Call for Applications
Dr. P.T. De Silva Scholarship-2023
Deadline- 1st November 2023
Deshabandu Dr. Primus Tilakaratne de Silva (19 September 1,929 - 28 February 201-5) was a well-known and respected Sri Lankan physician. The family of Dr P T de Silva will donate Rs 3.5 million to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, for this scholarship scheme, The funds shall be invested by the University, together with other endowment funds received by the University of Kelaniya, and the interest income shall be utilized for award of the Dr. PT de Silva Scholarship on an annual basis. The scheme involves a single scholarship awarded to a selected student from the SLT, Audiology OR Occupational therapy programs. The student selected for this scholarship shall receive a sum of Rs 100,000/- for each academic year, paid in 10 equally divided installments.
Eligible Students:
Students registered for the 2nd year of study in the BSc Hons in Speech & Hearing Sciences Students registered for the 2nd year of study in the BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy, using a pre-evaluated selection committee.
Selection Criteria:
The applications shall be evaluated by a Scholarship Committee consisting of the following:
Dean, Faculty of Medicine
Head, Department of Disability Studies
Senior Student Counsellor, Faculty of Medicine,
Two other senior academics, nominated by the Faculty Board
Eligibility for the scholarship
- Academic achievements of the applicant in the last year of study; students should obtain more than 3.0 GPA for the first academic year of study.
- Evidence of the applicant taking on leadership roles, and involvement in extracurricular activities such as sports, the arts and student societies as well as engagement in awareness and advocacy work in the field of disability and disadvantage.
- No evidence of disciplinary concerns involving the applicant
- Family income, as certified by the relevant Grama Niladhari, and need for financial
Continuation of the scholarship
- A student selected for this scholarship in the 2nd year of study shall continue to receive the Scholarship in the 3rd and 4th years of study, provided s/he maintains a GPA of at least 3.0 at the end of each academic year and there are no disciplinary concerns relating to him/her.
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