Arthropod borne (non- mosquito) diseases/ infestations and identification of their vectors and parasites

Workshop title:
Venue: Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Ragama.
Duration: 3 days
Days: 21-23 June 2021
Course Fee: Rs. 15,000.00
Number of Participants: 20- first come first serve basis
Vectors are organisms that transmit pathogens and parasites from one infected person (or a reservoir host) to another host, causing serious diseases in human populations. According to the information by the World Health Organization, these diseases are commonly found in tropical and sub-tropical regions and places where access to safe drinking-water and sanitation systems are problematic. Vector-borne diseases account for 17% of the estimated global burden of all infectious diseases. In Sri Lanka, mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, Filariasis, Chikungunya and Japanese Encephalitis have received a wider attention due to their high prevalence and public health concerns at present and past. Several international and local workshops have been conducted in the country on mosquito-borne diseases and vector identification. However, only limited attempts have been made to educate the scientific community on other arthropod-borne diseases. Therefore, the main objective of the proposed workshop is to raise awareness among scientific community in Sri Lanka on the other vector- borne diseases, their vectors and parasites.
Target audience: Academia, Entomologists, Medical/ Research Scientists, Vector and disease control managers, Postgraduate/undergraduate students studying Medical Parasitology and Entomology, School leavers targeting higher education in Medicine/Science.