Dr. Dimuthu Thennakoon, Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon with a special interest in Paediatrics, from Lady Ridgeway Hospital conducted a case based knowledge sharing session on 22 December 2023 along with Dr. Ramanan, a visiting Orthopaedic surgeon from UK and they shared the expertise with us at Ayati.
Mr Ramanan VADIVELU MBBS MSc MD FRCS FRCS (Tr & Orth) MBA is a Consultant Trauma and Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon and lead clinician for neuromuscular surgery at the Royal Wolverhampton Hospital NHS Trust and the Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Trust. He is a Regional Surgical Advisor for RCSEd, a member of reading committee -BSCOS and chair for the West Midlands CP and spasticity network. He has many academic and research involvements. He has presented in more than 80 National and International Meetings about his research and audit work.