana NM. Behavioral problems in adolescents with functional constipation. 21st Annual Scientific Congress, Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 2018. Abstract no. FP 02.
- Kottahachchi DC, Warnakulasuriy T, Medagoda K, Siriwardena S, De Silva D, Devanarayana N. Thyroid gland anomalies among fuel handlers in Sri Lanka. Abstract presented at SLENDO 2020, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract No. OP 05.
- Wadasinghe D, Warnakulasuriy T, Medagoda K, Kottahachchi D, Luke D, Ariyawansha J, Rathnayake P, Dissanayake T, De Silva D, Amarasirit L, Devanarayana NM, Sheepers P. Lung Functions of fuel handlers exposed to volatile organic compounds. Abstract Presented at the Annual Conference 2020, Ceylon College of Physicians. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2020, Volume 51 (Supplement 1): 34
- Medagoda K, Warnakulasuriy T, Kottahachchi D, Luke D, Wadasinghe D, Ariyawansha J,Rathnayake P, Dissanayake T, De Silva D, Devanarayana N. Autonomic functions among fuel handlers in the Gampaha District. Abstract Presented at the Annual Conference 2020, Ceylon College of Physicians. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2020, Volume 51 (Supplement 1): 7
- PWP, Devanarayana N, Rajindrajith S. Health related quality of life in children with bladder dysfunction: a preliminary report. Abstract of 23rd Annual Scientific Congress, the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 2021: abstract No. PP 60
- Ranawaka R, Dissanayake PC, Liyanarachchi H, Chathurangana PWP, Devanarayana N, Rajindrajith S. Health related quality of life in children with nephrotic syndrome: a preliminary report. Abstract of 23rd Annual Scientific Congress, the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 2021: abstract No. PP 23
- Ranawaka R, Wijekoon N, Dissanayake PC, Liyanarachchi H, Chathurangana Wickramasinghe N, Samarasekara DN, Yazaki E, Abthavann T, Madushika JA, Devanarayana NM. Prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease symptoms in Western province, Sri Lanka. Abstract of Colombo Medical Congress 2021: abstract No OP -07.
- Warnakulasuriya T, Amarasiri L, WadasingheD, Medagoda K, Kottahachchi D, Ariyawansa J, Rathnayake P, Dissanayake T, Fernando S, De Silva DC, Devanarayana NM. Comparison of spirometry predicted values using 3 estimated reference equations for a Sinhalese population. Abstract of 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka 2021: Abstract No OP 4.
- Rodrigo I, Samarathunga P. Martin T, Devanarayana NM, Ranasinghe N. Delivery of information related to COVID-19 to Sri Lankan children during early lockdown period. Abstract of 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka 2021: Abstract No PP 1.
- Wickramasinghe NA, Samarasekara DN, Yazaki E, Ahthavann T, Madushika JA, Devanarayana NM. Comparison of contributing factors of GERD between endoscopy positive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease patients and healthy controls in Sri Lankan population. Abstract of 8 th Biennial South Asian Association of Physiologists Conference (SAAP8): Abstract No OP 9.
- Fernando N, de Silva DC, Ferdinandis H, Medagoda K, Devanarayana N, Jinadasa S, Karunasena C, Fernando S. Can we improve Physiology tutorials? An assessment of targeted vs. non-targeted tutorials. Abstract from Annual Research Symposium 2003, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Athukorala ADSPK, Madagoda M, Devanarayana NM, Ferdinandis H, Dissanayake AS, de Silva DC. Is problem based learning (PBL) a way forward in undergraduate medical education? Results of a pre and post PBL assessment. Abstract from Annual Research Symposium 2003, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Devanarayana NM, Kushan Medagoda, Udya Rodrigo, Ishan Jayasuriya, Asoka S Dissanayake. Correlation between medical students’ approach to learning and performance in Physiology examinations. Abstract from Annual Research Symposium 2004, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Devanarayana NM, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Recurrent abdominal pain syndrome in children is a significant burden on health care system of Sri Lanka. Abstract of the Annual Research Symposium 2006, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya.
- Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, de Silva DGH, de Silva HJ. Low fat diet and childhood functional recurrent abdominal pain syndrome: a preliminary study. Abstract of the Annual Research Symposium 2009, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya.
- Wickramasinghe NA, Samarasekara DN, Yazaki E, Ahthavann T, Madushika JA, Devanarayana NM. Prevalence of gastro oesophageal reflux disease in Sri Lanka: an island wide epidemiological survey. Abstract of 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka 2021: Abstract No OP 1.
- Karunanayake A, Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S. Cardio-vagal autonomic functions in children with abdominal pain predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders. Abstract of University of Kelaniya 14th Annual Research Symposium 2013. Abstract no. OP 05
- Wickramasinghe NA, Ahthavann T, Gunasekera GCS, Devanarayana NM. Microbial, pH and physical differences between local Sri Lankan bread made in bekeries with different manufacturing practices. Abstract of 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka 2021: Abstract No OP 5.
Other (eg newsletters, magazines, etc.)
- Gastrointestinal motility testing and its applications. Devanarayana NM. The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka Newsletter 2014; 10: 5-7
Professional Contributions
Positions held and holding in academic and scientific bodies :
- 2019 to 2021 President, the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka
- 2012 to date Member, Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association
- 2012 to date Course Coordinator, Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Physiology, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 2010 to date Associate of Rome, Rome Foundation
- 2010 to 2011 Honorary Secretary, the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka
- 2009 to date Member, Speciality Board in Physiology, the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, Sri Lanka
- 2009 to 2015 Secretary, Speciality Board in Physiology, the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, Sri Lanka
- 2009 to 2015 Member of the Board of Study, Basic and Medical Sciences, the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, Sri Lanka
- 2009 to date Member of the Executive Committee, Physiological Society of Sri Lanka
- 2006 to date Member, Digestive and Endoscopy Society, Sri Lanka
- 2004 to date Member, Sri Lanka Medical Association, Sri Lanka
Positions held & holding in committees in the Faculty of Medicine & University of Kelaniya :
2020 to date Head of the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
2020 to 2023 Chairman, Board of Study, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
2020 to 2022 Member of Committee of International Affairs, University of Kelaniya
2019 to 2022 Chairperson, Research Management Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
2018 to 2022 Director, Research Support Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
2012 to date Coordinator, Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Physiology, Board of Study in Medical Sciences, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
2012 to 2014 Dean’s Nominee to Faculty Board, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
2010 to 2014 Honorary Secretary, Commuter Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
2010 to date Member of the Senate of University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
2010 to 2011 Honorary Secretary, Kelaniya Faculty of Medicine Teachers association
2008 to date Officer-In-Charge, Gastroenterology Research Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sir Lanka
- 2016 to 2019 Member of the Editorial Board, World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics
- 2013 to 2016 Member of the Editorial Board, World Journal of Hepatology