The primary function of Health Data Science Unit is to undertake, integrate and expand undergraduate and postgraduate teaching related to health Data Science. Our current teaching focus is on undergraduate and postgraduate and continuous professional development courses at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and health informatics.

The HDSU provides guidance and technical support for designing and developing research databases, facilitating online data capturing, cloud data storage, facilitate research data management including quality assurance. The HDSU has REDCap license and implemented online research data capturing platform.

Th research focus of HDSU is on statistical and epidemiological methods in low resource settings. We have expertise incident data analysis, spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal methods, and longitudinal methods.

The HDSU develops and maintains Information Management Systems including the Student Information System, Student Attendance Management System, Histopathology Reporting System and Laboratory Management System.


Health Data Science Unit
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya,
Ragama, Sri Lanka

  • Tel :  +94 11 2955281 (Direct)

  • Tel :  +94 11 2961278 (Dr Dileepa)

  • Email:  hdsu@kln.ac.lk

©2025 Health Data Science Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. All Rights Reserved.
