Supported Employments- Services for Adults- Services We Offer

<< Services for Adults

What is supported employments?

World Association for Supported Employments (WASE) states that supported employment “can be characterized as paid work in integrated work settings with ongoing support for individuals with disabilities in the open labour market. Paid work for individuals means the same payment for the same work as for workers without disabilities”.

Supported employments to whom?

Supported Employments has been shown to be an effective way for persons with disabilities to get and keep a job in the open labour market. In addition, any individual from a marginalized background at the disadvantage of securing and maintaining mainstream employment may benefit from the services of supported employment, including people with disabilities.


What are the services provided in supported employments?

A supported employments officer offers support to,

  • Have an opportunity to earn equitable wages and other employment-related benefits
  • Develop new skills required for the identified job role
  • Increase community participation
  • Enhance self-esteem
  • Increase consumer empowerment


What is offered at Ayati centre?

  • Social communication group therapy to improve communication skills of adolescents preparing for employment
  • Individual therapy sessions to teenagers and adolescents to identify the concept of employment and need for employment to develop a future plan
  • Negotiating with employers to identify and solve the workplace-related issues faced by employees with disabilities
  • Raising awareness among professionals and communities on ‘safe employment for people with disabilities
  • Advocate for rights for employment for people with disabilities
  • Conducting short term training courses through the vocational training centers


How can you access our Supported Employment Center:

PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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