Professor Shamila De Silva
MBBS(C'bo), MD(C'bo), MRCP(UK), FRCP (London), FCCP(SL)
Department of Medicine
General Internal Medicine
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Diabetes
- Clinical Nephrology
- Vice-Chancellor’s Award for bringing honor to the University by winning prestigious National or International awards in 2023, awarded by the University of Kelaniya
- President’s Award 2020 - Metabolic syndrome, but not non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is associated with increased mortality: A 10-year prospective, community-based cohort study
- Best Research Paper at the annual academic sessions (SIMCON 2022) of the Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine for authorship of oral presentation – Evaluation of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in Sri Lanka: a test-negative case control study
- Best publication by a Physician in 2021 awarded by the Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine for authorship of - Validation of the World Health Organization/International Society of Hypertension (WHO/ISH) cardiovascular risk predictions in Sri Lankans based on findings from a prospective cohort study
- Best publication by a Physician in 2021 awarded by the Ceylon College of Physicians for authorship of - Validation of the World Health Organization/International Society of Hypertension (WHO/ISH) cardiovascular risk predictions in Sri Lankans based on findings from a prospective cohort study
- Sir Nicholas Attygalle Award at SLMA 134th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2021 for authorship of oral presentation – Prevalence, predictors, and outcome of chronic kidney disease in a cohort of aging, urban adult Sri Lankan
- S Ramachandran Award for the best scientific communication in Nephrology at SLMA 134th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2021 for authorship of oral presentation – Prevalence, predictors, and outcome of chronic kidney disease in a cohort of aging, urban adult Sri Lankan
- Best Research Paper at the annual academic sessions (SIMCON 2020) of the Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine for authorship of oral presentation - Outcomes of NAFLD and MAFLD: Results from a community-based, prospective cohort study
- Dr E M Wijerama Award for the best presentation at the Ceylon College of Physicians 54th Annual Academic sessions 2020 for authorship of oral presentation - Validation of the World Health Organization/International Society of Hypertension (WHO/ISH) cardiovascular risk prediction in Sri Lankans based on findings from a prospective cohort study
- Vice-Chancellor’s Award for bringing honor to the University by winning prestigious National or International awards in 2019, awarded by the University of Kelaniya
- Dr. Wilson Peiris Award at SLMA 132th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2019 for authorship of oral presentation - Metabolic syndrome, but not non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is associated with increased mortality: A 10-year prospective, community-based cohort study
- Sir Frank Gunasekera Award for the Best Paper in Community Medicine/Tuberculosis at SLMA 132th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2019 for authorship of oral presentation - Metabolic syndrome, but not non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is associated with increased mortality: A 10-year prospective, community-based cohort study
- Dr Henry Rajaratnam Award for the best paper in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at the Ceylon College of Physicians 52nd Annual Academic sessions 2018 for authorship of oral presentation - Incidence and predictors of diabetes mellitus: a 7-year community cohort follow-up of urban Sri Lankan adults
- Best publication by a Physician in 2017 awarded by the Ceylon College of Physicians for authorship of Incidence and risk factors for Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease in an urban, adult Sri Lankan population – a community cohort follow up study
- S.E Seneviratne Prize at SLMA 129th Anniversary International Medical Congress for oral presentation of Incidence and risk factors for Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease in an urban, adult Sri Lankan population – a community cohort follow up study 2016
- Senate award for Research in 2014 from the University of Kelaniya awarded for authorship of Frequency, pattern and short-term outcome of chronic renal dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis: a prospective study using HRS and ADQI-IAC criteria
- President’s Award Scientific Research 2017 Certificate of Recognition awarded by the National Research Council for authorship of Incidence and risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a 7-year follow up study among urban adult Sri Lankans
- National Research Council Merit Award for Scientific Research 2017 awarded for authorship of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its associations among adolescents in an urban, Sri Lankan community
- National Research Council Merit Award for Scientific Publication 2014 awarded for authorship of Frequency, pattern and short-term outcome of chronic renal dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis: a prospective study using HRS and ADQI-IAC criteria
- Oral free paper prize for Best presentation in the Spotlight Session on Risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at the United European Gastroenterology Conference in Austria 2016 for authorship of Lean-NAFLD is a strong predictor of future obesity among urban adult Sri Lankans: Results from a prospective, community cohort follow-up study
- Prize for Best Presentation at the Young Physicians Forum 2003 of the Ceylon College of Physicians, for a lecture on Obesity – the emerging epidemic
- President’s Research Bonus prize in 1999 for authorship of Pitfalls in cytological diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis
- Fellow – Royal College of Physicians, London
- Fellow - Ceylon College of Physicians
- Prof P B Fernando Oration – Annual Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College pf Physians, September 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Navigating the pandemic of a lifetime – COVID-19 morbidity, mortality, and vaccination through the eyes of a physician
Guest Lectures
- “Obesity – the emerging epidemic”
Young Physician Forum - College Lecture at Ceylon College of Physicians in 2003
- “Acute Coronary Syndrome – what every doctor needs to know”
Guest Lecture at Clinical Society meeting at General Hospital, Ampara, in December 2006
- “Hypertension – the silent killer”
Guest Lecture at the Kandy Society of Medicine in September 2007
- “Medical emergencies in Obstetrics”
Guest Lecture at Postgraduate Study Day in Obstetrics and Gynecology conducted by the Board of Study, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine in August 2008
- “Hypertension and the kidney”
College Lecture at Ceylon College of Physicians in July 2009
- “Basics of Medical Education” - interactive session on “OSCE – Organized structured clinical examination”
Resource person at the workshop conducted by the Medical Education Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya in February 2013
- “Renal dysfunction in Chronic Liver Disease – changing paradigms”
Guest Lecture at the Ceylon College of Physicians Specialty Update on Gastroenterology and Hepatology in March 2013
- “Update on the Management of Acute Kidney Injury”
Guest Lecture at the Regional Meeting with the Ratnapura Clinical Society by the Ceylon College of Physicians in November 2013
- “Hypertension and the Kidney”
Guest lecture at the 127th Anniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association in July 2014
- “Teaching in Clinical Setting”
Resource person at the pre-congress workshop of the 3rd Conference of the South East Asian Regional Association of Medical Education (SEARAME) in November 2014
- “Bedside Teaching”
Resource person at the workshop and CPD program of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya in May 2015
- “Clinical Teaching”
Resource person for the Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education training program conducted by the PGIM in June 2015
- “Follow up of Metabolic Syndrome in the Ragama Health Study”
Resource person at the 25th Anniversary International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya in April 2016
- “How to pass the MD – Talking Stations” Resource person at the Pre-Congress Workshop – Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lankan Society of Internal Medicine in October 2017
- “The role of the Clinical Supervisor in implementing the latest methods of clinical teaching”
Resource person at the Workshop for Speech and Language Therapists and Audiologists in December 2018
- “How to pass the MD examination”
Resource person at the Pre-Congress Workshop – 2nd Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Society of Internal Medicine November 2018
- Resource person at the Pre-Congress Workshop conducted by the Sri Lanka Medical Association and the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine on “Communication Skills: Training the Trainers” in July 2018
- “MD Medicine – A Guide to the Talking Stations”
Resource person at the Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine November 2019
- Resource person at SLMA webinar on Overdiagnosis October 2020. Delivered lecture on “A pill for every ill – where are we going wrong?”
- Delivered a lecture on “Reversal of Diabetes Mellitus – the myths and the facts” at the PGIM MD Medicine lecture series organized by the Board of Study in Medicine November 2020.
- “How to pass the MD – Short Cases” Resource person at the Pre-Congress Workshop – Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lankan Society of Internal Medicine in February 2020
- “Acute Kidney Injury – An Update” Resource person at the Training program for RHO’s organized by Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine (SLCIM) in June 2021
- “Evidence based practice for busy clinicians” Resource person at the pre-congress workshop of the Sri Lanka Medical Association Annual Academic Sessions August 2021 – Topic: Critical Appraisal
YouTube link:
- “How to pass the MD – Theory” Resource person at the Pre-Congress Workshop – Annual Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians in October 2021
- “Navigating SR Training – Portfolio” Resource person at the Pre-Congress Workshop for Trainees in Internal Medicine at the Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine in November 2021
- “Case based discussion on Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome” Resource person at the Sri Lanka Medical Association Saturday Talk on 20th November 2021 (Zoom)
- “SLCIM Research Guide” Resource Person at the Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine Annual Academic Sessions SIMCON 2022 in November 2022
- “How to pass the MD – Communication Skills” Resource Person at the Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine Annual Academic Sessions SIMCON 2022 in November 2022
- “SLCIM Research Guide” Resource Person at the Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine Joint Academic Sessions with Gal Oya Nimna Clinical Society January 2023
- “How the ERC evaluates a research proposal – an outline of our process” presenation at the Research Forum, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya August 2023
- Preparatory Course for selection in MD Medicine (OSCE) conducted by the Ceylon College of Physicians – Resource person on History taking & Communication skills stations, November 2023
- “How to pass the MD – Observed History Taking” Resource person at the Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lankan Society of Internal Medicine in November 2024
- De Silva S. Picture quiz and Answers – Picture quiz. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2024, 55, 170-174
- Nalaka Herath, Shamila De Silva, Prasitha Liyanage, SameeraKumara, Suganthika Devi, Vajira Abeysekara, Ruvini Mallawarachi, Suharshi Perera, Iresha Karunathilaka, Sameera Samarasinghe, Kosala Weerakoon. Causes, Complications and Short-Term Outcome of Acute Kidney Injury in a Resource-Limited Setting, International Journal of Nephrology, 2024, 4484755, 2024
- Chamila Mettananda, Shamila De Silva, Dileepa Ediriweera, Maduwanthi Hettiarachchi, Chandanie Wanigatunge, Kamani Wanigasuriya. Guide to clinical audits. J of Ceylon College of Physicians; 5 (2): 175-181
- Shamila Thivanshi De Silva, Dileepa Senajith Ediriweera, Wathsala Wimalasena, Manjula Kariyawasam, Gihan Kosinna,Gayan Bogoda, Sumudu Senaratne, Kanchana Rathnayake, Inosha Weerarathna, Ranjan Premaratna, Prasanna Gunasena. Evaluation of BBIBP-CorV Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in Sri Lanka: a test-negative case control study. BMJ Open 2024;14:e090341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2024-090341
- MA Niriella, DS Ediriweera, A Kasturiratne, S Rajindrajith, ST De Silva, DC Goonatillake, YC Jayasinghe, AVGAM Jayatissa, AP De Silva, A Pathmeswaran, HJ de Silva. Prevalence of childhood obesity and its associations among adolescents: a cross-sectional, urban, community-based, birth cohort study from South Asia. South Asian Journal of Gastroenterology 2024; (1): 11-20
- de Silva A P, Niriella M A, Nishad N, Jayasundara H, Jayasena H, Samarawickrama VT, Ranawaka C, Basnayaka K, De Silva ST, de Silva HJ. (August 01, 2024) Splenic Stiffness Measurement Combined With Liver Stiffness Measurement Compared With Baveno VII Criteria in Predicting the Presence of Oesophageal and Gastric Varices in Patients With Compensated Advanced Liver Cell Disease (cALCD). Cureus 16(8): e65954. DOI 10.7759/cureus.65954
- Arumugam, J., De Silva, S. Recurrent Focal Myositis of the Thigh in a Patient With End-Stage Kidney Disease: An Unusual Association. Canadian Journal of Medicine, 2024; 6(1): 24-28. doi: 10.33844/cjm.2024.6035
- Wickramasinghe D, Lynch C, Coombes J, Jayamanne S, De Silva S. Improving drug‑ and disease‑related knowledge of patients with chronic kidney disease: Randomized controlled trial from a Sri Lankan outpatient clinic. Asian J Pharm Res Health Care 2024;16:208-15.
- De Silva, S.T., Ediriweera, D.S., Niriella, M.A. et al. Incidence and predictors of diabetes mellitus: A 7- year community cohort follow-up of urban, adult Sri Lankans. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries (2024).
- Fernando N, Fernando K, Gallage T, Dayanath BKTP, De Silva ST. Knowledge of the high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assay among medical officers in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine. 2023;32(2):26-37.
- Wijerathna DA, Gunaratna IE, Weerarathne SM, De Silva ST. Risk factors for falls among elderly patients admitted to Colombo North Teaching Hospital- Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine. 2023;32(2), p.44-52
- Prof P B Fernando Oration. Navigating the pandemic of a lifetime: COVID-19 morbidity, mortality, and vaccination through the eyes of a physician. De Silva ST, Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2023, 54, 93-99
- Simultaneous presentation of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and tuberculous spondylitis: a case report. Senanayake HP, De Silva ST
Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2023, 54, 122-126 - Jeyapraniya Arumugam, Shamila De Silva (November 2023) Evans Syndrome in a Patient with Auto Immune Thyroiditis – A Rare Association. Journal of Medicine and Healthcare. SRC/JMHC-306. DOI:
- Jeyapraniya A, De Silva S (September 25, 2023) Autoimmune Hepatitis in a Patient With Cryoglobulinemic Vasculitis: A Rare Association. Cureus 15(9): e45905. doi:10.7759/cureus.45905
- Lakmini S, Dilhani N, Luke WANV, De Silva S. Anaemia due to chronic kidney disease: A cross-sectional analysis from a tertiary referral centre in Sri Lanka Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2023, 54, 28-33
- Arumugam J, De Silva S. Disseminated tuberculosis presenting as meningitis and spondylodiscitis in an immunocompetent adult. Asian Pac J Trop Med 2023; 16(6): 284-286.
- Madunil Anuk Niriella, Dileepa Senajith Ediriweera, Madhuri Yasodha Withanage, Selani Darshika, Shamila Thivanshi De Silva, Hithanadura Janaka de Silva. Prevalence and associated factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among adults in the South Asian Region: a meta-analysis. The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia 15 (2023)
- Premawardhena A, De Silva S, Rajapaksha M, Ratnamalala V, Nallaraja J, Galappatthy G. Myocardial infarction in patients with severe beta thalassaemia: a case series. Int J Emerg Med 16, 16 (2023).
- Gunasena J, De Silva S. Double-trouble: A rare case of co-infection with melioidosis and leptospirosis from Sri Lanka. Tropical Doctor. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/00494755231156490
- Niriella, M.A., Kasturiratne, A., Beddage, T., De Silva, S.T., Dassanayake, A.S., Pathmeswaran, A., Wickramasinghe, A.R., Kato, N. and de Silva, H.J., 2022. Alcohol use and alcoholic fatty liver disease: a prospective, community based study among adults in an urban community in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal, 67(2), pp.45–51. DOI:
- Agrawal D, Varade D, Shah H, Nazar A, Krishnan J, Shukla V, Ramakrishna C, Bandara Galahitiyawa M, C, Mavani S, B, Rajanna S, Jikki P, De Silva S, Ruhela V, Koradia P, Kansagra K, Kanani P, Sharma N, Zala K, Parmar D: Desidustat in Anemia due to Non-Dialysis-Dependent Chronic Kidney Disease: A Phase 3 Study (DREAM-ND). Am J Nephrol 2022. doi: 10.1159/000523961
- Manilgama SR, Hettiarachchi NM, Jayasinghe IK, De Silva ST, Jayalath T, Wanigaratne T, Bandusiri RP, Suganthan N, Sudarshan P, Pathirage M, Rajaratnam N, Senaratne G, Rajapaksha V, Wickramasinghe A, Ranaweera SPAL , Thilakarathna HMA, Kulaweera MTD. Adverse events following COVISHIELD (ChAdOx1nCoV-19) vaccination among health care workers in Sri Lanka; a multi-centre cross sectional survey. Asian Journal of Internal Medicine. 2022;1(1):25–34
- Nisansala R, De Silva S, Ediriweera D, Premawardhena A. Morbidity and mortality patterns in patients with thalassaemia during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka; A single centre experience. Asian Journal of Internal Medicine. 2022;1(1):73–8.
- Wanigasuriya, K., Dassanayake, S., De Silva, S. and Jayasinghe, S., 2021. Physicians’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A view from Sri Lanka. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 52(2), pp.69–70. Editorial
- Baminiwatta, A., De Silva, S., Hapangama, A., Basnayake, K., Abayaweera, C., Kulasinghe, D., Kaushalya, D. and Williams, S., 2021. Impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of frontline and non-frontline healthcare workers in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal, 66(1), pp.16–31.
- Thulani UB, Mettananda KCD, Warnakulasuriya DTD, Peiris TSG, Kasturiratne KTAA, UK Ranawaka, S Chakrewarthy, AS Dassanayake, SAF Kurukulasooriya, MA Niriella, STde Silva, AP Pathmeswaran, N Kato, HJ de Silva, ARWickremasinghe. Validation of the World Health Organization/International Society of Hypertension (WHO/ISH) cardiovascular risk predictions in Sri Lankans based on findings from a prospective cohort study. PLOS ONE 16(6): e0252267
- Niriella MA, Chandratilake M, De Silva ST, De Silva AP. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Education: Insights and Recommendations. South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education, 14(2), 2020, 14–22.
- Gunasena JB, De Silva ST. An unusual case of sepsis due to Salmonella enterica serovar Weltevreden, an emerging pathogen of non-typhoidal salmonellosis. Tropical Doctor. February 2021.
- Niriella MA, Ediriweera DS, Kasturiratne A, De Silva ST, Dassanayaka AS, De Silva AP, Kato N, Pathmeswaran A, Wickramasinghe A R, de Silva H J. Outcomes of NAFLD and MAFLD: Results from a community-based, prospective cohort study. PLoS ONE (2021) 16(2): e0245762
- Madunil Anuk Niriella, Dileepa Senajith Ediriweera, Anuradhani Kasturiratne, Deepa Gunasekara, Shamila Thivanshi De Silva, Anuradha Supun Dassanayaka, Arjuna Priyadarshin De Silva, Norihiro Kato, Arunasalam Pathmeswaran, Ananda Rajitha Wickramasinghe, Hithanadura Janaka de Silva. The clinical utility of accurate NAFLD ultrasound grading: Results from a community-based, prospective cohort study. European Journal of Radiology, Volume 136, 2021.
- Abeysundara PK, Nishad N, De Silva ST, Dassanayake RT, Galabada DP, Jayawardane UGW,Premawardana NP, Kumara GMSS, Dilani PM, Herath HMTD, Wijesinghe PS. Zinc supplementation in chronic kidney disease of unknownaetiology in Sri Lanka: a pilot study. (ZisCKDu-P). Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2020, 51, 82-90
- Anuradhani Kasturiratne, Dileepa Senajith Ediriweera, Shamila Thivanshi De Silva, Madunil Anuk Niriella, Uthuru Beddage Thulani, Arunasalam Pathmeswaran, Anuradha Supun Dassanayake, Arjuna Priyadarsin De Silva, Sureka Chackrewarthy, Udaya Ranawaka, Norihiro Kato, Ananda Rajitha Wickremasinghe, Hithanadura Janaka de Silva. Patterns and predictors of mortality in a semi-urban population-based cohort in Sri Lanka: findings from the Ragama Health Study. BMJ Open 10(9) September 2020 DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038772
- J B Gunasena, S T De Silva. Organophosphate Poisoning Complicated by Rhabdomyolysis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Journal of Clinical Toxicology 10(5):1-3. September 2020
- Irushna Perera, Sanjeewa Rajapakse, Shamila T. De Silva: Severe Hyponatremia-Induced Stress Cardiomyopathy. Case Reports in Cardiology Vol 2020, Article ID 2961856.
- Shamila T. De Silva, Madunil A. Niriella, Dileepa S. Ediriweera, Dulani Kottahachchi, Anuradhani Kasturiratne, Arjuna P. de Silva, Anuradha S. Dassanayaka, Arunasalam Pathmeswaran, Rajitha Wickramasinghe, N. Kato, H. Janaka de Silva: Incidence and risk factors for metabolic syndrome among urban, adult Sri Lankans: a prospective, 7-year community cohort, follow-up study. Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome 12/2019; 11(1)., DOI:10.1186/s13098-019-0461-7
- Madunil A. Niriella, Anuradhini Kasturiratne, Thulani Beddage, Shanthi A. Withanage, Dilith C. Goonatilleke, Ruvini T. De Mel, Chathurika P. Abeysinghe, Shamila T. De Silva, Anuradha S. Dassanayake, Arjuna P. De Silva, Arunasalam Pathmeswaran, Ananda R. Wickramasinghe, Norihiro Kato, Hithanadura J. de Silva: Metabolic Syndrome, but not Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, is associated with increased risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality after 10-years follow up: a prospective, community-based cohort study. Jan 2020 Liver International 40(1):101-106 DOI:
- Niriella MA, Kasturiratna A, Beddage T, Ediriweera DS, De Silva ST, Perera KR, et al. Non-resolution of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) among urban, adult Sri Lankans in the general population: A prospective, cohort follow-up study. PLoS ONE 14(10): 2019, e0224474. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0224474
- Premawardhena AP, De Silva ST, Goonatilleke MDDC, Ediriweera DS, Mettananda S, Rodrigo BKRP, Allen A, and Weatherall DJ. Marriage patterns in Sri Lanka and the prevalence of parental consanguinity in patients with β-thalassaemia: a cross-sectional descriptive analysis. Journal of Biosocial Science.
- Anuja P. Premawardhana, Rasnayaka Mudiyanse, Shamila T. De Silva, Nilam Jiffry, Udaya Nelumdeniya, Udaya de Silva, Sanath P. Lamabadusuriya, K. Pushpakumara, Randima Dissanayaka, M. Jansz, I. Rifaya, Upul Navarathne, V. Thirukumaran, Mahinda Arambepola, Wijesundara Dayanada Bandara, U. Vaidyanatha, Devan Mendis, K. Weerasekara, Nalika De Silva, D. K. Shantha Kumara, Sujeewa D. Amarasena, K. K. Hemantha, M. A. C. M. Refai, Ishari Silva, Nizri Hameed, F. Rajiyah, Sachith Mettananda, Angela Allen, David J. Weatherall, Nancy F. Oliveri: A nationwide survey of hospital-based thalassemia patients and standards of care and a preliminary assessment of the national prevention program in Sri Lanka. PLoS ONE 08/2019; 14(8):e0220852., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0220852
- Prabath K Abeysundara, Nilanga Nishad, Karthiha Balendran, Manod Pabasara, Poornima K Bandara, Narmada M Perera, Heshani De Silva, Shamila De Silva, Maheswaran Umakanth, Prasantha Wijesinghe: Should male doctors in Sri Lanka wear a necktie to be recognized and respected? The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 05/2019; 13(05):445-448., DOI:10.3855/jidc.11211
- M A Niriella, A Kasturiratne, A Pathmeswaran, S T De Silva, K R Perera, S K C E Subasinghhe, S K Kodisinghe, T A C L Piyaratna, K Vithiya, A S Dissanayaka, A P De Silva, A R Wickramasinghe, F Takeuchi, N Kato, H J de Silva. Lean non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (lean NAFLD): characteristics, metabolic outcomes and risk factors from a 7-year prospective, community cohort study from Sri Lanka. Hepatology International. 2018 Dec 11. DOI: 10.1007/s12072-018-9916-4.
- Brad H. Rovin, Neil Solomons, William F. Pendergraft, Mary Anne Dooley, James Tumlin, Juanita Romero-Diaz, Lidia Lysenko, Sandra V. Navarra, Robert B. Huizinga, Ihar Adzerikho, Elena Mikhailova, Natalya Mitkovskaya, Sergey Pimanov, Nikolay Soroka, Boris Iliev Bogov, Boriana Deliyska, Valentin Ikonomov, Eduard Tilkiyan, Ruth Almeida, Fernando Jimenez, Faud Teran, Irma Tchokhonelidze, Nino Tsiskarishvili, Maynor Herrera Mendez, Nilmo Noel Chavez Perez, Arturo Reyes Loaeza, Sergio Ramon Gutierrez Urena, Rodolfo Araiza Casillas, Magdalena Madero Rovalo, Stanislaw Niemczyk, Antoni Sokalski, Andrzej Wiecek, Marian Klinger, Olga V. Bugrova, Tatiana M. Chernykh, Tatiana R. Kameneva, Lidia V. Lysenko, Tatiana A. Raskina, Olga V. ReshEtko, Natalia N. Vezikova, Tatiana V. Kropotina, Adelya N. Maksudova, Vyacheslav Marasaev, Vladimir A. Dobronravov, Ivan Gordeev, Ashot M. EssAian, Alexey Frolov, Rosa Jelacic, Dragan Jovanovic, Branka Mitic, Gordana Pekovic, Milan Radovic, Goran Radunovic, Patricia Carreira, Federico Diaz Gonzalez, Xavier Fulladosa, Eduardo Ucar, Shamila De Silva, Chula Herath, Anura Hewageegana, Abdul Latiff Mohamed Nazar, A.W.M. Wazil, Iryna Dudar, Olga Godlevska, Svitlana Korneyeva, ViktoriIa Vasylets, Nataliya Sydor, Mykola Kolesnyk, Samir V. Parikh, Nancy Olsen, Ellen M. Ginzler, James A. Tumlin, Amit Saxena, Ramesh Saxena, Richard Alan Lafayette, William Franklin Pendergraft, Amber S. Podoll, Annie A. Arrey-Mensah, Michael Bubb, Jennifer Grossman, Alejandro I. Oporta, Alireza Nami, Md. Mujibur Rahman, Syed Atiqul Haq, Tak Mao Daniel Chan, Mok Mo Yin Temy, Harold Michael P. Gomez, James Bermas, Bernadette Heizel Reyes, Llewellyn T. Hao, Linda Charmaine Roberto, Eric Amante, Allan E. Lanzon, Jung-Yoon Choe, Tae Young Kang, Yon Su Kim, Seung-Geun Lee, Ji Soo Lee, Jason Choo Chon Jun, Archana Vasudevan, Shue-Fen Luo, Tien-Tsai Cheng, Bancha Satirapoj, Kajohnsak Noppakun: A randomized, controlled double-blind study comparing the efficacy and safety of dose-ranging voclosporin with placebo in achieving remission in patients with active lupus nephritis. Kidney International (2019) 95, 219–231; j.kint.2018.08.025
- L. H. R. A. Premathilaka, M. S. Lakmini, L. G. Thamal Dharshana, S. B. Nawaratne, S. Mettananda, S. T. De Silva, A. P. Premawardhena: Stroke in sickle beta thalassemia - a case report highlighting pitfalls in management in a low prevalence country. Sri Lanka J of Medicine. 01/2018; 26(2):55., DOI:10.4038/sljm.v26i2.40
- W. A. N. V. Luke, M. P. M. L. Gunathilake, Duminda Munidasa, Dilshan Munidasa, S. T. De Silva: Tuberculous monoarthritis of the wrist in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: A case report. BMC Research Notes 12/2017; 10(1):343., DOI:10.1186/s13104-017-2629-2
- Shaman Rajindrajith, Arunasalam Pathmeswaran, Chamilka Jayasinghe, Dulani Kottahachchi, Anuradhani Kasturiratne, Shamila T. de Silva, Madunil A. Niriella, Anuradha S. Dassanayake, Arjuna P. de Silva, H. Janaka de Silva: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its associations among adolescents in an urban Sri Lankan community. BMC Gastroenterology 11/2017; 17(135):1-7., DOI:10.1186/s12876-017-0677-7
- Benedict S Sebastiampillai, Nathasha V Luke, Shehan Silva, Shamila T De Silva, Ranjan Premaratna: Septicaemia caused by Elizabethkingia-sp in a 'healthy' Sri Lankan man. Tropical Doctor 06/2017; 48(1):49475517717135., DOI:10.1177/0049475517717135
- Jayasinghe S, De Silva S, Karunanayake P: The new MD General Medicine Training Program to face challenges and opportunities of the twenty-first century. J of the Ceylon College of Physicians June 2017; 48(1):50-57., DOI:10.4038/jccp.v48i1.7814
- Madunil Anuk Niriella, Arunasalam Pathmeswaran, Shamila Thivanshi De Silva, A Kasthuriratna, KR Perera, SKCE Subasinghe, SK Kodisinghe, TACL Piyaratna, K Vithiya, AS Dassanayake, AP De Silva, AR Wickramasinghe, T Fumihiko, Norihiro Kato, HJ De Silva: Incidence and risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A 7-year follow-up study among urban, adult Sri Lankans. Liver International 05/2017; DOI:10.1111/liv.13478
- Shamila T De Silva, Ruwan P Perera, Madunil A Niriella, Arunasalam Pathmeswaran, Hithanadura Janaka de Silva: Frequency, pattern and short-term outcome of chronic renal dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis: A prospective study using HRS and ADQI-IAC criteria. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 08/2014; 26(11). DOI:10.1097/MEG.0000000000000173
- K C D Mettananda, S T De Silva, AP Premawardhena: Mycotic aneurysm of the descending aorta due to Aspergillus species. Ceylon Medical Journal 03/2010; 55(1):20-1., DOI:10.4038/cmj.v55i1.1705
- Saima Abid, Shamila De Silva, Paul Warwicker, Ken Farrington: Infective spondylodiscitis in patients on high-flux hemodialysis and on-line hemodiafiltration. Hemodialysis International 11/2008; 12(4):463-70., DOI:10.1111/j.1542-4758.2008.00310.x
- Marian Priyanthi Kumarasinghe, Shamila De Silva: Pitfalls in cytological diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis. Pathology 03/1999; 31(1):1-7., DOI:10.1080/003130299105430
- External Examiner/Moderator of Phase II Part I Examination in General Concepts of Pathology, Microbiology and Pharmacology - Faculty of Health-care Sciences, Eastern University of Sri Lanka in 2021, 2022 and 2023
- Visiting lecturer: Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 - conducted by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo
- Visiting lecturer: Masters in Public Health 2015 and 2023 - conducted by the Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
- Convenor and Member of the Steering Committee appointed by the Board of Study in Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo to design and implement the new prospectus for obtaining the MD Medicine (pages 29-30 for credits)
- Convenor and Member of the Curriculum Development Sub-Committee appointed by the Board of Study in Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo in 2021-22
- Examiner in the MD Medicine Examination –
- Theory: February 2011, February 2012, July 2012, February 2015, August 2015, August 2016
- Clinicals: August 2013, March 2014, August 2014, March 2017, September 2017, March 2019, January 2021, April 2021
- Viva voce: March 2016
- Chief Examiner – MD Clinicals Observed History Taking/Communication Skills September 2019
- Chief Examiner – MD Theory February 2020
- Chief Examiner – MD Theory September 2020
- Examiner – MD Theory February 2021
- Examiner – MD Clinicals Observed History Taking/Communication Skills January 2021
- Examiner – MD Theory August 2021
- Chief Examiner - MD Clinicals Observed History Taking/Communication Skills November 2021
- Examiner – MD Clinical Observed History Taking & Communication Skills April 2022
- Scrutiny Expert – MD Theory August 2022
- Examiner – MD Clinicals Long Cases September 2022
- Chief Examiner – MD Theory April 2023
- Examiner & Section Chief – MD Medicine OHT & CS May 2023
- Chief Examiner – MD Theory June 2024
- Examiner in the Selection Examination in MD Medicine – OSCE
- November 2012, November 2013, November 2014, May 2016, May 2017, November 2017
- May 2015 (Chief Examiner)
- November 2016 (Chief Examiner)
- Scrutiny Expert – MD Selection Examination OSCE May 2022
- Assessor of Case Books prepared by candidates sitting the MD Medicine examination (2 books per year, each consisting of 5-10 case reports), 2012-2024
- Examiner MRCP PACES Examination – 2018 Diet, 2023 Diet, 2024 Diet
- Examiner MD Dermatology Selection Examination - Theory MCQs & OSCE in Medicine 2024 March
- Examiner MD Emergency Medicine Examination – SEQ in December 2024
- Member and Vice-Chairperson of the Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya from 2014 to 2021
- Chairperson of of the Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya from 2022 January
- Member of the Ethics Review Committee, University of Kelaniya from 2024
- Head, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya from 16.08.2019 to 15.08.2022
- Student Counsellor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya in 2012
- World Health Organization Grant in 2008 – for research on ‘Long-term outcome of Leptospirosis’ (awarded through the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya)
- National Research Council Grant no 15-048 of 2017 – for research on ‘A study to assess the improvement of management outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease of Uncertain etiology by introducing clinical pharmacy services to out-patient renal clinics in Sri Lankan hospitals’
- University Research Grant RP/3/04/11/01/2016 – for research on ‘Prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus infections in cohort of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease from two presumed high-risk centres’. Awarded by the University of Kelaniya
- Ceylon College of Physicians Research Grant 2023 – for research on ‘Efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of atorvastatin 40mg versus 80mg in South Asians: a randomized controlled trial’
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2013-2015 (2 issues/year)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2021 onwards (4 issues/year)