Professor Anuradhani Kasturiratne
MBBS (Kel'ya), MSc (Community Medicine)(C'bo), MD (Community Medicine)(C'bo)
Department of Public Health
Department of Public Health
Community Medicine
Research Interests
- Epidemiology
- Non-communicable diseases
- Snakebite
- Health economics
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
- Deng, L., B. P. Hoh, D. Lu, W. Y. Saw, Ong R. Twee-Hee, A. Kasturiratne, de Silva H. Janaka et al. "Dissecting the genetic structure and admixture of four geographical Malay populations" Scientific reports 5 (2014): 14375-14375. Abstract
- Kato, Norihiro, Marie Loh, Fumihiko Takeuchi, Niek Verweij, Xu Wang, Weihua Zhang, Tanika N. Kelly, A.Kasthuriratne et al. "Trans-ancestry genome-wide association study identifies 12 genetic loci influencing blood pressure and implicates a role for DNA methylation." Nature Genetics (2015) Abstract
- Ranawaka, Udaya, AnushkaPeiris, K. Thirumavalavan, GayaniPremawansa, and AnuradhaniKasthuriratne. "Differences in Ischaemic and Haemorrhagic Strokes in Sri Lanka: 7-year data from the Ragama Stroke Registry (P1. 092)." Neurology 84, no. 14 Supplement (2015): P1-092.Abstract
- Abeysuriya, V., L. G. Chandrasena, A. Kasturiratne, V. S. Hettiarachchi, and A. R. Wickremasinghe. "Outcome of patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) following percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: a retrospective study." Ceylon Medical Journal59, no. 4 (2014): 118-123.
- H J de Silva, AnuradhaniKasturiratne, Ng, Siew C., Whitney Tang, Rupert W. Leong, Minhu Chen, YannaKo, Corrie Studd, Ola Niewiadomski et al."Environmental risk factors in inflammatory bowel disease: a population-based case-control study in Asia-Pacific."Gut(2014): gutjnl-2014.
- Kasturiratne A, Mufeena MN, Mettananda KC, Fernandopulle N, Rajindrajith S, Waraketiya PR, Weerasinghe SK, Ranaweera A, Hewavisenthi SJ, de Silva AP, de Silva HJ. Incidence of inflammatory bowel disease in Gampaha district: details of the Sri Lankan component of the Asia-Pacific Crohn's and Colitis Epidemiology Study. Ceylon Med J. 2014 Mar; 59(1):16-8. PubMed PMID: 24682192.
- de Silva HJ, Kasturiratne A, Pathmeswaran A, Lalloo DG. Snakebite: the true disease burden has yet to be determined. Ceylon Med J. 2013 Sep;58(3):93-5. PubMed PMID: 24081167.
- Karunanayake AL, Pathmeswaran A, kasturiratne A, Wijeyaratne LS. Risk factors for chronic low back pain in a sample of suburban Sri Lankan adult males.Int J Rheum Dis. 2013 Apr;16(2):203-10. Epub 2013 Apr 26. PubMed PMID: 23773646.
- Ng SC, Tang W, Ching JY, Wong M, Chow CM, Hui AJ, Wong TC, Leung VK, Tsang SW, Yu HH, Li MF, Ng KK, Kamm MA, Studd C, Bell S, Leong R, de Silva HJ, Kasturiratne A, Mufeena MN, Ling KL, Ooi CJ, Tan PS, Ong D, Goh KL, Hilmi I, Pisespongsa P, Manatsathit S, Rerknimitr R, Aniwan S, Wang YF, Ouyang Q, Zeng Z, Zhu Z, Chen MH, Hu PJ, Wu K, Wang X, Simadibrata M, Abdullah M, Wu JC, Sung JJ, Chan FK; 7: Senanayake SM, Niriella MA, Weerasinghe SK, Kasturiratne A, de Alwis JP, de Silva AP, Dassanayake AS, de Silva HJ. Survival of patients with alcoholic and cryptogenic cirrhosis without liver transplantation: a single center retrospective study. BMC Res Notes. 2012 Dec 2;5:663. PubMed PMID: 23198995; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3543705.
- Pinidiyapathirage MJ, Kasturiratne A, Ranawaka UK, Gunasekara D, Wijekoon N, Medagoda K, Perera S, Takeuchi F, Kato N, Warnakulasuriya T, Wickremasinghe AR. The burden of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in an urban population of Sri Lanka.Diabet Med. 2013 Mar;30(3):326-32. PubMed PMID: 22998091; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3593011.
- Kasturiratne A, Weerasinghe S, Dassanayake AS, Rajindrajith S, de Silva AP,Kato N, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva HJ. Influence of non - alcoholic fatty liver disease on the development of diabetes mellitus. J GastroenterolHepatol. 2013 Jan;28(1):142 - 7. PubMed PMID: 22989165
- Abeysuriya V, Wickremasinghe AR, Perera PJ, Kasturiratne A. Consumption pattern of iodised salt in households and serum TSH levels among 5 - 9 year old children in the plantation sector of Sri Lanka. Ceylon Med J. 2012 Jun;57(2):69 - 74. PubMed PMID: 22772784
- Wald DS, Kasturiratne A, Godoy A, Ma L, Bestwick JP, Brewer N, Wald NJ. Child - parent screening for familial hypercholesterolemia. J Pediatr. 2011 Nov;159(5):865 - 7. Epub 2011 J ul 27. PubMed PMID: 21798558
- Wald DS, Kasturiratne A, Simmonds M. Serum homocysteine and dementia: meta - analysis of eight cohort studies including 8669 participants. Alzheimers Dement. 2011 Jul;7(4):412 - 7. PubMed PMID: 217 84352
- Dassanayake AS, Kasturiratne A, Niriella MA, Kalubovila U, Rajindrajith S, de Silva AP, Kato N, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva HJ. Prevalence of Acanthosis Nigricans in an urban population in Sri Lanka and its utility to detect metabolic syndrome. BMC Res Notes. 2011 Jan 28;4:25. PubMed PMID: 21276250; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3041677
- Wald DS, Kasturiratne A, Simmonds M. Effect of folic acid, with or without other B vitamins, on cognitive decline: meta - analysis of randomize d trials. Am J Med. 2010 Jun;123(6):522 - 527.e2. PubMed PMID: 20569758.
- Wald DS, Kasturiratne A, Bestwick JP. The value of C - reactive protein in screening for future coronary heart disease events. J Med Screen. 2009;16(4): 212 - 4. PubMed PMID: 20054097
- Takeuchi F, Katsuya T, Chakrewarthy S, Yamamoto K, Fujioka A, Serizawa M,Fujisawa T, Nakashima E, Ohnaka K, Ikegami H, Sugiyama T, Nabika T, Kasturiratne A, Yamaguchi S, Kono S, Takayanagi R, Yamori Y, Kobayashi S, Ogihara T, de Silva A, Wickremasinghe R, Kato N. Common variants at the GCK, GCKR, G6PC2 - ABCB11 and MTNR1B loci are associated with fasting glucose in two Asian populations.Diabetologia. 2010 Feb;53(2):299 - 308. Epub 2009 Nov 25. PubMed PMID: 19937311
- Dassanayake AS, Kasturiratne A, Rajindrajith S, Kalubowila U, ChakrawarthiS,De Silva AP, Makaya M, Mizoue T, Kato N, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva HJ.Prevalence and risk factors for non - alcoholic fatty liver di sease among adults in an urban Sri Lankan population. J GastroenterolHepatol. 2009 Jul;24(7):1284 - 8. Epub 2009 May 19. PubMed PMID: 19476560
- Kasturiratne A, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva N, Gunawardena NK, Pathmeswaran A, Premaratna R, Savioli L, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. The global burden of snakebite: a literature analysis and modelling based on regional estimates of envenoming and deaths. PLoS Med. 2008 Nov 4;5(11):e218. PubMed PMID: 1 8986210; PubMed Central PMCID:PMC2577696
- de Silva AP, Kasturiratne A, Liyanage DL, Karunanayaka TK, de S Hewavisenthi SJ, Dassanayake AS, Farrell GC, de Silva HJ. Is past exposure to hepatitis A protective against progressive fibrosis in non - alcoholic fa tty liver disease? Liver Int. 2008 Jan;28(1):147 - 9. PubMed PMID: 18173565
- Pathmeswaran A, Kasturiratne A, Fonseka M, Nandasena S, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. Identifying the biting species in snakebite by clinical features: an epidemiological tool for community surveys. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2006 Sep;100(9):874 - 8. Epub 2006 Jan 18. PubMed PMID: 16412486
- Fox S, Rathuwithana AC, Kasturiratne A, Lalloo DG, de Silva HJ. Underestimation of snakebite mortality by hospital statistics in the MonaragalaDistrict of Sri Lanka. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2006 Jul;100(7):693 - 5. Epub 2005 Nov 14. PubMed PMID: 16289649
- Kasturiratne A, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva A. Morbidity pattern and household cost of hospitalisation for non - communicable diseases (NCDs): a cross - sectional study at tertiary care level. Ceylon Med J. 2005 Sep;50(3):109 - 13. PubMed PMID: 16252574.
- Kasturiratne A, Pathmeswaran A, Fonseka MM, Lalloo DG, Brooker S, de Silva HJ. Estimates of disease burden due to land - snake bite in Sri Lankan hospitals. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2005 May;36(3):733 - 40. PubMed PMID: 16124448
- Kasturiratne KT, Premaratne BA, Pathmeswaran A, de Silva NR, de Silva HJ. Compliance with the mass chemotherapy program for lymphatic f ilariasis. Ceylon Med J. 2001 Dec;46(4):126 - 9. PubMed PMID: 12164029
- Dassanayake AS, Karunanayake P, Kasturiratne KT, Fonseka MM, Wijesiriwardena B, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. Safety of subcutaneous adrenaline as prophylaxis against acute adverse reactions to anti - venom serum in snakebite. Ceylon Med J. 2002 Jun;47(2):48 - 9. PubMed PMID: 12140877
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- Faculty Quality Assurance Coordinator