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Are you a star student?

Apply/ Nominate for the Faculty Awards and Extra-Curricular Awards

 Faculty Awards for Outstanding Students – 2019/20

In order to recognize and reward highly motivated students who show outstanding abilities in both the academic sphere and in extracurricular activities, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya will offer the following three types of awards for recognition of outstanding students in the MBBS and BSc (Speech and Hearing Sciences) degree programmes.

  1. Dean’s List
  2. Faculty Awards
  3. Faculty Extra-curricular Achievement Tribute (FEAT)

Students will be named to The Dean’s List purely on the basis of academic achievements, while the Faculty Awards will be made on consideration of both academic and extra-curricular achievements and the Extra-Curricular Award will be made on consideration of extra-curricular achievements.



At the end of each academic year, students registered to follow the MBBS programme and the BSc Speech and Hearing Sciences (SHS) programme offered by the Faculty, who fulfill the following criteria, will be automatically named to the Dean’s List.

1.1 Criteria for MBBS students

Students who pass the First, Second or Final MBBS examination with First Class honours during the year under consideration will be named to the Dean’s List.

1.2 Criteria for BSc SHS students

  1. Completed all the academic requirements for the year under consideration, including all compulsory courses and accumulated a minimum of 27 credits; and
  2. Obtained grades of C or better for all course units registered in the academic year under consideration; and
  3. Obtained grades of A or better in course units aggregating to at least half the number of total credits considered under (2) above; and
  4. Obtained a GPA of 3.70 or better, for all course units registered in the academic year under consideration.

Please note - MBBS Students from Batches 28, 26 and 25 and BSc Speech and Hearing Sciences Students from Batches 7, 8, 9,10 & 11 will be named to Dean’s List 2019 based on their academic performance-there is no need to apply for these awards.



Students in the MBBS and BSc Programmes are invited to apply OR academic staff members are invited to nominate students who fulfill the following criteria for the Faculty Awards.

1.3 Criteria for MBBS students

  1. Passed the First, Second or Final MBBS examination with Second Class (upper division) honours during the year under consideration; AND
  2. Displayed outstanding performance at national or international level, during the period of the academic programme, as per the criteria in Annex 1.

1.4 Criteria for BSc SHS students

  1. Completed all the academic requirements for the year under consideration, including all compulsory courses and accumulated a minimum of 27 credits; and
  2. Obtained grades of C or better for all course units registered in the academic year under consideration;and
  3. Obtained a GPA of 3.30 or better, for all course units registered in the academic year under consideration; AND
  4. Displayed outstanding performance at national or international level, during the period of the academic programme, as per criteria in Annex 1.

NB: Faculty Awards shall be given to not more than five students in each academic year, in each programme of study, who score the highest marks as per the marking scheme in Annex 1.

2.3 Selection of awardees

The Selection Committee shall award marks in two categories, as detailed below.

2.3.1 Category 1.  Academic achievements (60%)

The GPA or the overall average percentage mark achieved by MBBS degree students who have passed the examinations specified above, during the year under consideration, shall be converted to a mark out of 60, using one of the following formulae:

MBBS students:       Marks for Category 1 = Average percentage mark / 100 * 60

BSc SHS students:  Marks for Category 1= GPA of the applicant / 4.00 * 60

Category 2. Extracurricular activities (40%)

Any achievement listed under the criteria indicated in Annex 1, achieved within the period of the academic programme, may be re-counted in consecutive years throughout the programme.



Final Year Students in the MBBS and BSc programmes are invited to apply OR academic staff members are invited to nominate, students who meet the criteria listed in Annex 1.

FEAT criteria:

  1. Final year student in either the MBBS or BSc SHS Programme who has not repeated a year (i.e has not missed a batch) AND
  2. Displayed outstanding performance at national or international level, during the period of the academic programme, as per the criteria listed in Annex 1.



  1. Any student who obtains an improved grades(s) by repeating a course unit(s) shall not be eligible to be named to the Dean’s List or for Faculty Awards
  2. Any student against whom disciplinary action has been taken by the Vice-Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor, for any form of misconduct shall not be eligible to be named to the Dean’s List or Faculty Awards or FEAT Awards.
  3. Any application for a Faculty Award, which is awarded a score of less than 70% as per the criteria identified in Annex 1, shall not be considered eligible for a Faculty Award.



  • All students named to The Dean’s List, or granted a Faculty Award or FEAT will be presented with a certificate signed by the Vice-Chancellor.
  • The academic transcript issued on graduation shall carry a record of being named to the Dean’s List or receiving a Faculty Award.
  • Recipients will be given the opportunity to serve as Student Ambassadors who will extend support for Quality Assurance activities in the Faculty, and to represent the University at national/international events, when requested by the Vice-Chancellor.



  • You can apply for the Faculty Awards or FEAT Awards using the applications below.

Students from MBBS Batches 28, 26 & 25 AND BSc Speech and Hearing Sciences students from Batches 7,8, 9, 10 & 11 are eligible to apply for Faculty Awards, while students from MBBS Batch 25 and BSc Speech & Hearing Sciences Batch 7 are eligible to apply for FEAT awards.

  • Students need to submit certified copies of all the documentary evidence in support of the application.
  • Students have to get their faculty advisor/ mentors (members of the academic staff) to sign the contents of the applications
  • Students applying for Faculty Awards may be required to participate in an interview conducted by the Selection Committee


⇓ Application form for Faculty / FEAT Awards (MBBS students) 

⇓ Application form for Faculty / FEAT Awards (BSc SHS students) 


  • If you have any queries please contact Dr. Pavithra Godamunne (Dept of Medical Education)
  • Academic Staff Members are invited to nominate any eligible students using the above form/s
  • If any student wishes to apply/ academic staff members wishes to nominate a student for both Faculty Award and FEAT, then two separate application forms should be used.
  • Please submit your applications to the Dean’s Office before 25th September 2020.


Criterion 1.Leadership of a recognized Body

Leadership (office bearer) of a recognized national body Maximum marks
  Recognition of a National Body (e.g. Young Zoologist) 10
  President / Chairperson 5/year
  General Secretary 4/year
  Treasurer 3/year
  Committee Member 3/year
Leadership post of University / Faculty Organization  
  President of Student Union 3/year
  President of Kala Sangamaya/General Secretary of Student Union 3/year
  Treasurer of Student Union/ Secretary of Kala Sangamaya 2/year
  Treasurer Kala Sangamaya 2/year
  Committee member Student Union 1/year
  Committee Member Kala Sangamaya 1/year

Criterion 2. Community Service and Good Citizenship

Ideals of Community Service and Good Citizenship Maximum marks
  e.g. Assisting a victim of an accident 8/case
         Serving as a volunteer in a natural disaster 8/case
         Assisting fellow citizens in exceptional way 8/case

Criterion 3. Outstanding Talents in Sports

World University Game / National Games Maximum marks
  First Place 20
  Second Place 15
  Third Place 10
  Participation for an event (Maximum up to 10 Marks) 5
International Sports event representing the University  
  First Place 10
  Second Place 8
  Third Place 6
  Participation for an Event 3
Inter University Events  
  First Place 6
  Second Place 5
  Third Place 4
  Participation for an event  (Maximum up to 04 Marks) 2
Inter Faculty Events  
  First Place 1.5
  Second Place 1
  Third Place 0.5
University Colors/ Best Athlete/ Player of the Year 3
Post of president, Vice president, Secretary, Junior treasure and Editor of Sport Council 1/position/year

Criterion 4. Creativity and Exceptional Ability in Aesthetic or Technical Fields

Aesthetics competition Maximum marks
  International aesthetic awards / accolades 20
  National aesthetic awards / accolades 10
Completion of examinations or graduating performance in aesthetic fields  
  Visharada in oriental music 5
  Royal/ Trinity Collage Examinations in Western Music 5
  Arangetaram in Bharatanatyam 5
Public/ mass media performance in aesthetic fields (Outside the University)  
  Stage drama 6
  Move 8
  Place in a TV reality show 8
Performance in aesthetic fields at a University approved events 4
  University level First Place 5
  University level Second Place 4
  University level Third Place 3
  Faculty level First Place 2
  Faculty level Second Place 1.5
  Faculty level Third Place 0.5
Invention in technological field or taking part in project of technological advancement (depending on the scale and degree of creativity committee can decide maximum up to 10 marks) 10

Criterion 5. Research or pursuing new knowledge

Peer Reviewed Publication Maximum marks
  Author of a paper in a peer reviewed indexed scientific journal 15
  Author of a paper in a peer reviewed non-indexed scientific journal 10
Presentation at a Scientific Forum  
  International Conference 6
  Local Conference 3
Author of a book / chapter  
  Author of a book 6
  Author of a book chapter 2
Active contribution to outstanding research project  
  Notable contribution to a national project 4
  Notable contribution to an institutional level project 2

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Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya,
P.O Box 6,
Thalagolla Road,
Sri Lanka


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  • Last modified on 11 March 2025.