A maximum period of eight weeks is permitted for an elective appointment. Students have the option of choosing a speciality of their interest, out of the specialities listed below. Students could opt to engage in one or several specialities during their elective study period.

Apart from ward based learning, students could work in one of several medical laboratories within the hospital or in one of the preclinical or paraclinical departments of the Faculty of Medicine. There are several state-of-the-art medical and research laboratories that come under the purview of these departments.

The list of preclinical, paraclinical and clinical specialities and medical / research laboratories available in the Faculty of Medicine (FOM) and the Colombo North Teaching Hospital (CNTH) are listed below.

  1. Anatomy (FOM)
  2. Physiology (FOM)
  3. Biochemistry (FOM)
  4. Pharmacology (FOM)
  5. Haematology (FOM or CNTH)
  6. Histopathology (FOM or CNTH)
  7. Microbiology (FOM or CNTH)
  8. Parasitology (FOM)
  9. Forensic Medicine (FOM)
  10. Public Health (FOM)
  11. Family Medicine (FOM)
  12. Molecular Medicine Unit (FOM)
  13. Disability Studies (FOM)
  14. Internal Medicine (FOM and CNTH)
  15. General Surgery (FOM and CNTH)
  16. Paediatrics (FOM and CNTH)
  17. Obstetrics & Gynaecology (FOM and CNTH)
  18. Psychiatry (FOM and CNTH)
  19. Neurology (CNTH)
  20. Cardiology (CNTH)
  21. Dermatology (CNTH)
  22. Endocrinology (CNTH)
  23. Orthopaedic Surgery (CNTH)
  24. Urology (CNTH)
  25. Medical intensive care (CNTH
  26. Surgical intensive care (CNTH)
  27. Anaesthesiology (FOM and CNTH)
  28. Radiology (CNTH)
  29. Chemical Pathalogy (CNTH)
  30. Physiotherapy (CNTH)
  31. Gastrointestinal Research Laboratory (FOM)
  32. Autonomic Function Laboratory (FOM)
  33. Infertility Laboratory (FOM)
  34. Thalassaemia Unit (FOM)

The place of work would depend on the student’s interest/s and what he/she intend to achieve at the end of the elective appointment. It would therefore be useful for us to know the intentions of students in order to optimise the time spent here. We also encourage engagement in clinical or laboratory based research activities.


Professor Pramodh Chitral Chandrasinghe
Cadre Chair and Professor
Department of Surgery
