With the introduction of online learning at schools during the COVID 19 pandemic, the pupils in need of a mobile device, but could not afford to purchase one. became a concern. The 30th Anniversary Celebrations Committee decided to launch a CRS project to generate funds to support needy medical and speech and hearing sciences students while supporting school children in purchasing mobile devices.
Accordingly, mobile phones (Nokia C01+) which can be used effectively for online learning were purchased using the seed money released from the Exhibition Fund at a concessionary price. The well-wishers and donors were in turn invited to sponsor the cost of the phone which was provided to school children at Rs 5000.00 each (around one-third of the original price). The amount paid by school children was deposited in the exhibition account to be used for the welfare of medical and speech and hearing sciences students.
The CSR Project was conducted in two phases. Twenty-five mobile phones were purchased (Nokia C01+) at a discounted price in each phase. In Phase I, 25 sponsorships were obtained. In phase II, although 15 sponsorships were obtained, the interest of sponsors and school children was lost due to the re-opening of physical classes in schools. The remaining 10 phones were offered to the non-academic staff members of the faculty with a nominal discount. Under this CSR project, mobile devices to engage in online learning were provided to 40 school children at a highly concessionary price and Rs. 204,790.00 was generated at the exhibition fund to improve the welfare facilities of medical and speech and hearing sciences students.
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