Professor K. A. L. A. Kuruppuarachchi
MBBS (Peradeniya), MDPsych (Colombo), FRCPsych (United Kingdom), FSLCOP
General Adult Psychiatry
Research Interests
- Culture and psychiatry
- Undergraduate and Postgraduate psychiatric education
- Students mental health
- Ante-natal and post-natal psychiatric disorders
- Research on Near Death Experience (NDE)
- Substance misuse amongst psychiatric patients.
Orations/Guest lectures/Invited Speech/Plenary
- “Tomorrow’s Doctors - Training and attitudes”, Third International Conference of South Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations, Kalutara ,Sri Lanka, November 2007.
- ‘Family Influence on Mental Health’ , Sri Lanka College of psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, Colombo ,Sri Lanka, May 2005.
Books, Book Chapters, Sections and Study Guides
- Community Mental Health Care, Issues and Challenges - A Practical Hand Book in PSYCHIATRY for Doctors at Primary Health Care Level. 2003, Sahanaya (National Council For Mental Health) Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN-955-8849-00-6.
Chapters: LEARNING DIFFICULTIES – Chapter 10 Psychiatric Disorders in the elderly – DEMENTIA - Chapter 11(Section D) Revised Edition – Published in 2008. - Chapter 04 (51-62) Dealing with Diversity Cross- Cultural Aspects of Near-Death Experiences. Ornella Corazza and K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. Edited by MAHENDRA PERERA, KARUPPIAH JAGADHEESAN and ANTHONY PEAKE.
Making Sense of Near Death Experiences. A HAND BOOK FOR CLINICIANS, ISBN-978-1-84905-149- 1.Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2012 London. - Chapter on Sri Lanka-SRI LANKA ( DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF), Mosby’s POCKET GUIDE SERIES, Cultural Health Assessment.
Third Edition –Mosby, Inc.2003, St Louis ,Missouri,U.S.A.ISBN 0-323-01858-0, Fourth Edition-2008,ISBN 13:978-0-323-04834-7, ISBN 10:0-323-04834-X. - A Sinhala book on Common Psychiatric Problems - ”Manasika Roga Handunaganimu” , 2004,ISBN 955-20-6825-8 , S.Godage and Brothers , Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Psychiatry in Sri Lanka In Psychiatry in Asia ,2005, Vikas Medical Publishers, Mumbai, India, ISBN No. 81- 88240 -14-1
- Hapanagama A, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Maternal mental health services in Sri Lanka: Challenges and solutions. 2020 BJPsych International doi:10.1192/bji.2020.52
- Hapangama A, Kuruppuarachchi LA, de Silva R, Wickremasinghe AR, Ravindran A, Williams SS. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS-SR) Sinhala Version. 2020 Ceylon Medical Journal , 65;1&2 : 28-31.
- Gunasekera T, Fernando R, Peris MUPK, Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Hapangama A. Awareness and attitudes regarding electroconvulsive therapy(ECT) among patients and caregivers at a psychiatry unit in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2020;11(2):20-25.
- Chandradasa M, Kuruppuarachchi CS, Rathnayake LC, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Clozapine induced severe weight loss in resistant schizophrenia managed with risperidone add-on therapy. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2020; 11(2): 38-39.
- Chandradasa M, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Mental Health Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2020; 29(2):1-4.
- Chandradasa M, De Silva Rajaratne PKDHJL, Kuruppuarachchi C, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. The Living Being Dead: Cotard Syndrome Presenting as a Dead Spirit. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2020; 29(2): 83-85.
- Isuru A, Ediriweera D, Pathmeswaran A, Embuldeniya A, Narammalage H, Warnakulasooriya S, Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Hapangama A. Betel-quid use and its effects on symptoms of schizophrenia and extrapyramidal symptoms among a group of patients in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2020; 11(1): 32-38.
- Chandradasa M, de Silva S, Rathnayake LC, Kuruppuarachchi CS, Kuruppuarachchi KALA . Frontal lobe neuropathology presenting to Mental Health Services. 2020 Journal of Postgraduate Institute of Medicine; 7(1): E 105 1-6.
- Kuruppuarachchi KALA., Kuruppuarachchi CS, Different views of bipolar management. British Journal of Psychiatry. Published on 02 April 2020
- Chandradasa M, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Confluence of Western Psychotherapy and Religious Teachings in Mental Healthcare of an Asian Buddhist Community: Sri Lanka. J Relig Health. 2018 Jul 27. doi: 10.1007/s10943-018-0674-3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30054771.
- Chandradasa M, Wijesinghe C, Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Perera M. Near-Death Experiences in a Multi-Religious Hospital Population in Sri Lanka. J Relig Health. 2018 Oct;57(5):1599-1605. doi: 10.1007/s10943-017-0442-9. PubMed PMID: 28669110
- A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on the role of preemptive analgesia with acetaminophen [paracetamol] in reducing headache following electroconvulsive therapy [ECT] , BMC Psychiatry. 2017; 17: 275.
- A naturalistic observational study of patients with bipolar affective disorder from two tertiary care hospitals in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2017; 8(2): 4-8.
- Unusual sexual behaviour associated with female depression. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2017; (1): 32-34.
- Near- Death Experiences in a Multi-religious Hospital population in Sri Lanka. J.Relig. Health published on 01 July 2017.
- Child and youth mental health in post-war Sri Lanka. BJPsych International 2017; 14(2): 36-37.
- Topiramate’s effectiveness on weight reduction in overweight/obese persons with schizophrenia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BioMed Central, Trials. 2017; 18: 435. Published online 2017 Sep 20.
- Niriella, M. A., A. Hapangama, H. P. Luke, K. Withanaarachchi, A. Pathmeswaran, K. A. Kuruppuarachchi, and H. J. de Silva "Prevalence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections and their relationship to injectable drug use in a cohort of Sri Lankan prison inmates" The Ceylon medical journal 60, no. 1 (2015): 18-20.
- Edrisinghe, N., C. A. Wijesinghe, S. S. Williams, and K. A. L. A. Kuruppuarachchi. "Tobacco smoking in persons with schizophrenia followed up at a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka." Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 5, no. 2 (2014): 19-23.
- Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. L. A., and N. R. de Silva."Burden of mental illness and the need for better undergraduate education in psychiatry." Ceylon Medical Journal 59, no. 2 (2014): 35-38.
- Organic causation of morbid jealousy Kuruppuarachchi .K.A.L.A, Senevirathne .A.N., Asian journal of Psychiatry, 4(2011) 258-260.
- Unusual presentations of delusional parasitosis. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Fernando WKTR, Fonseka TPM South Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2011 September; 2(2): 37-40.
- The knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers in Sri Lanka towards childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Rodrigo MDA, Perera D, Eranga VP, Williams SS, Kuruppuarachchi KALA.Ceylon Med J. 2011; 56(2):51-4.
- A Study of Intimate Partner Violence among females attending a Teaching Hospital out-patient department. KALA Kuruppuarachchi, LT Wijeratne, GDSSK Weerasinghe, MUPK Peris, SS Williams. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2010 (1): 60-63.
- A case report of child sexual abuse – important points to ponder. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijesinghe CA. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. Vol 1 (1) 2010, 22-24.
- Elder abuse and carer abuse: Two sides of the same coin. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijesinghe CA Ceylon Medical Journal 2010, 55(1), 34-35.
- Suicidal risk assessment and depression. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijesinghe CA. Ceylon Medical Journal 2009, 54(1) , 31-32.
- Postnatal Mental Disorders. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, A. Hapangama. Ceylon Medical Journal.2009; 54(2): 34-37.
- Dextromethorphan abuse. A.Hapangama, K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2008; 53(3): 109-110.
- Near-Death Experiences in Suicide Attempters in Sri Lanka. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarchchi, Harischandra Gambheera, Gayan Padmasekara, Mahendra Perera. Journal of Near- Death Studies 26(4) 2008 ©2008 INADS 295-301.
- Patient choice in psychiatry in low- and middle-income countries. K.AL.A. Kuruppuarachchi, A. Hapangama . The British Journal of Psychiatry.2008 ; 192: 233 - 234.
- Use of herbal medications among out- patients in a psychiatry clinic in Sri Lanka. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, A. Hapangama. International Psychiatry 5(3) 2008, 73-75.
- Ethno-psychopharmacology A. Hapangama, K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. (Correspondence) International Psychiatry 5(3)2008, 76.
- Health shop treatments for depression. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Wijeratne L.T. Psychiatric Bulletin (2007), Vol 31 (No 4), 153-154 (correspondence).
- Volatile substance misuse is often missed. Hapangama A., Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A. Ceylon Medical Journal (2007), Vol 52, No 2,68.
- Prion disease in Sri Lanka. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Wijeratne L.T ,The British Journal of Psychiatry (2007) 190:362.
- Incorporating spiritual and religious beliefs in taking care of the elderly with psychiatric problems – Some personal experiences. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Lawrence T.S. Indian Journal of Geriatric Mental Health (2006)Vol 2,No 1 ,51-54.
- Carer burden in Dementia. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Lawrence TS . Ceylon Medical Journal. 2006 Mar; 51(1):44.
- Domestic violence and female mental health in developing countries. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Wijeratne L.T. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2005, 187:587-588.
- Partners in care, Who cares for the carers? K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. Psychiatric Bulletin, 2005; 29, 72.
- Psychiatry and the Pharmaceutical industry. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, T. S Lawrence. Psychiatric Bulletin, 2005, 29: 315-316.
- The continuing story of Dhat Syndrome. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, L.T. Wijeratne. The British Journal of Psychiatry,2004,185, 260.
- Surely you take complementary and alternative medicines? K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. Psychiatric Bulletin, 2004, 28:228.
- ADHD in developing countries. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, L.T. Wijeratne, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2004, 185:438- 439.
- Depression intervention in resource - poor regions. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, L.T. Wijeratne. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2004, 185: 438-439.
- Post - traumatic stress in former Ugandan child soldiers. KAL.A. Kuruppuarachchi, L.T. Wijeratne. The Lancet, 2004, 363(9421): 1648.
- Detection and management of alcohol misuse by General Practitioners. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. CMJ, 2004, 49: 71.
- Dhat, is it a “syndrome” or a “symptom”. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine, 2003; 12(1):19-21.
- Recruitment and retention of psychiatrists in low- income countries . Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A. Psychiatric Bulletin 2008, 32,154-155.
- Betel use and Schizophrenia. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, S.S. Williams. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2003, 182; 455.
- Delusional parasitosis. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi , S.S. Williams. Ceylon Medical Journal 2003; 48(3):96-7.
- Fecal incontinence after vaginal delivery. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi CMJ, 2003, 48: 64.
- The Adolescent girl. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. Ceylon Medical Journal, 2003, 48: 35.
- Psychiatry and the media. K.AL.A. Kuruppuarachchi, S.S. Williams, Psychiatric Bulletin, 2003, 27, 316.
- Psychological distress among students from five universities in Sri Lanka. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Kuruppuarachchi K.A.J.M., Wijerathne S., Williams S.S. Ceylon Medical Journal, vol 47,no 1, March 2002, 13-15.
- Psychological distress among university students. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, S.S. Williams (Correspondence), Ceylon Medical Journal 2002; 47: 103.
- Doctors can influence people and promote peace. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Williams S.S., British Medical Journal, vol 324, 9 Feb 2002, 362.
- Hospital admission of children and psychological trauma. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Ceylon Medical Journal, vol 47, no 3, September 2002, 104-105.
- Acute hospital care K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi , S.S. Williams (Correspondence) Psychiatric Bulletin 2002; 26: 315.
- Community psychiatry in developing countries - Sri Lanka(correspondence columns). Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Williams S.S., Psychiatric Bulletin, 25, October 2001, 401
- Cross-cultural psychiatric interviews and research instruments (correspondence) Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Williams S.S. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 179, Nov 2001,461.
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome without fever: a report of three cases. Peris D.T.S, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Weerasena L.P, Seneviratne S.L. Tilakaratna Y.T., Silva H.J. De, Wijesiriwardena B. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry 2000, 69, 277- 278.
- Post traumatic stress disorder after watching violent scenes on television. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Williams S.S., Gadambanathan T. Ceylon Medical Journal Vol 45, No 4, Dec. 2000 :177- 178.
- The Koro syndrome Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Rathnayake J.A.W.S, Dasanayake N.A.H., Rajakaruna R.R. Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 45, No4 December 2000, 182.
- Need for Psychogeriatric Services for Sri Lanka. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine, 2000; 9(1):14-16.
- Psychiatry in Sri Lanka. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A.,Rajakaruna R.R., Psychiatric Bulletin (1999) 23 , 686-688.
- Community based psychiatric services for Sri Lanka. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Kandy Medical Journal, 1994, 3(2), 37-38.
- Coping with stress at the work place, How not to become a “Burnt out Product” Kuruppuarachchi .K.A.L.A., SLMA News July 2003.
- A prospective study on mentally abnormal prisoners. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Proceedings of the Second International Medical Congress, Kandy, Sri Lanka, July 1994:94-96.
- GLOBAL RELEVANCE OF ANTIBODY- MEDIATED ENCEPHALITIS. K.A.L.A Kuruppuarachchi, British Journal of Psychiatry,20 April 2012.
- The Future of Psychiatry: Experience from a Developing Country – Sri Lanka K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, British Journal of Psychiatry,07 March 2012.
- Are we robbing the rights of the patients with dementia? K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK)British Journal of Psychiatry, 04 January 2012.
- Schizophrenia outcomes in Developing Countries K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK) , British Journal of Psychiatry, 21 November 2011.
- Substance misuse among psychiatric patients – Sri Lankan experience. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), British Journal of Psychiatry, 03 August 2011.
- Psychiatric research work in low – and middle – income countries – Sri Lankan experience. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. British Journal of Psychiatry, 27 January 2010.
- “Conflict and the Conversion Disorder” K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, British Journal of Psychiatry , 23 September 2010.
- Clozapine induced hypertension. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), A.D.N.W. Perera MBBS, V.P. Eranga MBBS. British Journal of Psychiatry, 22 November 2010.
- Childhood Adversities and Subsequent Suicidal Attempts in Adulthood. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), British Journal of Psychiatry, 10 Nov 2010.
- “Disappearing therapies” Drug – assisted interviews; Are they revisiting? K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK) ,British Journal of Psychiatry,8 December 2010.
- “Prisoners of Classification System” K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi, British Journal of Psychiatry, 03 August 2010.
- Alcohol- related cognitive impairment amongst the poor Prof. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK) , British Journal of Psychiatry, 24 January 2009.
- Psychiatry and “Neurophilia” in Developing Countries. Prof.K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK) . British Journal of Psychiatry, 3 June 2009.
- “Non cognitive symptoms of dementia” in developing countries K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK) , N. Edirisinghe MD. British Journal of Psychiatry, 18 June 2009.
- Convulsive therapy in developing countries. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, British Journal of Psychiatry, 18 August 2009.
- Seclusion and Physical Restraint in Developing Countries Prof. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK),Dr. A. Hapangama MD, British Journal of Psychiatry, 31 January 2008.
- Recruitment and Retention in Psychiatry in Developing Countries Prof. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK) , Psychiatric Bulletin, 15 February 2008.
- Medical Model for Developing Countries Prof. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), Dr. Aruni Hapangama MD, British Journal of Psychiatry, 21 February 2008.
- A response to Cost of scaling up mental health care in low and middle income countries Prof .K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK) , Aruni Hapangama MD, British Journal of Psychiatry, 25 April 2008.
- Safety of Mental Health Workers in Developing Countries Prof.K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK) , Dr. Aruni Hapangama MD, Psychiatric Bulletin, 11 May 2008.
- A response to Psychosocial intervention for war- affected children in Sierra Leone Prof. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), Dr. A. Hapangama MD, British Journal of Psychiatry, 22 May 2008.
- The need for Structured risk assessment in Psychiatry in Developing Countries Prof. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK) , Dr.A. Hapangama MD , British Journal of Psychiatry, 08 September 2008.
- Religion and human morality. Prof K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), British Journal of Psychiatry, 25 Oct 2008.
- Psychiatric research work in developing countries. Prof.K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. 11 April 2007, The British Journal of Psychiatry.
- Terrorism and Mental Health in Sri Lanka Prof. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), Dr.L.T.Wijeratne MD, British Journal of Psychiatry ,29 May 2007.
- Spirituality and Psychiatry. Prof K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), British Journal of Psychiatry, 18 Oct 2007.
- Online Psychiatric Teaching for Developing Countries. Prof.K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), Psychiatric Bulletin, 17 Oct 2007.
- Patient choice in psychiatry in developing countries. Prof.K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,FRCPsych(UK), Dr.Aruni Hapangama MD. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 28 November 2007.
- Physical restraint in developing countries. K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi MD,MRCPsych(UK), 17 January 2006, Psychiatric Bulletin.
- Stigma in developing countries- Sri Lanka Lalith A Kuruppuarachchi MD,MRCPsych(UK), Therese S Lawrence MBBS. British Journal of Psychiatry,27 July 2005.
- PTSD after non- traumatic events - how ‘traumatic’ should the trauma be? K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi MD,MRCPsych(UK), Therese S Lawrence. British Journal of Psychiatry. 31August 2005.
- A response to “Remembering Robert Kendell” Lalith A. Kuruppuarachchi. British Journal of Psychiatry. 25 June 2003.
Publications in Conference Proceedings (Oral and Poster Presentaions)
- De Silva SS, Isuru A, Rodrigo A, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Prevalence of depression and associated factors in patients with epilepsy attending epilepsy clinic, North Colombo Teaching Hospital, 17th Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Sept. 2020 , Colombo.[ This was awarded the second best oral presentation award of the sessions]
- Hapangama A, Baminiwatta AKAB, Harshini ML, Bandara TR, Perera KMN, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Reliability and clinical utility of a Sinhalese version of the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS). 17 Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Sept 2020, Colombo [This was awarded the first place award for the best poster presentations in the sessions]
- Chamara JMGD, Kuruppuarachchi CS, Chandradasa M, Chandrakumara A, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Cerebral mass lesions presenting with mood symptoms to a mental health service: A case series. 17 Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Sept 2020, Colombo [this poster was awarded the third place award for the best poster presentations of the sessions]
- Wickramarathna TN, Chamara JMGD, Kuruppuarachchi CS, Chandradasa M, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Frontal lobe seizures presenting as disorganized behavior to a mental health service: A case report. 17 Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Sept 2020, Colombo
Chandradasa M, Ruwanpriya S, de Silva S, Champika L, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A. Effectiveness of topiramate add-on therapy for weight reduction in overweight/obese persons with schizophrenia: a double- blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in Sri Lanka. 15 th Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, June 2018 , Colombo.
De Silva Rajaratne PKDHJL, Ruwanpriya S, Vithana PVSC, Rodrigo A, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A. Patient satisfaction as a measure of quality assurance in health care: A survey among patients receiving in –ward care at the psychiatry unit, Colombo North Teaching Hospital, Ragama. 15 th Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, June 2018 , Colombo.
Fernando WKTR, Chandradasa M, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A. Diagnostic overlap between adolescent affective instability in borderline personality and juvenile bipolar disorder in a Sri Lankan clinical context: A case series. Annual Academic Sessions , Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, June 2018, Colombo.
De Silva Rajaratne PKDHJL , Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A. Unusual presentations of nihilistic delusions in depressive disorder – a case series. Annul Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, June 2018, Colombo.
Prevalence of antenatal and post natal depression and it’s correlations in women attending a Tertiary care Hospital in Sri Lanka, Perinatal conference, RCPsych, UK. 2017
Prevalence and correlates of betel chewing and its effects on symptoms of schizophrenia among patients attending a general hospital in Sri Lanka ,International conference, Edinburgh, Royal College of Psychiatrists ,UK, 2017
Frontal lobe siezures and psychiatry , Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists annual academic sessions April 2017
Awareness and usage patterns of substance among students at a medical faculty in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists annual academic sessions April 2017
Unusual sexual disinhibited behaviour associated with female depression: Case reports , Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists annual academic sessions April 2017
The burden and impact of caring for the mentally ill on female care givers. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, Aruni Hapangama, Critical Women: Women as Agents of Change through Higher Education - International conference organized by the Association of Commonwealth Universities in collaboration with the Centre for Gender studies , University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka ,March 2012.
Substance use among the mentally ill in a General Hospital in Sri Lanka. Hapangama A, Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Pathmeswaran.A, 30 th PGIM Anniversary Academic Sessions, 27 th -29 th April 2011: 40. Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanaka.
Prevalence of Near Death Experience (NDE) among a general hospital population in Sri Lanka. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Perera MH, Wijesinghe CA , Dissanayake DAUGIP. Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists , Feb. 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Road traffic accidents among attendees to a psychiatry outpatient clinic at Teaching Hospital Ragama. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Peris MUPK, Wijesinghe CA, Sena Kumara EMKA, Hewamadduama SJ, Kapugama KGCL, Fernando WKTR, Fonseka TPM. Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Feb. 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Attitudes of nursing officers towards mental illness and psychiatric patients. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Hapangama A, Seneviratne AN, Wijesinghe CA, Isuru LLA, Herath HMUK, Fernando WKTR, Fonseka TPM. Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Feb. 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
A study of smoking among patients with schizophrenia. Edirisinghe N, Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijesinghe CA, Williams SS. Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Feb. 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Catatonia presenting with megaloblastic anaemia. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Seneviratne AN, Isuru LLA, Mendis TSS. Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Feb. 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The role of caregivers, patient attitudes and stigma in psychiatric illness. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijesinghe CA, Seneviratne AN, Perera ADNW, Eranga VP. Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, Feb. 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Change in attitudes towards psychiatry in medical students after addition of psychiatry as a final year subject. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijesinghe CA, Dissanayake AUGIP, Thalgolla BNTB, Senanayake DDSS, Rodrigo MDA.Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions ,Feb.2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Attitudes of psychiatric patients regarding mental illness and treatment. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijesinghe CA, Edirisinghe N, Eranga VP, Perera ADNW. Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, Feb. 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Stake holders opinion regarding training of doctors in psychiatry and their consultation methods. Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Wijesinghe CA, Ediriwickrama I, Perera ADNW, Eranga VP Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions , Feb.2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Deliberate Self Harm Patient Characteristics in a Teaching Hospital in Sri Lanka – A One Year Study Shehan Williams 1 , W.M.S.K.Wijesinghe 1 , Loretta Warnakulasuriya 2 , Tyrell Fernando 2 , Lalin Fernando 2 , M.U.P.K.Peris 1 & K.A.L.A.Kuruppuarachchi 1 World Psychiatric Association, INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS, 1- 4 April 2009, Florence, Italy.
A preliminary study on the mental well being of medical practitioners in Gampaha district of Sri Lanka. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Galhenage J, Wijesinghe S, Senanayake D, Rodrigo MDA Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, February 2009(35) , Colombo, Sri Lanka
Doctors’ knowledge regarding Thiamine and Wernicke – Korsakoff Syndrome. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Wijesinghe C.A, Seneviratne A.N, Gunawardane H Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, February 2009 (38-39) , Colombo, Sri Lanka
Complex Partial And Reflex Epilepsies – “Missed Areas In Clinical Practice”. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Edirisinghe N, Jayawardene V, Wijesinghe C.A. Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, February 2009 (40) , Colombo, Sri Lanka
Trainees views regarding selection of psychiatry as a post graduate subject. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Wijesinghe C.A., Dissanayake A.R.K., Singhapathirana S. Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, February 2009(41-42) , Colombo, Sri Lanka
The burden on female informal carers of people with mental illness. Hapangama A, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions 2008 (10) , Colombo, Sri Lanka
Attitudes and awareness of patients and their carers with regard to Electro Convulsive Therapy. Hapangama A, Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Galhenage JS, Wijesinghe WMSK, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions 2008(19-20) , Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Deliberate Self Harm Patient Characteristics in Sri Lanka. A comparison With High Income Countries. Shehan Williams, W.M.S.K. Wijesinghe, Lorette Warnakulasuriya, Tyrell Fernando, Lalin Fernando, M.U.P.K. Peris, K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi,. 04 th SAARC Psychiatric Federation Conference (SPF) – 2008, 04 th International Conference on Psychiatry (ICP) – 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1-3 Nov. 2008
Reports of Near Death Experience (NDE). Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Kapuruge L. Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions 2008(13-14) , Colombo, Sri Lanka
A study on patient Compliance with Depot Antipsychotic medication among schizophrenic patients attending the psychiatric Clinics, Teaching Hospital, Ragama. I.S. Jayathilake, K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi.27 th Anniversary Academic Sessions, Post-Graduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, Colombo Oct 2007(21-22).
Stories of Rebirth in Psychiatry. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, L.T. Wijeratne, I.S. Jayathilake, A. Hapangama, 3 rd International Conference of South Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations, Kalutara, Sri Lanka , Nov 2007
A study on factors related to patient compliance with depot antipsychotic medication. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, I.S.Jayathilake. 3 rd International Conference of South Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations, Kalutara, Sri Lanka, Nov. 2007(54).
Factors related to Choice of Medicine as a Carrier. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, K.R. Kulasiri, T.S. Dharmasiri, L.T. Wijeratne, Shehan Williams.3 rd International Conference of South Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations, Kalutara, Sri Lanka, Nov.2007(59).
A Systematic Study of Deliberate Self Harm in a Teaching Hospital. Shehan Williams, Rasangika Kulasiri, Loretta Warnakulasuriya, Tyrell Fernando, Lalin Fernando, M.U.P.K. Peris, K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi. 3 rd International Conference of South Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations, Kalutara , Sri Lanka, Nov 2007(56-57).
A study on Near Death Experiences (NDE) amongst suicidal attempters. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Padmasekera G. Gambheera H., Perera M.H. Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Feb 2007, page 22, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Violence faced by psychiatric trainees. Wijeratne L.T., Lawrence T.S., Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A.Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Feb 2007, page 24, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Clozapine induced Hypertension- A Case History. Hapangama A., Wijeratne L.T., Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Feb 2007, page 26, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Burden on informal carers of people with mental illnesses. Hapangama A., Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., 2 nd International Conference of SAARC Psychiatric Federation, Nov 2006, page 11, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Use of herbal medications among psychiatric outpatients. Hapangama A., Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., 2 nd International Conference of SAARC Psychiatric Federation, Nov 2006, pages 30-31, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Seven –minute screening test: a reliable bedside test for dementia. De Silva HA, Pathmeswaran A,Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Sri Lanka Medical Association 119 th Annual Scientific Sessions, Colombo,Sri Lanka, March 2006
Prevalence of Use of Herbal Medicine among Psychiatric patients. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., MarasingheM.M.N.A., Mirihella D.M.R.P., Wijeratne L.T., Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, February 2006, Colombo,Sri Lanka.
Effect of demographic/cultural factors on the mean time lag in the first presentation of the main psychiatric illnesses at the Professorial Psychiatric Clinic, North Colombo Teaching Hospital. Hapangama A., Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, February 2006, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Seven – Minute Neurocognitive Test Battery: A reliable test for Dementia. Asita deSilva, Arunasalam Pathmeshwaran, Celeste de -Jager, Lalith A .Kuruppuarachi. Supplement to Alzheimer’s and Dementia,THE JOURNAL OF THE ALZHIMER’S ASSOCIATION, volume 2, Issue 3, supplement 1, July 2006.Alzhimer’s Association 10 th International Conference on Alzhimers Disease and Related disorders ,July 15-20,2006,Madrid,Spain
Knowledge of Psychiatric Research Among Postgraduate Trainees in Psychiatry Kuruppuarachchi .K.A.L.A ,Wijeratne L.T ,25 TH Anniversary Academic session ,Postgraduate Institute of Medicine of Sri Lanka, University of Colombo, July 2005.
View of Students about the Oversees Training Component of the Postgraduate Training Programme in Psychiatry. Kuruppuarachchi .K.A.L.A ,Wijeratne L.T, 25 TH Anniversary Academic session ,Postgraduate Institute of Medicine of Sri Lanka, University of Colombo, July 2005.
Knowledge And Attitude regarding mental illness among the staff of a medical faculty. Lowrence T.S, Chandratilake M.N, Fernando W.D.D, Jayawardena M.A.R, Kuruppuarachchi .K.A.L.A ,25 TH Anniversary Academic session ,Postgraduate Institute of Medicine of Sri Lanka, University of Colombo, July 2005.(34).
Violence faced by Psychiatric Trainees in Sri Lanka. K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi, L.T.Wijeratne, T.S.Lawrence; 1 st International Conference of SAARC Psychiatric Federation, Dec 2005, Agra, India(47-48).
Patients attitudes towards services provided by the out patients clinics at North Colombo Teaching Hospital. A Hpangama, W D D Fernando, M A R Jayawardana, K A L A Kuruppuarachchi, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, May 2005, Colombo
Knowledge of Psychiatric research among postgraduate trainees in Psychiatry. L T Wijeratne, K A L A Kuruppuarachchi, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, May 2005 Colombo.
Knowledge Of Psychiatric Research Among Postgraduate Trainees In Psychiatry. Prof K A L A Kuruppuarachchi,Dr. L T Wijeratne,1 st International conference of SAARC Psychiatric Federation, Dec 2005,Agra,India(35).
Trainee’s perception of the overseas training component in post graduate Psychiatry. L T Wijeratne, K A L A Kuruppuarachchi Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions May 2005 Colombo.
Attitudes of the general public and the health care workers towards strikes in the health sector. W D D Fernando, M A R Jayawardana, L T Wijeratne, M N Chandratilake , K A L A Kuruppuarachchi, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions May 2005 Colombo.
K nowledge and attitudes regarding the mental illness among the staff of a medical faculty. W D D Fernando, M N Chandratilake ,M A R Jayawardana , K A L A Kuruppuarachchi, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, May 2005 Colombo.
Attitudes on Ragging among First Year Medical Students. M N Chandratilake ,W D D Fernando, M A R Jayawardana , K A L A Kuruppuarachchi, Sri Lanka college of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, May 2005 Colombo
Stigmata associated with social life of "mentally ill” among the staff of a medical faculty. M A R Jayawardana ,M N Chandratilake ,W D D Fernando, K A L A Kuruppuarachchi, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions, May 2005 Colombo.
The burden on informal cares of Psychiatric patients. S Lawrence, M N Chandratilake, W D D Fernando, M A R Jayawardana, K A L A Kuruppuarachchi Sri Lanka college of Psychiatrists Annual Academic Sessions ,May 2005 Colombo
Attitudes on Journal usage by medical teachers. M N Chandratilake, T S Lawrence, K A L A Kuruppuarachchi 25 th anniversary academic sessions Post Graduate Institute of Medicine of Sri Lanka, Colombo, July 2005(18)
A survey of domestic violence among females attending an out patients department. K. A L A Kuruppuarachchi, L T Wijeratne, G D S S K Weerasinghe, S S Williams, M U P K Peris Sri Lanka Psychiatric Association Annual Academic Sessions, April 2003, Colombo, Sri Lanka
A study of separation from parents in childhood and suicidal attempts in adulthood. K A L A Kuruppuarachchi, Shehan Williams, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual conference, 9 - 11 Sept. 2003, University of York, U. K.
A study on betel chewing among schizophrenic patients . Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Williams S.S., Bandara D.M.W.H. , Sri Lanka Psychiatric Association Annual Academic Sessions.Colombo, Sri Lanka, 29 th March-1 st April 2002 (7).
A survey among newly passed doctors from three medical schools on the undergraduate training in psychiatry. Williams S.S., Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Bandara D.M.W.H., Peiris D.T.S., Dissanayake A.S., Sri Lanka Psychiatric Association Annual Academic Sessions , 29 th March-1 st April 2002, Colombo, Sri Lanka(8).
A study on the symptom pattern of depressive disorder presenting to a general hospital psychiatriy unit. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A., Williams S.S., Sri Lanka Psychiatric Association Academic Sessions, April 2001, Colombo, Sri Lanka(21).
A study on the characteristics of patients with pathological jealousy. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Williams S.S., Rathnayake R.M.C., Peries P.P.U.C. Feb 2001, Kandy Society of Medicine 23 rd Annual Academic Conference Kandy, Sri Lanka(55).
Survey on sexual disorders presenting at a psychiatric clinic. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Williams S.S., Rathnayake R.M.C., Peries P.P.U.C. Feb 2001, Kandy Society of Medicine 23 rd Annual Academic Conference Kandy, Sri Lanka (56).
A study on anxiety and depression among military personnel injured in the war. Ariyaratne R, Arulrajah S, Ariyananda D, Ariyaratne J, Athanayake S, Azhar M, Bandara A, Bandara R, Williams S.S, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.LA Sri Lanka Medical Association 114 th Anniversary Academic Sessions ,March 2001, Colombo ,Sri Lanka (57).
A survey of the reasons for psychiatric patients rotating from one hospital to another. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Suneetha K.K., Sithy Mazaya M.L. , Wijethunge G.S , 5 th International Medical Congress Kandy, Sri Lanka , July 2000 (77).
A study on anxiety and depression among patients with diabetes mellitus. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Wijeratne S. , Williams S.S. , Sivagnanam F. , 5 th International medical congress Kandy, Sri Lanka. July 2000 (75)
A survey on factors related to alcohol dependence.Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Peiris D.T.S., Weerasena L.P., Rajakaruna R.R, 5 th International Medical Congress , Kandy , Sri Lanka, July 2000 (65 ).
Psychological impact on children and families of Middle East workers. Karunasekare K.A.W, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Gunasekara D.P.S, Sri Lanka Medical Association 113 th Anniversary Academic Sessions , March 2000 , Colombo , Sri Lanka (34).
A study on emotional distress amongst University students. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.J.M, Wijerathne S, I12th Sri Lanka Medical Association Anniversary Academic Sessions, Kandy, Sri Lanka, March 1999.(26).
A survey on the pattern of morbidity amongst a psycho geriatric population. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Peiris D.T.S, Weerasena L, Femando P.L.N Fourth International Medical Congress; Kandy, Sri Lanka, December 1998.(94).
A prospective study on thyroid dysfunction amongst mentally ill patients. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Jayasinghe K.R.D.I, Wijeratne K.K.P.K.S, 31 st Annual Academic Sessions, Ceylon College of Physicians, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Sept. 1998.
A prospective study on Deliberate Self Harm. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Rajakaruna R.R, Dassanayake H, Ratnayake J.A.W.S, Gunawardana W.P.M, Femando P.L.N 111 th Sri Lanka Medical Association Anniversary Academic Sessions, Colombo, Sri Lanka,March1998
Evaluation of beneficial effects of physical exercise on social and mental health. Goonewardene l.P, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Illeperuma W.S.K. XXXIII.International Congress of Physiological Sciences IUPS 1997, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 30-JuIy 5, 1997.
Psychometric Analysis And Emotional State in The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Deen K.I, 110 th Anniversary Academic Sessions, SLMA March 1997, Colombo.
Psychometric analysis and clinician prediction of emotional state in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Deen K.I, Royal College of Psychiatrists Regional Meet - Hyderabad, India, 28 th Nov- 1 st Dec 1996
A study on electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Third International Medical Congress; Kandy, Sri Lanka, August 1996(10).
Psychological and emotional distress in first year medical students. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, I09th Sri Lanka Medical Association Anniversary Academic Sessions, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 1996(21-22).
A prospective study on-puerperal mental disorders. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Samaratunga S.R 109 th Sri Lanka Medical Association Anniversary Academic Sessions, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 1996.
Pattern of psychiatric problems amongst children and adolescents in a peripheral General Hospital in Sri Lanka. Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, 108 th Sri Lanka Medical Association Anniversary Academic Sessions, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 1995.
A Prospective study on “Mentally abnormal prisoners” K.A.L.A Kuruppuarachchi, Second International Medical Congres, July 1994, Kandy, Sri Lanka. (16).
Haemophilia and Allied Disorders in Sri Lanka. Nagaratnam N, Pieris S, Ramachandra S, Thilakaratne Y, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Proceedings of the 96 th Sri Lanka Medical Association Anniversary Academic Sessions, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 1983(27-28).
Haemophilic Arthropathy in Sri Lanka. Nagaratnam N, Pieris S, Ramachandra V, Ramachandra S, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.L.A, Thilakaratne Y, Proceedings of the 96 th Sri Lanka Medical Association Anniversary Academic Sessions, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 1983(27).