The department of Surgery of the faculty of Medicine of the University of Kelaniya functions at the Faculty premises at Ragama and the North ColomboTeaching Hospital in Ragama. The Professorial unit provides teaching and training in Clinical Surgery for undergraduates and post graduates trainees along with its clinical services to a large segment of the population in the Gampaha district.
Department has been at the forefront as a center of excellence in the discipline of colorectal surgery since its inception and has become a leading center for hepatopancreaticobiliary and endocrine surgery within the past decade.
Department currently has six academic staff members including a consultant anesthetist. Student teaching activities include mainly the final year surgical rotation of eight weeks. Students are exposed to round the clock patient management including clinical history taking, management decision making, investigations and critical care and trauma. Ward rounds, clinics and ward classes provide a regular opportunity for student teaching with ample clinical material. Other forms of teaching include lectures, tutorials, seminars and clinical skill sessions at the laboratory.
The service component of the department includes general surgical casualties, surgical clinics, routine surgical operations and highly specialized surgical management in the areas of gastrointestinal, hepatobilliary and endocrine surgery. Liver transplantation is a recent addition to the list which functions in collaboration with the hepatology division of the Department of Medicine.
Department of Surgery is one of the leading centers for surgical research in the country with numerous publications authored by its academics.
Department is a recognized center by the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine as a center for specialized postgraduate training in Gastrointestinal, Colorectal and Endocrine surgery.


Department of Surgery
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya,
P.O Box 6,
Thalagolla Road,
Sri Lanka

  • Tel :  +94 11 2961000

  • Email:  surg@kln.ac.lk