Biochemistry is the study of the molecular basis of life which seek to understand the fundamental processes which occur in all living organisms, from the mechanisms of DNA replication and repair, to the coordination of an immune response against a pathogen. As research develops, the subject has begun to make a considerable impact on everyday life.

The Department is mainly involved in the teaching of Biochemistry, Clinical Chemistry & Nutrition to medical undergraduates, nurses, public health inspectors and postgraduate students. In addition to providing our students with strong core training in biochemical sciences, the Department provides opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students who want to pursue research. Research programmes leading to MPhil and PhD degrees are offered by the Department under the supervision of the academic staff in diverse topics.

The Department also has a Clinical Chemistry laboratory which offer diagnostic services for outpatients of North Colombo Teaching Hospital as well as analysis of research samples in Clinical Chemistry. The lab is equipped with a fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer which carries out most of the diagnostic work, and also use spectrophotometry, HPLC, eletrophoresis and ELISA for diagnostics.It has also established a molecular biology laboratory with the collaboration of Nagasaki University.

The Department has 6 academic members of staff specialized in various sub-disciplines such as Cinical Chemistry, Enzymology, Immunology, Pharmacology of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines, Molecular Biology, Cancer Genetics & Nutrition. The staff at the Department of Biochemistry & Clinical Chemistry strive towards continued excellence in research, training, and service in the field of Biochemistry.


Department of Bio-Chemistry & Clinical Chemistry
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya,
P.O Box 6,
Thalagolla Road,
Sri Lanka

  • Tel :  +94 11 2961131

  • Tel :  +94 11 2961130

  • Fax:  +94 11 2958337

  • Email:  bioc@kln.ac.lk