
Telehealth services for children with neuro-developmental disabilities in the Asia-Pacific region: A systematic review

Research Awards

Oral and poster presentations were presented at the 21 st annual scientific congress of the perinatal society of Sri Lanka, which was held on the 5 th of November 2022 at the Galadari Hotel, Colombo.
We won the best poster presentation on the topic, ’ Neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants referred to high-risk infant follow-up program at a tertiary care centre’ at the annual scientific congress.
Physiotherapy team at Ayati has been selected to present two posters representing Ayati at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) in Chicago on September 10th - 13th 2023. Dr. Dilini Vipulagune Consultant pediatrician at Ayati, presented the posters on behalf of the Ayati team.

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