Dr Hashan K Pathiraja
MBBS (Kel), MD Paediatrics (Col)
Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Paediatrics
Department of Paediatrics
A lecturer (probationary) at the Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya.
Community Paediatrics and Developmental Paediatrics
Research Interests
- Neuro developmental Paediatrics
- Paediatric neuro rehabilitation
- Early intervention in children
- Child safeguarding
Awards and fellowships
Academic honors
- First Class for Final MBBS / BDS or equivalent examination
- First Class for 3rd MBBS or equivalent examination
- First Class for 2nd MBBS or equivalent examination
- Professor Carlo Fonseka Gold Medal for best overall performance
- Gold medal for Best performance at the second examination for the medical degree
- Professor Asoka Dissanayake Gold Medal for First Examination
- Placed 4th in the Merit list all island for medical internship
- Gold Medal for Gynaecology & Obstetrics
- Distinctions in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Dean’s List Awards 2015
- Dean’s List Awards 2017
Book Chapters, Sections and Study Guides
- Sachith Mettananda and Hashan Pathiraja. ‘Clinical management of beta Thalassaemia’ Fetal Hemoglobin The Panacea for major BHemoglobinopathies 2020, Nova Science Publishers; New York, USA: 263 – 293
- Kavinda Dayasiri and Hashan Pathiraja. ‘Case studies in Paediatric Toxicology’. Samudra Medical Publications 2022; Colombo, Sri Lanka. Pages 138.
- Sachith Mettananda, Hashan Pathiraja, Ravindu Peiris, Nethmi Wickramarathne, Dayananda Bandara, Udaya de Silva, Chamila Mettananda, and Anuja Premawardhena. ‘Blood transfusion therapy for ?- thalassemia major and hemoglobin E ?-thalassemia: Adequacy, trends, and determinants in Sri Lanka’. Paediatric Blood and Cancer 2019; 66: e27643
- Mettananda S, Peiris R, Pathiraja H, Chandradasa M, Bandara D, de Silva U. ‘Psychological morbidity among children with transfusion dependent βthalassaemia and their parents in Sri Lanka’. PLoS ONE 2020; 0228733
- Sachith Mettananda , Hashan Pathiraja, Ravindu Peiris, Dayananda Bandara, Udaya de Silva, Chamila Mettananda and Anuja Premawardhena. ‘Health related quality of life among children with transfusion dependent β thalassaemia major and haemoglobin E β thalassaemia in Sri Lanka: a case control study’. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2019; 17:137
- Sachith Mettananda, Hashan Pathiraja, Ravindu Peiris, Dayananda Bandara, Udaya de Silva, Chamila Mettananda, Anuja Premawardhena. ‘Maternal knowledge on curative therapies and its impact on medical care and psychological health among children with thalassaemia in Sri Lanka’. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2022; 51(1):84-91
- Hashan Pathiraja, Dhammike Rasnayake, Thilini Muthukumarana, Channa de Silva, Wasantha Sathkorala, Sandini Gunaratne, Shaman Rajindrajith and Sachith Mettananda. ‘A large pericardial cystic lymphangioma presenting as acute-onset respiratory distress in a child: a case report’. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2022; 16:397
- Udara Sandakelum, Ruwan Samararathna, Hashan Pathiraja, Linushika de Silva, Reha Balasubramaniam, Gayathree de Abrew, Deshan Adihetty, Meranthi Fernando, Shobhavi Randeny, Sachith Mettananda. ‘Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: A Sri Lankan case series’. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2021; 50(3): 510-513
- Hashan Pathiraja, Ruwanka de Livera, Sangeetha Wickramaratne, Shehan Perera, MS Mugunthan, Sachith Mettananda. Hemitruncus arteriosus: a rare congenital cardiac anomaly diagnosed and treated during the neonatal period. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2023; 52: (in press).
- Pathiraja, Hashan & Munasighe, Rakitha & Gunapala, Rasika & Fernando, Jerrad & Gunaratne, Sandini & Pemasiri, Chethana & Jayasekera, Primali. (2024). Palatal mucormycosis in an immune-competent infant following dengue haemorrhagic fever. A rare disease entity, treated with a challenging course of IV liposomal amphotericin B for 270+ days; longest duration reported from Sri Lanka. 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4515700/v1.
- Dayasiri, Kavinda & Pathiraja, Hashan & Soyza, Ekn & Thadchanamoorthy, Vijayakumary & Dassanayaka, Sjs. (2024). Original article Parental knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding safe handling and disposal of alcohol- based hand sanitizers and surface disinfectants in urban Sri Lanka.. Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health. 19. 61-70. 10.4314/ejpch.v19i1.6.
- Lokuhewage C, Pathiraja H, Madawala P, Bandara S, Mettananda S. Lysinuric protein intolerance presenting as pancytopenia and splenomegaly mimicking acute leukaemia: a case report. BMC Pediatr. 2023 Aug 1;23(1):382. doi: 10.1186/s12887-023-04207-7. PMID: 37528333; PMCID: PMC10391768.
- Pemasiri, Chethana & Welagedara, Isanka & Welagedara, Udari & Jayasekera, Primali & Pathiraja, Hashan & Gunapala, Rasika & Fernando, Jerad & Fernando, Jerard. (2024). An immunocompetent infant with palatal mucormycosis following DHF treated for the longest reported duration from Sri Lanka. A case report. 10.13140/RG.2.2.36643.87847.
- Wijenayake, Wasana & Pathiraja, Hashan & Thennakoon, Raveen & Fernando, Meranthi & Bandara, D & Mettananda, Sachith. (2023). PP071 Hepatic and renal status of paediatric patients with thalassaemia.
- Dayasiri, Kavinda & Pathiraja, Hashan & De Soyza, Kasun & Dassanayake, Senuri & Thadchanamoorthy, Vijayakumary. (2022). 889 Knowledge and practices of parents regarding safe handling and disposal of alcohol-based hand sanitizers and surface disinfectants in urban Sri Lanka. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 107. A329.2-A330. 10.1136/archdischild-2022-rcpch.533.
- Dayasiri, Kavinda & Pathiraja, Hashan & De Soyza, Kasun & Dassanayake, Senuri & Thadchanamoorthy, Vijayakumary. (2022). 881 Parental attitudes regarding safe handling of hand sanitizers and management of children with sanitizer poisoning amongst a cohort of children admitted to a tertiary care center in Sri Lanka. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 107. A19.1-A19. 10.1136/archdischild-2022-rcpch.32.
Service Functions:
- Teaching
- Supervision
- Research
- Administration
- Clinical Service
Ongoing research:
- Knowledge and attitude among paediatric nurses working in main teaching hospitals in Sri Lanka regarding child abuse and neglect
- Factors contributing to the default in neuro-rehabilitation programmes for children with chronic neuro-disabilities in the largest Tertiary care Hospital for children in Sri Lanka
- Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Utilizing Red Flag Signs, Head Circumference Growth, and Risk Factors for Timely Intervention.

Contact Details
Lecturer (Probationary)
Lecturer (Probationary)
+94 767575730(Mobile)
+94 716298309(Residence)
+94 767575730(Mobile)
+94 716298309(Residence)
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