Lumiere : Annual Speech Camp

“Lumière”, The Annual Speech camp organized by the English Language Unit of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya aims to showcase the aesthetic talents of undergraduates whilst developing their English language competencies. The Annual Speech Camp “Lumière” comprises a stage performances session, which includes various segments such as dramas, fancy dress parade, singing and dancing items. In 2019, the “Speech Competition” was introduced as a new segment in the English Speech Camp.
Bloom : Creative Writing Collection

'Bloom' encompasses a collection of creative writings by the undergraduates of both MBBS and B.Sc. in Speech and Hearing Sciences degree programmes. Although the magazine basically features creative work of first year students, students of all other academic years are also encouraged to contribute in the magazine.
Annual English Drama Festival

English Drama Festival is held annually marking the end of the English Intensive Course conducted for the freshers. Undergraduates of both MBBS and B.Sc. in Speech and Hearing Sciences degree programmes enthusiastically take part in the dramas performed class-wise. This gives a fundamental language practice for students as they perform the roles of scriptwriters, editors, choreographers, actors, and comperes, - all in English language.