Paediatric neurology clinic was started at Ayati from July 2020, and been conducted once a week every Tuesday from 9am to 12noon. We go through five patients per clinic and the cohort may range from children with cerebral palsy to children with dysmorphism, etc.
To function as a Rapid assessment Neurology Unit (RANU) for children who attend the rehabilitation services at Ayati, thereby to offer multi-disciplinary services under one roof. This will enhance compliance of parents and care givers by minimizing the number of clinics/ places they have to cycle through.
We offer the following pediatric neurology services at Ayati:
History taking and examination in a neurology perspective. This assessment is done as a team with the contributions of the community paediatric trainees, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapist etc. as and when necessary. The average time taken for a patient assessment would be 30 to 45 minutes. The findings are documented in a formal assessment form in every clinic visit for easier data storage, retrieval and follow up.
Blood investigations, EEG, nerve conduction studies and neuro imaging are arranged from the CNTH.
Specific interventions:
- Children with epilepsy are assessed for event control with optimizing medication. Medications are offered from CNTH. Certain children with complex epilepsy syndromes and with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy are taken over into the complex epilepsy clinic at the National Epilepsy Center Colombo.
- Commencement of the dysmorphology clinic. We conduct once a month clinic with the clinical geneticist, Prof. Deepthie De Silva to assess and arrange management strategies for children with genetic disorders. Genetic studies as and when needed, screening for inborn errors of metabolism, assessing children with genetic epilepsy syndrome and offering genetic counseling are the few other services offered through this clinic.
- Contributing towards assessments and confirmation of complex neurological conditions and cortico-visual impairment.
Other special contributions by the neurology team:
The neurology team contributes to the multi-disciplinary team meetings and to set future management goals for the children Further they are part of the interdisciplinary team contributing towards the telehealth services during the pandemic.
Preparations when you attend the neurology clinic
- You will be seen only by appointment on Tuesdays from 8am- 12 noon
- Please bring all your medical records, neuro imaging, EEG records including any digital records
- If there are multiple investigations you may be requested to get admitted to the NCTH, please discuss this with your clinical team.