Symposium on Combatting Violence against Women and Girls in Times of Global Economic Crisis at 14 th INPALMS Congress, Colombo 2022 on 16 th December 2022

A timely discussion that needs to address globally i.e., the challenges faced by countries to address and respond to the violence against women and girls during global economic crisis was taken up at 14 th Congress of Indo-Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, held in Colombo Sri Lanka on 16 th December 2022. The symposium was coordinated by Professor Anuruddhi Edirisinghe from the Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya with the financial assistance of UNFPA.

The symposium received wide publicity prior to the event via a flyer issued by the INPALMS organizing committee with the concurrence of the UNFPA. Further the symposium resource persons submitted a 350-word abstract which was published in the abstract book as well as online as supplementary issue of the Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka.

The symposium commenced as scheduled at 11.00 a.m. chaired by Hon. Justice S. Thurairaja, P.C. (Judge of Supreme Court of Sri Lanka) and Mr. Kunle Adeniyi, UNFPA Country Representative. Prof, Maithree Wicramasinghe, the First lady of Sri Lanka and a gender expert together with Hon. Dr. Suradarshini Fernandopulle, Chairperson Women Parliamentarians Caucus in Parliament graced this occasion.   

Hon. Justice Thurairaja in the opening remarks highlighted those women and girls subjected to gender- based violence not only at home but also in the society, highlighting how media adversely portray women. Further he addressed the development of the law over the years as well.  He emphasised the need to address judicial delays and suggested several positive measures for the improvement in the criminal justice system.  

Mr. Kunle Adeniyi UNFPA Country Representative in his opening remarks highlighted the commitment of the UNFPA in combating violence against women and girls in Sri Lanka and the challenges that will come in the times of Global economic crisis. He emphasised the need to work with professionals to overcome issues.  
Prof Adarsh Kumar from All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India opened the symposium with a title ‘Combatting Violence against Women and Girls in Times of Global Economic crisis lessons from India’ giving a comprehensive account on legal and health service improvements that was evident from ‘Nirbhaya’ case. He highlighted the fact that legal changes were on the way from 2010 onwards. Further he enlightened the audience regarding the establishment of one-stop crisis centres in Indian hospitals.
Mr. Nawarathna Marasinghe, Judge of the High Court of Western Province, Colombo, Sri Lanka in his speech highlighted the landmark amendment to the Sri Lankan Penal Code in 1995 as well as ‘Witness and Victim protection Act of 2015’ which brought positive new measures to safeguard victims of SGBV. He highlighted the fact that economic crisis not only increase the violence, but also adversely affect the victims access to the criminal justice system.
Prof. Anuruddhi Edirisinghe, Professor of Forensic Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, while enlightening the audience the fact that medico-legal services in Sri Lanka have improved significantly over the years. Quoting recent research, she stated that anxiety and stress in the Sri Lankan society has increased (COVID pandemic and economic crisis). As a result, violence in the family is increasing. Moreover, she highlighted the need to find solutions to these emerging problems and suggested a multi-disciplinary approach with the professionals.
The last speaker was Ms. Sujata Tuladhar, Technical adviser on GBV, UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office highlighted the ethical media reporting in violence against women and girls, national and international perspective. She joined the symposium via Zoom from Thailand. While explaining the guiding principles involved in giving services to women and children subjected to SGBV, she highlighted the media ethics that need to be practiced. Further she explained with examples as to how ethical media reporting in SGBV can be incorporated into National and International settings.
Then the co-chairs invited the audience for comments and questions, and many delegates from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan actively participated in the discussion.The discussion predominantly concentrated on activities necessary for finding solutions that need to be done in a multi-disciplinary setting, which is the need of the hour.      

The symposium concluded with final remarks by Hon. Justice Thurairaja thanking the symposium speakers and the participants of INPALMS congress, followed by awarding of certificates to the speakers.  

Dr. Rohana Ruwanpura, Conference chairperson gave away the certificates to Hon. Justice Thurairaja and Mr. Kunle Adeniyi.  Thereafter, official photographs were taken, and the participants adjourned for lunch.


Department of Forensic Medicine
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya,
P.O Box 6,
Thalagolla Road,
Sri Lanka

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