Undergraduate Teaching
The department of pathology conducts lectures, practicals and tutorial classes for the 3rd and 4th year medical undergraduates.

Postgraduate Teaching
It is a recognized centre for training in Certificate course in Basic Laboratory Sciences, Diploma in Histopathology and Haematology and MD Histopathology and Haematology courses of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.

Training of students of other Institutions
We provide the laboratory training in histopathology and haematology for the NAITA(National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority) trainees and 4th year B.Sc.in Medical Laboratory Sciences students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna.

Laboratory Services
The department provides honorary consultancy services in histopathology , cytopathology and haematology for the professorial units of the North Colombo Teaching Hospital.

Biodosimetry laboratory
The biodosimetry and cytogenetics laboratory of the department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine was established by a Technical Cooperation project No SRL 6031 of the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2010.

Immunohistochemistry services
The department is planning to provide the immunohistochemistry services to the community in the near future.