Module Aim/Intended Learning Outcome:
After competing this module, the students should be able to,
- Work in Windows 10 environment
- Work in online environment and access online resources
- Find evidence based information
- Work with word processing software and develop a project report
- Work with spreadsheet software and obtain descriptive statistics and graphs
- Work with presentation software and develop presentations
- Edit images and videos
- Enter research data into data entry software
- Work with R programming language
- Map health data
Module Aim/Intended Learning Outcome:
After competing this module, the students should be able to,
- Work in Windows 10 environment
- Work in online environment and access online resources
- Find evidence based information
- Work with word processing software and develop a project report
- Work with presentation software and develop presentations
Module Aim/Intended Learning Outcome:
After competing this module, the students should be able to,
- Work in Windows 10 environment
- Work in online environment and access online resources
- Find evidence based information
- Work with word processing software and develop a project report
- Enter research data into data entry software
- Work with R programming language
Module Aim/Intended Learning Outcome:
After competing this module, the staff should be able to,
- Work with computer software and hardware
- Work in online environment and access online resources
- Work with word processing software and develop a project report
- Work with spreadsheet software and obtain descriptive statistics and graphs
- Work with R programming language
Module Aim/Intended Learning Outcome:
After competing this module, the students should be able to,
- Work in Windows 10 environment
- Work in online environment and access online resources
- Work with word processing software and develop a project report
- Work with spreadsheet software and obtain descriptive statistics and graphs
- Work with presentation software and develop presentations